

Made a money jar last night, have been doing lots of money spells lately, and then I won $100 on a $2 scratch off!

Slow progress is still progress.


I wish what I just said was an exaggeration. The LGBTA Wiki Staff wasn’t consulted at all about this, but was abruptly told today the following:

We are excited to introduce LGBTQIA+, a new wiki community that will serve as the home for all information about sexuality and gender identity. This will be a consolidated version of the former wiki pages and at launch will include just the main articles needed to help people who are searching for information. We worked closely with a number of LGBTQIA+ individuals and allies as we developed this wiki and to ensure the most accurate information continues to live on this wiki, there will be an emphasis on sourcing articles. For example: as content is added to this wiki, only official terms that are recognized by people working on LGBTQIA+ issues will be approved.

As we begin to consolidate our LGBTQIA-related wikis, we will redirect all users to our LGBTQIA+ wiki. To ensure our content is inclusive and provides a wide range of information, our admins (who are LGBTQIA+ community members) have thoughtfully been building out wiki pages that represent a wide range of topics covering all identities, sexualities, historic LGBTQIA+ events, activism and more.

One exception to the merge is the Ezgender wiki, which will host articles outlining specific genders, orientations and pronouns, including pages of xenogenders from other wikis. The main LGBTQIA+ Wiki will have a page on xenogenders (with examples), but not the thousands of pages as on other wikis.

We are giving you the upcoming few weeks to make sure that your content is migrated to EZGender as necessary or, if you so choose, exported to another host.

[Please click here to read the full announcement from Fandom Wiki Staff]

No one on Ezgender Wiki Staff was consulted about this at all, and now  from my understanding, we quite literally will become the ONLY Wiki able to host specific xenogender terms. Essentially fandom has made the decision our wiki will be the literal only place that continues to list xenogenders and microlabels, and the combined wiki they’re creating will only feature terms “official terms” “recognized by people working on LGBTQIA+ issues”. So, site wide transphobia and an encouragement to gatekeep xenogenders. This is a recipe for disaster in general - For example, there are plenty of prominent activists who claim pansexual, nonbinary, or bigender aren’t “officially recognized.” 

Everyone at Ezg feels this is a ridiculous decision that undermines the spirit of LGBTQI+ education and opens room to gatekeep “un-recognized” identities. I’ve been talking to Staff from LGBTA Wiki, and they feel the same way.

Here’s what you can do to help:

  • Please sign this petition letting Fandom know you disprove of this decision.
  • Comment on the announcement post linked above and let them know you don’t think this decision was fair and something else should be done. Don’t be insulting, but tell them this is a bad decision.
  • Signal boost this post. This decision was made weeks before it was to happen, and again without even letting any of the Staff of these Wikis know this was a possibility. People need to know about this. 
Happy Solstice to All, and to All a Long Night. . . . #solstice #wintersolstice #ritual #rituals #wi

Happy Solstice to All, and to All a Long Night.
#solstice #wintersolstice #ritual #rituals #witch #queerwitch #magick #occult #petitions #intercessor #eldritch #eldritchtree #eldritchtreeprints #altar #phillyartist #philadelphia #holidays (at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)

Post link

okay comrades. as all of you are probably aware, POC have been murdered oppressed since the beginning of time. and it’s awful that in the 21st century these injustices have continued.

i wanted to say that i support the #blacklivesmatter movement. the police have murdered innocent people. kids. human beings that they’re sworn to protect. and i’m not standing by it. and if someone here believes the bullshit of “all lives matter”, a movement created to discredit and ruin the BLM movement, they can get off this page.

i feel like i haven’t done enough. and i’m angry at myself because of it. i want to help and i felt for a while like i couldn’t, since there have been no protests to join in my country. which is fucking ridiculous, considering that the police here are corrupt as shit. 

and guys, seriously, ACAB. it doesn’t mean that every single cop is evil, it means that all cops benefit from a corrupt system. the system needs reform. the police would rather kill civilians than arrest four of their own. 

i’m not the most popular blog in the fandom. i’m not the one with the most followers. but i have a platform big enough to at least help. and i feel like it’s my duty as a person to use this platform to make a positive impact.

and i just wanted to say, to all the latinos and hispanics out there, stand with our brothers and sisters. that same anger that we have felt time and time again, use it to make a change. i have heard latinos scoff and say, “where were they when ICE was putting children in cages?” they were right there with us. supporting us. and now they need us.

recently i’ve found some petitions to sign, that all of you should consider signing too. something as a little as a signature can change the world. signing a single petition will take a few seconds at most. to those who are able to, leave donations. share the petitions. and if you can, add more links and petitions that people can sign :) become the change you want to see in the world.










george floyd. remember his name.

For over a year, Kaplan teachers have been fighting for decent pay and basic benefits. In this video, they explain the REAL “Kaplan Experience”.

Support them by signing their petition: http://bit.ly/19ZXr8u

#workers    #activism    #kaplan    #teachers    #education    #petitions    #kaplanexperience    #reality    


hi if you’re in the uk please sign this wrt the government’s u-turn on Banning Conversion Therapy, Just Not For Trans People. also if you have an extra five minutes consider writing to your MP about it, which you can do via this email template










COVID is slowly becoming a “third world” disease. While first world countries are hoarding vaccines, having doses for populations many times their size, third world countries can’t get any because pharma companies want to sell to the first world countries first. Even then, first world countries will receive them first. While rich countries recover from COVID, they will forget about the pandemic while many other countries live the absolute worst moment of the pandemic without being able to vaccinate their population.

Watch also when some first world countries finish vaccinating their populations, they will turn to third world countries and “donate” or sell surplus vaccines. People in these countries will go “Oh how sweet! The government is donating vaccines to the poorer countries <3” when it was their hoarding that led to many, many third world citizens dying before they could even get vaccinated in the first place.

african and latin american countries are also pushed by pfizer to give up sovereign assets as part of their vaccine agreement

Yo europeans, sign the fucking petition, get the european commission to lift the patents

This is not a bullshit useless change dot org petition by the way this is an actual thing with legal consequences. If this petition gets to a million signatures, the european commission HAS to examine it.

They need not only a million signatures but to pass thresholds in at least seven member states - which only Belgium has done so so far. Especially if you have Italian, Irish, or Cypriot citizenship, please sign. Sign it in general, but try to circulate if you can to anyone with those nationalities specifically.

231,195 / 1,000,000 signatures as of 10/28/21

237,730  /  1,000,000  signatures as of 11/28/21 and the Signatory Deadline(it has to be signed by this date) is January 8th, 2022.

PLEASE sign, especially if you’re from one of the countries that has not reached it’s threshold. (France, Sweden, Greece, Germany, The Netherlands, Austria…basically every country except Italy and Belgium)


Minimum thresholds must be met in at least five more countries in addition to the 1,000,000 signatures requirement.

The countries closest to reaching their minimum threshold are Ireland(89% of required signatures), France(75%),The Netherlands(75%),Spain (69%), and Cyprus (46%). If you or anyone you know have citizenship in these countries, please sign it, encourage them to sign it, and pass it forward.

If the requirements are met, the European Commission will be forced to examine this and take legal action. Real change is a possibility if enough signatures are collected.

Spread this.

Biden is actually asking for an IP waiver for the vaccine in the US in order to ship it out, as well. Good time to write to your reps if you’re American.

Just wanted to add that if (like me) you have citizenship in an EU country but reside outside the EU, YOU CAN STILL SIGN

Currently only Belgium and Italy have passed the threshold. Put that dual citizenship to good use if you can!



14-year-old Joāo Pedro was killed by the Rio de Janeiro police. Joāo was shot at his home and his body was taken by the Rio de Janeiro police. His family waited 17 hours until receiving news of his whereabouts. They finally found his dead body at a medical examiner’s office. The family counted 72 bullet marks on the walls of the house.


George Floyd was murdered by a Minneapolis police officer.

George was handcuffed and restrained and being completely cooperative when this all went down. The officer put his knee on George’s neck choking him for minutes on minutes while George screamed that he could not breathe. 

Bystanders beg for the police officer to take his knee off George’s neck, but the officer didn’t listen and continued to choke him. 


Petition for the punishment of Minneapolis police officers after the assassination of George Floyd.


Julius Jones has only 122 days before being executed for a crime he DIDN’T COMMIT. Julius has lived on death row for almost 20 years, and is held in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day. He is allowed one hour of sunlight a day, and three showers a week. Every minute we wait to take action, Julius is suffering. Every second that goes by brings Julius closer to being executed for a crime he didn’t commit.


Tony McDade was a transgender black man who got killed by police in Tallahassee. No one is talking about it.


A 12-year-old girl has drowned in the River Irwell in Greater Manchester.

Greater Manchester Police said it was treating what happened as a “tragic incident” and did not believe there were any suspicious circumstances.


Ahmaud Arbery was chased and gunned down by Travis McMichael, son of retired Brunswick investigator Greg McMichael, under the father’s and son’s pretenses of witnessing a burglary in Satilla Shores of Glynn County.


Jennifer Jeffley was 15 years old when she was arrested for the murder of Maria Palomina. A murder that she did not commit. Innocent of the crime that she was convicted of, Jennifer has been behind bars more than 20 years serving a life sentence.


Regis Korchinski-Paquet was murdered by Toronto Police. A call was made for a domestic incident and Toronto police officers were present on the 24th floor in a High Park apartment building to “observe” 29-year old, Regis. Shortly after, she allegedly fell off the balcony.


Sean was a victim of police brutality. He was running from the police and was on Facebook live. The police officer tased him while he was going down and then shot the man 14 times in the back.


On October 4th 2016 Amiya was stepping off of  her school bus and was hit and killed by a car.

11 months later my family and I met with the District Attorney John Weddle and Sadie Gardener. Neither of them took the case seriously and it showed because shortly after that my family was informed that Karen Carpenter would not be charged.


On June 7th, 2019, Emerald Black a pregnant,black woman, and her fiance were pulled over by police officers after coming from a doctors appointment.

The officers spoke to Ms. Black’s fiance while she stayed in the car.

The officers began to order her out of the car. Ms. Black was clearly pregnant and she had let them know  that she had just gotten back from a doctors appointment where she was also  informed that she was at a high risk for a miscarriage. Despite this, the officers yanked Ms. Black, still in her hospital clothes, and threw her to the ground. They taunted her, piled on top of her, and stomped on her stomach causing her to miscarry. The stomp had  also left a shoe mark.


Chrystul Kizer is an incarcerated trafficking survivor who is being charged with life in prison for acting in self-defense against her trafficker.

The punishment that Chrystul is facing for defending her own life signals that black women and girls have no selves to defend.


Tamir was only 12-years-old when he was shot and killed last year by a Cleveland police officer as he played in a park with a toy gun. Timothy Loehmann, an officer in training, shot and killed Tamir within two seconds of arriving at the park.The police car hadn’t even fully stopped before he began shooting.


Siyanda was racially abused and beaten by a group of people. After defending herself - instead of being protected by the justice system - she was sentenced to 4 ½ years of prision.


One month ago, a division of the Louisville Police Department. performed an illegal, unannounced drug raid on Breonna’s home. Not a single officer announced themselves before ramming down her door and firing 22 shots, shooting Breonna 8 times, killing her.


Alejandro is a innocent 15 year old, African American who got shot 7 times while walking to Boone High School, in December of 2018. NO ARREST HAVE BEEN MADE!!!


We need legislation now that prohibits police officers from shooting unarmed citizens!!!

The Following People Do Not Want to Chloroform the Puppies

In November, 1940, 10-year-old Kay Rae Roberts, pictured above left, fell in love with a fox terrier who had wandered into the home of her grandfather. She refused to leave without the dog, so home the dog came to 5415 Portland Ave. S, Minneapolis. Five weeks later, ‘Trixie,’ as Kay Ray named her, was discovered to be expecting. Later that night, Kay Rae overheard her parents talking–what to do with a house full of puppies?! “Perhaps we’ll have to chloroform them,” her mother said.

The next day, without a word, Kay Rae relayed the news to her classmates at Hale Elementary School and a petition was born. One particularly distraught child stopped at the Roberts home that evening and declared: “If the puppies are chloroformed, we’ll picket the house.”

Fortunately for the children, Mrs. Roberts was merely joking. “I couldn’t even chloroform a fly,” she declared. When the four puppies were born on Christmas Eve, everyone rejoiced. “Now I know what it is to become a father,” Kay Rae said with a sigh. She named the puppies Dick, Jerry, Don, and Bud.

March 23, 2022 is National Puppy Day.Photo P70606 from the Newspaper Photograph Collection in the Hennepin County Library Digital Collections. Story summarized from an article printed in the Minneapolis Tribune December 29, 1940.

Theofficial White House response to a petition to secure resources and funding, and begin construction of a Death Star by 2016:

By Paul Shawcross

The Administration shares your desire for job creation and a strong national defense, but a Death Star isn’t on the horizon. Here are a few reasons:

  • The construction of the Death Star has been estimated to cost more than $850,000,000,000,000,000. We’re working hard to reduce the deficit, not expand it.
  • The Administration does not support blowing up planets.
  • Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?

However, look carefully (here’s how) and you’ll notice something already floating in the sky—that’s no Moon, it’s a Space Station! Yes, we already have a giant, football field-sized International Space Station in orbit around the Earth that’s helping us learn how humans can live and thrive in space for long durations. The Space Station has six astronauts—American, Russian, and Canadian—living in it right now, conducting research, learning how to live and work in space over long periods of time, routinely welcoming visiting spacecraft and repairing onboard garbage mashers, etc. We’ve also got two robot science labs—one wielding a laser—roving around Mars, looking at whether life ever existed on the Red Planet.

Keep in mind, space is no longer just government-only. Private American companies, through NASA’s Commercial Crew and Cargo Program Office (C3PO), are ferrying cargo—and soon, crew—to space for NASA, and are pursuing human missions to the Moon this decade.

Even though the United States doesn’t have anything that can do the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs, we’ve got two spacecraft leaving the Solar System and we’re building a probe that will fly to the exterior layers of the Sun. We are discovering hundreds of new planets in other star systems and building a much more powerful successor to the Hubble Space Telescope that will see back to the early days of the universe.

We don’t have a Death Star, but we do have floating robot assistants on the Space Station, a President who knows his way around a light saberandadvanced (marshmallow) cannon, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which is supporting research on building Luke’s arm, floating droids, and quadruped walkers.

We are living in the future! Enjoy it. Or better yet, help build it by pursuing a career in a science, technology, engineering or math-related field. The President has held the first-ever White House science fairsandAstronomy Night on the South Lawn because he knows these domains are critical to our country’s future, and to ensuring the United States continues leading the world in doing big things.

If you do pursue a career in a science, technology, engineering or math-related field, the Force will be with us! Remember, the Death Star’s power to destroy a planet, or even a whole star system, is insignificant next to the power of the Force.

Paul Shawcross is Chief of the Science and Space Branch at the White House Office of Management and Budget

anyonefrom the UK (NOT anywhere else- if more sign from outside it can give the UK gov a reason to scrap this petition, just share it instead) please sign this!!! trans rights are human rights and transitioning should be an easier process




Wanna punch a Nazi?

Can’t help you there, but you can do something in solidarity with Jewish people.

Apparently you have to be in the US for this one. But if you’re not, you probably have followers who are, so…boost?

Maus is one of the most important literary works of the twentieth century for its look at the Jewish experience of the Holocaust. “Never again,” begins with the stories of victims and survivors. When we ban books like Maus, we build a high-speed racetrack to another Holocaust.

thatwitchybitchandco:Please do your part to stop the Line 3 pipeline! If you don’t know anything abo


Please do your part to stop the Line 3 pipeline! If you don’t know anything about it you can go to StopLine3.org to learn more!

Image description: What Can You Do? 

Call the Attorney General - Twin Cities Calling Area (651) 296-3353 

Outside the Twin Cities (800) 657-3787 

Use this Code - Text PUCZGE to 50409 or dm it to ResistBot on twitter 

Vote no - http://action.lakotalaw.org/action/hr-1374 

Sign the Petitions - http://riceislife.carrd.co 

Email your Bank - https://stopthemoneypipeline.com/defund-line-3/ 

Email the EPA - http://tinyurl.com/higginsmussel 

Photo credit: @BraidedJustice on Twitter or @BraidedJusticeCollective on Instagram (Please go give them a follow!)

Post link


Starbucks is shutting down Kismet, a local Turkish cafe under the claim they serve espresso

Spoilers: they don’t. It’s Turkish coffee.

In the center of Alderwood Mall in Washington, there’s two kiosks.

One is a creation built from the ground up (Literally. They had to install the plumbing and electric themselves.) by a married couple from Turkey. They had a restaurant before immigrating here, and chose to set up shop in a region with a huge middle eastern population. Achma, simit, baklava, Nutella Bomb (Bomb of Izmir remix), börek, and whatever baked goods they’re giving a whip up are worked on as they chat with you. Turkish coffee is brewed and served in beautiful little cups, Italian sodas prepped, and with a baked good of choice enjoyed at the wrap around counter. The place has become a tiny cultural island of familiarity, where friends and families gather to chat, eat and drink.

The other is a duplicate stamp fast food kiosk by a bloated multi-billion dollar corporation that’s already shut down one of its three (3) locations within the mall, leaving yet another unoccupied dead space.

For years, it’s ignored Kismet’s presence while it made the usual hard climb from startup. But it’s gotten popular. And they don’t like it.

And so they walk up to Brookfield Properties who own the mall, and whip out the contract of no one else on the property serving espresso (yes. they have that. insidious isn’t it?) demanding that the Turkish coffee shop close. Here’s the screamer though: They. Don’t. Serve. Espresso. But Brookfield won’t squirm under the thumb of the megacorp unless it’s made loud and clear what a big mistake that is.

They’ve put up a petition to try and rally enough support and noise to get this bullshit on the news.

If you would like to help, even signing the petition will carry this forward. Reblog and share it too, and let’s see if we can’t give Starbucks a well-earned kick in the groin.


Y’all need to go to standwithbre.com and sign the petition. It takes 60 seconds.

When you sign the petition, it sends and emails to 20 officials who can charge the men responsible for her death.

Bre, a black woman, was shot dead by white police officers in her own home. They had the wrong house and shot her for being home while black. The officers have not been charged.

Stand for her like you did Ahaud. Black women are not incidental victims of police brutality, we matter. Fight for us. Sign the petition.

Happy Earth Day motherfuckers. Here’s a list of resources involving issues with the environment that you should be aware of!












This only a small list of a handful of concerning topics! Will be adding more links soon. feel free to reblog and add your own :)


A tweet by Nome @NomeDaBarbarian A law-abiding gun owner is awoken the middle of the night by men shouting and breaking into the room in which he's sleeping. Nine seconds after the first order is shouted at this sleeping man, he's shot dead. By cops who had a warrant for someone else. #AmirLockeALT
Cops who had already entered two other apartments, by accident, also in the middle of the night, trying to serve this warrant. Who had received the key fobs to do so likely from the landlord. And when they finally released the footage, they released it slowed down. #AmirLocke The cop who shot him is a murderer. The cops with him are accessories. The people who trained them are accessories. The chief who sent them on this raid is an accessory, and an accessory again after the fact for covering it up.ALT

Petition to hold the cops accountable

[image id: thread of three tweets posted on february 4, 2022 by @/nomedabarbarian that read:

a law-abiding gun owner is awoken in the middle of the night by men shouting and breaking into the room in which he’s sleeping.

nine seconds after the first order is shouted at this sleeping man, he’s shot dead.

by cops who had a warrant for someone else.


cops who had already entered two other apartments, by accident, also in the middle of the night, trying to serve this warrant.

who had received the key fobs to do so likely from the landlord.

and when they finally released the footage, they released it slowed down.


the cop who shot him is a murderer.

the cops with him are accessories.

the people who trained them are accessories.

the chief who sent them on this raid is an accessory, and an accessory again after the fact for covering it up.

end image id]

Hey everyone! I’ve been lot more active/vocal about this on Instagram, especially in my stories since that’s where I’m most active, but I wanted to put this here too!

Black lives matter!

Here’s a link to the biggest source if information I’ve found.


It covers donations, info for protesters, petitions, missing persons lists, and learning resources! Check it out and consider donating!

Archive.org/Wayback Machine

Also consider donating to archive.org as they’re facing a law suit and the Wayback Machine is a very important part of keeping accurate records of what’s happening and being shared right now!

Link to donate:


Article on the lawsuit:


Archiving stuff with Wayback:

If you see someone tweeting or sharing something horrible or you’re worried an important article or source of information will be taken down or censored put it in the Wayback Machine to archive it!

You just need to copy the link address, go to https://archive.org/web/ , paste the url in the save page now box, and hit save!

Also please take care of yourselves!

This is a lot to take in and keep up with so be sure to take breaks, take care of yourself! We’re not meant to take in bad news 24/7 so rest up and come back to help when you’re ready!

[Edit:] Fixed the links so they’re clickable now!



May 18, 2020. João Pedro Mattos Pinto was murdered by the police IN HIS HOME in São Gonçalo, Rio de Janeiro. he was only 14. when the police murdered him, he was PLAYING in his own backyard. his house now has at least 72 bullet holes in it’s walls. and his mom’s heart has one giant hole, that one type that is impossible to be ever filled again.

this happened exactly a week before George Floyd’s murder. João Pedro was black too.

it doesn’t matter where you from. all cops are bastards. all of them. brazillian ones. us cops. even the ones from your country. all of them serve the same racist purposes. 

João Pedro should be remembered. his life and Floyd’s matter so much.

so much respect for the protesters in Minneapolis. 

there’s a petition going on right now demanding justice for João Pedro. PLEASE, sign it and share/reblog if you can.

vidas negras importam.

