#april rants


When you’ve gotten to a lot of unpleasantries you’ve been procrastinating and someone asks “do you feel better, now that it’s done?”

No. Not really. Thanks, crippling depression I hate you.

Taxes and the associated technical troubles this year left a particularly nasty taste in my mouth. I’ll never learn.

Time to find something nice in an attempt to kick brain chemistry into functioning.

Really super duper cool. Created a new document in Photoshop CC (to start the mega large bald eagle nest in its own document) and it won’t save. Or save as. Or respond to any of the current little cute hacks that people have posted regarding this very sudden error that keeps occurring over the years. :)

It’s not my disk space, or any other obvious problem. I can seemingly save existing open documents (as far as I can tell, I’m reluctant to close the program out and probably lose my last three hours of work in the event it’s Worse Than I Thought.)

I’m going to quit now. Not like there’s anything I can do about it, anyway. I’ll update the client there will be an unforeseen delay and that we should extend the deadline out another few weeks in the event we’ve got a worst case scenario on my hands.

I think I might be too angry to sleep, which is a shame, because I was genuinely ready for bed a half hour ago.
