#arcana spring wedding


I couldn’t decide on whether to draw Valdemar or Julian….So I drew both!!!

I received Ouji Lolita style! #JFSC contest submission

I gave Julian a bit of a Nordic/Victorian flair. While Valdemar was a mix of inspiration from Black Butler & my own little additions.

(੭•̀ω•́) つ☆゚.*・。゚ Please Enjoy! ☆゚.*・。゚

I could not resist making a spring wedding piece (jumping on the bandwagon ☺️). Willreid would have

I could not resist making a spring wedding piece (jumping on the bandwagon ☺️). Willreid would have a bare-foot-hippy wedding in the forest if she could - Just filled with candles and flowers with tons and tons of folk music. It’s a little surreal getting back in the swing of drawing wedding dresses but I’ve always loved open back with long sleeves no matter the weather!

In case y'all don’t already know, @thearcanagame teamed up with @frothystars to make the new wedding charms (I cannot wait for these to arrive!!!!)

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