




tldr: the Internet Archive/WayBack Machine is super important in term of archived content, billions of stuff are on there, and with the current event happening in the world like stated above,without this tool, it will be hard to properly document what took place. It will be easy for certain people to rewrite history. Dont let them.

DONATE HERE (post dont get much exposure with working links sorry)




On twitter,tumblr,facebook,heck,anywhere you want,this needs to be talked about !

they’re being sued due to putting together an “emergency library”, essentially, in the wake of schools and libraries closing due to covid-19.

you can read about it in a few places. here’s one article on the subject, but there’s plenty to be found.



Wayback Machine is a GREAT tool. It just has a few issues. The number one issue is that it isn’t great at crawling. Normal HTML sites are no problem but more complex sites like forums and especially blogs are hard for it to navigate. It tends to get only very small pieces of LiveJournal for example. The entire official Sims 3 forum from 2009-2017(?) is just gone because Wayback wasn’t able to access it.

As I’ve talked about over the past few years, I’m trying to archive a lot of CC with Archive.org. This works well for most older sites but not so well with newer ones. Plus, I’m focusing on custom content more than webpages and stories.

Stories, that people put hours and hours into, legacies, forum posts, pictures, blog posts, all things that are just TOO numerous for me to even make a dent in on my own.

Buuuut, if I could get a bunch of simmers who were actively viewing blogs and downloading content and reading forum posts to archive every post they viewed that could do something!

Wayback Machine Auto-Archiver is a bot that archives all PUBLIC webpages that you visit to the wayback machine. Think of it as a bot that follows you around taking a shot of every blog you visit. Obviously, this isn’t just for Sims content but it would certainly help the community who may go looking for the content that you archived after it’s LONG gone from the internet.

The auto-archiver is a simple extension. If you’re running Chrome or Edge you simply install it like any other extension and then you surf the web like always.

The more simmers who use it, the more content gets archived. Also, it’s entirely anonymous. If you’re a lurker and you’ve never made or posted anyway, think of this as a way to give back!

Download it here and please reblog!

(I will be reblogging this post several times)

Just an update: The auto-archiver WILL download custom content under certain circumstances. It always grabs pages but if custom content is deliberately hard to reach (such as behind adfly or TSRs timer, automatic archiver won’t grab it) It DOES seem to grab MTS downloads (which are archived under skuld.modthesims.com) but if content is behind a login page it won’t necessarily get it. (Sometimes it will sometimes it won’t. It depends on how the website it set up, I guess?)

As it turns out, Mediafire content CAN be archived by this so if you visit a Mediafire page it will grab what’s there, but Mediafire uses hundreds of subdomains. It seems hit or miss. If you want to mirror content you can use the direct crawler available through Internet Archive. On the bottom right of this page,enter your URL if you’re unsure if a page you’re viewing will be grabbed by autoarchiver.

Again, PLEASE reblog this so more people see it. Having people automatically archive their own webpages and sim related content they view will be incredibly helpful in helping us preserve the community’s hard work!

Hey everyone! I’ve been lot more active/vocal about this on Instagram, especially in my stories since that’s where I’m most active, but I wanted to put this here too!

Black lives matter!

Here’s a link to the biggest source if information I’ve found.


It covers donations, info for protesters, petitions, missing persons lists, and learning resources! Check it out and consider donating!

Archive.org/Wayback Machine

Also consider donating to archive.org as they’re facing a law suit and the Wayback Machine is a very important part of keeping accurate records of what’s happening and being shared right now!

Link to donate:


Article on the lawsuit:


Archiving stuff with Wayback:

If you see someone tweeting or sharing something horrible or you’re worried an important article or source of information will be taken down or censored put it in the Wayback Machine to archive it!

You just need to copy the link address, go to https://archive.org/web/ , paste the url in the save page now box, and hit save!

Also please take care of yourselves!

This is a lot to take in and keep up with so be sure to take breaks, take care of yourself! We’re not meant to take in bad news 24/7 so rest up and come back to help when you’re ready!

[Edit:] Fixed the links so they’re clickable now!
