#meme thing

Twitter thing ( with one edit on the fav things to draw because how could I forgot clothes? )

Twitter thing ( with one edit on the fav things to draw because how could I forgot clothes? )

Post link
im-a-dragon-cawcaw:teletoonz:My favourite ship dynamic Edit: PS if you wanna draw over this with youim-a-dragon-cawcaw:teletoonz:My favourite ship dynamic Edit: PS if you wanna draw over this with youim-a-dragon-cawcaw:teletoonz:My favourite ship dynamic Edit: PS if you wanna draw over this with you



My favourite ship dynamic

Edit: PS if you wanna draw over this with your OTP go ahead, just make sure you credit me (link this post) if you upload it anywhere!

I shouldn’t have laughed so hard afdklhskvd

Post link

Thank you to my mutuals for letting me borrowing their children for this one!






Post link

Hey I got tagged for a meme thing!  

Tagged by: @soapypnutwaffle .  Thanks!

rules: tag 10 people you’d like to get to know better.

favorite anime: Do the Noozles count?  Lol.

favorite manga: Never ready any of it.

video games: I haven’t moved beyond N64.  I still mostly play Mario Kart.  I’m not much of a gamer…

books:  Anything by PG Wodehouse or Mark Twain.

tv:  Overall? - Seinfeld, QAF, due South, Supernatural, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Wings, 3rd Rock From the Sun, Parks and Rec, I love Lucy, lots of others.  Lately? - I just rewatched all of It’s A Different World on netflix which was EXCELLENT.  

movies:  The Cameraman (fav Buster), Modern Times, Arsenic and Old Lace, Philadelphia Story, The Fall, Singin In the Rain, A Hard Day’s Night, To Kill A Mockingbird, Some Like It Hot, Notorious, SO SO MANY MORE

last song i listened to:  The Partisan by Leonard Cohen.

First language: English

Got tagged by the lovely @nicole-simsessed​ so here we are

A – Age: 25 (in less than a month T_T)
B – Biggest Fear:Terminal Illness
C – Current Time:16:49
D – Drink you last had/are having: Coffee
E – Easiest person to talk to:My BFF, Eve
F – Favorite song:Mylatest favorite is FEMM - Fxxk Boyz Get Money
G – Ghosts– are they real: I’d like them to be, tbh
H – Heritage:Romanian mainly, but there’s wee bits of Russian and Hungarian
I – In love with:Books
J-Job:Senior copywriter and occasional freelance illustrator
K – Killed Someone?Sadly, no
L – Last time you cried? Shed a tear at the last Grey’s Anatomy episode
M – Middle Name:Don’t have one of those
N – Number of Siblings:I’m a unique special snowflake
O – One Wish:Made it. You’re not supposed to tell.
P – Person who you last called: The boyfriend
Q – Question you’re always asked: Just how short are you exactly?
R – Reason to Smile: Kittens and summer showers
S – Song Last Sang: The Lumineers - Flowers In Your Hair with a guitar and shit, sung it to a little girl I teach English to
T – Time you woke up: 10:00 with a horrible hangover
U – Underwear Color: Yellow and black, Jake the Dog print >.> (comment, I dare you)
V – Dream vacation destination: New Orleans
W – Worst Habit: Lazyness
X – X-rays you’ve had: Only one. Of my teeth.
Y – Your Favorite Food:Pasta?
Z – Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Tag yer it @x-mkay-x@simsomedia@grilledcheese-aspiration@annieawesomestuff@lucylucifer@drewshivers@thisissimtastic




Yes please

Come at me bru!

Do your worst. I double dare you.

@nicole-simsessed​ tagged me for this thang, so….

Answer ten questions and tag ten people!

1. What was the last movie you saw? Hell and Back (2015)

2. What was the last song you listened to?Years & Years - Shine (just found out I’m seeing Olly’s stupid adorable face live this summer, so I’ve been listening to EVERYTHING they ever released constantly)

3. What was the last show you watched? The Magicians

4. What was the last book you read? … The Magicians

5. What was the last thing you ate? 
Duck Roast

6. If you could be anywhere else right now, where would you be? London, UK

7. If you could pick a decade to travel back to in time, what would it be? At the court of le Roi-Soleil. As a noble. Definitely before the Revolution >.>”

8. If you won the lotto & millions in cash, what would be the first thing you would do? Move to the UK and leave everything behind. Except my cats.

9. Which fictional character would you like to hang out with for a day?
 Severus *bawls eyes out*

10. What was the last fandom you joined?
 Dark Hunter Series

lulz, forgot to tag peeps: @x-mkay-x@annieawesomestuff@lucylucifer@furiouslydecaffinated@simsomedia@firstladyofcasterlyrock

@x-mkay-x tagged me for this thingamajig so there we go


Nickname: Mara or Amy (pronounced as Ah-mee) or Hoe by a select few >.>”

Star Sign(s): Pisces, however I’m a Scorpio Rising (ascendant). If you know anything bout astrology, you’ll know I’m not your run-of-the-mill Pisces .-.

Gender: Cis Female

Height: 1.54 m which google cannot properly inform me whether that’s 5′ or 5′1″

Sexual Orientation: Umm, if I were were to really delve into it, I guess bisexual panromantic?

Favourite Color: Hmm… Black & pink?

Time Right Now:  14:11

Current Location: Bucharest, Romania, vegging in bed

Average Hours of Sleep: 4-6 hrs of sleep a night, depending on how badly I get sucked into whatever it is I’m currently reading.

Last Thing Googled: “chad michaels gif” :>

Numbers of Blankets Sleeping With: None at the moment. I only have a thin duvet; but when it’s not too hot I have a pink fleece one.

Favourite Fictional Characters: I have already answered this in another thingamajig.

Favourite Artists/Bands: Ha ha. I’m not even gonna get into this.

Dream Job: Book Illustration.

What I’m Wearing: Track pants and a super old Emily the Strange t-shirt.

Random Fact: I’ve never had a broken limb, but I did crack my head when I was like three.

Do I Have Any Other Blogs: Yes. Personal, art and music tumblrs. None of which have been updated in a while.

When Did My Blog Reach Its Peak: Well, it’s not yet, but I guess I gained more followers once I got into CC.

What Made Me Decide To Get A TumblrSimblr: Got tired of not being able to do anything with a side-simblr and wanted to be able to communicate better with the community.

Do I Get Asks On A Daily Basis: Nope, maybe at a few weeks or so.

Why Did I Choose My URL: Necroberry has been my nom de plume for many many years, so it was an obvious choice.

Tag yer it: @nicole-simsessed@annieawesomestuff@lucylucifer@firstladyofcasterlyrock@simsomedia@drewshivers@meghewlett@grilledcheese-aspiration and whomever would like to do this

I love these new “type these words into your tags box and post the first tag that automatically pops up” thingies, so fun. Let’s do another one:

  • can’t
  • don’t
  • first
  • help
  • please
  • one
  • my
  • will
  • stop
  • get
  • honestly
  • I’m