#asra arcana


Asra *walks in*: Hey, I’m back

MC: Are you real?

Asra: Is something wrong? Of course I’m real

Nadia: What do you mean ‘is something wrong’?

Julian: You were gone for a year

Portia: We thought you were dead

whoops havent been on here in a hot minute (-:–Asra and my apprentice, Moncca, pre-game~ I havwhoops havent been on here in a hot minute (-:–Asra and my apprentice, Moncca, pre-game~ I hav

whoops havent been on here in a hot minute (-:

Asra and my apprentice, Moncca, pre-game~ I have another outfit in mind for her during the in-game events, but was too lazy to change Asra’s look.

I guess hes been wearing the same outfit for 4-5+ years. gross.

Post link


[Updated] I added Asra! I’m gonna add Nadia, Julian and Lucio sometime with the dark strawberry outfits It’ll be a separate post though.

watch me spend all my money on an asra body pillow and not regret it

M6 Help With Tricky Magic Part 2/2

More TW


  • Honestly she’s psyched that you want/need her help and she’s excited to be a part of this with you!!
  • She gets really focused on trying to help you and is a huge optimist every time something goes wrong. She knows that even if you don’t show it that this is really important to you and that every time something small goes wrong, she’s basically the only thing keeping you together.
  • After hitting so many twists and turns, she’s probably only gotten more optimistic while you’re slowly fading out of your confidence. She can tell that you’re barely holding on, but she’s doing her best to keep you energized and on spot. Eventually, when it all leads up to that moment when you’re about to be done, you’re both so excited. Your work will pay off, it’ll all have been worth it, nothing more to worry about.
  • And then. Well. I guess the spell decided to give you something to worry about.
  • When you go to preform the spell, the atmosphere changes. Drastically. And you’re both confused for a second until your energy is completely drained and she has to rush to you to make sure you’re okay. And then you look around and see… pain and Death. Everywhere.
  • You didn’t even think you were capable of this damage, much less when the spell you were trying to preform brought the opposite…
  • The plants and green life around you withered, turning to black and brown, some even breaking down on the spot. People are lying on the floor, crying out in pain but not truly physically affected. You can’t help but break down crying at this, before your sight even lands on Portia, her body crumpled at your feet, crying and pleading. You realize it must be mentally attacking them as not even one person seems to be bearing it.
  • You do everything in your power to bring her back to consciousness, but the moment she’s awake and before she’s even feeling good enough to have coherent thoughts, she’s worried about you.
  • She’s focused on you now, and won’t leave your side. Even though she doesn’t feel any side effect of what happened, you’re worried about her too. Does that mean she’ll let you take care of her? Absolutely not. She has Ilya by your side 24/7 until he starts complaining that physically, you’re perfectly fine. Mentally though, she’s really the only one that can help your nightmares of all those people crying out in pain, and Portia being tortured at your hand.


  • As anxious as Muriel was about this, you were able to convince him to help you, simply because he figured it’d be better to protect you ratchet than let you get hurt. Though he did mention several times that he had a bad feeling about this spell, and there’s no way it would work without more skill than he could help with.
  • I mean, you’re powerful. But conjuring a spell that should take like 5 of you with just yourself and Muriel? Yeah, that wouldn’t add up in the end.
  • You always had to be near him if you were gonna practice or even just research it, even if you didn’t want or need his help, he needed to keep an eye on you at all times. He did his best to look out for little details that you might’ve missed, but in all seriousness you seemed pretty thorough to him, for the most part. He helps you out by pointing little things out, and reminding you of things that might’ve slipped your mind.
  • You’re the optimistic one in this situation. He supports you, but that doesn’t mean that he wants you to get yourself hurt, so really he tries not to say much. When he does, it’s always blunt and the outright truth of the moment or his opinion.
  • When it comes to the time to preform the spell, he knows the perfect place to do it that it shouldn’t harm or destroy anything if something goes wrong, and after he helps you with whatever you ask, he sets at a distance so that he can watch to make sure you’re okay but so that he’s not in the way.
  • Everything is going smoothly as you cast the spell, and you close your eyes, trying to just feel the magic coursing through you. Muriel is just on edge, fidgety but also tense and rigid. As he’s watching you, suddenly you disappear from thin air, some trace and smoke but nothing big. Muriel starts with a panic, calling out your name and looking around frantically.
  • You feel the ground disappear from beneath your feet, and suddenly you feel yourself falling, but for some reason you can’t open your eyes or speak, much less scream. You hear Muriel shouting for you, but you can’t call out to him, and you suddenly break the surface of water beneath you, crashing into this deep, flowing river, too physically numb to swim yourself out of it.
  • Muriel hears the crash, and immediately rushes over as fast as he can, which is admittedly fast for his size when you’re involved, and he scoops you out of the water. When he does, you’re finally out of your paralyzation, and a shock of pain goes through you at his touch. Muriel winces when he hears you cry out in pain, but he needs to get you out and safe for now.
  • After you’re safe and closer to the palace and Asra’s shop (he couldn’t keep going because of your whimpers of pain) he just sits down and tends to you. No words are spoken, he just gives you water, makes you eat something small, and then sends Inanna to find Asra.
  • When you’re okay physically, all that’s left for you is healing mentally, knowing that you might be stuck with those thoughts for a while. But for Asra and Muriel, they’re also trying to figure out what went wrong with the spell so that it never happens again
  • Muriel is even more reluctant for you to try practicing again but he just checks with Asra to make sure the spell is safe beforehand and always keeps track of where you are (if you’re comfortable with that) so that he doesn’t lose you again.


  • It took some convincing to drag him into your work area of your life because he really didn’t want to deal with the manual labor, or mental for that matter, but once you did he started to see why you liked experimenting with it.
  • He was skeptical of course at first, what could be more important than him?? What was taking up so much of your time???!! But then he started getting nosey, and had to butt in to see what it was. He saw why you liked experimenting and had to help you, because of course you needed him.
  • He ended up just being like a curious little puppy and asking questions-
  • Your spell was a complicated one, and taking care of him was like taking care of a toddler, so you of course were annoyed by the constant of him acting like he knew what he was doing even though he was making things worse, however much you might show it, and however endearing you found it.
  • After all your Lucio’s hard work, the spell was finally prepared and practiced to where you knew that you could preform it perfectly without a hitch.
  • Oh look at that
  • A hitch.
  • When you preform your spell, you were the only one that knew what went wrong, because no one else saw anything but the fact that it didn’t go all the way through.
  • While you couldn’t see what exactly caused it to go wrong, you could see so much for devastation than anyone else. The flashbacks, and the hallucinations, Lucio only started getting concerned when you stopped responding, started sobbing, and couldn’t breathe. The world was in shambles, and only you could see it.
  • Only you could see that it wasn’t Lucio trying to help you, but the Devil, that the scenery wasn’t greenery, but filled with ash and bone, blood and corpses.
  • The visions lasted for a few hours, but that would be enough to traumatize anyone, even moreso someone who has personally dealt with the devil’s misdoings. Lucio couldn’t understand why you were shaken up, after that. After all, you couldn’t explain it to him, that would only make things worse.
  • He cared, he really did, and he did his best to let you know that to his ability. He didn’t know how to help but he sat with you, filling the silence when you couldn’t speak, talking about himself to lighten the mood, though it was only a habit for him. But he cared. He cares. He made sure you were well tended to, even in the areas that he knew nothing about, and was just getting the servants to do, he made sure you were ok.
  • He may not ever know what you went through, but he never wants to see you like that again, and he may be brash with topics like that on accident, but if you express certain things with him, Lucio tries his best to be cautionary.

Oh to be a company to Asra, making a halt, nesting on haystack blocks in the fields. Traveling north, to the lands where the wind didn’t start blowing colder yet…

I made this art to celebrate birthday of Asra Alnazar the wandering wizard who stole my heart by sharing his heart with me. Happy birthday Asra and Happy birthday Faust The Pirate Queen)

Wanted to draw Asra dancing by the dawn, because he’s my sunshine ♡

[Oh I love me some actor!asra au, I will never deprive anyone of that~ also welcome @kemahz! I hope this was worth the wait, sorry it took so long ;A;]

Asra was fine. 

There wasn’t a tremor in his hand, not a clench to his teeth or a tense feeling in his shoulders. He was perfectly fine, perfectly normal and perfectly relaxed. 

The cup of coffee in his hand however was not. 

“Um, Asra, your coffee is spilling over.” He heard Nadia, the assistant director and writer, say that to him seconds before he felt the burning liquid pour over his hand. He winced and put the cup down quickly, shaking the brown coffee from his hand with a sigh. Nadia, who had known him since they were young, could tell something was bothering him and gently rubbed his shoulder. 

“Are you okay?” She asked. “You’ve been so agitated lately, is something going on?” She asked and Asra pouted, crossing his arms and huffing at her. 

“You should know, this is your fault.” He grumbled and she looked surprised. 

“Me? What did I do?” she asked and he pulled the script for the next episode of the show he acted in out of his back pocket and showed it to her, pointing at page eighteen accusingly. Nadia blinked before her face settled into its usual, half lidded look, an amused smile on her face. 

“Oh, are you upset that y/n is going to be kissing another man?” She teased and Asra huffed again holding the script very close to her face.

“You did do this!” He insisted and she giggled behind her hand, looking off innocently. 

“I can’t recall if I did or not,” she teased and Asra grumbled at her, making her chuckle. “Oh wait, now I remember, yes I did.” She admitted and he threw the script in the air reaching to her face to pinch her cheeks in retaliation making her swat at him teasingly. Asra would never hurt her really. 

“Why would you do this to meeeeeeee??” Asra sighed, sagging against her and she had to hold him up, rolling her eyes but patting his head gently. 

“Asra, it’s important for y/n’s character to go through this, it’s going to show just how loyal she is to you and your character.” she assured him. “It’s character development honey, it has to be done.” She said and Asra looked up at her with reluctant acceptance. 

“Fiiiine,” He said and sat up, leaning on her arms a moment before moving to clean up the mess he’d made of his coffee. “But if we break up because she falls in love with that guest actor I’m blaming you!” He insisted and she nodded, giving him a soft smile.

“I know, I know.” She insisted just as the director called that they would begin in thirty minutes. Asra knew where he wanted to be until then so he cleaned up, bid Nadia goodbye and made his way to the hair and makeup side of the set. He saw the guest actor in one of the chairs making his stomach burn in a way he hated, turning to find you. 

You were in your chair, pouting out your lips as Julian applied some of your favorite lip gloss. He loved that lip gloss. It was blueberry flavored. Julian was making you laugh, he was good at that and teased you for not staying still. 

“Y/N, darling, you have to stay still and not think about how funny it’s going to be when the director finds out Faust is in his book bag.” He teased, making you giggle as you thought about the reaction the director was going to have at that. He wouldn’t ever hurt Faust, he was harmless, but snakes freaked him out so he was definitely going to scream. 

They’d most likely all hear it. 

She liked to prank. 

Asra felt the burn in his tummy alleviate when he saw you and your happy smile, causing a small smile on his own face, coming closer to you and standing beside Julian, hands behind his back and leaning towards you slightly. “Hello y/n,” He said and you smiled, urging him closer which he obliged, leaning down so you could kiss him sweetly. 

“Hi Asra~” You smiled. “You look so handsome today- oh, what happened to your hand?” You asked as he had placed a hand on your chair, the one he burned, when he had leaned towards you. He chuckled as you took his hand, looking it over worriedly. 

“Oh, I spilled my coffee,” He said as if it were nothing to worry about. “It looks a lot worse than it feels, I promise.” he assured you and you gently ran your thumb over the burn, looking up at him with worry in your eyes. 

“Are you sure?” You asked and he smiled softly, leaning down to rub his nose against yours. 

“I’m sure,” He reassures you and you look unsure before he kisses you sweetly, making you forget for a moment and gently kiss him back. “Don’t worry so much, your frowning will ruin your makeup.” He teased and you swatted his chest gently. 

“Oh stop,” You smiled and he did too before flicking a look behind you and you saw his jaw set a moment, making you look at Julian curiously who had noticed as well. Julian gave a “what is that about?” look to you before looking where Asra was looking, making the red haired man snort a laugh. Asra glared at him and Julian just laughed out loud. 

“Asra, sweetie, jealousy is not a good color on you.” he tutted and Asra blushed when you turned and saw he was looking at your co-star for the day, confused a moment before you realized what he was upset about. You gently pulled on his sleeve to get him to look at you, his embarrassed flush dimming a bit when he looked at you. 

“Are you worried?” You asked. “Do you think I’m going to leave you when I kiss that guy?” You said and Asra muttered to himself, making you giggle. It was kind of cute to see Asra jealous, he didn’t usually seem the type but for some reason the idea of having to watch you kiss someone else was getting under his skin. 

He didn’t like it. 

Not one bit. 

You gently took his face in your hands, but he avoided your eyes, looking embarrassed but you smiled and gently ran your thumbs over his cheeks. “Asra, look at me,” You said gently and it took a moment but he relented, looking into your sweet, comforting eyes. “It’s a stage kiss, I’m not going to kiss him the way I do you,” you assured him. “I promise, you’re the only person I want to kiss and the only one I want kissing me, this is just work, I’m not going to enjoy it.” You promised. 

Asra believed you, he had no reason not to, and after a moment he sighed through his nose and nodded, giving you a soft smile. “Okay…okay…” He said, gently patting your hands with his. “I know, I just…I wish you didn’t have to.” He said and you gave him an understanding smile, kissing his nose. 

“I know, but it won’t last long and it’s only one episode,” You assured him and Asra cast a glance in Nadia’s direction, wondering what else she had up her sleeve when it came to them and the show in general. “So don’t worry, it’ll be okay.” You promised, leaning in towards him to whisper to him. “And we can make out afterwards,” you said and that made him perk up a bit. 

“Oh…okay, that sounds reasonable.” He said and you giggled,making him smile and nuzzle into your palm and you pinched his cheek teasingly as the director called everyone to set. Asra felt that burn in his tummy again but you squeezing his hand made him feel better. He reluctantly let you go and stood by with Julian who put an arm around his shoulder and pat him there. 

“She only has eyes for you, you know?” He assured him as you and the guest actor shook hands and chatted for a moment. Asra felt that tenseness rise in his shoulders until he saw you turn to smile at him, making his burning turn into butterflies. He smiled softly and nodded to you and Julian grinned, ruffling his hair. 

“Don’t you worry, she’s probably the most eager to get this over with.” He assured Asra and the man nodded, but crossed his arms, hugging himself a bit and moving to sit down, waiting for his time to appear. He wasn’t going to come in for a few hours at least, they had a few scenes to shoot with their guest actor while he was there before they shot more of his character. 

He was doing well until the kiss actually happened. 

Oh it tore him up to see it and he didn’t know why. He trusted you, so much, he knew this was just work for you but dammit if he hated seeing someone else touch you that way. He almost ran over and yanked you away from him but he stopped himself, glad it only lasted a second or two…

But to him it was like time slowed down. It took so long and he hated it. When it was over, the director called for a break and you went right to him, smiling reassuringly at him and reaching for his hand but he beat you to it. He took a step towards you and took you in his arm, giving you one of the deepest but sweetest kisses he’d ever given you, catching you completely off guard. 

But you certainly didn’t mind. 

You hugged him tightly, kissing him in return and rubbing noses with him. “See?” You said softly. “You’re the only one I want to smooch.” You promised and he nodded, giving you a smile and you could see the love in his eyes. 

“And you’re the only one I want.” He promised too. “Forever.” 

greyhands: My @fieldsofvesuvia gift for @crystalsoul16 / @fausts-snecrets !! I hope you like it ^___greyhands: My @fieldsofvesuvia gift for @crystalsoul16 / @fausts-snecrets !! I hope you like it ^___


My@fieldsofvesuvia gift for @crystalsoul16/@fausts-snecrets !! I hope you like it ^___-

Her apprentice Nerida is so lovely and I absolutely *adore* her hair ❤️ She likes taking naps and I was thinking that maybe Asra would take the opportunity to surprise her and decorate her gorgeous hair with her favorite flowers !

Thank you @fieldsofvesuvia for this amazing event !!! This was so fun ^^

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Name: Anna (Anushka); Little Witch of the Greenwoods
Age: Late 20s
Universe: Arcana: The Mystic Romance
Love interests: Asra Alnazar
Personal details: magician’s apprentice; The Empress (patron arcana); Pisces

Appearance: warm brown hair; brown eyes with specks of green; freckles; ~170cm tall
Personality: Anna is a bit of human sunshine. Always caring and compassionate, she tends to get mixed into things which don’t necessarily involve her. Fast to forgive, unless she is the culprit in question. Slightly hot-headed at times. Easy to embarrass, generally shy in front of strangers.

Short backstory summary: [Contains spoilers]

Due to her unusual constitution, Anna was cast away from her community at a rather young age. Unable to control her own (overflowing) magic, she hid away in one of the caves in Vesuvia’s forests. That is also where she met Asra, who later introduced her to Muriel. Given his natural affinity towards magic, and the knowledge passed onto him, he was able to set her onto the track of gaining control of her ability. Soon, the three of them became friends and started living together.

Later on in life, still as friends, Anna and Asra started their own shop with magical trinkets. She stayed in denial about her feelings for quite a while, similarly to Asra. The two of them got together sometime before the plague struck.

The events of the crisis unfolded similarly to the canon story - after an argument, Asra departs from Vesuvia, leaving Anna behind. She becomes infected, which leads to her untimely demise. However, Anna doesn’t die per se. Aware of her condition, she decided to sign a contract with her patron arcana, asking for them to slow down the progress of the plague. The price is her body, and any memories involving her present in minds of those who resided in Vesuvia at the time. Consequently, she became locked between the worlds, not alive, but also not dead and thus, unable to pass.

Upon returning, Asra realised that not only she is nowhere to be found, but also that nobody but him seems to recall her. As in the game, he ends up recovering her. Unlike MC, however, Anna does have some recollection of her life – it is only that her memories are rather disorganised and blurred, clarifying only with the progression of time.

Wild card(s):
>> Anna’s condition allows her to channel great amounts of magical energy - the closer she is to the centre of earth and the longer she stays in one place, the more of it she accumulates. It led to multiple incidents, both destructive and not, eventually ending up with her being cast away. She’s a great witch, but not a skilled one, the majority of her training focusing on managing her state alone. That being said, there are multiple more complicated feats she can accomplish with… Raw power output. (Which is why she was able to sign the contract).

>> At times, her magic reacts to her feelings, realising her fears or desires. However, when overflowing completely, it generally takes form of rampant winds, strong enough to break trees and destroy buildings. Whichever it is, she can always count on Asra to help her regain the control. She sees him as a sort of anchor.

>> People of Vesuvia still remember the Little Witch of Greenwoods. However, she’s more of a legend than anything else, a popular story to scare children with. It’s always a major annoyance to Asra…. Anna, on the other hand, sees it as just a natural turn of events. She never stopped feeling guilty about the damage she has caused.
