

“There’s nothing waiting for us—no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Once you shoot me, Ryuzaki, that’s the end. This isn’t ‘passing on.’ This is how I disappear.”

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“If your genius was paid for, his came free. It’s only natural you’d resent him for it.“

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“I’m Kira, and I’m not ashamed of it. I only wish I could have done more.”

This Is How I Disappearby TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“If his mother were here, she’d hold that hand, try to reassure him he’s not alone. His father, too. But Light was alone, bloody and dying, and not a person moved to comfort him.”

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“May I ask you something, Ryuk?” he said quietly, his eyes still searching the flames.

“Don’t see why not.”

“Did you feel anything when he died?”

There was no response. Frowning, L turned to ask again, but the two shinigami were gone.

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]
