#ask prompts

  • “Keep your head down!” 
  • “Jeez, what are you, my parent?” 
  • “I can prove to you that I’m ready for a mission!” 
  • “Can you teach me? Please?” 
  • “Why would I take a scruffy troublemaker like you in under my wing?” 
  • “Stop using your powers so brazenly!” 
  • “Are you alright?!” 
  • “I am NOT wearing that!” 
  • “Can you /please/ change your color scheme?” 
  • “Sorry but __ was already taken.” 
  • “You did good out there.” 
  • “Nice job! Couldn’t have done a better job myself.” 
  • “Woah, where’s the fire?” 
  • “What’s your /real/ name?” 
  • “Not going to lie, kid, but you wouldn’t last five seconds fighting bad guys on your own.” 
  • “Who let an asshole be a superhero anyway?” 
  • “You stole my ___ and went out on your own, didn’t you?!” 
  • “I told you I could do it!” 
  • “You have to watch for civilians while I’m engaging the enemy, alright?” 
  • “What’s your capture count right now?” 
  • “Superhero, more like superjerk.” 
  • “That’s so cool!!” 
  • “Hey, aren’t you __?” 
  • “I haven’t seen a hero like you before.” 
  • “Aw, you think you can go out and play hero with the big league. Cute.” 
  • “Sit still, I’m trying to patch you up!” 
  • “You’re a fool if you think you can go in without help!” 
  • “Let me help!” 
  • “Are you okay?”
  • “Haven’t seen that before.” 
  • “…Did I kick your ass last week…?” 
  • ✨+ Add your own!
  • “Don’t I know you from somewhere?” 
  • “I’m sorry, but do you know __?” 
  • “Aren’t you __?” 
  • “Didn’t we work together before?” 
  • “I’m sorry, but I don’t know you.” 
  • “I think you’re mistaking me for someone else.” 
  • “Oh, I’m so sorry! I thought you were someone else!” 
  • “Didn’t you work at __ before?” 
  • “You look awfully familiar…” 
  • “We used to be neighbors, remember?” 
  • “I used to see you walk by my house every morning.” 
  • “You’re new around these parts, aren’t you?” 
  • “You’re related to __, right?” 
  • “Don’t you have a sister/brother?” 
  • “Oh, you were /that/ kid!” 
  • “I /thought/ I recognized you!” 
  • “You look like __.” 
  • “Weren’t you in here last week?” 
  • “You were in my __ in school, weren’t you?” 
  • “I don’t think you have the right person.” 
  • “Have we met?” 
  • “Weren’t you at the party last weekend…?” 
  • “Ooh, you’re ___!” 
  • “I recognize your ugly mug anywhere.” 
  • “Didn’t you rob me behind the shops before?” 
  • + add your own!
  • “Hi, um, I’m ___? We’ve been chatting online…?” 
  • “You seem oddly familiar… have we met before?” 
  • “If you don’t start talking I am going to start breaking your fingers one by one until you do.” 
  • “Oh god, please, wake up!” 
  • “How did you get in here?!” 
  • “Ow… my head…” 
  • “That looked like a rough landing.” 
  • “Ouch, that had to hurt.” 
  • “FUCK!” 
  • “My dear, even the stars cannot outshine you.” 
  • “You are like the wind- I feel you brush against me, but I fear as soon as I reach out to touch back, you will slip away between my fingers.” 
  • “Are you alright?” 
  • “Does it look like I’m alright?!”
  • “Stop moving! I’m trying to help!” 
  • “You’re cute for an asshole. A pity.” 
  • “Stay still- you’ll only bleed more.”
  • “What… what happened to you?” 
  • “You’re not the person I remember.” 
  • “I’m not the person you remember, nor will I ever return to being that person.” 
  • “Care for a dance?” 
  • “You’re going to bleed out at this rate.” 
  • “I love you, alright?!” 
  • “I have waited this long for you- I will wait for you for longer still.” 
  • “I’m going to kill you, nice and painful.” 
  • “Careful- you’re trying my patience. You wouldn’t like me angry, now, would you?” 
  • “I can’t wait for you any longer! I’m done!” 
  • “Hey, can I have your number?” 
  • “You seem awfully lonely.”
  • “You never deserved friends.” 
  • “No wonder they left you- you can’t even keep yourself together, let alone a relationship.” 
  • “I care for you, possibly more than I should.” 
  • “I shouldn’t have ever met you!” 
  • “Please… don’t forget me too…” 
  • “I never forget a face… nor do I ever forgive a transgressor.” 
  • “I’ve stumbled in and out of love so much that I am bruised and numb to the heartache.” 
  • “I think you’ve had enough to drink for one night…” 
  • :0+ add your own!

Write a corny poem, an honest love letter, reasons why they should date yours, send them candy, anything at all! On or off anon!

A single word, a memory, a piece of the past that you’d like to see in greater detail, a scene between two muses. Let me write and worldbuild, pry into my character’s inner workings. 

  • “You grew all this?” 
  • “That’s a big pumpkin!”
  • “Woah, it’s so pretty!”
  • “This took me ages.” 
  • “It may look like useless lumps of dirt now, but soon it’ll be magnificent.” 
  • “So you’re the one who keeps leaving dozens of zucchini at my doorstep!” 
  • “Hey! Get out of my grapes!” 
  • “It doesn’t look too impressive.” 
  • “Are you sure you’re growing vegetables and not just grass?” 
  • “Um, you do realize that’s not just a weed right?” 
  • “I’ve been watching it grow every day when I walk by.” 
  • “Come on, this place won’t weed itself.” 
  • “You did such a good job growing all this!”
  • “I’m sorry! Your squash just… looked so good!” 
  • “You know those flowers are on private property, right?” 
  • “You damned crows! Get out of my garden!” 
  • “The stupid squirrels stole all my tomatoes!”
  • “I tried! I tried so hard! But I don’t know why nothing is growing!” 
  • “It’s alright- gardening is all about trial and error.” 
  • “Wow, this place hasn’t seen a pair of shears in years.” 
  • “This used to be an orchard, but now it’s just a forest of fruit trees.” 
  • “This is where you spend all your time?” 
  • “Maybe I wasn’t cut out for this…” 
  • “Well, a one out of five is still better than zero out of five.” 
  • “Do you need any help?” 
  • “Can you help me pick these?” 
  • “Are you sure this is a garden and not a graveyard for seeds?” 
  • “Look at what I grew!” 
  • “I have so many flowers- a few missing wouldn’t hurt.” 
  • “That’s a lot of __ you have there.” 
  • + add your own!

Advice about their relationships, about a particular person, about their habits or actions thus far- good or bad, anything goes!


basically i was looking over the protective prompts and the hero prompts and it hit me that like. the unbridled angst and vibes of the whole “post-battle” scene, or a scene set after an attack or a disaster or smth, needs to be ADDRESSED!!! and so y’all get the full weight of my angst today, sprinkled with a lot of teamwork and selfless and sacrificing vibes. i hope you enjoy! do NOT add further contributions to this list!!! i will curse your potato crops!!!


  • “ can you hear me? hey… [NAME], can you hear my voice? “
  • “ come on… wake up. please… please wake up… “
  • “ oh! oh, thank god! i thought we lost you… “
  • “ hey, hey… look at me, okay? you gotta get up now. you think you might be able to walk? ‘cause they sent for back-up, and if they find us… we cannot let them find us. understand? “
  • “ go, go! save yourself! i’ll buy you some time! “
  • “ we both know i’m not walking out of this one. it’s okay, alright? it’s okay… just… do me a favor, will you? will you make them pay for this? i don’t care how. but… don’t let them get away with it. “
  • “ hey, how badly are you hurt? can you move? you think you can walk? “
  • “ if you can’t walk, i’m gonna have to carry you, alright? we can’t stay here. “
  • “ hey, look at me. i’m slowing you down, we both know it. it’s okay. i’ll hide and wait for back-up; you get yourself out of here. “
  • “ you’re gonna need to climb up on my back, you’re slowing us down with that injury. “
  • “ will you quit talking like that?! i’m not leaving you behind! “
  • “ what the hell are you doing here?! i told you to get out of here! “
  • “ you’re shivering… hey. hey, listen to me, okay? everything’s gonna be alright, i promise. here… take my jacket. don’t worry, i’m warm-blooded. “
  • “ i’ll get blood on your shirt… “
  • “ hey, don’t you dare close your eyes, you hear me? you die in my arms, and i’m gonna stick the dry-cleaning bill for this shirt in your coffin, that’s a promise! “
  • “ i know we almost died just now, but… am i the only one who’s hungry? “
  • “ we need to get you to a hospital… “
  • “ hey, come on now… you’re okay. you’re good, right? “
  • “ i must be hurt pretty bad if you’re being this nice to me. “
  • “ quit playing the martyr. we’re not leaving you behind. “
  • “ you know, i hate to be the negative voice, but… did… did we just lose? “
  • “ look at me… i’m not gonna make it. it’s okay, i’m fine with that. but… you can’t stay here. you’ve got a good long life ahead of you. and you’re smart, too; too smart to wait around here and waste that long life. so you get out of here, and you go live that life. live it for both of us. will you promise me you’ll do that? “
  • “ back-up isn’t coming. is it? we’re on our own, right? “
  • “ can’t sleep, huh? it’s okay. it’s probably all that adrenaline and shock; i can’t sleep, either. wanna keep each other company? “
  • “ i don’t give two shits about the back-up; i’m just happy you’re alive. “


as always, add a “+ REVERSE” to switch the roles!

  • [ CARRY ]:     having found the receiver in an injured/weak/unconscious state, the sender carries them in their arms to safety.
  • [ TILT ]:     the sender gently tilts the receiver’s chin up so that they can check to see if they’re okay.
  • [ PULL ]:     sender takes the fallen receiver’s hands and carefully pulls them up so that they’re standing once more.
  • [ WAIST ]:     sender, while physically supporting and steadying the receiver, loops an arm around their waist for extra support.
  • [ BACK ]:     sender crouches down slightly to let the wounded receiver climb on their back, giving them a piggy-back ride to safety afterwards.
  • [ HAIR ]:     while in the process of checking the receiver for injuries or other signs of harm, the sender gently brushes several strands of hair from their eyes.
  • [ TEND ]:     sender begins to care for the receiver’s injuries.
  • [ LEAN ]:     the wounded sender leans against the receiver for physical support.
  • [ SUPPORT ]:     the sender encourages the wounded receiver to lean against them for physical support.
  • [ PUSH ]:     the sender gently pushes the receiver back to lie down so they can check them properly for injuries.
  • [ COAT ]:     sender removes their jacket and drapes it around the shoulders of the trembling receiver.
  • [ BLANKET ]:     just as they’re all about to go to sleep, the sender covers the receiver with their own blanket.
  • [ AWAKE ]:     the sender, unable to sleep, gets up to go for a walk, and finds that the receiver is also unable to sleep.
  • [ TOGETHER ]:     when the receiver awakens, they discover that the sender has been sleeping next to them, arms wrapped around one another for warmth, comfort, protection ( or something more…)
  • [ BANDAGE ]:     the sender sits down across from the receiver and begins to bandage their wounds.
  • [ DRAG ]:     unable to leave them behind, the sender drags the wounded receiver out of danger and into a safe hiding place for both of them to wait until help arrives.
  • [ TOUCH ]:     the sender nudges or touches the receiver to check and see if they’re alright after the attack.
  • [ CLEAN ]:     the sender gently and carefully begins to bathe the blood/soot/ash/dirt from the receiver’s skin during a moment of calm.
  • [ PRIORITY ]:     when they arrive at a designated safe place, the sender refuses to be examined or cared for until the receiver is taken care of first.
  • [ PROMISE ]:     before leaving to get help/food/water/a rescue mission etc, the sender assures and promises the receiver that they’ll return safely, refusing to bring them along or to stay behind.
  • [ BROKEN ]:     after having promised the receiver that they’d return, it’s learned that the sender died during their mission. how does the receiver respond?
  • [ TRAPPED ]:     after having promised the receiver that they’d return from a mission, the receiver learns that the sender has been kidnapped or otherwise trapped, requiring a rescue mission to bring them home.
  • [ RESCUE ]:     the sender and receiver reunite after the sender embarked upon an infamously perilous rescue mission to save the receiver.
  • [ FOUND ]:     after a massive rescue mission to try and find the missing receiver, the sender is the first to find them just as the efforts are about to be abandoned.
  • [ HOPE ]:     just as the receiver is about to lose hope in ever finding the sender again, a message or clue of some kind is discovered that essentially guarantees that the sender is still alive, restoring the receiver’s hope once more.
  • [ CLING ]:     having finally been reunited, the sender pulls the receiver into a tight, overwhelmingly relieved embrace, clinging to them and burying their face in their shoulder. the whole deal. make it EMOTIONAL–
  • [ TEARS ]:     having finally found the receiver, or having finally been found by the receiver, the sender breaks down in tears of relief, fear, and many other emotions as they officially reunite.
  • [ SACRIFICE ]:     knowing that the circumstances only allow one of them to survive, the sender sacrifices their life in order to guarantee the receiver’s survival and safety.

Here’s a list of asks guaranteed to bring on a blush. Send some in!

Numbers range from 1-22

  1. What was the worst wardrobe malfunction you ever suffered?
  2. If you had to have a threesome, who would it be with?
  3. After a drunk night out, who would you be most mortified to wake up in bed with?
  4. If you had to streak someplace public, where would you choose? 
  5. If you could redo losing your virginity, what would you change? 
  6. How big are you? You know what I mean. 
  7. Do you pee in the ocean at the beach? 
  8. What’s a sex position you would never ever do no matter what and why?
  9. What’s a sex position you’d like to try but probably won’t?
  10. What sex position is your favorite and why? 
  11. How high is your alcohol tolerance?
  12. What kind of drunk are you?
  13. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while under the influence?
  14. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while sober? 
  15. If you slept with someone purely for looks who would it be? 
  16. What’s the dirtiest daydream you’ve ever had in public? 
  17. What’s something that would get you so flustered you wouldn’t even be able to speak? 
  18. What’s your worst “had to go to the bathroom” story? 
  19. If you had to be in a porno what would the title and plot line be? 
  20. What’s the dumbest mistake you made in childhood?
  21. What’s was “the birds and the bees” talk like for you?
  22. When you were little did you ever mistake the meaning of a word and use it wrong in an embarrassing way?

*be careful not to accidentally send any questions to a meme archive that is hosting this meme (such as this one)
