#ateez x idolreader


[10:16 PM](idol!reader)

“Y/N, you know Jongho from Ateez, right? The perfect high notes guy,” the oldest member of your group said while walking with you to one of the vending machines in the venue.

“Yeah, I know him,” you said, controlling the urge to smile. “Why?”

“I think he has a crush on you.”

“What makes you think that?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.

“I noticed how he kept glancing at you during the show,” she replied. “And I overheard him tell Kang Yeosang that you look ‘absolutely stunning’tonight.”

“Oh…” your cheeks turned pink.

“Someone’s blushing!” she teased, gently nudging you with her elbow. “He seems nice… you should talk to him. If it turns into something more, I totally approve,” she said, surprising you; she was quite protective over you, being the 'mother’ of your group, so you really weren’t expecting that. While she got whatever she wanted from the vending machine, you took your phone out, sending a quick message to your boyfriend.

“One of my members caught you staring and talking about me. She told me to talk to you and would approve if we dated xD”

Jongho replied immediately. “Coming to introduce myself as your boyfriend now, babe ;)”
