#ateez timestamps


[10:16 PM](idol!reader)

“Y/N, you know Jongho from Ateez, right? The perfect high notes guy,” the oldest member of your group said while walking with you to one of the vending machines in the venue.

“Yeah, I know him,” you said, controlling the urge to smile. “Why?”

“I think he has a crush on you.”

“What makes you think that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I noticed how he kept glancing at you during the show,” she replied. “And I overheard him tell Kang Yeosang that you look ‘absolutely stunning’tonight.”

“Oh…” your cheeks turned pink.

“Someone’s blushing!” she teased, gently nudging you with her elbow. “He seems nice… you should talk to him. If it turns into something more, I totally approve,” she said, surprising you; she was quite protective over you, being the 'mother’ of your group, so you really weren’t expecting that. While she got whatever she wanted from the vending machine, you took your phone out, sending a quick message to your boyfriend.

“One of my members caught you staring and talking about me. She told me to talk to you and would approve if we dated xD”

Jongho replied immediately. “Coming to introduce myself as your boyfriend now, babe ;)”

[11:56 PM]

Bestfriend!Wooyoung got up earlier than usual just to make some soup, knowing you would have a terrible hangover due to the New Year’s eve party you both went to last night. When you sat at the dining table to drink the soup he made, you noticed how he was smirking.

“What?” you asked before you could take a sip, suspiciously eyeing him and then the soup. “You didn’t put something in this, did you?” He chuckled, shaking his head in response. “I don’t believe you, Woo.”

Wooyoung snorted before taking a spoon of the soup and drinking it. “See? I promise it’s totally fine.” You tried it yourself and it tasted amazing, so you continued having it.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” you asked Wooyoung who was smirking at you again. “What’s running on that mind of yours, Woo?” you questioned, taking a spoon of the soup.

“You,” he answered. “And your little drunk confession. I didn’t know you loved me that much, Y/N,” he teased and you nearly choked on your soup.

“W-What do you mean?” you asked, cheeks turning a shade of pink. Wooyoung grabbed his phone from the table, playing a video and handing his phone to you with a big grin.

“Jung Wooyoung, you irresistible, hot man!” drunk you yelled, standing on a table. All the guys were watching you, and Seonghwa and Yunho stood down beside you, making sure you wouldn’t fall from the table. “I love you! I’m so in love with you, Jung Wooyoung!” Some of the boys cheered and whistled while Wooyoung had the biggest smile on his face, his heart racing from your confession.

“Oh my god!” you groaned in embarrassment, avoiding looking at Wooyoung. He snorted, cupping your cheek, forcing you to look at him.

“I love you too, Y/N,” he murmured, making your heart pound rapidly, before leaning down to kiss you, smiling against your lips when you kissed him back.

Wooyoung pulled away after a while, resting his forehead against yours. “Happy New Year, my love.”


Happy New Year everyone! I hope y'all have a safe, beautiful, and amazing year ahead. ❤

[5:15 PM]

Stopping his car in front of your house and taking your hand in his, Yunho looked into your eyes, his own glistening with tears that he hoped wouldn’t fall. You let him hold your hand, gently stroking his skin with your thumb. You were moving to another country to pursue your higher studies, and you decided to text Yunho the night before, apologizing for the rough times and thanking him for the good times. To your surprise, he asked you to meet up. One last time.

“I really am sorry for everything. You were a good girlfriend, you know? Even though it was toxic… I have no regrets and would do it all again if I could.”

He wanted to tell you not to leave. He wanted to tell you how his hook ups never worked, how kissing another girl didn’t make him forget you. He wanted to tell you that even though it’s been three years since you both broke up, he still had some feelings for you. But moving to another country to pursue your higher studies was your dream. He knew that. And he knew it was too late. Your flight was tomorrow, there was no alternative.

You looked away with a smile, taking a deep breath. “You were a good boyfriend too. I don’t regret anything either, Yunho.”

Looking back at him, he had a small smile on his face. “I really am sorry. We were toxic and the breakup was for the best, but I know you went through a lot after it, so I’m really sorry for that.”

“It’s all right,” you said honestly. The breakup was rough and you both were young and immature that time.

Yunho squeezed your hand. “Take care of yourself over there, yeah? If you ever need to talk about anything, please don’t hesitate to text or call me.”

You nodded with a smile. “I will. The same applies to you.” He smiled in response. The two of you were silent, unsure of what to say.

“So… this is it, huh?” you said with a chuckle, looking down at your now intertwined hands.

He sighed. “This is it.”

You pulled him into a hug. “Take care of yourself. Don’t smoke too much.”

Yunho chuckled. “You too, I promise I’ll reduce.” You pulled away, getting out of his car, giving him one last smile.

You watched him drive away with unexplainable feelings. You didn’t know if you would ever see him again. A part of you wished that you had texted him earlier before you decided that you wanted to go abroad.

You wanted to stay back for him. You wanted to fall in love with him again.

But it was too late.

You had to chase your dreams.
