#arcana the mystic romance


Name: Anna (Anushka); Little Witch of the Greenwoods
Age: Late 20s
Universe: Arcana: The Mystic Romance
Love interests: Asra Alnazar
Personal details: magician’s apprentice; The Empress (patron arcana); Pisces

Appearance: warm brown hair; brown eyes with specks of green; freckles; ~170cm tall
Personality: Anna is a bit of human sunshine. Always caring and compassionate, she tends to get mixed into things which don’t necessarily involve her. Fast to forgive, unless she is the culprit in question. Slightly hot-headed at times. Easy to embarrass, generally shy in front of strangers.

Short backstory summary: [Contains spoilers]

Due to her unusual constitution, Anna was cast away from her community at a rather young age. Unable to control her own (overflowing) magic, she hid away in one of the caves in Vesuvia’s forests. That is also where she met Asra, who later introduced her to Muriel. Given his natural affinity towards magic, and the knowledge passed onto him, he was able to set her onto the track of gaining control of her ability. Soon, the three of them became friends and started living together.

Later on in life, still as friends, Anna and Asra started their own shop with magical trinkets. She stayed in denial about her feelings for quite a while, similarly to Asra. The two of them got together sometime before the plague struck.

The events of the crisis unfolded similarly to the canon story - after an argument, Asra departs from Vesuvia, leaving Anna behind. She becomes infected, which leads to her untimely demise. However, Anna doesn’t die per se. Aware of her condition, she decided to sign a contract with her patron arcana, asking for them to slow down the progress of the plague. The price is her body, and any memories involving her present in minds of those who resided in Vesuvia at the time. Consequently, she became locked between the worlds, not alive, but also not dead and thus, unable to pass.

Upon returning, Asra realised that not only she is nowhere to be found, but also that nobody but him seems to recall her. As in the game, he ends up recovering her. Unlike MC, however, Anna does have some recollection of her life – it is only that her memories are rather disorganised and blurred, clarifying only with the progression of time.

Wild card(s):
>> Anna’s condition allows her to channel great amounts of magical energy - the closer she is to the centre of earth and the longer she stays in one place, the more of it she accumulates. It led to multiple incidents, both destructive and not, eventually ending up with her being cast away. She’s a great witch, but not a skilled one, the majority of her training focusing on managing her state alone. That being said, there are multiple more complicated feats she can accomplish with… Raw power output. (Which is why she was able to sign the contract).

>> At times, her magic reacts to her feelings, realising her fears or desires. However, when overflowing completely, it generally takes form of rampant winds, strong enough to break trees and destroy buildings. Whichever it is, she can always count on Asra to help her regain the control. She sees him as a sort of anchor.

>> People of Vesuvia still remember the Little Witch of Greenwoods. However, she’s more of a legend than anything else, a popular story to scare children with. It’s always a major annoyance to Asra…. Anna, on the other hand, sees it as just a natural turn of events. She never stopped feeling guilty about the damage she has caused.
