#au memes



HEY! Long time no post, sorry! I hope you’re fine! :)

In the next weeks I will update my whole MASTERLIST.

And then I will finally post new imagines with these hotties*-*

Hello I hope you’re fine and healthy!

On FRIDAY (18th) I will finally post some NEW IMAGINES and update my MASTERLIST.




♔ : Everyone’s world is black and white until you meet your soulmate, who brings color with them
♕: The first words your soulmate will say to you are tattoo’d on your body
♖: Soulmates can feel each other’s emotions
♗: Everyone has a timer on their wrist that counts down to the moment of meeting your soulmate 
♘: Soulmates have matching birthmarks
♙: Everyone has their soulmates names tattoo’d on their wrist
♚: Soulmates have birthmarks that signify where their soulmate will first touch them
♛: Reincarnated Soulmates who remember their past lives the first time they touch


Anonymously, or not, send in an AU idea or plot that you’d like to try between our muses. 

Bonus:Add what kind of dynamic our muses have in said AU. 

**Reciever is not under any obligation to actually make or complete a verse from these suggestions ! **


Send a symbol and I will write a scenario, headcanon, drabble, or starter where my muse has been sent to another world!

-Fantasy World. This place runs on magic and is home to fantastic creatures such as dragons and sentient slime

⚙️-Distant Future. A time where technology beyond our wildest imagination exists and trips into the stars are normal

-Today. A world that’s very similar to the one we are living in now…

-The Past. A world only heard about in textbooks and stories. Chances are you won’t have much access to technology… good luck getting home!

☄️-World Beyond the Stars. You are trapped in a completely alien world. Except, in this case, I suppose you’re the alien here…!

⚗️-Alchemy World. This place might be similar to the Fantasy World or Today, except alchemy never really went away and is widely used for many reasons!

-Animal World. This world is populated by anthropomorphic animals of all shapes and sizes living in a society similar to ours! A human might look out of their element here.

-Sweets World. Everything here is made of sweet candies and tasty fruit. The ocean flows with soda and milk. Even the inhabitants are made of sugar! Please try to not eat them!

-Creature World. Similar to Today or The Distant Future. However, everyone is dependent on personal magical creatures to get by. Some even battle with them! Upon entry, you get one for free! How generous

-Battle Royale World. The inhabitants of this world are extremely aggressive and hellbent on killing you on sight! Guns, traps, and other weapons lie about, everyone is competing to be the last survivor! But what happens after that…?!

-Apocalypse World. Everything has fallen apart. What remains of the dwindling population are constantly threatened with extinction by something very dangerous!

-Mirror World. This place looks very similar to what you’re used to, except everyone you know is… different. Good people have gone bad, and the bad have turned a new leaf!

-Ruffian World. Everywhere is a sprawling city. Graffiti, stray animals, and a foul stench are ever present here. It might be hard to find an honest soul, if there was one to begin with.

-Wilderness World. Everywhere is an endless forest, host to many biomes and animals- both friendly or deadly. You might find a camp somewhere, if you’re lucky.

⁉️-Amnesia World. Everyone who comes here forgets who they are, no exceptions.

-Cooking World. Everyone is obsessed with cooking and baking. And they’re extremely competitive about it, too.

-Department Store World. Everything here looks like a regular old department store, or shopping mall, or supermarket, what have you. But there’s no exits. You’re trapped in a Capitalist hell…

-Florida World. You have been banished to Florida for your crimes. You have one objective: Survive.

-Australia World. You made it out of Florida World, didn’t you? Congratulations! You’ve advanced to Australia World! Objective: Survive.

-Spooky World. Despite its frightening inhabitants, dreary atmosphere, and way WAY too many cemeteries, everyone here just wants to pull innocent pranks and have fun!

-Gift World. This serene world is covered in a blanket of fresh snow at all times. Lit by glittering multicolored lights at night, the people here care only about gratitude and family. Might be hard if you’re a complete stranger, but everyone here is super nice! … right?

-FREE SPACE. Make your own world!!
