

Getting my dash under control, so I KO’d anybody who wasn’t following me.

Because I’m lazy I used an ap- so if I unfollow(ed) you and shouldn’t have, send me a message & I’ll add you right back!

♥ Hazel

Answering questions about more diverse fetishes, kinky identity, and shaving your butt~

Anon asked: This is a real classy page. It does kind of cater specifically to only one fetish. Could you please post some men stuffing live prawns up eachothers asses? Or at least one other fetish? Thank you.
Hazel: Butt insertion of bottom feeders is a little outside our scope, even if it is super funny. We do try to vary the fetishes as much as our enjoyment allows, though!
Here’s a short list of the “not just pretty rope” sets:

Anon asked: Is it wrong to follow this account because it turns me on and not to appreciate the art form
Hazel: You can enjoy our photos however you wish!

Anon asked: Hello! Wondering if you have any tips on shaving around the anus area? Also if you have tips on shaving into shapes (strip, triangle, etc) I’d love to hear them!! :-) Thanks in advance!
Hazel: Not my area of expertise, so be warned, I can only tell you my own experience!
So, bum area shaving definitely takes practice. If you feel like you need to see what you’re doing- squat over a mirror. Not super dignified, but it’ll stop you from nicking important bits the first few times. 
After that you should be able to do it by feeling, once you’re used to where the razor usually goes/which angle works.
For shapes- get one of those little half razors. Most drug stores have them, I think they’re marketed for ~bikini area~ and facial hair grooming, but they are awesome for creating art in your pubes.

Anon asked: What do you identify as?
Hazel: Sub, leaning toward brat because I’m so damn mouthy

Hopefully a few things of interest in there! 
♥ Hazel  

@mrjazzypants: I made a big post here about self ties including difficulty level, links to the tutor

@mrjazzypants: I made a big post here about self ties including difficulty level, links to the tutorials, and photo examples, but here’s a quick list:

@anon: To do the Dragonfly Sleeve in the front, tie the knots from step 1-4 down the front like in the Tortoise Shell (step 2-6). But when you loop around to catch either side of the knots, include the arms instead of just going round the torso. Hopefully that makes sense– if you have any trouble let me know and I can do a tutorial! :)

@bonyhands123: I really like Ladders, or anything with a lot of pretty hitches… but recently I’ve been obsessed with the woven look. I definitely go through phases of favourite ties (≧◡≦) ♡

@saeglopur-dave @tankarion @mattwhodat:thank you!

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@anon: i get all my lingerie online. My favourite site is sammydress.com!@forgotn1: thank you! I’m r

@anon: i get all my lingerie online. My favourite site is sammydress.com!

@forgotn1: thank you! I’m really happy with how well it’s done, and it was a lot of fun to shoot~ :)

@nightmaremilo: you’re so welcome! I can’t begin to explain the warm fuzzies i get when somebody says they got inspired to try rope because of our site  ♥

@ryang9042: the main issue I’ve found with the body harnesses under clothes is those two ropes that tend to end up beside the neck– if you’re not wearing a turtle neck, they can peek out. Here are a few that are pretty safe & secret under clothes:

  • Anyladder- can be done on the leg or arm under an airy sleeve.
  • Ahip harness or any rope panty- won’t be visible under a skirt or baggy pants
  • Thepearl harness doesn’t have any shoulder straps
  • Though the side hitch harness has straps, they’re pretty far from the neck and well anchored; won’t slip out from under a shirt

Hope that helps- and again, thank you for everybody who sends messages. You make my day!  Hazel

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little kitten: We’ll definitely do the straps & ladders tutorial in the new year! clementw

little kitten: We’ll definitely do the straps & ladders tutorial in the new year!

clementwined: Thank you so much for taking the time to tell me; I’m really happy people are able to follow and enjoy the tutorials :)

kea: You’re welcome! The measurements are in feet. 

omgloves: This is exactly why I keep doing the infographics. Take care!

♥ Hazel

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Sure!It’s just a modified tortoise shell (shown above, scans courtesy of Hajimete no SM Guide Sure!It’s just a modified tortoise shell (shown above, scans courtesy of Hajimete no SM Guide 

It’s just a modified tortoise shell (shown above, scans courtesy of Hajimete no SM Guide and BDSMgeek).
Then, for the side panels, I hitched a rope, starting tied at the thigh, and up through the sides of the bodysuit like I showed in the side-hitch harnesstutorial.
Three ropes total: 30’ for the tortoise shell, 20’ for each side of hitches from thigh to shoulder.

Post link

More on male-body shibari, how to tie hitches, bondage while pregnant, and what goes into untying:

Anon asked: Any suggestions on ways to bond males?
Hazel: Honestly, there isn’t any rig we’ve covered that wouldn’t work on a male body as well. If crotch ropes bother you, just part the two strands to either side of the genitals, or leave more slack on that one area.
(You can put hitches at the hip to keep the rest of the structure from sliding around due to the extra looseness.)
The only types of tie that are “female only” are those that rely on a very ample bust to keep their shape.

Anon asked: I want to try some of the shibari, but I am worried about how to untie it after I am done.
Hazel: Untying does take a little bit of time, but it’s nothing like trying to untangle shoelaces or something like that.
The thickness and nature of the rope (especially jute) tend to stop knots from “seizing” and ropes from getting overly tangled.
You can expect the untying process to take about half the time it took to tie -if you used full knots all the way through. If they’re just hitches & tensions, it’ll come apart much faster.

Anon asked: What type of blogs do you follow? Do you follow back?
Hazel: I follow pale sexy and soft rope. If that’s your aesthetic, I’ll probably follow back so long as you don’t flood my dash or were created a day ago, etc.
That said, I do check out every blog that follows me (seriously).

Anon asked: Is it safe to practice gentle rope play while pregnant?
Hazel: You know, I’ve seen a lot of traditional kinbaku guys do this with their partners, so I’m assuming there’s no real danger in a little decorative rope or soft tying.
Follow your instinct, though. If it feels risky or uncomfortable, don’t do it.

Hope that helps!
♥ Hazel  
