

Here’s a list of asks guaranteed to bring on a blush. Send some in!

Numbers range from 1-22

  1. What was the worst wardrobe malfunction you ever suffered?
  2. If you had to have a threesome, who would it be with?
  3. After a drunk night out, who would you be most mortified to wake up in bed with?
  4. If you had to streak someplace public, where would you choose? 
  5. If you could redo losing your virginity, what would you change? 
  6. How big are you? You know what I mean. 
  7. Do you pee in the ocean at the beach? 
  8. What’s a sex position you would never ever do no matter what and why?
  9. What’s a sex position you’d like to try but probably won’t?
  10. What sex position is your favorite and why? 
  11. How high is your alcohol tolerance?
  12. What kind of drunk are you?
  13. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done while under the influence?
  14. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve done while sober? 
  15. If you slept with someone purely for looks who would it be? 
  16. What’s the dirtiest daydream you’ve ever had in public? 
  17. What’s something that would get you so flustered you wouldn’t even be able to speak? 
  18. What’s your worst “had to go to the bathroom” story? 
  19. If you had to be in a porno what would the title and plot line be? 
  20. What’s the dumbest mistake you made in childhood?
  21. What’s was “the birds and the bees” talk like for you?
  22. When you were little did you ever mistake the meaning of a word and use it wrong in an embarrassing way?

*be careful not to accidentally send any questions to a meme archive that is hosting this meme (such as this one)

Let’s see what happens…

Use the prompt(s) coinciding with each letter to construct a short fic (or RP starter). Try to use all the letters given to you by the word submitted.

A: Winter.
B: Relations. Friends, family, lovers, enemies?
C: Footsteps.
D: Darkness.
E: Raw emotion. Passion, fluff, angst…
F: Argument. A fight.
G: Truth
H: Heartbreak. Sadness. Despair.
I: Whispers.
J: Night.
K: Good fortune.
L: Light(s).
M: Morality.
N: A mystery.
O: Secrets.
P: Loneliness.
Q: Silence. Quiet.
R: Mail -or- A letter.
S: A kiss.
T: An argument.
U: Promises. Vows. Oaths.
V: Mornings.
W: Time.
X: Clothes. Wardrobe. Apparel.
Y: Questions.
Z: Loss.

1. My character summons a demon and your character attempts to send it back from whence it came.

2. Your character summons a demon and my character attempts to send it back from whence it came.

3. One of the characters is being followed by something they can see but nobody else can.

4. One of the characters is being followed by something everyone else can see but they can’t.

5. One of the characters intends to enact grizzly human sacrifice on another.

6. One of the characters honestly believes they are a vampire/werewolf/supernatural being in a world where those don’t exist. How do they act, or try to convince others?

7. Conversely, a vampire/werewolf/supernatural being character in a world where this is normal keeps insisting that they are human. How do they act, and how do others act towards them?

8. A character’s house is being haunted, but they vehemently deny it and give everything a scientific explanation.

9. A character’s house is not haunted, but the character keeps on insisting that it is.

10. Your muse is suspicious of my muse, believing them to be an evil spirit.

11. My muse is suspicious of your muse, believing them to be an evil spirit.

12. Your character is suddenly acutely aware of those around them acting strangely, and my character is the only one who is acting normally.

13. My character is acutely aware of those around them acting strangely, and your character is the only one acting normally.

1. Your muse wakes to mine sharpening a knife

2. My muse wakes to your muse sharpening a knife

3. Your muse throws a punch at mine

4. My muse throws a punch at yours

5. My muse waits in the dark for your muse with a gun

6. Your muse waits in the dark for mine with a gun

7. My muse garrottes yours with wire

8. Your muse garrottes mine with wire

9. Your muse injects mine with a mysterious substance

10. My muse injects yours with a mysterious substance

11. Your muse discovers mine has rope, duct tape, tarpaulin, and industrial quantities of bleach

12. My muse discovers yours has rope, duct tape, tarpaulin, and industrial quantities of bleach

13. My muse discovers what appear to be human teeth while around your muse

14. Your muse discovers what appear to be human teeth while around my muse

Send me a ♊ for a side to my muse which is not often seen.

(Made by bourbon-the-huckster/fiveinthezone!)

Send me ♫ and I will give you two songs they like!

☼ - Lost in the desert AU

✍ - Journalist AU

☠ - Ghost hunter AU

✞ - Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse AU

✈ - Pilot AU (civilian or Air Force)

- Explorer AU

- Band AU

☤ - Hospital/doctor AU

- Mythological creature AU

- Cop buddy or criminal AU

- College/university AU

❗ - Fandom AU (asker chooses which fandom)

Using lyrics, the ideas in the song, the mood conveyed by the song, etc.

Send me a number, and I’ll answer the question.

1. What is your muse’s favourite animal?

2. Does your muse have a pet?

3. Have they ever had a pet?

4. What do they think of arthropods as pets?

5. Is there a particular animal you associate with your muse? Why?

6. If they could turn into any animal, what would it be?

7. If they could have any animal as a pet, what would they choose?

8. What mythical or made up creature would they choose as a pet or companion?

9. What do they think of zoos?

10. Would they ever go on safari? Which animals would they be excited to see?

11. Has your muse been horseriding?

12. Tell a funny story involving your muse and animal(s).

13. Tell a sad story involving your muse and animal(s).

14. What does your muse think about eating meat?

15. Has your muse ever been hunting? For trophies, or for meat?

16. What is your muse’s favourite bird?

17. How about their favourite reptile?

18. Their favourite bug/creepy crawlie?

19. Their favourite animal which lives in the sea/in water?

20. Which extinct animal would they bring back from the grave if they could?

21. Have your muse draw or write about an animal from this random animal generator: https://www.randomlists.com/random-animals

Once again made by bourbon-the-huckster.

Jacob: How is your relationship with your father?

Miranda Lawson: Did your parents ever try to control you?

Thane: How would you deal with being diagnosed with a terminal illness?

Grunt: What’s the biggest life decision you’ve ever had to make?

Samara: Which do you value more - justice or mercy?

Morinth: Have you ever felt overshadowed by a family member?

Mordin: Are you a chatterbox?

Garrus: Ever had any life-threatening injuries?

Kasumi: Would you ever consider stealing for profit?

Zaeed: How far would you go to get revenge?

Legion: Do people ever tell you that you’re emotionless?

Jack: Are you prone to fits of violent rage?

Tali: Have you ever been accused of a crime you didn’t commit?

Made by the great bourbon-the-huckster!

Mercury: How well can you deal with heat/hot weather?

Venus: Do you get on well with people in general?

Earth: Would you say you have a nurturing side to your personality?

Mars: Do people rush to get to know you better?

Jupiter: Do you like to surround yourself with as many people as possible?

Saturn: Do you wear/own a lot of jewellery?

Uranus: Are you a fan of innuendos/dirty jokes?

Neptune: Are you predictable?

Pluto: Do you often feel left out?

These are all based around the Metro series of games and books. I generally used a mixture of the characters from both types of media.

Artyom - Do you try to do what is right, or what will make others happy?

Melnik - Once you start a task do you always fight to finish it, or are you easily put off?

Khan - Do you hold any beliefs others find strange?

Bourbon - What is your favourite alcoholic drink? If you don’t drink, has anybody described you as scary before?

Ulman - What is something which never fails to make you laugh?

Pavel - Do you love to talk? Do you give nicknames to other people?

Hunter - When you’re angry, do you stay cool or do you lose it?

Sasha - Have you ever fallen so desperately in love with someone that it has left you confused and upset?

Homer - When you’re frightened, do you persevere or back away?

Leonid - Do you disagree with what your parents think politically?

Vladimir - Are you any good at fixing things?

Anna - Were you ever wrong about someone? Did you apologise for it? Why, or why not?

Korbut - Have you ever manipulated or tricked someone?

Lesnitsky - If the opportunity came up for you to spy on your home country in exchange for rank or money, would you take it?

The Little Dark One - Are you forgiving?

Sukhoi - Would you ever adopt?

Ace - Are you a leader or a follower?

Oleg - Were you a pest as a child?

Anton - Have you ever done something great but did the victory feel hollow?

Ten - Have you ever broken a bone?

Daniel - What books do you like?

Andrew the Blacksmith - Would you risk your life to help someone who was being persecuted?

Comrade Commissar Rusakov - Can you be condescending towards others when they don’t understand your belief system?

If you don’t want to use these as dialogue prompts, you could always just use them as a starting place. I didn’t do one for every song on the album/in the film, because it was getting a bit unwieldy.

“Isn’t this where we came in?”

“Tell me is something eluding you, sunshine, is this not what you expected to see?”

“You’ll just have to claw your way through this disguise.”

“You’ll sink out of your depth and out of your mind.”

“Pouring their derision on everything we did, exposing every weakness however carefully hidden.”

“We don’t need no thought control.”

“Did you see the frightened ones? Did you hear the falling bombs?”

“Do you think they’ll drop the bomb?”

“She won’t let you fly, but she might let you sing.”

“That’s how the high command took my daddy from me.”

“They were all left behind, most of them dead, the rest of them dying.”

“I am just a new boy, a stranger in this town.”

“Ooh, babe, set me free.”

“Oh my god, what a fabulous room!”

“I have grown older, and you have grown colder, and nothing seems very much fun any more.”

“Don’t look so frightened, this is just a passing phase, one of my bad days.”

“Why are you running away?”

“I don’t need no drugs to calm me!”

“There’s nothing you can say to make me change my mind. Goodbye.”

“Don’t give in without a fight.”

“Don’t leave the children on their own, no, no.”

“There is no pain, you are receeding - a distant ship smoke on the horizon.”

“I can’t explain, you would not understand, this is just how I am.”

“If I had my way, I’d have all of you shot!”

“You better run!”

“The prisoner who now stands before you was caught red-handed showing feelings!”

“Crazy, over the rainbow, I am crazy.”

“You little shit, you’re in it now.”

“And when they’ve given you their all, some stagger and fault - after all, it’s not easy.”

These are all from poems from William Blake’s Songs of Innocence and Experience. You could use these as a starting point, or as dialogue, or you could ‘modernise’ them, perhaps.

In what deeps or skies burnt the fire of thine eyes?

Like a fiend hid in a cloud.

Thou dost smile, I sing the while.

Marks of weakness, marks of woe.

And the hapless soldier’s sigh runs in blood down palace walls.

Binding with briars my joys and desires.

What the hammer, what the chain, what the furnace was thy brain?

I love to rise on a summer’s morn.

His dark secret love does thy life destroy.

The gates of that chapel were shut, and 'thou shalt not’ writ over the door.

Under a cruel eye outworn.

I saw it was filled with graves, and tombstones where flowers should be.

Dost thou know who made thee?

Seated in companies they sit, with radiance all their own.

Is that trembling cry a song?

And their sun does never shine.

Over the valleys deep while the deserts weep.

Guarded by an angel mild.

Cruelty has a human heart.

How can the bird that is born for joy sit in the cage and sing?

They stumble all night over bones of the dead.

Furiosa - Have you succeeded in the face of great difficulty/animosity?

Max - Have you ever intentionally isolated yourself? Why/why not?

Nux - Have you tried time and time again at something only to fail and come across something better?

Slit - Are you known as particularly violent?

Immortan Joe - Are you possessive?

Angharad - Do you stand up for other people?

Capable - Have you fallen for someone you might not have suspected you would?

The Dag - Have you ever felt violated?

Toast - Do you knuckle down and get on with things?

Cheedo - Are you easily put off of things? Why/why not?

The Keeper of the Seeds - Are you responsible?

Miss Giddy - Did you enjoy school? Why/why not?

The Organic Mechanic - Do you believe in being cruel to be kind?

Ace - Are you incredibly good at something through sustained effort?

Morsov - Have you ever done something ridiculously dangerous?

Rictus - Can you be surprisingly gentle/surprisingly rough at times?

I’ll give three things I associate with my muse or your muse that start with it.

Send a breed of dog and I’ll answer the question!


Basenji - Do you make any odd sounds?

Greyhound - Can you run fast?

Afghan Hound - Do you have gorgeous hair?

English Bull Terrier - Would you say you have a distinctive nose?

Kangal - Are you naturally protective and independent?

Lundehund - Do you have any strange anatomical quirks?

English Bulldog - Do you have any respiratory troubles?

Basset Hound - Do you have a good sense of smell?

Corgi - Do you have any connections to the aristocracy?

Karelian Beardog - Would you face a much larger foe?

Coonhound - What would you do if you were chasing someone and they climbed a tree?

American Eskimo Dog - Do you have a party trick?

Pitbull - Do people think you’re scarier than you really are?

Rhodesian Ridgeback - What do you think of lions?

Welsh Terrier - Are you stubborn?

Newfoundland - Do you like to swim?

Golden Retriever - Are you a family person?

Alsatian/German Shepherd Dog - Have you ever changed your name?

Border Collie - Would you say you’re academically smart or street smart?

Mutt - Are you a healthy person?

Husky - Do you need to lead an active lifestyle?

Poodle - Do people underestimate you?

Caucasian Ovcharka - Do you have a reputation? Is it deserved?

Boxer - Do you not know your own strength?

“Why did you push me away?”

“Maybe you should seek therapy.”

“If you don’t touch people, what would you do if you were dying and someone had to resuscitate you?”

“Can’t you give me a hug just this once? We’re meant to be family!”

“I’m not coming onto you or anything, don’t be dramatic.”

“You should be over this by now.”

“It’s okay, you don’t need to feel obliged to touch if it makes you uncomfortable.”

“Ah! It felt like it burned when I touched you!” (for powers which make touch difficult)

“Tell me why you think I’m obligated to hug you?”

“This is really awkward, but I don’t want to cuddle or anything. It’s not me being cold or anything…”

“This isn’t normal.”

“I hate being this way, but I can’t help it, so shut up about it!”

“I’m not abnormal, and you need to get over it.”

“Get the fuck off of me!”

“Hey! Keep away from them, they don’t like it.”

“You really hurt their feelings when you refused to hug. You should apologise.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you. Uh… I don’t shake hands. It’s personal, I’m sorry.”

“My reasons are my own and I don’t have to explain myself.”

Send one of the book titles and the other person will answer the corresponding question!

Misery - Would you ever take advantage of another person’s pain?

1984 - Would you renounce something you believed in under torture?

Beloved - Have you been haunted by ghosts of your past?

Metro 2033 - Have you persevered with something only to be mistaken?

As I Lay Dying - Has anybody close to you passed away?

Paradise Lost - Do you dislike authority?

Worldwar: In the Balance - Would you consider the enemy of your enemy your friend?

Fatherland - Have you ever uncovered a disturbing secret by probing too much?

The Birthday Party - Do you find surreality frightening?

Wide Sargasso Sea - Have you ever been stuck in a situation you could describe as claustrophobic?

Thud! - Is there an every day duty you feel you must fulfill?

Light - Do you seek simplicity?

Dr Faustus - Are you arrogant?

Swan Song - What would you look like if your appearance reflected your personality?

The Fifth Profession - Are you protective?



❛ What are you doing? ❜
❛ Where are you going? ❜
❛ Where are you taking me? ❜
❛ How is that working out for you? ❜
❛ Is everything okay? ❜
❛ Why are you acting like this? ❜
❛ You think I would lie to you? ❜
❛ Are you telling the truth? ❜
❛ Are you sure you want to do this? ❜
❛ This is your bright idea of a plan? ❜
❛ What else do you want me to do? ❜
❛ What else can I do? ❜
❛ What do you think I should do? ❜
❛ What makes you think that? ❜
❛ Who told you that? ❜
❛ Who are you? ❜
❛ Why are you here? ❜
❛ Who invited you? ❜
❛ How come you ever asked me? ❜
❛ Did you really mean all those things you said? ❜
❛ Why did you have to go? Why did you have to leave? ❜
❛ Why is it so hard for you to see that? ❜
❛ Why don’t you understand? ❜
❛ What don’t you understand? ❜
❛ Are you joking? ❜
❛ Did I miss anything? ❜
❛ You don’t remember? ❜
❛ Did you really say all that stuff about me? ❜
❛ Did you think I would forget? ❜
❛ How can you sit there and say that? ❜
❛ How do you even sleep at night? ❜
❛ Are you coming or not? ❜
❛ Am I the only one freaked out right now? ❜
❛ Are you laughing or crying? ❜
❛ Who did this to you? ❜
❛ Did someone hurt you? ❜
❛ Is it just me or are you, like, ignoring me? ❜
❛ You want me to apologize for something you did? ❜
❛ Are you going to kiss me or not? ❜
❛ Aren’t you the one who said it though? ❜
❛ So, you don’t like me like that? ❜
❛ Where do we go from here? ❜
❛ Are you being serious right now? ❜
❛ How was I supposed to know that? ❜
❛ Oh, is that a challenge? ❜
❛ Are you flirting with me? ❜
❛ Are you going to let me go now? ❜
❛ Are we done now? ❜
❛ Why didn’t just ask me? ❜
❛ You’re going to believe them over me? ❜
❛ How can possibly think that? ❜
❛ Did you even miss me? ❜
❛ Did anyone even notice that I was gone? ❜
❛ Why do you go around and kiss everyone? ❜
❛ Did you kill them? ❜
❛ Who’s blood is that? Is that your blood? ❜
❛ Do you think this is a game? ❜
❛ Are you having doubts? ❜
❛ Why haven’t you been at school/work? ❜
❛ Is there something going on that you need to tell me? ❜
❛ You said you wanted to talk? ❜
❛ What am I supposed to do? ❜
❛ What did you expect to happen? ❜
❛ How long you think you can keep this act up? ❜
❛ You don’t like me? Do you? Like in a more than a friend way? ❜
❛ Is that what everyone is saying now? ❜
❛ Who do I remind you of? ❜
❛ Are you hungry? Want to go get something to et? ❜
❛ Are you drunk? ❜
❛ Are you lost? ❜
❛ What’s so great about any of that anyway? ❜
❛ Are you even listening to yourself? ❜
❛ What are you going to do about it, huh? ❜
❛ What are you staring at? ❜
❛ What are you doing out here? ❜
❛ Why did you call the police? ❜
❛ Wait, do you hear that? ❜
❛ Why don’t you tell me anything? ❜
❛ Hey, did you get me anything? ❜
❛ Why didn’t you come over last night? ❜
❛ What did you find out? ❜
❛ Can I stay here for the night? ❜
❛ Are you throwing rocks at my window? ❜
❛ Are you crying? ❜
❛ What are you laughing at me? ❜
❛ Are you laughing at me? ❜
❛ Do you not understand the word no? ❜
❛ Is that it? Is that all? ❜
❛ Are you in some kind of trouble? ❜
❛ Yeah, but, you have me. So why bother? ❜
❛ What’s love got to do with it? ❜
❛ This is where we kiss, right? ❜
❛ Do you ever not just only think about yourself? ❜
❛ Are going to leave me again? ❜
❛ What’s wrong with that? ❜
❛ Do you have anything you need to say to me? ❜
❛ I think I’m going to puke. Is there a trash can in here? ❜
❛ You really don’t know why I’m mad at you? ❜
❛ Why do you treat me like I’m not important to you? ❜
❛ Why are you telling me this?
❛ Are you ready? ❜
❛ What’s with all the questions? ❜
❛ I thought this is what you wanted? ❜
❛ Where do you think you’re going with this? ❜
❛ You’re just going to leave? ❜
❛ Do you trust me? ❜
❛ You love me? Or you think you love me? ❜
❛ When will it ever stop? ❜
❛ Do you think it’ll ever go away? ❜
❛ What are you doing this weekend? ❜
❛ You called for back up? ❜
❛ What did I just witness? ❜
❛ How do you cope when the one you love is with somebody else? ❜
❛ Have you ever thought it? ❜
❛ Are you wearing a wire? ❜
❛ Is there something wrong? ❜
❛ Is it something I said or something I did? ❜
❛ What’s wrong? I thought that it was okay? ❜
❛ Are you going to hold that against me forever? ❜
❛ So, tell me, what else is new? ❜
❛ You never actually cared, did you? ❜
❛ You went to a party without me? ❜
❛ Why wasn’t I invited? ❜
❛ Do you think that’s a little fucked up? ❜
❛ Oh, so you do speak? ❜
❛ Do you think it’s really worth it in the end? ❜
❛ How many more times do I have to tell you? ❜
❛ You didn’t think that it would bother me? ❜


c a u g h t       i n         t h e         r a i n       ♥♥

  • ❝ ever kissed in the rain before? ❞
  • ❝ that rain feels good. ❞
  • ❝ no! i hate rain! ❞
  • ❝ are you gonna share your umbrella or are you just gonna stand there? ❞
  • ❝ was that thunder? ❞
  • ❝ lets find some place drier. ❞
  • ❝ come on! let’s dance!! ❞
  • ❝ i did not see that puddle. ❞
  • ❝ look out for the puddle? ❞
  • ❝ it’s raining. awesome. could things get any better? ❞
  • ❝ how can you not like the rain? ❞
  • ❝ how can you like the rain? ❞
  • ❝ i’ve always thought rain is really romantic. ❞
  • ❝ rain is the perfect walking weather! ❞
  • ❝ rain is the perfect hiking weather! ❞
  • ❝ i didn’t realize you were wearing so much makeup. ❞
  • ❝ come get under my umbrella. ❞
  • ❝ something about the rain really makes me want to kiss you. ❞
  • ❝ look! a rainbow! ❞
  • ❝ i love the smell of rain. ❞
  • ❝ we an keep each other warm. ❞
  • ❝ i don’t want to go inside. ❞
  • ❝ can i kiss you? ❞


Vanilla Sunday Meme

For muns who aren’t into explicit sexual content, but don’t mind approaching the topic.
Feel free to cross out any questions you aren’t comfortable with!

  1. Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
  2. Is your muse a deviant? Are they overly flirtatious or forward?
  3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
  4. Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
  5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
  6. Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
  7. Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
  8. Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
  9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
  10. Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
  11. Have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split? 
  12. Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
  13. Where is your muse most sensitive? 
  14. Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship? 
  15. Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
  16. Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
  17. Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
  18. Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner? 
  19. Has your muse reached first/second/third base? Home run? 
  20. Would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
  21. Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
  22. Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
  23. Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
  24. Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
  25. How interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
  26. Do they have sex frequently, occasionally, or rarely?




Yes please

Come at me bru!

Do your worst. I double dare you.
