#siege of the crystal citadel



Some doodles and an older design of Arcus, Velir’s older brother

(Art by Okami)

If you’d like to know more, feel free to drop by the discord or ask a question!


I remembered to record this! :D


I think they’re planning something…

With their clouds down Velir looks like a dark ponyta, and Biff’s full name is Bifford the big red dog:D

By the way, we have a discord now!


Just a little fun doodle of Fenn and Ore! It my get finished and colored one day

siegeofthecrystalcitadel: Joeri SteeleA soft spoken charismatic young man to outsiders, Joeri is lik


Joeri Steele

A soft spoken charismatic young man to outsiders, Joeri is likely the last person anyone would expect to be a member of the military, let alone a director. That being said after about five minutes of talking to him it makes more sense. He is a level headed, highly organized person with a particular skill in diffusing situations. Those skills do take their toll, unfortunately as he has always had a problem with anxiety. It’s difficult for him to wind down and relax, though he does surround himself with people who help him with that. Mostly his two husbands, Ore Danzig and Fenn Rider, but also his sisters and brother in law, Nivera Steele, Yirk Gubbins and Kazuma Holt. Less obviously, he also loves to chat with Velir about the current books they are reading.

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siegeofthecrystalcitadel:Joeri SteeleA soft spoken charismatic young man to outsiders, Joeri is like


Joeri Steele

A soft spoken charismatic young man to outsiders, Joeri is likely the last person anyone would expect to be a member of the military, let alone a director. That being said after about five minutes of talking to him it makes more sense. He is a level headed, highly organized person with a particular skill in diffusing situations. Those skills do take their toll, unfortunately as he has always had a problem with anxiety. It’s difficult for him to wind down and relax, though he does surround himself with people who help him with that. Mostly his two husbands, Ore Danzig and Fenn Rider, but also his sisters and brother in law, Nivera Steele, Yirk Gubbins and Kazuma Holt. Less obviously, he also loves to chat with Velir about the current books they are reading.

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Ore Danzig

Eight feet tall, tusked, heavily scarred and quiet, Ore seems to be everything the Wall fears about Wilders when in fact he is the picture perfect gentle giant. This behemoth of an elemental is very slow to anger, loving nothing more than discovering all the little aspects of living in the Wall. Cakes? Romantic walks in a park? Cookies? Brightly colored flowers? Song birds? Cute people? Ah yes, as soon as he laid eyes on Fenn Rider at bootcamp he fell for him, then later, more slowly for Joeri Steele. That being said, he is still an intelligent and fierce soldier, captaining his own small unit of wilder guides to help their army navigate the Wastes. He also has a strange knack for architecture, which landed him under Kazuma in the Garrison unit when he wasn’t being used as a guide.

siegeofthecrystalcitadel: Fenn Kimmi RiderEver seen an albino fire elemental? At first glance this s


Fenn Kimmi Rider

Ever seen an albino fire elemental? At first glance this slim elemental seems a soft, highly flirtatious, gentle person with a wild punk rock aesthetic. Hardly someone built for military life. However as soon as you put a gun in his hand he’s an uncannily good sharp shooter. To take it a step further, he is a natural with any other form of long distance weaponry- or even just casually tossing things into the right bin while blind folded. That being said, his easy going smile is hard earned as he grew up with the war on his doorstep. It was only due to his talent as a marksman that he was able to go to bootcamp at all, and not immediately drawn into the war at seventeen. Now he heads the Artillery division, and is happily married to his two husbands, Ore Danzig and Joeri Steele.

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We jest, it’s a good question! :D

They’re people, even if it is in a story so they will have preferences (or not) like in a real world setting.

Sabine’s just got attitude, no hard feelings~


Sabine Killam

With a thick agriculture accent and brash sense of humor most are surprised to find Sabine as one of the figure heads of the infantry division. However the more you talk to this fiery pony the more it makes sense. Under the gruff, quick to anger exterior Sabine is a clever, intelligent young mind with a knack for battle tactics. Though, if you’d like to keep your nose intact, maybe avoid any pony comments. The only person in the world who can get away with calling her “cute” things is Fran, her best friend. Not even Velir, who’s known her since the agriculture days can do that, though. Their friendship has a lot more to do with banter and sparring.

Ask box is open, feel free to drop any questions!


I was born without this fear,

Now all of this seems clear

I need to move

I need to fight

I need to lose myself tonight.


“Fran” Francesca Gogh

By far the smallest of the motley crew at just under three feet high but no less fierce of a soldier with her own little army of knives hidden in pockets, sleeves and… who knows where else. Fran is in charge of the scouts division as Biff’s lieutenant and has been friends with him since bootcamp. In fact, she was delighted to find another person to sign with as she had learned from her sewing instructors back home on the mountain side. However, her best friend in the group is Sabine. Someone who can keep up with her own brand of fierceness, but also can enjoy a girl’s night out. Still, the saying sly as a fox is perfectly suited for her, though she prefers to use her skills to make friends rather than enemies.

Ask box is open! Feel free to ask about anything~


Someone prompted us to draw sleeping taurs so here is Kazuma, Nivera and Yirk in a big cuddle pile


Here ya go @sadrdkcblog here are your goofs!

siegeofthecrystalcitadel: Yirk Gubbins-SteeleAs a wilder by birth, life has always been difficult fo


Yirk Gubbins-Steele

As a wilder by birth, life has always been difficult for Yirk. Born on the East side of the Wastes near the Wall in the mouth of the Breach, she was instantly thrown into gang life. Packs of Wilders who would band together to hunt, with complex and dangerous hierarchies. Being at the bottom of the pack meant you could be tomorrow’s meal… Around the age of twelve the not so little gang she ended up in was illegally rounded up by soldiers. Most of them were killed, the remaining few were sent into a taming program to become assets in the war. Before she was sent to the Wastes once more but as a guide, a raid was conducted and due to her apparent age, was rescued and sent to a rehabilitation center to get treatment. Where she was eventually sent to a bootcamp, still too young… There she met Nivera, who instantly took her under wing and soon after adopted her to at least try and give her some more rights. 

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Doodle drop of some pawed taurs!

In order: Lup Ferndale (Biff’s grampa), Pepper Ferndale (his grama), Fran being fab, baby Biff and someone is now going to die for putting Biff in that sweater.
