#attack on titan


Love these guys


okay fuck I’m posting it it’s super lame and super embarrassing but maybe somebody will get something out me vomiting little bits and pieces of AU

bullet list of ideas under the cut

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dis is awesome!!!

happy easter!!

a moments silence for all the eremin shippers after episode 73 comes out lmao

let me hold ur hand please i am begging let me hold u

sigh. i really hope the next chapter of SnK confirms that AruAni is just the result of Armin getting Bertholdt’s memories and that their “feelings” for eachother is really just them using eachother as a way to cope with their individual situations.

idk man, i think AruAni is a cute ship from a fan made perspective but having it forcibly shoved into the story with absolutely no build up is kind of disappointing. the story has so much going for it as it is, they didn’t need to force a romantic subplot especially when it adds literally nothing to the overall story.

i also feel like they really wasted Annie’s character potential by just kind of throwing her in there to be Armin’s obligatory love interest. almost all of her scenes revolve entirely around him, it’s such a shame really. and the whole EreAnnie subplot that was built up for so long just gets thrown away like it’s nothing ? even then, it felt like Annie’s character only existed to serve as a way to show Mikasa’s love for Eren.

why must the most gentle characters inherit the most destructive titan :((

i’m just going to leave this here, no explanation. and no, i will not be apologising.
