#astrology lessons


Archetypes and astrology - the influence of the planets

pic not mine.

I see planetary aspects and movements generally as part of a correspondence between the archetypal meanings of astrology and human experiences. I don’t see that the planets necessarily emanate energies or determine anything. In the way we speak, it sounds like they are determining.

But in reality, it’s about the planets functioning as a representation of important parts of our lives, and their movement tends to coincide with important life events here on Earth, so they don’t causethings, they are simultaneous with what occur in our lives, but not by causality, but by meaning. Taking Carl Jung’s concept of synchronicity, we can better understand the meaning of placements, planetary aspects and transits in our lives. I’m gonna explain.

Synchronicity makes us realize things about ourselves that we never noticed. It is not causals, something that was predetermined to occur at that moment without our participation. If that were the case, all people would be much more evolved after their cycles with Saturn and several solar returns. Saturn would have “done it all by itself.” We would live in a beautiful world with evolved people and more aware of their difficulties.

Archetypes exist. Their contents are what lead us to have certain behaviors. An example of archetypal content - Wise Old Man archetype: Saturn in the 9th house, a person who needs to go through a period of maturity and maturation in this area (from the 9th house). The planetary placements of our natal chart can be seen as the possible contents of such archetypes. Another example: The Wounded Healer Archetype has its content defined by our Chiron placement.

However, not everything is lived in the most ideal way, and not everything is as expected, as it all depends on the choices we make. The archetype that involves the idea of ​​the Wise Old Man, for example, which can be understood by Saturn and its influences on us: we only feel the manifestation of this archetype when we are open to it. We only become wiser and more mature when we accept the idea that we need to evolve at a certain point.

This means that astrology is there to help us recognize a good part of the content of such archetypes, which already play an important role in our personality, and from the moment we recognize such archetypes, we can be more in harmony with our Self.

As archetypes are part of our unconscious, we can say that there is a personality tendency, a design of what seems ideal to follow, and that we won’t always follow, and like everything that is UNCONSCIOUS, this will only come to light if we try to enter into contact with that part of our personality.

How to know yourself if there are no efforts? There is no way the planets, by themselves, force certain behaviors without us wanting it. If that were the case, it would be particularly good to see most people much more evolved and mature after a Saturn Return.

Instead,archetypes are brought to the surface as we experience certain experiences, as we make choices, and as we seek to know our personality and become OPEN to such experiences. It is not causal. And it is precisely because this is not the case that, when an encounter between you and your personality occurs, we can speak of a possible synchronicity.

In addition, when studying Analytical Psychology, we can observe that certain archetypes will tend to bring consequences to our lives. This is the case of the Shadow archetype, which brings extremely uncomfortable situations to our ego as we don’t confront ourselves about this part of our personality. Shadow is part of the individuation process and without an awareness of our shadow we can’t find our true Self.

No wonder I see people in the world succumbing because, although material and earthly life seems very comfortable (or even when it is complicated in this part of life), they are deeply confused and lost inside. People that are completely far from knowing their Shadow, their personality that they deny, far from who they could be, lacking in self-knowledge.

In this sense, we can say that the planets as archetypesbring influences on us. It is as if the planets are not the main actors, but the engines, the fuels for things to happen over time - they touch archetypes (structures, patterns, ideas) that already exist within us.

Archetypes are like patterns, structures common to all of us, which exist and whose contents will be defined depending on who we are. We all have archetypes - Shadow, Persona, Anima, Animus, Sage, etc. but how will each manifest in our lives? It will depend on who we are, our personal experiences and also our natal chart.

And in the manifestation of the planets as fuel to make something that already exists occur, we can find the meaning of synchronicity. When you observe that from a moment you start to have an insight, and this insight tends to change your life (or it can start a phase of change in your life), and such insight have a lot to do with a planetary transit or natal placement, this can be called synchronicity. You tend to find your Self from the impulse of planetary patterns.

Still about archetypes.

It is as if there is a “system”, a structure with some patterns common to all individuals, which impacts us from time to time. Patterns and structures that exist for everyone and that tend to impact us at some level, even if we are not so aware of it, but that we also need become aware so that we have greater contact and evolution.

Thus, the meanings of planets, signs, aspects, houses, etc. can be seen as the archetypes that we carry in our lives and that actually impact us. But it doesn’t impact us causally, as if the planet were there to influence us as a necessarily physical force. No, it’s a much more psychological issue.

In the end, it’s as if we all have connections in our minds with the meanings of the planets, the signs - because we all have such archetypes in our personality. Complex, no?

And when the planets perform a certain movement, such archetypes (which ALREADY exist in our unconscious mind, more precisely in the collective unconscious) are activated, and we are led to connect with part of the cosmos that have always been there, even within us, but that we were never brought into contact with.

“With a little self-criticism one can see through the shadow—so far as its nature is personal. But when it appears as an archetype, one encounters the same difficulties as with anima and animus. In other words, it is quite within the bounds of possibility for a man to recognize the relative evil of his nature, but it is a rare and shattering experience for him to gaze into the face of absolute evil.” - Carl Jung on “Aion: Researches into the Phenomenology of the Self”

And as every archetype has its specific content, each person will tend to live a planetary aspect and movement in a certain way. I exemplify.

Jung’s archetype involving Pluto can be seen as that of the Shadow, as it brings out parts of our personality that we tend not to face so easily (whether good or negative things that we repress and deny, in addition to many other meanings), but that they are parts with such force that they can consume us, make our behaviors somewhat confused and obsessed with controlling the Shadow’s uncomfortable feeling.

With that in mind, let’s imagine a very intense but rare disharmonious aspect of Pluto that happens from time to time.

How will it manifest itself for each one and for the society in general?

How I said above, I don’t see the planet being able to determine how things will be, nor determining it in a uniform and fully fixed way for everyone. It all depends on how we, as a collectivity, are dealing with our collective unconscious, our transpersonal experience.

Also, of course our predispositions, our archetype contents and CHOICES will determine how that aspect will work. And we also must remember that we have a lot of free will, and it was this free will that allowed us to create ways of living in society, the mechanisms of social control. I say this to remind you of one thing: There are people who make decisions for us. It will make sense soon.

A person who is very aware of the manifestation of her Pluto placement in her personality, when dealing with such an aspect, may have a certain ease or less difficulty. The way a person has been dealing with their Shadow archetype and, subsequently, with their placement - constructively or negatively - can also define how they will take advantage of the archetypal influence of the Pluto aspect.

Now a person who has little consciousness, is flooded in his Shadow, has repressions, very poorly processed internal issues, lives trapped in his ego, in the influence of such aspect of Pluto, may have behaviors that are negative and tense, not positive and constructive, especially as he is completely unaware of this part of his personality.

When I mentioned people who make decisions for us (despite our ability to participate in certain situations, especially when electing them), I mean that: certain issues in the world depend a lot on the way the government him/herself decides to act, not only an “astral and causal” influence, but because he/she, in his/her archetypal world, has such predispositions.

Still thinking about Pluto aspect. Can one government or several governments be impacted? Yes, of course they are, they are individuals, they have personalities and unfortunately or not they tend to act in an individual way, based on what they think is best.

They can be impacted by the Pluto aspect of the example in the sense that the aspect activates such archetypal dispositions. An aspect of Pluto, for example, can trigger a thirst for power or a quest for transformation. A great desire to dominate or to bring social problems to the surface, scandals.

It may seem confusing to understand this view, but I think like this:

a planet is not directly influencing me in the sense that it acts by itself, but, when it moves, it is activating what already exists in the unconscious mind of all of us (the archetypes)

Wise old man archetype (Saturn placement), Shadow archetype (Pluto placement), Wounded healer (Chiron placement) and so on. And the archetype will be “activated” depending on our experiences, our tendencies, and our stellar design (natal chart).

All planets, signs, houses can relate to some archetype. And I can say that in both individual and mundane astrology, the archetypes to be most touched in our experience will depend on our natal chart and collective experiences. Planets are just completing something that seems to exist long before their own motion. Can you understand?

We need to accept that things are much more complex, and that at the same time we can be so much more connected to it than we realize.

In my view, from the perspective of the Analytical Psychology, since archetypes are part of the collective unconscious, planetary movements only influence to make such archetypes stronger in each of us and/or in the collectivity in each period.

What created these archetypes is perhaps the biggest question, one of many questions that permeate human existence (but that can also be discussed).

And that’s why having a holistic (= non-reductionist and simplistic) view of all this seems to be much more appropriate.

In doing so, we consider our role in the meanings of placements, understanding that we are fundamental keys in the RESULT of planetary aspects and movements, and not just as if the planets were responsible for everything.

It is not about causalism, but about understanding that from the moment we are born, we have archetypal tendencies in our personality - whose content will be better defined with the passage of time, with our choices and desire to know our self.


✨ astrology: the basics [masterpost, pt.1] ✨

What is astrology?
in astrology we study the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, in which it considers that their movements have an influence on human affairs and the world as a whole. in astrology we believe that the alignment of stars and planets affects many parts of us, such as our mood, our personality and the tendencies of each individual, depending on when / where he/she was born. the process that Egyptian used to predict the future and guide their decisions is an example of astrological application. astrology goes back centuries, and has been perfected over time.

What is a natal chart?
there are several types of charts in astrology. the natal chart (which is the most sought after by people) delineates, through the positions of the planets on a person’s date of birth, all the potentials that he/she has. their qualities, defects, potentials, problems, karma, impulses, basic personality tendencies and so on. there are other types of charts, such as: synastry, composite chart, solar revolution / return, saturn return, among others.

Planets in astrology
in astrology, unlike what people are used to, we consider the Moon as one of the planets. each planet represents a different part of life, bringing to us a different energy. depending on the position of each planet, the person will have a specific way of living.

Planets: meanings

  • SUN - basic personality, ego, vitality, inner strength.
  • MOON - mood, emotional states, how is your inner life and how you live your emotions.
  • MERCURY - your mind and communication, intellect, intelligence. how you express yourself, how you think.
  • VENUS - love, attraction. how you love, how you live relationships and how you like to be loved. money, sensuality, pleasures.
  • MARS - strength, energy, reaction and how it reacts, how is the energy it has. sex and sexuality, temperament
  • JUPITER - luck, growth and wisdom, expansion, knowledge.
  • SATURN - discipline, karma, fears, traumas, difficulties, order, challenges and long-term learning.
  • URANUS - changes, originality, individuality, how you think and revolutionize, eccentricity, freedom, rebelliousness, technology, innovation.
  • NEPTUNE - healing, intuition, connection with the unconscious mind. sensitivity, empathy, spirituality. breaking ego barriers to achieve collective consciousness.
  • PLUTO - transformation, power. death, rebirth. intensity, potentials.

What does each sign mean?

  • Aries: identity, vital energy, aggressiveness, power, leadership, strength, beginnings, individualization, temperament, self-image, individuality.
  • Taurus: possessions, money, love, sex, routine, attachment [material, especially], beauty, art, the 5 senses, pleasures, nature, persistence, stubbornness.
  • Gemini - communications, social, contact with people,mental activity.
  • Cancer - emotional nutrition, connection with family, especially the mother, home, intimacy.
  • Leo - self-confidence, energy, but focused on self-expression, creativity, stages, shows, being seen and noticed, persistence.
  • Virgo - health, work, routine, methods, organization, rationality, looking for things that make sense, sense of usefulness, reason.
  • Libra - attachment [to people], mind being constantly stimulated, balance, aesthetics, appearance, well-being, social interactions, partnerships.
  • Scorpio - depth, vulnerability, revenge, intensity, sex, personal unconscious, loyalty. 
  • Sagittarius - adventure, taking risks, expansion, freedom, good humor, optimism.
  • Capricorn - time, construction, social status, profession, conservatism, stability, seriousness.
  • Aquarius - rebellion, independence, detachment, sociable, logic, connection with groups.
  • Pisces - spirituality, the collective unconscious, the deepest human emotions.


✨ astrology: the basics [masterpost, pt2] ✨


  • the astrological houses indicate WHERE the direction of that energy / influence of the planet is going. it is basically where you will feel the planetary manifestation occurring most intensely.

Houses meanings

  • 1st house (= ascendant): self-image, the first impression, how you show yourself to the world, how people tend to see you, temperament, your body (physiognomy). ruled by the sign of Aries.
  • 2nd house: how you earn and deal with money, personal possessions and values, material and earthly issues, what are your material values. ruled by Taurus
  • 3rd house: how you learn and teach, how is your communication, your thinking [pattern], your mind and how to process things. ruled by Gemini
  • 4th house: origin and roots. bases of a person’s emotional. where emotional traumas took place, such as childhood. home, family and internal world. ruled by Cancer.
  • 5th house: creativity, all forms of self expression, pleasures, leisure, love, art. ruled by Leo.
  • 6th house: how you see and get involved with work, routine, and how you take care of your own health. ruled by Virgo.
  • 7th house (or descendant): relationships, marriage, how you see and treat others, partnerships and relationships in general (dating, flirting too). ruled by Libra.
  • 8th house: death and rebirth, transformation (of oneself and things), how one sees and deals with one’s own intimacy, connection to sexual issues: sex and sexuality. secrets, inheritance, personal unconscious, what is hidden. what are your most abstract and spiritual values ​​in relation to a different plane from the terrain / earth. ruled by Scorpio.
  • 9th house: expansion, deep knowledge, higher education (university), travel, diverse studies, human diversity, language, culture, philosophies of life, spiritual knowledge. ruled by Sagittarius.
  • 10th house: profession. how you see and how you seek your success, how you can seek your personal and professional success, what is your public image and relationship with the public, reputation, the image lived abroad, outside. ruled by Capricorn.
  • 11th house: friends, co-workers, how you react to the collective and social. collective conscious. aspirations, goals, society, causes. social awareness and criticality. ruled by Aquarius.
  • 12th house: empathy, spirituality, personal unconscious and collective unconscious, charity, introspection, interior. fears, suffering, escapism, mysticism, altruism. ruled by Pisces.

What are the aspects?

  • aspects are interactions between two or more planets. they are formed by specific angles that represent the relationships between the planets. the aspects can mean several things: they strengthen, collide or create harmony.

What are the meanings of the aspects?

  • major aspects:

sextile (60º)
harmony, luck, skills, opportunities, “fertile ground”, natural talents, agreement, sympathy.

✨ trine (120º) ✨
harmony, expansion, growth, potential, facilities, happiness.

conjunction (0º)
it depends, because it is a “neutral” aspect in which there can be the presence of harmony or disharmony. in some cases, there is an urge to work hard, but the reward is felt earlier; there may be disharmony, but more easily than in the aspects below.

opposition (180º)
tension, conflicts, difficulties, setbacks, restlessness, shocks, attraction-repulsion, repulsion.

square (90º)
tension, resistance, disharmony, stress, bad luck, intense work, escape, friction, dislike, insecurity, hidden weaknesses, blockages, crashes.

  • minor aspects:

semi-sextile (30º)
less harmonic than sextile, but it can still help you become more aware of your potential abilities.

quincunx (150º)
faults, unconscious tension, little awareness of problems and what needs to be developed, little conscious energy directed at it.

semi-square (45º)
irritation and stress, but less than one square causes

sesquiquadrate (135º)
conflict, aggravation, irritation.
