

“You could swear that the goddess had emerged

from the waves, pressing her hair with her right

hand, covering with the other her sweet mound

of flesh; and where the strand was imprinted by

her sacred and divine step, it had clothed itself

in flowers and grass; then with happy, more than

mortal features, she was received in the bosom

of the three nymphs and cloaked in a starry gar-


“With both hands one nymph holds above the

spray-wet tresses a garland, burning with gold

and oriental gems, another adjusts pearls in her

ears; the third, intent upon those beautiful

breasts and white shoulders, appears to strew

round them the rich necklaces with which they

three girded their own necks when they used to

dance in a ring in heaven.” (Angelo Polizano)

insta : gh_drawings
