#things ive learned


I invite you to turn off most social media whenever you are going through periods in your life that require plenty of focus and where comparison with the perceived lives of others might make you stressed out.

Instead, try creating vision boards that are specific to the particular outcome you have envisioned for the next chapter in your life, and once you’ve accomplished it create one for the next chapter and so on. Have vision boards that are specific and realistic to you for a particular time period.

Get all the practical information you can to build habits and action plans to better build yourself to be the person that aligns with the reality you are trying to manifest, and ignore the chatter of the outside world.

Once your desired reality begins to unfold then you can increase the amount of social media content you’d like because you won’t be lacking anything meaningful to you in your life and comparison with others will be minimal.

It truly does not matter how many boundaries you claim to have if you are not willing to enforce them. Boundaries require momentary discomfort and unavoidable confrontation, you can’t show others the limits you possess if they are not exposed to your non-negotiables and the things you will not tolerate in tangible ways.

You must become comfortable with having difficult conversations, leaving people and places behind, and asking challenging questions in scenarios where you may be disrespected/being laughed at. Be willing to ignore and keep yourself from things that may appear pleasurable at the moment but that go against the standards and goals you have set for yourself (i.e. drinking alcohol or breaking your celibacy).

Boundaries are more than just words, when used correctly they become an intrinsic part of the lifestyle of individuals committed to only entertaining those things which are in alignment with the values, standards, and life path they have set for themselves.

See yourself as an agent of excellence, as a physical representation of all that is good. Have solid morals, be of great intellect, only speak and engage in conversations that can provide value, otherwise just listen and don’t over extend yourself to people and spaces that are not worth of your time and energy.

You have the power to create a persona that stands out from the rest by virtue of your actions. Be an asset to the life of others and your own life will flourish as a result. See yourself as valuable and your self-concept will dramatically improve. Carry yourself with grace and class and your habits and self esteem will speak for you.

I no longer look down on myself for going through moments of mental instability/breakdown. I’ve come to learn that I am only human, I can only take so much pressure before I break, regardless of how much strength I might’ve been forced to attained through out my life, in the end I can only take so much. That my feelings are valid in their entire form. That it doesn’t make me weak to allow my body and mind to express themselves throughout the full spectrum of emotions we have been wired to have.

It is ok to cry, to feel demotivated, to allow yourself to be in full awareness of negative emotions. By doing this we can release all stress and proceed to refocus our minds into solutions and more positive outlooks. You are not a robot, remember that.

Not everything needs an opinion. It’s ok to be quiet and indifferent. People who speak more than necessary showcase weakness and lack of self control.

Stop putting on a pedestal the opinions and negative feedback of miserable, mediocre people. You go through life so concerned about what others think of you because you’ve elevated people in your mind to places they don’t deserve to be elevated to.

As David Goggins puts it, you could walk on water tomorrow and there will always be a miserable hater telling you the only reason you’re walking on water is because you can’t swim. So don’t take the feedback of people who are not on your level, nor the level you’re trying to achieve in life, seriously. Be selective with who you choose to listen to because that input will eventually translate to mental conditioning.

Confidence has nothing to do with your ability of being liked by others; it has everything to do with your ability to be unfazed if they don’t.

Toxic music can stunt your spiritual and personal growth. The music we listen to has a direct impact on the way our subconscious mind gets wired. It can control our mood, outlook in life, wants, among other things.

Be mindful of the kind of music you allow yourself to listen to, lyrics that may seem harmless on the surface but that glorify lifestyles and ways of life contrary to the reality you are aiming to create can keep you in a loop of despair and from advancing towards your goals.

Make sure that the music you expose yourself to truly inspires you, puts you in a positive state of mind, and edifices you in some way. Limit your consumption of less insightful music and restrict it only for specific and spread apart moments in time. You will eventually begin to see how your outlook in life changes for the better.

Things I Have Learnt (part 4 or 5)

kindness literally costs nothing

as long as you’re trying, you have something to be proud of

being stuck in the past can hold you back in the future

the right attitude can make any challenge seem easy

some people don’t deserve your time

a good nights sleep can make all the difference
