#arthur grayson

Transcript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand w

Transcript below

Marc:[coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.

Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand what I’m going to ask for on this visit.

Marc:  Matthew, please-

Matthew: Take me off the will. Don’t make this harder for me. If you keep me on it, you know damn well all the shareholders will interpret it as your dying wish. They’ll insist on making Noah the next heir.

Marc: You know I can’t do that. You’re my only son.

Matthew: Choose Ava, father. I know she feels like a daughter to you. And she’s willing to put her son in that position.

Marc: But she stays my brother’s daughter no matter how I see her.

Matthew: I’m not sure what you’re trying to say…  Ava is on our side.

Marc:[sighs]I can’t let them take the leadership, Matthew. You know why.

Matthew: If it’s about those old tales-

Marc: Do you remember what your grandma told you about our family’s ancestors?

Matthew:[sighs, nods] God, here we go.

Marc: The very First of our family was loved by Earth. She gave him power and kindness to show him her love, as well as two sons. Right before he died, he chose to live again and again inside of every single one of his first sons: Me, you, Noah and everyone who came before and will come after us. The second sons, left empty and incomplete, are destined to forever carry jealousy, greed and wrath in their souls.

Marc: The only reason our family keeps on flourishing  is because we managed to keep the second borns out of the succession line for all the meaningful positions in the company. If it ever happens… Everything will collapse.

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