#astrology planets


Today Jupiter and Saturn seem to move close enough so she can’t stay aside. From herself. Putting herself in the cupboard full of books, fantasies, escapes, hidden pain and fears - enough. Her Jupiter is all her passion to start anew, new journey beyond, in the landscape of wild unknown; her optimism - an unexcused smile of a girl standing on the road, eyes closed (or is she blind?), strange clothes found in the dark forest, dying light of fireflies in the hair. But she’s ready to go because it’s never too late to start over, because another circle is finished, shadow she was facing has sunk deep - and now her body, her mind, her soul frozen waiting for her to take a step beyond.
Her Saturn is here as well, it’s her time, her father and traditions she was connected with life after life, her limits, her room. It asks her if she checked her wounds and fears before going. And isn’t it foolish to be that way if she can just stay? And where is her blanket to wrap her heart?
Today, at this moment with her stars and cosmic pathways, lost, fearful, forgetful, she is sitting to remember.
Birds in the trees, winter solstice is coming. Jupiter and Saturn in conjunction at zero degree.

In the moment between expansion and contraction, between Jupiter and Saturn, just before winter solstice, remember yourself.
It’s never too late to start over.
You need yourself.

Magick Days

* Monday- Moon

* fertility, creativity, home and family matters, intuition

* Tuesday- Mars

* Contests/competition, courage, strength/ vitality, men

* Wednesday- Mercury

* Communication, commerce, intellectual concerns

* Thursday- Jupiter

* Growth, expansion, prosperity, long-distance travel

* Friday- Venus

* Love, partnerships, the arts, women

* Saturday- Saturn

* Limitations, authority, endurance, stability, protection

* Sunday- Sun

* Public image, confidence, career, health

Hi all, it’s been a while! Two years, actually, since I’ve posted anything. I’ll spare you the details of why my relationship with astrology changed (perhaps another post sometime) but since I’m no longer going to be doing anything professionally with astrology, I figured I’d pass along my best tricks to y’all. You can skip to the end if you’d like to see my hand little cheat sheet rather than read all my explanations if you like. 

Here we go. 

Take this scenario:

You start off by reading about your sun sign. So far, things seem pretty accurate. This astrology stuff seems pretty cool, so you dig a little deeper and perhaps discover your rising sign or moon sign. You look up as much info about your sun, moon, and rising as you can find. Perhaps there are pre-made interpretations for having a certain sun and moon together, perhaps even with your rising sign. So far, it seems like all your astrological questions can be answered by a google search. 
As you get deeper, however, you start seeing things like your house placements and other planetary influences. You are likely able to find what all these influences mean individually, but suddenly, there aren’t any interpretations for having your Moon in the 4th House in Cancer squaring your Sun in the 7th House in Libra while your Pluto in the 5th house in Leo forms a semisextile to your Uranus in the 6th House in Virgo. 
Howdo astrologers add all these things up? And how did they make those interpretations you found on the web, anyways?

Astrology has a very definite grammar that’s relatively easy to learn once you know what it is. Most astrologers learn this sort of intuitively over time, but I’ll break it down for you. 

PLANETS act as our VERBS. Planets are WHAT ACTION we are doing. 

SIGNS act as our ADVERBS. They tell us HOW we do what we do. 

Say you have a Sun in Aries. To be honest, that really doesn’t tell an astrologer much. All you have is a verb and an adverb. We know that in something that you do, you’re a pioneer of some sort and have found a niche. But without the rest of the parts of the sentence, it’s just a fragment. That brings us to…

HOUSES act as our NOUNS. They tell us WHAT PART of us is doing the action. Note, houses also include our rising sign. More on this later. 

Someone with a Sun in Aries will exhibit ONE PART of them where they are very determined. The House determines which part. A Sun in Aries in the 10th House is likely to have original entrepreneurial ideas and be a real type A personality, while someone with a Sun in Aries in the 4th House is more likely to be a mama-bear type. 
But how does this interact with the rest of the chart? Those two examples I just gave, despite having 3 layers to the interpretation, are still watered-down, cookie-cutter descriptions at best. To know what state our Noun, Verb, and Adverb, are in, we need…

ASPECTSact as our ADJECTIVES. There’s a sort of mathy reason for this, as things can only be described by their relative placement to each other, but all you really need to know is that aspects tell you whether two NOUNS interact in ways that support each other or not. 

Once you get a feel for how each sign operates, what each planet does, what each house is, and how each aspect interacts, you can read a chart with combinations you’ve never seen and make your OWN interpretations of what they mean. 

In short…

Planets = Verbs

Signs = Adverbs

Houses = Nouns

Aspects = Adjectives

Happy reading :)


Pluto archetype through the astral houses

Pluto archetype:

  • Pluto rules Scorpio and the 8th house. It’s called that way because of the Roman God of the Underworld. In Greek mythology is known as Hades.
  • In astrology Pluto is a transpersonal planet, this means that deals in a soul level for a trascendent way to face life. It’s a destructive force of old structures that no longer serve to our purpose in this lifetime, the changes that Pluto impose are drastic and emotionally intense, sometimes it can be very hard to deal with.
  • Represents the most raw and honest reality about ourselves, mostly the parts we try to hide to the rest of the world. This planet prefers to move in the shadows, like Pluto’s mythology.
  • Pluto’s obstacles are hard to face but involve positive changes and a most trascendent understanding of the situations or life itself. Those tests can transform us for our best wellbeing and are made to aling us with our soul mission in this incarnation.
  • Pluto’s placement shows us where and how we can get very passionate about the things we love but get obsesive with them as well. It deals with our basic instincts and the darkest parts of our personalities.
  • Represents the death of the ego and the awakening of the soul. Like alchemy, it transforms what’s old into something new and brighter.
  • Pluto face us with what makes us uncomfortable about ourselves to make something beautiful of it, like the chrysalis evolves into the butterfly or the snake shedding their old skin.

Pluto through the houses:

  • Pluto in the 1st: The natives have tendencies to self destructive behaviors, they are also highly competitive when it comes to recognition and they prefer to keep their bussiness to themselves so nobody can use it against them. If they experience difficulties to face their dark side or Pluto is bad aspected on their chart, they can be very manipulative to sabotage the situations they don’t want to face, thia is not because they are scared to face the situation, they are mostly scared of getting angry and can’t control their angee. They can be very destructive and ruthless when they feel cornered or threatened by other people but if they channel thia energy they can be the inspiration even of their bosses because of their passionate spirit. These natives have an strong survival instinct, they are passionate and determinated with their goals, they also have an strong willpower when they want to achieve something specific, when they want something they finally get it no matter how much it costs to them, sometimes they make stops in their journey to recover the motivation to keep going. They are not afraid of drastic changes even when it comes to their physical appearence or their style. Their first years of life could be traumatic, stressful or emotionally hard to deal with. They don’t like to trust in the Universe and prefer to believe in their hard work, they could have some trust and control issues that comes from their childhood. If Pluto is too close to Ascendant they could have problems in their birth or were born in extreme conditions, they are survivors from the very first moment.
  • Pluto in the 2nd: These natives can get very obsessed about their resources, money or material elements that reforce their sense of stability, for them those are the elements that makes them feel like thay are important people. They can be perceived as materialistic people or too attached to money or the security in themselves that money gives them, they might feel that money, resources and luxury are the major indicators of personal power, even they might feel that their sex appeal is closely related to the amount of money they have. They have very stablished values and moral and hardly change their mind about what they believe is true, that’s when Pluto appears to make them more open to other people’s perspective, to help them see that there are more options and theirs is not the major truth of things. These natives distrust anyone who has a higher level of incomes or the authority figures, it makes them feel threatened and become passive agressive, even ruthless if they are feeling that someone is putting in danger their resources. Pluto forces them, through some tests, to stop and think about the way they manage themselves and their bussiness, to realize that material resources are important but not fundamental for their inner peace and personal satisfaction. The attachment to money can come from the chilhood, where they could feel less than other people or humilliated for their economical situation, that’s why in their adulthood they try as hard as possibe to never feel that way again. Through their life they can experience both extremes of poverty and wealth to help them value themselves if a softer way being more empathetic with their self value. These natives have an special talent to get the most out of the most little things to transform it into something great, they also are good with money managment and investing. People usually feel very comfortable by their side or asking them for guidance or advice, they are great watching things with a cold mindset on difficult moments, that’s what makes them amazing counselors.
  • Pluto in the 3rd: These natives hace an extraodinary intelligence to dig into the depths of any situation, they are very hard to cheat because they can see other people’s bad intentions from afar. They enjoy open minded people who they can talk and share about things that society use to see as taboo, like sex or death. Theae natives are natural detectives but can use their knowledge to earn power over other people, they also have a sharp tongue, they know what to say to cause the most damage. This placement have the tendency to focus on intrusive thoughts or obsessive ideas, making the natives see things worse than they really are, because of this they prefer to don’t talk to much what they think to avoid being misunderstood. They have a powerful mind, great for visualization but they can be scared of it, if they train this aspect they can become great manifestators for attracting the things they desire into their life. In their childhood they could feel their enviroment as threathening, where they had to keep their eyes wide open to prevent other people’s intentions torwards them. In their adult life they keep this alert sense, sometimes overwhelming their nervous system because of that child wound. The relationship with siblings or cousins use to be complicated and with a lot of hidden competition between them, as well as their first years of school they felt like nobody was worthy of trust. They must be careful with their neighbours and when they make short trips (trips on the country they live in).
  • Pluto in the 4th: The source of the emotional complexes of these natives use to come from their family roots or their transgenerational tree, there could be some traumas related to their experience with the father figure or the part of the family related to the father, maybe because of an early death or abandonment. As a water house, these natives tend to hide and repress their feelings deep down to avoid getting their heart hurt, deep inside they are very sensitive and emotional but they prefer not showing this part of themselves, this is one of the most intense and deep of Pluto’s placements. They can read people like books, their intuition is extraodinary, if they don’t like someone after a while they find out the intentions of that person weren’t good. The wounds of their past use to manifest mostly in their domestic life, through their life they use to experience some crisis that impose a chage in the familiar structure to evolve for a most positive stage. They heal very fast from illness and sorrows, very resiatant people but aftaid of being vulnerable, if they find a way to channel their sensibility they can heal even their ancestor’s wounds, as well as improve their intuition and psychic abillities. Learning how to dive into the subconcicious can make them find hidden treasures. Their way of ending situations can be very drastic and dramatic, they cut from the roots and hardly gives a second chance.
  • Pluto in the 5th: These natives have the inner need of express themselves openly, they usually move between feeling like kings looking for power and authority and feeling like they can’t recognize in themselves the things that makes them unique. They like to win and can be a little obsessive about it, they are competitive to extremes, the aproval of other people is very important to them, making them feel powerless if people don’t admire what they do. The relationship with children can become problematic, they will be the mirror of the dark parts of the native that haven’t recognize in themselves, some may feel that having children can take their freedom away. For women is important to take a lot of care for themselves when it comes to pregnacy or giving birth. These natives can be very posessive over their children overprotecting them or trying to control what they do. Romance is another place where emotions turn into a rollercoaster, they are prone to validate themselves through the sexual conquer and the power games, sometimes their relationships are too dramatic. Pluto asks to these natives to value their worth in a different light, learning the importance of humility and reciprocity, understanding that othe people’s light doesn’t turn of the inner light of this natives, they have an strong willpower and knows how to motivate people when they are feeling low, a good way for channel their energy is through creative activities
  • Pluto in the 6th: This placement is a little difficult to deal with, the major conflicts in the subconcisious mind manifest through the physical body. A negative mindset or emotional state can drive them to suffer the consecuences by a physical illness, even if it is in a unconcious level, their mindset is aligned to the good functioning of their body. Understand how their mind, body and feelings are connected can help them to improve their daily life and make them feel healthier in every level. They have an strong connection with nature, mostly with animals, if they have a pet they should analize if they are projecting over the pet any unsolved wound they have, these placement has the tendency to take care of the pets but not taking care with the same affection to themselves. Routines and daily tasks are very important to their emotional balance, they must be careful of become too obsessive about it, feeling like their day is ruined if something gets out of their control. These natives are great workers with a big sense of responsability, they also have an extraordinary capacity of concentration. The relationship between coworkers can become complicated due to power games, an excesive criticism or sexual tensions in the workplace. Pluto in every earth house doesn’t get along with authority figures, in the workplace there can be conflicts with the boss. Is veey important for them to feel really passionate about the work they make, they need to feel like thwy are doing something useful for other people’s lives, if they don’t resonate with their work they can try to sabotage the situation and escape.
  • Pluto in the 7th: Pluto is the planet for extremes and the 7th house is all about balance and harmony, it can be a hard placement to deal with but can become a beautiful source of transformation. For these natives, is really difficult to trust in other people, this distrust is bigger with their romantic partners. They can be possisive, jealous and demanding in their relationships but if they don’t recognize this dark side of themselves they will project them over other people, sometimes they attract romantix interest with those characteristics. Their distrust in their partner use to lead to distance from people they really love, making them swing between pide and sadness for the lost chance, if they don’t feel well with their couple they tend to sabotage the relationship to be the other part the one who takes the step, sometimes they live relationships so intensely that they end up burning it. In some cases the decease of the partner can lead to a personal transformation in the way they face relationships. They are prone to power games in the shadows with their romantic partner, Pluto’s energy leads them to balance this aspect giving the same power to both parts of the relationship. These natives are great for help and guide people that are going through hard periods of their lives.
  • Pluto in the 8th: These placement makes people with intense impulsive tendencies but with a powerful self control of their emotional world. Sometimes their passions gets so intense that become overwhelming, they need to recognize if they are angry or excited, these natives are the kind of people that starts with a discussion and solve it in the sheets. They have strong defense mechanism to avoid getting their feelings hurt, they hardly show vulnerability to others but they are deeply emotional, the pressure they feel because of repressing their feelings can lead to explossive argument or a fit of rage. The best way to avoid this situations that brings more conflicts is looking for a way to channel those energies, high-performance sports or activities with a little dose of risk, like martial arts, parachuting… These natives are passionate with a high libido, sometimes they use sex as a way to escape from their reality. They crave for a significant intimate bound but can be scared to commitment and reject chances of conections that could be very fullfilment, in some cases they end up in tragic relationships with a lot of emotional draining, that’s why they prefer to keep their guard up. These placement offers a great intuition if they take the courage to listen to it, they can feel very attracted to occultism/mysticism, sex and what happens after death, they have the abillity to to catch the energies from a place and predict what is going to happen, they have an strong inner power to reborn from their ashes. In some cases I’ve seen this placement in people who had near-death experiences and somehow something inside thems asks them to understand in a deeper level the meaning of life and death.
  • Pluto in the 9th: This planet on the 8th looks for a meaning, in the 9th Pluto looks for a major purpose for their lives. They usually gets dissapointed with religions or gurus, feeling like they don’t get to really see the image of god clearly with those religious doctrines. Their image of god is usually like the old bearded man seated on the clouds waiting for them to make a mistake and punish them for that, that feeling can lead to an unnecesary feel of guilt for little things that they think god won’t approve, they sometimes blame god for the bad things in their lives. Pluto leads them to open their perspective and look for a more compassive, forgiving and indulgent image of the Divinity, if they get distance from what society says is correct they can find answers in holistic ways of life and take the hard moments of life as a learning with a meaning behind to get a higher level of consciousness. They can have a very nihilistic perception of life, becoming apathic people, they are passionate people with strong charisma and willpower, they have great ideas but they can sabotage themselves thinking about all the negative possibilities. University years can be transformative, they can switch the career they want to follow from one moment to the next. Traveling and getting in touch with other cultures helps them to reach a better understanding of themselves and get them close of the things that motivates them and makes them feel happy and alive.
  • Pluto in the 10th: This is another placement of Pluto that can be hard to deal with. They usually had a difficult relationship with the Mother figure, sometimes seeing her like someone dark or with negative intentions torwards the native. In other cases, when Pluto is well aspected, the Mother could be seen as someone brave and inspiring, with the abillity to turn negative things into something wondeful, in other cases, the early decease of the Mother could be very transformative. This native’s first experience with the Mother figure will project over their public life and career, they can become obsessive about being important and their reputation to feel powerful. They don’t get along to well with authority figures, they usually feel intimidated by them but refuse to show it. They must be careful with their hidden intentions torwards their succed or fame, sometimes, even if it’s subconsciously the motivations behind are more related to the power and control they could have. Pluto leads them to focus in succed by doing something they really feel passionate about, they can be very admired and recognized by doing something they love, instead of looking for being an authority for the rest of the world. These natives have very high standards for themselves, they are ambitious and brave to achieve what they want no matter how much time it takes to get their goal. They must be careful with their reputation through their life becaude they could experience drastic transformations in the way the introduce themselves to the world, sometimes they shift their career as well and work in something completely different feom what they were doing before. Their biggest lesson is to feel grateful and satisfied with what they have while what they want is on their way, also is very important to find the career that really fullfils them. These natives have an special eye to see the structures from institutions that are no longer useful and find new ways to improve them, like the fuctioning of schools, prisions, hospitals or things related to laws.
  • Pluto in the 11th: These natives tend to move between self imposed isolation to avoid feeling misunderstood or feeling so related to a higher cause that they loose themselves in their own revolution. They deeply feel the need to find a movement that inspires them and can be a legacy of wisdom to future generations, they need intelectual stimulation or will scape the situation before it become too boring. They use to feel both attracted and intimidated to groups situations, mostly related to the improvement of social structures that are no longer useful and the evolution of society. They must be very careful about getting involve with radical ideals or jumping compulsively from a social cause to another to avoid their responsabilities with themselves or avoid their reality. These natives born with the need of finding their soul tribe or soul family, the people they can open up with and be themselves, they are also very talented with themes related to personal and psychological growth. Pluto here makes the natives focus first in the negative things in their enviroment, they are also great imagining the worst possible scenario for any situation, Pluto forces them to realize the power of their mind and use it to throw light over the positive thing or the learning behind the negative. These people usually have hard dissapointments with their friends because of lies or betrayals, but they can also make deep bounds with friends that last a whole life. Through their life they can completely shift their goals and hopes.
  • Pluto in the 12: Pluto in all water signs have a bad time expressing their emotional world, in the 12th this tendency becomes more intense. They are usually scared of their own instincts and impulses, feeling them so powerful that they think if they open up the door a little bit they can become uncontrollable. They don’t get along with drastic changes if they mean they have to renounce to something they feel related to, feeling like they are loosing a part of thwir identity. They tend to be scared of death and what happens after that, also there are some doors in their subconscious mind that intimidates them and prefer to keep them hidden. These natives are deeply emotional and a natural conection with higher realms (I’ve seen this placement in charts of people that transformed their fears and developed their psychic habilities, one of them is dedicating his life to channeling from the akashic records), they are talented to swim in the depths of the mind to see the lights and and shadows in the same way, Pluto helps them to reach a better understanding of the Universe and themselves and how they are interconnected to each other. The hardest part of this is that they come to heal and transform not just their subcouncious but to heal the colective, sometimes they get so overwhelmed by other’s negativity that they isolate from society a while to recover and recharge batteries. These natives use to have some problems with institutions or spend times of imprisonment on them. They are highly sensitive with the natural talent of healing, they can shift their perceptions of things and make aomething great from small places, even if their living conditions are hard they can turn the situation into something useful and beneficial that will help others in the future. Holistic therapies, astrology, meditation and the interpretation of dreams are careers where they become relevant figures, as well they can channel their eneegy through creative activities like drawing, music or poetry.

Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn ⚡♑

“We are not from today or yesterday, we are of an immense age” - Carl Jung

This aspect will be exact on March 3, and here I’ll talk about the possibilities of its influence on us.

Initially, we can say that the aspect of Mars conjunct with Pluto by itself means a union of forces between two planets that have a certain compatibility, given that the two rules a common sign (Scorpio), so the characteristics of the planets tend to become stronger because of this “union” that will occur between them.

So, Pluto’s characteristics converge with those of Mars, so we can go through a period of:

  • greater intensity in some sector.
  • decisions having a more extreme and/or authoritarian content.
  • impulsiveness.
  • deeper issues becoming known.
  • desire to achieve goals
  • willpower, a large amount of intensity towards a goal/objective.
  • competitiveness and serious disputes coming to the fore
  • devotion or redemption for an idea or someone.
  • clashes that will emerge.

Thinking about the SIGN that is involving the two planets, we take a step forward in the interpretation. Capricornis the sign of practical things, but it is not the practicality of Virgo, it is an application of objective things in a denser way, which is present in goals, in long-term plans, in big things. Capricorn likes to calculate, plan, and achieve.

The sign of Capricorn also relates to more structural issues in our life, as well as to the structures of our society: social institutions, more fixed and traditional parts, what seems essential for our current life is present in the sign of Capricorn. Things like politics, internal relations, social control, institutions in general.

Therefore, the aspect of Mars conjunct Pluto in the sign of Capricorn unites Pluto’s intensitywith the impetus of Mars. Thus, eventual desires for transformation (social or for something more structural in life), the desire to see something change in a profound way, whether beneficial or not, healthy or not, is being mixed with the Martian capacity to go there and do it, without hesitating that much.

Once the plan and objective are outlined, things can (and will) be put into practice. It is difficult to expect changes in ideas and goals looking at this aspect: it represents the purest obstinacy and fixation on something. Either positively or negatively.

Pluto in Capricorn brings some influences that revolve around the meanings of the planet and the sign. As I said, Capricorn is a sign that is extremely focused on long-term things, big plans, things that have meaning for someone or for a society. Capricorn represents the urge for power, to control things, whether on an individual level (feeling that you control your life, especially your professional one) or on a collective level - the control of behavior, which occurs through moral and legal rules; the politics; the search for power; the goals; the structuring of things; the organization of society; think of the elders, among other things.

Pluto in Capricorn - like all placements - can be a wonderful thing or a bad thing. It all depends on us. We feel the influence even if unconsciously, we are responsible for giving a destination to that. After all, we are the ones who act here on this plane through our free will.

Pluto in Capricorn in general can signify a desire to profoundly transform politics. Deeper reflections on politics. Politics being treated as a more collective matterbut not in the sense of Uranus, of bringing to the social perspective something that was previously restricted to a certain group, for example.

In the energy of Pluto, a subject not touched before comes to the surface through discomfort, problems, scandals. For example: bad management, corruption in politics, deep flaws in the system we currently live in, unconscious patterns that exist in our society (such as structural racism, for example, the racism that unfortunately is so present that it is veiled in our society, sometimes even receiving a “legitimation” from the social institutions that are supposed to protect us).

All this has come to the fore more with Pluto in Capricorn, and we can’t deny it. It’s not like it just started happening now. No. The problems have surfaced with a Plutonian vibe in the sense of demonstrating all our limited psychological and behavioral patterns that need to be evolved.

Also, the other side of Pluto in Capricorn is redemption and devotion to certain forms of control. People desiring the return of certain types of authoritarian governments (here in Brazil this has been very present). Devotion to forms of social control that have extremes of thought; devotion to ways of living in society; devotion and fixation on political ideologies; very fixed search for power and domination; major conflicts between countries and societies.

All of this can also come with Pluto. Pluto is intense, extreme, and like Scorpio, “8 or 80”, all or nothing, a double-edged sword: it can be greatly beneficial for our transformation and evolution, or very harmful if people surrender to the instinct of control and domination, extreme thoughts of how we should dominate others.

Mars rules Aries and in classical astrology, Scorpio. Pluto rules Scorpio. Both planets talk to each other at some points, and when they are in conjunction, certainly the energies of compatibility increase, which brings out a need to bring out the result of this union of forces. Such forces are intense, extreme, because we are talking about two extremely intense and transformative planets - in any sense.

Two years ago, when Mars was in exact conjunction with Pluto, we were facing the moment of the peak of the pandemic (March 23, 2020), a situation that scared many and that required aggressive measures, impositions (questions involving Mars), restrictions, which came from governments (Capricorn). Mars also brings us the idea of ​​survival and of seeking to solve problems with a certain sense of urgency, the planet relates to our ability to react (or not), how we tend to face problems and deal with them. It relates to how we can solve issues that demand urgency.

In addition, Mars conjunct Pluto in Capricorn brought an intensity to the way of looking at illness. Mars is about aggression and speed, Pluto about losses, transformation, pain, death. It represents the 8th house, house of the Scorpio sign.

As I have said here, planets, signs, and houses tend to have different meanings, but those meanings revolve around a certain group of subjects. Mars can signify impulsiveness, survival instinct, sense of urgency, impetus, individualism, aggression. And it can also mean intense discussions, wars, defense, and the like.

Pluto in turn means deep things, obsessions, the search to reach a goal at all costs, facing problems from the past, potentials, transformation, intensity, extremes.

For those who may eventually ask: can this aspect have anything to do with what is happening in Ukraine?

The conjunction aspect between Mars and Pluto occurs every 2 years, if we were to always interpret it as a possibility of important things happening, we can become a little extreme or sensational in our interpretation. If the astrological aspect can be influencing? Yes, as it will be exact at the beginning of March 2022, which means that now it is applying, as if it were a plane taking off for a trip. And whenever an aspect approaches before it becomes exact, its influence begins to emerge. This aspect really has a strong influence on all of us, and it may be working as a fuel for intense things to happen more strongly.

However, it alone would not generate this. Other points are considered: positions we are currently dealing with and other aspects that may be relevant, as well as the conditions of those countries currently involved in the conflict - Ukraine and Russia. But yes, I personally believe it has to do something with it.

So, the influence of the aspect on us happens considering a range of possibilities, but also the context to which a particular society/person is inserted.


✨ astrology: the basics [masterpost, pt.1] ✨

What is astrology?
in astrology we study the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies, in which it considers that their movements have an influence on human affairs and the world as a whole. in astrology we believe that the alignment of stars and planets affects many parts of us, such as our mood, our personality and the tendencies of each individual, depending on when / where he/she was born. the process that Egyptian used to predict the future and guide their decisions is an example of astrological application. astrology goes back centuries, and has been perfected over time.

What is a natal chart?
there are several types of charts in astrology. the natal chart (which is the most sought after by people) delineates, through the positions of the planets on a person’s date of birth, all the potentials that he/she has. their qualities, defects, potentials, problems, karma, impulses, basic personality tendencies and so on. there are other types of charts, such as: synastry, composite chart, solar revolution / return, saturn return, among others.

Planets in astrology
in astrology, unlike what people are used to, we consider the Moon as one of the planets. each planet represents a different part of life, bringing to us a different energy. depending on the position of each planet, the person will have a specific way of living.

Planets: meanings

  • SUN - basic personality, ego, vitality, inner strength.
  • MOON - mood, emotional states, how is your inner life and how you live your emotions.
  • MERCURY - your mind and communication, intellect, intelligence. how you express yourself, how you think.
  • VENUS - love, attraction. how you love, how you live relationships and how you like to be loved. money, sensuality, pleasures.
  • MARS - strength, energy, reaction and how it reacts, how is the energy it has. sex and sexuality, temperament
  • JUPITER - luck, growth and wisdom, expansion, knowledge.
  • SATURN - discipline, karma, fears, traumas, difficulties, order, challenges and long-term learning.
  • URANUS - changes, originality, individuality, how you think and revolutionize, eccentricity, freedom, rebelliousness, technology, innovation.
  • NEPTUNE - healing, intuition, connection with the unconscious mind. sensitivity, empathy, spirituality. breaking ego barriers to achieve collective consciousness.
  • PLUTO - transformation, power. death, rebirth. intensity, potentials.

What does each sign mean?

  • Aries: identity, vital energy, aggressiveness, power, leadership, strength, beginnings, individualization, temperament, self-image, individuality.
  • Taurus: possessions, money, love, sex, routine, attachment [material, especially], beauty, art, the 5 senses, pleasures, nature, persistence, stubbornness.
  • Gemini - communications, social, contact with people,mental activity.
  • Cancer - emotional nutrition, connection with family, especially the mother, home, intimacy.
  • Leo - self-confidence, energy, but focused on self-expression, creativity, stages, shows, being seen and noticed, persistence.
  • Virgo - health, work, routine, methods, organization, rationality, looking for things that make sense, sense of usefulness, reason.
  • Libra - attachment [to people], mind being constantly stimulated, balance, aesthetics, appearance, well-being, social interactions, partnerships.
  • Scorpio - depth, vulnerability, revenge, intensity, sex, personal unconscious, loyalty. 
  • Sagittarius - adventure, taking risks, expansion, freedom, good humor, optimism.
  • Capricorn - time, construction, social status, profession, conservatism, stability, seriousness.
  • Aquarius - rebellion, independence, detachment, sociable, logic, connection with groups.
  • Pisces - spirituality, the collective unconscious, the deepest human emotions.