

queensarttober #4: magical girl

I first doodled this character in my high school AP stats class. She was meant to be a parody of sailor moon but I’ve grown very attached to her

Happy Halloween! Here is this year’s card that gets sent out to friends and family - and it actually does work!

Artober day 29 - a tiny cemetery

day 26, prompt “aghast” aka i am aghast that i’m posting this a day late

WELL. it just so happens that i drew a thing as well today thinking about u @findingschmomo

day 25, Flufftober prompt cuddling & snuggling

forgot to post it oTL

day 24, crocodile

day 23, Plantober prompt “air plant”

companion piece to my witchsona art i guess?

day 22, Catober prompt “meow”

this cat yelled at me in the street, but then went back inside. Maybe it was complaining about the wind

day 21, “Stitches”

not very good stitching work but oh well

day 20, Angeltober prompt “Lamassu”


day 19, Witchtober, prompt “Pentagram”. A certain @findingschmomo as a yarn witch working her magic~
