
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you awesome people who are seeing this now !! Enjoy your w

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you awesome people who are seeing this now !! Enjoy your weekend and stay safe okay!



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Under our skin, we all look the same. (Why I painted Immortal)

“I am immortal.
At least, my soul.
It walks with me,
then falls away,
like a heavy blanket.
All of this pain
is fleeting.”

The day I painted “Immortal” I was studying religion. I remembered an experience that cemented my faith at only 8 years old. My parents took us to church every Sunday. It was non negotiable. I was just told I was too old to remain in Sunday School class. On this day my Mother and Father instructed me to attend the main services with them.

I was not excited by this prospect. The priest, in the Episcopalian church my parents attended at that time, was a fire and brimstone type of preacher. I was repulsed by him, at the time I didn’t fully understand why.

My father was loved by so many people. He was kind, and had many friends from countries all over the world. India, Africa, Europe, Russia, Native Americans, Polynesians - He taught me the core belief that we are all the same color under our skin. He wrote and composed music for Up With People, which sang about love, equality and was even mocked in an episode of South Park with flying daisies and bald cult followers. That was funny

I had inherited my parents respect for people of all nationalities. On this day we went to church the topic was “Eternal damnation in hell; if you do not accept Jesus as your Lord, and savior.” I had never heard anyone speak so freely about the spiritual eternity of billions of people. I was instantly offended, and embarrassed my parents by talking back during the sermon.

Mostly I remembered thinking “Why were my parents listening to this horrible man condemn virtually all of their global friends, and native American friends to hell?!” I was so angry, I announced, in church, that we do not (sic) live in a universe that would exclude it’s cherished souls to hell just because they didn’t agree with another persons opinions. However, because I was eight, I probably just said “You suck!” I was definitely thinking it though.

My father said, it is in the Bible. I felt the Bible may be the word of God, but it was edited by man. Men have agenda’s. He was incensed, I finally explained to Dad how I couldn’t bear all of his friends burning in hell. I also knew that was not true.

I spent my life learning, reading, fascinated by the paranormal, and ancient texts. I read the Bhagavad Gita, in Sanskrit. I read the writings of Zacharia Sitchin, and ancient Sumerian text interpretations. I knew, in my heart, there was a “source” that connected all of us.

My faith was compassion. My practice was empathy.

The day I painted “Immortal” I thought about life after prison. I thought of being in a place where there was love, trust and acceptance. I knew there was no justice with man, but there is justice in karma, even if it happens in the next life.

The poem takes about our “avatar”, this body, and that our soul is immortal. I absolutely love this piece - it is my souls journey to love, freedom, and truth - no matter what fire & brimstone preachers may say.
