#yagami raito

With out L, World is just a Word..

With out L, World is just a Word..

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“Mello and Near disappoint L.

It is not so much wha they are but what they aren’t.”

Perfectly Hollowby Silver Pards [T, 3k]

Professor Yagami keeps an apple on his desk, shining and red and the personification of sin.

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

[…] he laughed and Harry felt a chill down in his spine, like the moment he begged Tom for help and received nothing but scorn.

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“There’s nothing waiting for us—no reincarnation, no heaven, no hell. Once you shoot me, Ryuzaki, that’s the end. This isn’t ‘passing on.’ This is how I disappear.”

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“If your genius was paid for, his came free. It’s only natural you’d resent him for it.“

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“What do you think Kira’s goal is?”

Light sighs. “We’ve been over this, Ryuzaki.” His eyes don’t move from the document in front of him. “Considering he’s targeting criminals, he’s clearly making a statement about his intentions.”

L chews on his fork for a few seconds. “Delusions of grandeur, then?”

Light’s grip on his pen tightens imperceptibly.

all bitterby crimesofhallowed [M, 2k]

“I think the world will go right back to the way it was before Kira. Crimes will be committed, people will continue to kill and steal and suffer, as if none of this had happened. As if Kira had never existed at all.”

Light rises from his chair so violently it clatters to the ground behind him. His hands ram into the table. “Then shouldn’t you try to stop that from happening?!” His eyes burn into the side of L’s face. “Aren’t you supposed to fight back against crime, Kira or no Kira?”

It’s L’s turn to pause. The fork is inches from his mouth, balancing a piece of cake between its ridges. L looks up at Light from where he’s sitting, and blinks.

“Light-kun, I am a detective,” he says calmly, as if he were breaking this information to Light for the first time. “Without crime, just who am I supposed to be then?”

Light stares at him.

L finishes eating his cake.

all bitter by crimesofhallowed [M, 2k]

“I’m Kira, and I’m not ashamed of it. I only wish I could have done more.”

This Is How I Disappearby TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“Professor Yagami is dazzling, is charm and elegance and charisma so great it’s deadly.”

12 Moves Sidewaysby Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“There is no challenge in anything and no challenge worth the increasing void and eventually Light accepts that there just isn’t any point to looking further.”

Perfectly Hollow by Silver Pards [T, 3k]

When he thinks about it, it makes him dizzy, like a human trying to stare into the sun. Or like he thinks looking at the sun makes humans dizzy. Ryuk can look all he wants and never be blinded.

Apples Equals Cyanide Equals Light by Silver Pard  [T, 10k]

“…L…" he says, and laughs again, a little tired and a little broken and all his otherworldly gleam stripped from him by whatever it is he sees in the glass.

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]

“If his mother were here, she’d hold that hand, try to reassure him he’s not alone. His father, too. But Light was alone, bloody and dying, and not a person moved to comfort him.”

This Is How I Disappear by TzviaAriella [T, 25k]

“Professor Yagami has little interest in politics, in Dark Lords or the Ministry or Hogwarts. The world that purebloods take such pride in defending means little to nothing to him; he shrugs it off like it could mean less.”

12 Moves Sideways by Silver Pard [K+, 2k]
