


c a u g h t       i n         t h e         r a i n       ♥♥

  • ❝ ever kissed in the rain before? ❞
  • ❝ that rain feels good. ❞
  • ❝ no! i hate rain! ❞
  • ❝ are you gonna share your umbrella or are you just gonna stand there? ❞
  • ❝ was that thunder? ❞
  • ❝ lets find some place drier. ❞
  • ❝ come on! let’s dance!! ❞
  • ❝ i did not see that puddle. ❞
  • ❝ look out for the puddle? ❞
  • ❝ it’s raining. awesome. could things get any better? ❞
  • ❝ how can you not like the rain? ❞
  • ❝ how can you like the rain? ❞
  • ❝ i’ve always thought rain is really romantic. ❞
  • ❝ rain is the perfect walking weather! ❞
  • ❝ rain is the perfect hiking weather! ❞
  • ❝ i didn’t realize you were wearing so much makeup. ❞
  • ❝ come get under my umbrella. ❞
  • ❝ something about the rain really makes me want to kiss you. ❞
  • ❝ look! a rainbow! ❞
  • ❝ i love the smell of rain. ❞
  • ❝ we an keep each other warm. ❞
  • ❝ i don’t want to go inside. ❞
  • ❝ can i kiss you? ❞


Vanilla Sunday Meme

For muns who aren’t into explicit sexual content, but don’t mind approaching the topic.
Feel free to cross out any questions you aren’t comfortable with!

  1. Is your muse a romantic? Do they dream of love and marriage?
  2. Is your muse a deviant? Are they overly flirtatious or forward?
  3. Is your muse good at kissing? Are they experienced?
  4. Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
  5. Is your muse comfortable with public displays of affection? 
  6. Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
  7. Is your muse the big spoon or the little spoon?
  8. Is your muse comfortable with, or proud of their body? Are they insecure?
  9. Is your muse attracted to any features in particular?
  10. Have their crushes been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split?
  11. Have their partners been mostly male, mostly female, or evenly split? 
  12. Is your muse easily flustered? Do they blush, swear, etc.?
  13. Where is your muse most sensitive? 
  14. Is your muse more submissive or dominant in a relationship? 
  15. Would your muse ever tempt their partner, e.g. flirting, wearing tight/sexy clothing?
  16. Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
  17. Does your muse leave hickies? Do they ask for them?
  18. Does your muse like to be pinned down, or to pin their partner? 
  19. Has your muse reached first/second/third base? Home run? 
  20. Would your muse be interested in engaging with multiple partners?
  21. Would your muse ever send a sexual text message? Would they send pictures?
  22. Does your muse read smut, own magazines, or watch p-rn?
  23. Is your muse the type to discuss their sex life or sexual prowess with others?
  24. Is your muse a top, a bottom, or a switch? Do they have a lean?
  25. How interested is your muse in sex and sexual activity?
  26. Do they have sex frequently, occasionally, or rarely?




Yes please

Come at me bru!

Do your worst. I double dare you.
