#audrey tindall


I don’t know if anyone is into super thorough behind the scenes looks at creating a painting series, but if you are, I just posted a video going over the entire process of creating the Queen of Horror Storypaintingshere

I did however want to make a post pointing out “hidden” details and the reasoning behind certain creative choices for each piece.

The Medium

  • Side panel designs are a combination of various wood paneling and shapes seen around the house and staircase
  • Glass panels are referenced from the glasswork surrounding the front door of the house
  • Upper wood design is referenced from the dining room chairs
  • Background design is inspired by wallpaper seen in various rooms

The Journalist

  • Boarder design is pillars/structural details from the asylum common room
  • Background is the skylight above the main staircase

The Supreme

  • Cordelia is specifically drawn/designed to appear somewhere in between her looks from Coven and Apocalypse (but closer to Coven)
  • Top boarder design is a combination of details from the coven’s outer gates/wrought iron fence
  • Boarder inspired by various furniture pieces seen in the house
  • Monochrome colour scheme for optimal Coven aesthetics™️

The Twins

  • Traditional circus poster vibes
  • Boarder is referenced from various wood carving details on old circus carts/wagons

The Hotel Guest

  • Main shape/design is the Hotel Cortez room key fob
  • Side panel designs are light panels that appear around the hotel bar/elevator
  • Room 64 plaque

The Actress

  • Tree design/colouring is based on the My Roanoke Nightmare title card art
  • Blood moon
  • Shelby was added/kept in for a variety of reasons but specifically having it be a double character piece helped balance out the overall layout of the series with the twins also being in the second row with Sally in between

The Senator

  • By far the hardest design to some up with
  • Honeycomb design based on the various posters/promotional material for the season
  • Clown group also based on promotional teasers, added to attempt to visually represent the idea of a cult
  • Bottom banner/ribbon features the cult’s clown masks in an Americana style

The Outpost Leader

  • Bottom design is a combination of her cane and candelabra
  • Side candle design is based on candle holders seen throughout the outpost
  • Upper boarder/background based on the dining room fireplace
  • Added as much purple as possible into the shadows/overall colour scheme because it would have been a crime to do otherwise

The Painter

  • Concept was to have the overall design quite literally read as a painting
  • Background landscape was an attempted guess as to what her final masterpiece could have looked like
  • Frame referenced from one of her other framed paintings
  • Lower beach landscape referenced from that beach scene sorry about the footprints in the sand