#art by okami



I remembered to record this! :D


I think they’re planning something…

With their clouds down Velir looks like a dark ponyta, and Biff’s full name is Bifford the big red dog:D

By the way, we have a discord now!


We jest, it’s a good question! :D

They’re people, even if it is in a story so they will have preferences (or not) like in a real world setting.

Sabine’s just got attitude, no hard feelings~


Sabine Killam

With a thick agriculture accent and brash sense of humor most are surprised to find Sabine as one of the figure heads of the infantry division. However the more you talk to this fiery pony the more it makes sense. Under the gruff, quick to anger exterior Sabine is a clever, intelligent young mind with a knack for battle tactics. Though, if you’d like to keep your nose intact, maybe avoid any pony comments. The only person in the world who can get away with calling her “cute” things is Fran, her best friend. Not even Velir, who’s known her since the agriculture days can do that, though. Their friendship has a lot more to do with banter and sparring.

Ask box is open, feel free to drop any questions!


Questuon: How did Cass and Parnell meet?

They met at about 8 years old- also she jumped on him after this.


Doodle drop of some pawed taurs!

In order: Lup Ferndale (Biff’s grampa), Pepper Ferndale (his grama), Fran being fab, baby Biff and someone is now going to die for putting Biff in that sweater.
