#jongho fanfiction


ATEEZ Jongho Imagine: When he’s still in contact with his ex-mistress. (Mafia au)

Anonymous said: hii idk if u take reqs but i really enjoy ur storyies n wanted to req smth angsty……mafia jongho who still is in touch w his exmistress n his wife does not like it…. ending can be anyth thx

A/N: Thank you for requesting! My requests are actually closed right now, but I loved this idea so I decided to write it! I hope you like it!

Genre: Angst, mafia au.

Pairing: Mafia!Jongho / Husband!Jongho x reader (fem)

Warnings: profanities, mentions of abuse, alcohol, cheating, and guns.


Tears streamed down your face while your back was pressed against the wall, watching your husband, Jongho, get changed to go who knows where.

The two of you had gotten into the worst argument you’ve ever had. Jongho’s toxic ex-mistress was trying to fuck up your relationship yet again, but your husband just couldn’t see that. She was his mistress for five years and older than him by seven years; she was the reason why Jongho got into the mafia world. He did love her a lot, but she used him only for her pleasure and abused him on countless occasions. One day, she decided to leave him and he was completely shattered. You entered his life a few months later, and it took you nearly a year to pick up every piece and put him back together. When she suddenly came back into his life, Jongho didn’t tell you about it. They chose to speak once in a while… until she found out about you and decided to cause a lot of drama. You were beyond uncomfortable with that fact that your husband kept in touch with her; even after you expressed how you felt about it, your words went into his ears and left just as fast. You wondered how much longer you could tolerate this, cause honestly, you were so close to your limit.

The sound of a gun cocking brought you out of your thoughts. You glanced at Jongho who was thoroughly checking his handgun before he placed it inside his leather jacket.

“Where are you going?” you asked in concern, hoping it wasn’t a mission, although he could handle it if it was one. The worst part about being in the mafia was never knowing whether your loved ones would come back alive once they walk out the door.

“That’s none of your business,” he replied, making your heart ache.

“I’m your wife, Jongho, it is my business,” you said in a soft tone. “Are you going on a mission or—” He left before you could finish talking, slamming the door harshly behind him.

You slid down against the wall, putting your head in your hands while you started crying again. Why couldn’t he see how much he was hurting you?


“Y/N! Y/N, wake up!” you felt someone shaking your body. You accidentally fell asleep on the floor while crying last night.

“How the fuck is she sleeping in that position? Her neck is gonna hurt badly." 

You slowly opened your eyes, immediately meeting San’s dark brown ones. Mingi was next to him, looking at you like as if you were an alien.

"No offense, but you look like shit,” Mingi commented, making you snort.

You got up from the floor, groaning in pain due to the pain you felt all over your body, especially in your neck.

“Told you she’s gonna be in pain,” San murmured to Mingi.

The two of them left you to shower while they made some breakfast. You checked your reflection in the mirror, not surprised to see the puffy bags under your swollen eyes.

You were sure Jongho didn’t come back last night, and you really wanted to know where he was.

After taking a shower and having breakfast with San and Mingi, you decided to ask them about Jongho’s whereabouts.

“Guys, do you know where Jongho is?”

“Nope,” Mingi said. On the other hand, San noticeably tensed up.

“You were with him, weren’t you?” you questioned San.

“Not really, but we were at the same club,” he said, avoiding eye contact. San has been your bestfriend ever since you were kids, so you could easily tell that there was something else he wasn’t telling you about.

“Sannie, I know you’re hiding something from me,” you crossed your arms over your chest. “You’re my bestfriend, not Jongho’s, so you better tell me now.”

He took a deep breath. “You’re not going to be happy about it.”

Your eyes widened, immediately realizing what he meant. “He was with that stupid bitch?!”


You lit a scented candle and stripped your clothes off before sitting in the whirlpool tub in your bathroom. You felt like shit the entire day and you really just needed to relax.

After a few minutes, you heard your bathroom door open and Jongho walked in, eyes immediately settling on you. You were surprised he came home so fast after being with his ex-mistress.

“I’m sorry,” your husband said, sitting at the edge of the tub. You ignored him, closing your eyes, trying to focus on the warm water instead. “So you’re just going to ignore me now?” You didn’t say anything while you got out of the tub, wrapping your wet body with a towel.

“Y/N, talk to me,” Jongho mumbled, following you to the closet. You wore your panties and a white tank top before moisturizing your legs. “Fuck, Y/N. Talk to me!” Jongho’s voice raised a little. “Say something for fucks sake!”

You turned to look at him. “Why don’t you go talk to your ex-mistress instead?”

“She means nothing to me!”

You took a deep breath. “Did you sleep with her?” you questioned your husband, staring right into his eyes.

Jongho’s jaw dropped a little in shock. “I would never ever be unfaithful to you. How could you even think that I—”

“You were drunk and you spent the night at your ex-mistress’ place, Jongho!” you yelled, cutting him off. “You spent the night at that fucking bitch’s place after all the shit she did to you! What do you expect me to think?!”

“I wouldn’t have been there if I wasn’t drunk,” he stated, taking your hands in his. “But believe me, nothing happened between us last night. I passed out on her couch.”

You chucked bitterly. “You expect me to believe that? You really think I’d believe that after what happened a few months ago?” you asked, referring to the time when he kissed her while being extremely drunk.

“I told you I would never look at another woman as long as I wear this,” he held his hand up, pointing to his wedding ring.

“Wow, that makes this situation a whole lot better!” you said sarcastically. Jongho’s lips pulled into a thin line. He really didn’t know what to do; all he knew was he fucked up big time.

Jongho sighed deeply. “Okay, I know I fucked up and I’m sorry,” he said after a few seconds of silence.

You scoffed, tears brimming your eyes. “I’ve been telling you for months now that I-I,” you choked out a sob while the tears began to roll down your face. “That I’m uncomfortable with you having any sort of contact with her, but you don’t give a fuck. I wouldn’t have any issues with you talking to her if she wasn’t constantly trying to screw things up between us. Why can’t you see that she’s messing things up between us? Why do you always fucking defend her when everyone else can see what she’s doing?”

Jongho kept quiet, listening to every word you said, thinking about all the fights you two had because of her. “I can’t tolerate this anymore. I’m literally done, Jongho,” you continued. “I really can’t handle it anymore. I tried my best to tolerate everything, but I’m fucking exhausted now. What’s the point of being married to someone who clearly prefers the company of his ex-mistress?” Jongho’s eyes widened at your words, wondering if what he was thinking was right or wrong.

His thoughts were confirmed once you were about to take your wedding ring off; he immediately put his hand over yours, stopping you from doing so.

“Don’t,” he whispered, pain and fear clear in his beautiful eyes. “Please don’t. I love you, Y/N.” He leaned his forehead against yours. “I swear she means nothing to me. I’ll stop talking to her. I’m so sorry for hurting you. Please don’t leave me.” You felt a wet drop fall onto your cheek, making you look up at your husband. This was the first time you saw Jongho crying and the sight of it broke your heart. You cupped his cheeks, wiping his tears away.

“Don’t leave,” he murmured, more tears rolling down his perfect face.

“I won’t,” you sighed. You could never leave him; you loved him way too much. “But you have to promise me that you’ll cut her out of your life completely, Jongho. It’s damaging our relationship.”

“I promise I will,” he vowed, wrapping his arms tightly around your waist, scared that you might disappear. You slightly smiled, giving him a soft kiss that instantly made him feel relaxed. You could only hope he would listen to you this time.

[10:16 PM](idol!reader)

“Y/N, you know Jongho from Ateez, right? The perfect high notes guy,” the oldest member of your group said while walking with you to one of the vending machines in the venue.

“Yeah, I know him,” you said, controlling the urge to smile. “Why?”

“I think he has a crush on you.”

“What makes you think that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I noticed how he kept glancing at you during the show,” she replied. “And I overheard him tell Kang Yeosang that you look ‘absolutely stunning’tonight.”

“Oh…” your cheeks turned pink.

“Someone’s blushing!” she teased, gently nudging you with her elbow. “He seems nice… you should talk to him. If it turns into something more, I totally approve,” she said, surprising you; she was quite protective over you, being the 'mother’ of your group, so you really weren’t expecting that. While she got whatever she wanted from the vending machine, you took your phone out, sending a quick message to your boyfriend.

“One of my members caught you staring and talking about me. She told me to talk to you and would approve if we dated xD”

Jongho replied immediately. “Coming to introduce myself as your boyfriend now, babe ;)”
