#audio drama

“Marscorp doesn’t get nearly enough love”

“Marscorp doesn’t get nearly enough love”

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“I really want to do storyboard animations of Rover Red and ARS Paradoxica more than anything, but I

“I really want to do storyboard animations of Rover Red and ARS Paradoxica more than anything, but I’m too busy with school at the moment. ;-; Someday soon though! :)”

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“Mischa Stanton does the sound design on three of my favorite podcasts. Coincidence? I think the hec

“Mischa Stanton does the sound design on three of my favorite podcasts. Coincidence? I think the heck not”

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“I’m nowhere near caught up, but listening to the Adventure Zone is like taking a shot of pure

“I’m nowhere near caught up, but listening to the Adventure Zone is like taking a shot of pure joy. I’m so glad it exists!”

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“Tumanbay is one of most well produced, captivating political intrigues in podcasts rn. Where are al

“Tumanbay is one of most well produced, captivating political intrigues in podcasts rn. Where are all m”y fellow tumanbay fans???? There’s no discernable fandom????”

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Progress is being made! Slowly but surely! ^^ Episode 2 is being worked on!

Well done, sleuths! You solved the mystery of the missing teen and, through polling and listener numbers, it seems most of you chose…


What does this mean? This is now the official ending of Season 1, with all its answers AND all its consequences…

Listen to the newest episode in our feed for more details and stay tuned for news about Season 2! Hastings has more secrets to uncover…


Chapter 10 - Where will Max go to find Riley? Will she confront Ransom about the birth certificate? Go the cabin to accuse Mr. Beatty? Or make a scene at the mine detonation?

It’s for YOU to decide!

ENDING C - You’ve chosen to go to the mine, where a massive detonation is about to take place. The whole town is there, including someone who knows a lot more than they’ve been letting on…


Chapter 10 - Where will Max go to find Riley? Will she confront Ransom about the birth certificate? Go the cabin to accuse Mr. Beatty? Or make a scene at the mine detonation?

It’s for YOU to decide!

ENDING B - You’ve chosen to go looking for Riley at Mr. Beatty’s cabin. There are answers to be found in the middle of the woods, but they might not be the answers you’re expecting…


Chapter 10 - Where will Max go to find Riley? Will she confront Ransom about the birth certificate? Go the cabin to accuse Mr. Beatty? Or make a scene at the mine detonation?

It’s for YOU to decide!

ENDING A - You’ve chosen to confront Ransom Archer with the files you found at the inn. But when an unexpected person joins the conversation, secrets long buried are laid bare…

Chapter 10 - Where will Max go to find Riley? Will she confront Ransom about the birth certificate? Go the cabin to accuse Mr. Beatty? Or make a scene at the mine detonation?

It’s for YOU to decide!


Okay, guys, I can’t quite believe it, but I think Max + I have figured it all out. Or, at least, most of it. Some of it. Enough of it. We don’t have much time to think about our next move, so we need as much help as we can get.

Send me your questions, your theories, your thoughts - maybe if I answer whatever questions you guys have, something will shake loose.

Alright, let’s get down to this. Lots of questions from you guys - you’ve given me…a lot to think about.


What can you tell us about your family? Siblings, parents? How do you get along with everyone?

Someone asked about my siblings specifically below, so I’ll answer that part there, but in general, I get along with my family fine. My parents work a lot - my dad’s a lawyer and my mom teaches at the elementary school. We try to have dinner all together every Sunday night, and that’s always chaotic but pretty okay.

What’s your favourite subject in school, and what do you think you would you like to do for a career when you get older?

God, I have no idea. I really like history, and science is pretty cool too, but mostly I just want to get out of Hastings. I figure I’ll figure out what I want to do in college? I know my dad wants me to be a lawyer too - or at least one of his kids to be a lawyer - and that definitely sounds kind of interesting? But I’d rather do law in a bigger city I think.

Joe Miles described you and Max being ‘at war’, not that long ago. What brought that on, exactly?

I’m sure Max would say that it’s because I’ve spent a lot of the past few years being a nuisance and…well, I guess that’s not totally incorrect. After her parents died, I don’t know…I feel like I wasn’t the best at comforting her? I tried to be around, you know, just be there if she ever needed anyone. But I think maybe I just pissed her off–she was kind of on edge for a while, which makes sense. It really started when she stole my basketball because the bouncing sound was annoying her and then I got her back and she got me back and it’s been like that ever since.

What made you want to start sleeping in the treehouse?

I share a room with my older brothers and they’re loud. They’re literally always talking or playing music but they go to college next year, so I’ve decided to just get whatever peace I can until then. The treehouse is a good solve.

from @nocluewhatshappening

Hi Ross! I’m not sure if this is relevant info, but Ms. Honeywell got the Inn because Ms. Maplethorpe recognized an old family name “Mason”. And Riley’s birth certificate shows that his mother’s name is “S. Mason”. Ms. Honeywell also said that “she’d seen bright young women destroyed by nice boys with clever smiles”. Could she have meant Ransom getting Riley’s mom pregnant? And if so… Why would she start dating Ransom? Any theories?

I have no idea how Honeywell fits into this, but it sure feels like she does. I feel like Ransom would have recognized her if she was his old girlfriend, but she’s gotta be connected to Riley’s mom somehow, right? But she doesn’t seem to have known anything about Riley going missing, so I don’t think she’s involved with that but…I don’t know. It feels like there’s a lot of Archer family drama.

Out of the three possible theories which is the most probable in your opinion?

When I think of Hastings, I think of the Archers and the mine. Those are the two things that prop the whole town up, so Riley being a threat to those things feels like a good reason for him to go missing. Them moving up the demolition makes me think that what Riley found–that any evidence he might have about the new mining project–is scaring someone.

Do your parents know about your investigation with Max? Also when you were spying on Mr. Beatty and staying in the treehouse for whole nights… did they not notice?

They don’t and they’re not going to find out. They usually go to bed around 9pm, because they both get up super early for work, so I usually just sneak away when they go upstairs. And my brothers just think I’m still downstairs doing homework I think.

from @mzchiefmanaged

My theory is that Ms. Honeywell’s friend is Sherry and that the “wrong person she fell in love with” is Ransom. I think she decided to investigate the whole thing and that was her true motive in moving to Hastings. I think she took the date with Ransom to get the stolen documents in order to get proof of her theory. I suspect she drugged him and that’s why he can’t remember anything and also why his hangover, the next day, was so bad.

As for where/why Riley went missing - I haven’t fully figured that out…

That honestly makes a lot of sense–Ms. Honeywell has to have a reason to be dating Ransom and knowing Sherry would be a good one. And she has to be the one who drugged him, right? Who else would have had the opportunity?


Hi Ross! What theory makes more sense to you: that the mining company tried to kidnapped Riley or that the Archer’s tried to? Or maybe that Riley left because of the revelation of his parentage.

I think if Riley left because he found at that Ransom was his dad…actually, no I don’t think Riley would leave because of that. Riley doesn’t run away from stuff, which is what makes what happened with Max at the Inn so weird. I feel like he would have confronted Ransom, or his parents–maybe he did confront his parents. But he knows that the whole town would freak out if he just up and disappeared so something must have happened.

Another question from me, if you’ll indulge me. If Max can truly trust you, why did it seem like people had been talking to you about her behind her back? Sheriff Combs for example seemed under the impression that you were “supposed to be looking out for her”. Is there something here we should know about?

Uh, I mean, I haven’t been talking about Max behind her back or anything. I wouldn’t do that. She definitely can trust me. But, like, I don’t know, I guess the Sheriff and some other people are maybe under the impression that I…I don’t know, like, pay attention to her or something? Or that I want to keep her safe? I mean, everyone wants to keep her safe–and all the kids of Hastings–but, yeah, maybe some of the adults who have known us for a long time can tell that, like, I’m there. For her. Like, as a friend person, someone to watch out for her and stuff, you know?

Thanks, Ross! I hope you and Max figure it out!

Me too.

and from a bunch of anonymous folks (I like your style)

How many siblings do you have? And what are their ages?

I’ve got four–Buckley and Chris are identical twins, they’re seventeen; Charlotte is ten; and Ansel is seven.

Why does your family keep stealing gnomes?

It’s something Buckley and Chris started when they were kids and I guess it’s become a bit of a…family tradition. Or competition or something. No one’s beat Buckley’s record yet of stealing 22 gnomes from around the town. A lot of people in Hastings like gnomes.

Is your family part of a Satanic cult? Asking for a friend.

No??? What a weird question. Who’s your friend?

You’ve said you don’t sleep much. Are you a vampire?

Ha, yeah, totally. And I guess all these questions count as an interview, so that makes me Brad Pitt.

Alright, fess up. How long have you been crushing on Max?

Uh, what?? Who told you that? Who is this? If you’ve heard something, well, I don’t know, don’t trust everything you hear, everyone in Hastings is always trying to be in everyone’s business but that doesn’t mean that stuff is true–I mean, like, why would anyone think that? Does Max think that?

Hey, this mining project is supposed to be Warren Archer’s baby, right? He even wanted to be the one to push the plunger. So how are they moving it up to so soon when he’s not due in town for three days? Does he even know about this?

Right?? Isn’t that weird? I assume he knows because I think Ransom would probably tell him, but I don’t know if he’ll be there. Moving it up feels urgent in a way that’s very suspicious.

i know max isn’t sure what to do, but what do you think will get you guys the most information? also, why is talking to ransom as urgent? mr. beatty has his deadline and obviously the demolition, but couldn’t you talk to ransom later?

I know Max would make fun of me for always suspecting him but Mr. Beatty definitely seems like he knows a lot more than anyone else. Like, what was with that money? What was with the Charleston Chews? Why is he always going places late at night? There’s something there. And yeah, we definitely could talk to Ransom later, but what if he knows where Riley is? What if his dad has done something to Riley and he’s in trouble?

Mostly irrelevant but important question: Do you like cheese?

Hell yeah.

what’s your plan once you get the environmental survey? are you going to bring it to the demolition?

That’s the idea–I know that the Mayor and everyone isn’t going to believe a couple of kids who say the new mining company is bad, especially since we’d be accusing the beloved Archers too, so the more evidence we have, the better. But I have no idea if I’m going to be able to get it in time and get to the demo, but I’m sure as hell gonna try.

Okay, guys, I can’t quite believe it, but I think Max + I have figured it all out. Or, at least, most of it. Some of it. Enough of it. We don’t have much time to think about our next move, so we need as much help as we can get.

Send me your questions, your theories, your thoughts - maybe if I answer whatever questions you guys have, something will shake loose.

A water-damaged birth certificate that says R. Archer, born June 11th 1983
a post it note on a cork board that reads in Ross' handwriting "The mine is being detonated tonight. We're out of time."

With the mine detonating tonight, the window of opportunity is closing - evidence might be destroyed, accusations may be too late to make a difference. It’s time to figure out what happened. 

These are the last clues to Max + Ross’ murder board! How is YOUR board coming along? The competition ends TOMORROW NIGHT at midnight PT, so finish connecting those dots!

Chapter 9 - The Choice

All the evidence is gathered and there are three possibilties for what happened to Riley. Was it the Archer family, trying to hide a dark family secret? A lonely old man trying to relive his less lonely past? Or a mining company desperate to protect their newest project? Max doesn’t know which path to take, but with your help, she’ll make a choice of which lead to pursue…

When you’ve made your choice, tell us where you want Max to go and we’ll send you the ending of your choosing next week.

Week 8 Clue - Ransom’s Files

Who robbed Ransom? Why? Is it connected to Riley?


Hey kiddos - Max thought it’d be a good idea for me to talk to people in Hastings and start to winnow down my list of enemies. Kidding. Sort of.

Anyway, ask me questions, I guess. I’d say I’m an open book, but I’m trying to lie less. It’s easier than giving up smoking.

Well, aren’t you all a curious bunch. I have to say, I was expecting more hate mail, so these genuine questions were refreshing. Alright, let’s get to it.


What can you tell us about your family? How do you feel about them? Get along with your siblings? Your father?

My family is big and opinionated and very particular about thing. I suppose I get along with my siblings just fine, though I wouldn’t say we’re close. But does anyone really get along with their family? I never buy it when people say their parents are their friends. Parents are parents, you’re not supposed to be all chummy with them.

What do you remember about Sherry, or her family? Did you ever consider reaching out to her, over all these years? Wonder what she’s up to?

I honestly don’t remember her family all that much, I was mostly wrapped up in her. But given that they moved her away suddenly, disrupting her life right in the middle of high school, I can’t say I’m the biggest fan. I did try reaching out to her in the years right after they left. I was in the post office every week, trying to get them to give me her forwarding address so I could find out where she went but I guess that’s “confidential information” or something. She didn’t tell me anything about where she was going, didn’t leave a number…by the time I graduated high school, I figure she just didn’t want to hear from me ever again. It still stings if I’m honest.

Who’s better at poker: Walt, Joe, or you?

Definitely me. Poker is big in my family, so I grew up playing it, and with very competitive people to boot. Playing with Walt and Joe is a picnic in comparison. That said, Joe’s definitely not too shabby either. God bless him, but Walt can’t play for shit. Though there’s something comforting about our Sheriff having zero poker face, I guess.

What was your life like growing up? Did you do well in school, have a lot of friends? Get into trouble?

It was pretty average I guess–I did okay in school, I helped out at the family businesses, I did sports, hung out with my teammates, dated a bit…the usual. I may have gotten into a bit of trouble here and there, but thankfully it was all before I turned 18, so all those records have been expunged, which means I don’t have to talk about it.

Your family’s name is on a lot of businesses, but is there one that you would consider your favourite?

If I say the Tavern, will I seem like an alcoholic?

How do you feel about Hastings, and the people in it?

It’s the only place I’ve ever lived, so I don’t spend that much time considering my own feelings on the place. It’s a good town, as far as towns go I guess, and everyone in it seems to care about living here, which is nice. I don’t know, as long as people keep buying things at Archer stores, I don’t need them to like me much.

What’s a day in the life of Ransom Archer look like?

I usually sleep through my first five alarms and then when I do get up, I start in on the rounds of the businesses. I’m in charge of the bookkeeping for all the businesses here, but honestly most of the store managers keep good books, so I don’t need to do much. I usually go down to the ski resort we own every month–more in the winter–to check on things there. Just…constant maintenance on all our holdings. I have dinner at the Tavern most nights and then I go home and…rinse and repeat.

From @nocluewhatshappening

Do you wish more of your family lived in Hastings and not just you?

My feelings about this are a mixed bag. I wish someone else could move here and take over the businesses, but I mostly wish that so that I could leave. I have no strong desire to live near my family.

Hi Ransom! Do you know of any sibling or relative of yours who was given up for adoption? And to be more specific… Do you think Riley is an Archer?

What a weird question–you know something I don’t? Kidding–if my parents had had another kid, there’s no way they would have given them up for adoption. Carrying on the Archer name is pretty much the only reason they had kids, so the more they had, the better chances they’d get someone who wouldn’t sully it. The idea that Riley Stevens–that’s who you’re asking about, right?–is an Archer is completely ridiculous. I literally don’t know how that would even work.


If you had the opportunity to leave or move out of Hastings, would you?

Without hesitation.

And from some secretfolks:

hey it’s my friend’s birthday this saturday and he thinks you’re neat. he doesn’t live in hastings but he’s been learning about your family’s legacy for a project. could you wish him a happy birthday?hi it’s birthday anon again his name is leoh i forgot to mention that.

Oh hey, your friend sounds awesome! If he thinks I’m neat, then I think he’s neat.

Happy Birthday, Leoh! I hope you have a good one, pal.

what drew you to that girl during high school.

I don’t know how to put it into words but she was just…amazing. She didn’t take shit from anyone, she was smart and funny and gorgeous. And she’s the only person I’ve ever seen stand up to my father–on my behalf of all things. That’s pretty much the moment I fell in love with her.

are you into men?

Like, romantically? Honestly, the thought has never crossed my mind. I never have in the past but my romantic endeavors with women have been such a disaster, maybe I should expand my dating pool.

What the heck kind of a name is Ransom? What are your siblings called? Robbery Archer? Arson Archer? Tax Evasion Archer?

Here we go. No, my siblings all got the normal family names, while I got stuck with the name from some obscure great-uncle or something. Apparently it means “warrior’s shield” or something like that, but my dad always told me that they’d named me for the Middle English definition of the word: redemption. But I think that’s just something he made up after the fourth time I got arrested to try and guilt me into behaving.

Did you know that if you rearrange the letters in your name, you get ‘Romancer Rash’? I hope you know there are steps you can take to avoid that…

I will say, this one is at least original. I haven’t heard that one before.

What did you and Ms. Honeywell talk about, that night in the tavern?

God, I talked poor Alana’s ear off about my family. My dad had called me earlier that day and…well. Let’s just say I’m astonished she went out with me at all after that.

What sorts of rules did you break when you were Max’s age, exactly?

I broke most of the usual teenager rules: curfew, sneaking out, skipping school, dating the wrong girls, lying…all the stuff that most teenagers do. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with teenagers pushing boundaries, so I hope Max doesn’t get too wrapped up in worrying about breaking the rules as long as she stays safe. And I really hope she doesn’t end up breaking laws like I did–that’s a very different sort of trouble.

Why does your father think you’re a screwup? Do YOU think you’re a screwup?

Oh god, how much time do you have? Because I got in trouble as a kid, because I didn’t go to a fancy Ivy League school, because I was never a star athlete, because I’m not married to some high society gal with five kids, because I’m the youngest, because I never had ambition to add more businesses to the Archer portfolio…take your pick. I like to think that I’m not a screw up–I’ve got my act together a lot more in recent years–but I don’t think that’s really for me to decide.

Did you know that smoking is bad for you?

Yes, thank you for the reminder, Max.

What are your opinions on kids?

They’re pretty loud when they’re young. Kids are okay when they’re a little older, I guess. I like that some of the kids in town haven’t gotten the memo yet that I’m an idiot. As for having my own, I know my parents expect all their kids to populate the world with more Archers, but I really don’t see myself contributing to that.

Hey kiddos - Max thought it’d be a good idea for me to talk to people in Hastings and start to winnow down my list of enemies. Kidding. Sort of.

Anyway, ask me questions, I guess. I’d say I’m an open book, but I’m trying to lie less. It’s easier than giving up smoking.

There’s a lot of people who might want to mess with Ransom, but why break into an old safe? What were they looking for? And why doesn’t Ransom remember anything?

Chapter 8 - The Missing Files

Max acting as detective to individual locals continues when Ransom Archer enlists her help. Ransom had some files stolen last night, a night he doesn’t at all remember, and Max is tasked with finding the papers. But, much to her surprise, one mystery leads into another and by the time she has a lead on the files, Max has more questions than answers…
