#matthew grayson


Voice claim challenge

  • Rose:Nicole Kidman, just a casually chic voice, lowkey sexy.. I’m in love
  • Matthew:BURNA BOYYYYY, the sexiest voice on earth <3 Just very beautifully deep.
  • Samuel:Liam Hemsworth, so spot on omg. It’s a perfect match!!
  • Ava:Taraji P. Henson, i didn’t have any updated pic of Ava lmao. But this is pretty close to what i imagine for her!
  • Marc:Idris Elba, i love this one. Very spot on too!
  • Nancy:Meryl Streep, i had too ✨

I’m tagging @goldenhour-s@stinkrascal@mellowdust & anyone who wants to do it!!

transcript below / [A little reminder]Marc: [sighs] I think you’re seeing it from the wrong angle, ytranscript below / [A little reminder]Marc: [sighs] I think you’re seeing it from the wrong angle, ytranscript below / [A little reminder]Marc: [sighs] I think you’re seeing it from the wrong angle, ytranscript below / [A little reminder]Marc: [sighs] I think you’re seeing it from the wrong angle, ytranscript below / [A little reminder]Marc: [sighs] I think you’re seeing it from the wrong angle, y

transcript below / [A little reminder]

Marc:[sighs]I think you’re seeing it from the wrong angle, young lady. BEGRAY and Landgrabbs Inds., were the two biggest companies worldwide for the longest time. When Malcom happened, we took over, leaving Landgrabbs Indus in the mud… Yet, why is it that we still don’t have the full control of the market today? 

Their clients are loyal. The same goes for their ex-business partners and connections. Without Nancy by our side, winning over would be impossible.

Rose: It is a very risky deal, Marc.

Marc:[chuckles] Right up your alley, no? I can promise you both… Landgrabbs Industries will give us more than what it’ll take, if only we give it a chance. I’m willing to pay 50% of its debts.

Nancy: Of course, I’ll get Timothy to examine your father, Matthew.

Rose: First, no need to include Liana’s education in all of this. We’ll be happy to help.

Matthew: Regarding this deal-  Send us an official proposal. We will.. think about it.

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Transcript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t realTranscript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t realTranscript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t realTranscript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t realTranscript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t realTranscript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t realTranscript below[chatter]Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t real

Transcript below


Nancy:  -And that’s how, well, we lost everything we had. My son isn’t really… The brightest.

Matthew: You know your son best but… It’s hard to be good at something you dislike.

Nancy: You’re right. I shouldn’t have forced it on him… It is precisely that mistake which ruined everything for us. [sighs]Hopefully, I can repair  I have broken. I have a proposal. Please, keep an open mind…

Nancy: I’m offering you Landgrabbs Industries. I’m begging you, help us. Please, help Liana too. I don’t want her to pay for her dad’s mistakes. If it wasn’t for my connections, she wouldn’t even be able to stay in the school she’s in.

Rose: If I understand correctly, you want us to buy what’s left of your company, pay off the huge debts it has, put it back on track and pay for grand daugther’s education… All that for what exactly? 

Nancy: LDS Industries still has some areas where it shines- 

Rose: Are you truly aware of how high your debts are? [scoffs] Because I am.

Nancy: Please hear me out! I have one last thing to offer… Doctor Timothy Landgrabb.

Matthew: Oh. The famous-

Nancy: I heard about your dad from Marc. I’m assuming Arthur didn’t didn’t got o to him because of our families history. But Timothy is the very best.Worldwide.

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transcript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked totranscript below [wind blowing, birds chirping][second panel]Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked to

transcript below 

[wind blowing, birds chirping]

[second panel]

Marc: I hope you weren’t too shocked to see me here… It was kind of a last minute decision.

Rose: Oh really?

Marc: Yeah. We’ll have time to talk about it further during this evening, don’t worry.

Rose:[smiles] I’m looking forward to it then.

[third panel]

Nancy: Thank you again for accepting to meet us, I might sound like a broken record but it means a lot.

Matthew: You’re welcome.

Nancy:[chuckles]A Grayson and a Landgrabb at the same table, who would’ve thought? 

Matthew: Surprising, indeed.

Nancy: Yeah. But I believe it’s for the better. Let’s try to put our differences aside and have a nice conversation, today , hm?

Matt: Hm-hm. Let’s do that.

[firth panel]

Noah: So, what’s up, L? You completely disappeared after the whole hairstyle, huh… Problem?

Liana: H-hm. I’m good. I’m usually at the library.

Noah: All alone? 

Liana: Yes..? 

Noah: Eeeh, not cool. Lei, Yohan and I- We have been searching for you. To hang out!

Liana: H-hang out?

Noah: Yup. If it’s okay with you though.

Liana: Yes! Huh, I mean I’d love to… hang out.


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[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne[So, if you forgot…]Transcript below 1-3rd panel♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne

[So, if you forgot…]

Transcript below

1-3rd panel

♫  Plus bleu que le bleu de tes yeux, je ne vois rien de mieux, même le bleu des cieux  ♫

Matt [whispers, sighs]: This old fucker is really there. I can’t believe it.

Rose [smiles]: I told you he would be, honey.

Matt: I know. Still, I was hoping maybe- [sighs] Nevermind… Is that a smile I’m seeing on your face, darling?

Rose: [chuckles] Should I be frowning?

Matt: Hm-hm.

Rose: I’m only looking forward to see what he has in store for us.

Matt: [sighs] That’s what I feared.

4th panel

Marc: Ready?

Nancy: Of course I am, Marc.

Marc: Good. Because you’re only getting one try, Nancy.

Nancy: I know. [squeezes lightly Liana’s shoulder] This is out last chance to save the family. We won’t let it go to waste. Right, Liana?

Liana: Y-yes, Grandma.

5th panel 

Nancy (to Rose, Matt & Noah): [smiles] Right on time! Thank you so much for accepting to meet us today.

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Transcript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand wTranscript belowMarc: [coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand w

Transcript below

Marc:[coughs] Son, I’m not trying to fight.

Matthew: Good. Then, you’ll understand what I’m going to ask for on this visit.

Marc:  Matthew, please-

Matthew: Take me off the will. Don’t make this harder for me. If you keep me on it, you know damn well all the shareholders will interpret it as your dying wish. They’ll insist on making Noah the next heir.

Marc: You know I can’t do that. You’re my only son.

Matthew: Choose Ava, father. I know she feels like a daughter to you. And she’s willing to put her son in that position.

Marc: But she stays my brother’s daughter no matter how I see her.

Matthew: I’m not sure what you’re trying to say…  Ava is on our side.

Marc:[sighs]I can’t let them take the leadership, Matthew. You know why.

Matthew: If it’s about those old tales-

Marc: Do you remember what your grandma told you about our family’s ancestors?

Matthew:[sighs, nods] God, here we go.

Marc: The very First of our family was loved by Earth. She gave him power and kindness to show him her love, as well as two sons. Right before he died, he chose to live again and again inside of every single one of his first sons: Me, you, Noah and everyone who came before and will come after us. The second sons, left empty and incomplete, are destined to forever carry jealousy, greed and wrath in their souls.

Marc: The only reason our family keeps on flourishing  is because we managed to keep the second borns out of the succession line for all the meaningful positions in the company. If it ever happens… Everything will collapse.

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Reminders: this (tw violence) / this & this Transcript belowMatt: [sighs] Ava, I said no. How maReminders: this (tw violence) / this & this Transcript belowMatt: [sighs] Ava, I said no. How maReminders: this (tw violence) / this & this Transcript belowMatt: [sighs] Ava, I said no. How maReminders: this (tw violence) / this & this Transcript belowMatt: [sighs] Ava, I said no. How maReminders: this (tw violence) / this & this Transcript belowMatt: [sighs] Ava, I said no. How ma

Reminders:this (tw violence)/this&this 

Transcript below

Matt:[sighs] Ava, I said no. How many times do I need to-

Ava: Then, what are we doing? Come on, I’m listening! What are we fucking doing? 

Matt: Rose isn’t going anywhere near Marc, first of all! Look, I’ve tried all week to find a safer way for us to proceed-

Ava: My proposition was safe enough. Rose agreed to it, Matthew. Stop blocking everything, unlock the funds we need.

Matthew:[scoffs] Safe enough? Bullshit.

Rose: Our security team will be constantly watching over me, babe.In every way possible. If anything happens-

Ava: We’re stopping everything and they’ll rescue her. She will be safe!

Matthew:[scoffs] Excuse me, but did you forget everything about your own dad, Ava? 

Ava: No, Matt-

Matthew:Please. Allow me to refresh your damn memory. Your father is an extremely intelligent, violent, misogynistic piece of crap. He has been trying to kill his own blood for as loooong as I can remember. For BEGRAY.

Did I mention the day he choked my wife at her corking place? I didn’t? My bad. And let’s not forget his very “special” connections. Do you really think your security team will be enough against them? Against him? He always is three fucking steps ahead of us, Ava. We’re NOTdoing your bullshit plan.

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transcript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dutranscript belowJoey: Still stressed, captain? Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, du

transcript below

Joey: Still stressed, captain? 

Noah: Nope. We’re definitively winning this thing, dude.

Joey: [grins] That’s right.

Kid 1 from the opposing team (yes, no names): [laughs] They still look so lame-

Kid 2 from the opposing team: Yeah, and if you don’t focus right now, they’re gonna destroy us again.

Kid 1: Chill, man.

Referee: Ready, kids? 

???: Well, well… Let’s see what we have here.

[shoes squeaking on court & lots of cheerings]

Kid 1: Damn, he’s fast- Stop him!

Kid 2: No need to yell! I got him- Dude, what?!

Kid 1: Fuck, do something!

???: [smiles] Look at that posture… It’s definitively going in! What an awesome little guy.

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Transcript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.SamuTranscript below Rose: [laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.Samu

Transcript below 

Rose:[laughs] I can’t believe my little brother is now dad of four kids! Damn.

Samuel:[chuckles] Right?  You’re getting old, sis!

Matthew:[smiles]Congratulations on this little bean, Amber. You’re glowing.

Amber: Thank you so much, Matthew. [chuckles] It was a little… Unexpected but it’s still such a blessing.

Rose:[laughs]Congratulations Sam, Amber. I’m so happy for you two.

Samuel: Thank you, it means a lot.

Amber:[chuckles] Well, Samuel was excited to see Noah to tell him the news but it looks like he’s quite busy!

Matthew:[laughs] Right? Don’t worry, he didn’t even say hello to us yet.


Joey: Captain…

Lei:[laughs] Told you he would be here, Joey. Hey Stinky, if you don’t speed up your little calming-down-ritual, your coach’s gonna be mad-mad!

Yohan[to Noah]: Hey. You’re literally the most skilled out there, No’. You’re fine.

Noah: R-right. There’s no way I could lose, right? 

Yohan: No way.

Noah: I’m gonna win and we’ll all go to Clearwater High-

Yohan: Together. For sure.

Liana: “Calming-down-ritual”?

Lei: Oh yeah, before each match, stinky goes and cries a little bit in Yohan’s arms-

Noah: I’m not crying! I’m just- Absorbing his energy, uh- Because he’s really smart and calm.

Lei: Yes, yes, yes, come here. I’m gonna help you hide your eyes, sweetie.

Noah:[rolls eyes] Ugh, your energy is so ugly, man. Just like your face-

Lei: Hey! First of all, I’m really extremely perfectly pretty-

Joey: [clears throat] I think she’s really pretty, captain

Noah:[laughs]Look at him go, wow

Lei: As he should lol. Thank you Joey

Joey: I’m j-just sayin’, uh, anyways, captain? We have to go.

Noah: Right.

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