#hypodermic sally

Hypodermic Sally, for a background on my podcast Let’s H.

Hypodermic Sally, for a background on my podcast Let’s H.

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I don’t know if anyone is into super thorough behind the scenes looks at creating a painting series, but if you are, I just posted a video going over the entire process of creating the Queen of Horror Storypaintingshere

I did however want to make a post pointing out “hidden” details and the reasoning behind certain creative choices for each piece.

The Medium

  • Side panel designs are a combination of various wood paneling and shapes seen around the house and staircase
  • Glass panels are referenced from the glasswork surrounding the front door of the house
  • Upper wood design is referenced from the dining room chairs
  • Background design is inspired by wallpaper seen in various rooms

The Journalist

  • Boarder design is pillars/structural details from the asylum common room
  • Background is the skylight above the main staircase

The Supreme

  • Cordelia is specifically drawn/designed to appear somewhere in between her looks from Coven and Apocalypse (but closer to Coven)
  • Top boarder design is a combination of details from the coven’s outer gates/wrought iron fence
  • Boarder inspired by various furniture pieces seen in the house
  • Monochrome colour scheme for optimal Coven aesthetics™️

The Twins

  • Traditional circus poster vibes
  • Boarder is referenced from various wood carving details on old circus carts/wagons

The Hotel Guest

  • Main shape/design is the Hotel Cortez room key fob
  • Side panel designs are light panels that appear around the hotel bar/elevator
  • Room 64 plaque

The Actress

  • Tree design/colouring is based on the My Roanoke Nightmare title card art
  • Blood moon
  • Shelby was added/kept in for a variety of reasons but specifically having it be a double character piece helped balance out the overall layout of the series with the twins also being in the second row with Sally in between

The Senator

  • By far the hardest design to some up with
  • Honeycomb design based on the various posters/promotional material for the season
  • Clown group also based on promotional teasers, added to attempt to visually represent the idea of a cult
  • Bottom banner/ribbon features the cult’s clown masks in an Americana style

The Outpost Leader

  • Bottom design is a combination of her cane and candelabra
  • Side candle design is based on candle holders seen throughout the outpost
  • Upper boarder/background based on the dining room fireplace
  • Added as much purple as possible into the shadows/overall colour scheme because it would have been a crime to do otherwise

The Painter

  • Concept was to have the overall design quite literally read as a painting
  • Background landscape was an attempted guess as to what her final masterpiece could have looked like
  • Frame referenced from one of her other framed paintings
  • Lower beach landscape referenced from that beach scene sorry about the footprints in the sand

A day in the life

“The title says it all. Just a fluffy moment with you, your daughter and Sally.”

Sally’s dark lips cracked in a soft smile at the sight of your daughter sitting on a stool in the hotel lobby, rather focused on doodling on a piece of paper. She softly shook her head and bit her inner cheek at the unusal warmth that the sole view of your daughter was able to ignite. Sally would have never believed to grow fond of a young little girl the way she did, but your Annabeth was the exception. Maybe it was the fact that the girl had never been afraid of her, far from it. To her surprise, it was Annabeth that approached her, introducing herself and cutely complimenting Sally’s frizzy hair, making her genuinely laugh at the little shrimp.

Annabeth was a miniature version of you, and Sally absolutely adored that; it made you smile from ear to ear every time she pointed it out to you. She was your pride, the reason you never gave up. The young girl had your delicate features, light skin, your nose, your lips, same adorable rosy cheeks though a little chubbier due to the young age, and even the eyes had your shape, although a different color: emerald orbs as the man that left the both of you at the mercy of the world, too scared to take his own responsibility as man, but most of all as father. Annabeth never met him, and both you and Sally were glad he was out of your lives. And you were good enough to your daughter, to never make her question why she didn’t have a daddy like the other kids. You had always made sure Annabeth was happy, since the first day she was born. You took care of her, relying on yourself only, until one day Sally came in the picture and you never let go of her, and neither did she. The Cortez was now your home. A safe place for both you and your daughter.

Sally approached closer to the child to take a peek. She tried not to make any sound, in order not to disturb her. Annabeth was so focused on her drawing that she was casually tapping her upper lip with the tip of her tongue, while her forehead was adorably furrowed. Sally’s dark orbs went wide when she succeeded in peering at the figures doodled on that piece of paper. Her mouth parted open to speak, but no sound came out. Just a chocked sob that she promptly suppressed behind her palm. A single tear rolled down her cheek, but she quickly wiped it away. She felt an emotional mess. Content as she’s never been before meeting you and your sweet angel. The drawing was beautiful, a little messy since Annabeth was only five years old, but perfect in its own imperfection. The girl had drawn the three of you together, she was in the middle, holding Sally’s hand from one side and yours on the other. The sky above was covered with tiny colorful hearts and from afar she could locate the Cortez, so small as if they finally managed to leave it behind together. Sally sniffled sadly at the hidden meaning behind the drawing. Maybe Annabeth’s wish was to leave that place with both you and her. “Oh sweet thing…”, she muttered to herself.

Annabeth hadn’t yet noticed her presence behind her back, way too focused on coloring Sally’s frizzy hair, using both orange and brown crayons. Sally knelt down before the child and tenderly slid her fingertips through her long chocolate hair to announce her presence.

“Hey, pretty girl”, she greeted, offering her a palyful grin. “May I join you?”, she continued, with a wink.

When Annabeth turned around, her eyes glimmered with happiness. “Sally!”, she squealed and then let go of the crayons. Those rolled down the desk, but neither of them seemed bothered. From afar, Liz’s watching the two interacting together with a heartfelt smile over her face. “You two better collect those crayons before someone gets hurt”, she warned both firmly and softly and Annabeth covers her mouth to hide a fit of giggles.

“Ops”, said Annabeth in a quiet voice, looking down at the pencils spread all over the floor.

Sally rolled her eyes and protectively wrapped her arms around the girl’s waist, gently rubbing her back in soothing circles. It was so ironic how only few years ago that place was a deadly trap for everyone who dared to step inside to book a room. Most of the time, nobody came out alive, and now Liz was worried for a bunch of pencils that whose worst damage they could do was making someone slip on their butt.

“Liz is such a spoilsport, isn’t she?”, Sally whispered to the girl, grazing the tip of her little nose with hers.

“She’s nice”, Annabeth quickly admits with a smile. “She lets me use my crayons here and she always brings me apple juice, if I’m thirsty”

Sally carefully patted the girl’s head, chuckling softly. “It’s only fair. This is your home”, she said, her voice cracked a little bit due to her sudden emotional state. Years ago, Sally didn’t know what kind of life she could look forward to, but surely the idea of starting a family never really crossed her mind. And it was ironic how she found one, after years of torment. She loved to think that she was part of one, yours and Annabeth’s, even though as a ghost. She had to die, in order to live.

Annabeth pulled away just a little, before pointing at the paper over the desk. In that matter of seconds, Sally had the time to quickly wipe the tears under her eyes.

“Look at what I did!”, with a toothy smile, she points at Sally’s doodle. “This is you!”

Sally arches a brow and her mouth parted open in an expression of pleasant shock. “Oh, let me see”, as she picked up the paper to better examine all the details, Annabeth nervously bit her bottom lip, playing with her tiny fingers while doing so. “The hard part was coloring your hair. It goes in every direction!”, she said, chuckling. “Do you even brush it? Mom says it’s important to brush your hair”, she kept rumbling and rumbling, as Sally secretly loved.

“Excuse me?”, she faked a offended expression that was soon betrayed by the sparkle in her dark orbs. “I thought you liked my hair. And yes, your mom takes care of my hair”, she pointed out.

Annabeth slid her tiny, chubby hands in Sally’s hair and immediately feels a tickle over her palms. “I do! I do love it!”, she squealed, tilting her head to the side. It was so pretty and different. It was savage, powerful, yet so beautiful. “You’ve tiny curls”

The ghost woman, still on her knees, took a moment to glance at the sweet profile of your daughter. She couldn’t resist the temptation to reach out to touch her rosy cheek with her thumb, so warm, so alive. She was amazed every time she thought she used to be as innocent as the sweet Annabeth.

“It reminds me of cotton candy!”, the girl admitted dreamily. “I wish I had your hair!”

“Oh silly you”, with a chuckle, Sally shook her head, before taking the little girl in her arms one more time. She brushed her lips on the girl’s cheek, softly inhaling that sweet scent of vanilla that reminded her of you. After all it wasn’t a rare occasion that Annabeth sneaked into your shared room to sleep with the two of you. Especially after a nightmare. Sally didn’t mind that. She loved feeling important to someone else: the idea of someone directly asking for her filled her heart with so much joy, she didn’t think she could feel. She learned Annabeth’s routine rather well by now, so every night, for a couple of hours, the kid slept peacefully between the two. You stroked Annabeth’s hair, humming a soft lullaby that Sally listened intently, with loving and glossy eyes, while she held your little girl’s hand, gently stroking her palm with her thumb, since it helped her relax.

“You have wonderful hair too, ‘Beth”, she muttered in her ear, making the little girl giggle at the soft contact. “Just like your mama”, she added.

“I like my hair”, she quickly admitted. “But I love yours best”

Sally playfully arched a brow. “Better”, she corrected her, before gently poking the tip of the child’s nose. Annabeth let out a snort, not really liking when someone pointed out her mistakes. “Better…”, she rumbled with an eye roll, making Sally smile more.

That was another thing Annabeth had in common with you. Your stubbornness was mirrored in your baby girl and Sally could see it clearer every day a little more.

“Have you showed your drawing to your mom, yet?”, Sally decided to drop the previous topic.

She shook her head no. “She was busy on the phone”, she shrugged and Sally frowned at her words, taking a quick look upstairs as in the hope to see you coming down the stairs, but there was no sign of you yet.

As if she had perceived her concern, Annabeth stepped in to reassure the woman in front of her. Annabeth was a very clever girl, to be only five. She could easily understand Sally’s state of mind. She was used to her ups and downs, her silent cries, her weak smiles, and she was able to distinguish the meaningful ones from the fake ones. You had thought her how to treat Sally, to always be supportive and gentle, to always make her feel loved and important, to never lie to her, and also to keep an eye on her, but Sally didn’t know about the latter.

Sally’s lips cracked in another small smile, when Annabeth took her hand in hers, absently humming and playing with her fingernails. “Do you think I can paint my nails like yours?”, she questioned, making puppy eyes.

“Oh”, Sally’s taken aback by that request. That dark purple on her fingertips wasn’t exactly the best color for a young kid, so she took a moment to think of a good answer. “We should ask your mom first, don’t you think?”, she ruffled her hair.

The kid pulled away, snorting a little bit. “She’d agree with me”, she’s ready to add, rather confident of her words. “I’m a big girl now”

“Are you now?”, Sally’s brow quirked and an amused grin crossed her dark, plump lips. “You’ll always be my little shrimp”, she wriggled her fingertips over the girl tummy, offering her light tickles in order to hear her laughter. In a matter of seconds, Annabeth ended up on the floor, squealing and squirming, but enjoying every second of it.

You and Sally were used to have tickle fights together, in every moment of the day. Before the bed time story, or in the morning to force both you and your daughter out of bed. It was Annabeth’s favorite game, along with hide and seek and catch. Sally couldn’t help but think how much joy you had bought into her existence. Being forced into an eternal prison wasn’t so bad anymore, on the contrary. It never looked so good.

Annabeth’s laughter grew louder and it reached your ears from upstairs, as you finally ended the call with one of your clients. You let out a relieved sigh, placing your phone back in your back pocket of your jeans. And a wave of happiness warmed up your entire body, coming down the stairs as quickly as you can.

Sally was playfully poking your daughter’s belly and hips and she was laughing so freely. Your heart melted like snow in the sun. You took a rapid glance at Liz, who’s softly smiling at you from the bar. A single tear rolled down your cheek, and you let it run along your neck, until it crashed on the floor. You leaned against the wall behind you, arms folded on your chest and an adoring smile gracing your features. Tired, but happy. You had to leave for work for a few days that weekend, despite hating to have to do so more than ever. You were debating on letting Annabeth stay with Sally this time though, if both of them were up to it of course. But something told you that Annabeth would have been hyped to the idea. Sally was the funny parent after all. You liked to think of her as a second mom to your daughter. She was hilarious, yet responsible and so very protective in her regards, as in yours. She was a fierce lioness, yet as gentle as a rose petal. And you trusted her with your life. All the fears you have always had concerning raising a child alone disappeared when Sally was with you. She never dared to leave your side. Never let you down. Never made you cry. A part of you thought she existed to lighten the burden on your heart, but she did even better than that, she freed you from it. There was no weight on your chest anymore.

You wiped under your eyes, before approaching the two. “Hey, my loves”, you mused and Sally immediately stopped her movements as a wave of warmth, the same you had felt from upstairs, rushed over her.

“Mommy!”, the girl squealed and quickly got up to hug your legs. You looked down at your daughter, gently placing your hand on the top of her head to stroke her hair as she liked it. Then you looked up at Sally that’s now standing in front of you with a contagious grin over her lips. She cupped your cheek and you leaned to the touch, sinking into her affection, that you seemed to be constantly craving, more that you’d have liked to admit out loud. “Hey, little one”, she greeted you, in a loving whisper. “I’ve missed you”

Your eyes flutter close for a moment and in a matter of seconds Sally lips are grazing yours in a sweet kiss. The cuddle you were giving to your daughter eventually stopped and your hands reached the woman’s waist. Annabeth peeked at the two of you making out right in front of her and she made a face. “Mom, you have Sally’s lipstick all over your face!”, she pointed out, making both you and Sally laugh in each other’s mouths. Sally’s hands slid through your hair, and you immediately felt her fingertips rub your scalp. You tried really had not to moan in appreciation. “I see Annabeth kept you company”

Sally hummed contently as you gently stroked her damp cheekbones.

“She’s my sidekick”, the frizzy haired woman teased, reaching out to the child to pull her close to her side, and squeezing her into a tight hug. The girl chuckled and squirmed to pull away. You playfully lean forward to nibble her bottom lip.

“Oh, is she now?”, you softly whisper in her mouth. “Should I be jealous?”

Sally’s hands wandered under your shirt, taking a firm grasp over your sensitive hips. “I love when you are, actually”

“Mom I drawed the three of us!”, Annabeth stepped in, proudly lifting the papers between the two of you.

“Drew baby”, you correct her both softly and firmly. Meanwhile your eyes diverted from Sally to the paper, in awe. “It’s beautiful, my love”, you got down on your knees, gently wrapping your arm around your daughter’s shoulders, only to pull her closer and peck her rosy cheek.

“But,mommy!”, Annabeth rolled her emerald eyes at you. “Stop correcting me all the time. It’s not nice”, she pouted a little.

Your heart melted at the sight before your eyes and as a consequence a fond smile formed on your lips. “I’m just trying to teach you things”, you said softly. “Isn’t it what Miss Caroline does at school too?”

The girl thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, she always gives me stickers, when I do something right”

“See?”, your gaze drifted behind your shoulder where Sally was silently admiring both of you interacting together, arms folded on her chest and a slight grin on her face.

“Since you don’t have stickers…”, the girl mumbled, rubbing her foot on the carpet. “Can I paint my nails purple like Sally?”, she questioned innocently.

You arched both of your brows to that. Amusement written all over Sally’s features along with a slight amazement caused by that little manipulative mind of hers.

“Oh is that so, huh? Sally, your fingertips are all over this, right?”

“I  don’t know what she is talking about”, she answered with a shrug.

You sighed, getting on your feet. “I guess some nail polish never hurt anyone, right?”, you said, looking into Sally’s eyes as if to meet her approval. She nodded and approached closer to you, only to take a hold on your chin. It was impossible to resist the temptation to capture your mouth in hers, when you were around. Sally’s orbs darkened even more and you understood she was dying to kiss you. A heavy lump formed in her throat, but you could tell she was restraining herself for the sake of Annabeth. It made you chuckle a little. So you preceded her. You laced your fingers with her and leaned down to graze her lips in a long, heated kiss. Sally let out a watery chuckle, pulling your bottom lip a little before sucking it in her mouth.

Annabeth covered her face with both her palms and rapidly turned around as boh of you taught her to do in these situations. “Ew, you’re doing it again!”

You slowly pulled away as a hue of pink rushed to your cheekbones.

Sally groaned loudly, already missing the contact. She licked her lips, havig a taste of you. Then her attention shifted from you to the kid. “Go grab my nail polish in our room, little brat”, she playfully patted her butt, making her giggle.

“Sally!”, she squealed.

She stuck her tongue out at her. “Hurry up before I change my mind”, she teased. Both of you watched as the young girl raced towards the stairs, stepping on them as quickly as possible.

“Annabeth, don’t run up the stairs, you’ll trip!”, you warned outloud.

The girl slowed down right away. But it didn’t go unnoticed the little puff of annoyance that escaped from her mouth, as if she had listened to that exact sentence so many times already, which it was true.

“She’s such a good kid”, Sally softly commented.

You lifted your chin to look at her absent face. With a feather touch, you grazed her smooth skin of her cheekbone, smiling softly while doing so. Sally soaked in the affection, humming softly and tealking her head to the side, towards you.

“She loves you. She wants to be like you, when she grows up”, you quietly admitted, your tone soft and emotional at the same time.

Sally’s brows arched at that, soon followed by a low, amused chuckle. “I hope you can get this crazy idea out of her head”, she muttered, shaking her head a little. “She is too good to be like me”

“Sally baby, you’re good”, you cupped her cheeks and kissed her jawline with deep affection. “You’ve a wonderful heart. It’s so full of love”, your fingers wiped away those little tears that were already threatening Sally’s eyes to escape and roll down like a wild cascade.

“That’s because you showed me the way”, she sniffled.

“Perhaps we helped you”, you nodded quietly, despite not fully agreeing with her. “But you already were a better person, before we met. A loving, needy, beautiful frizzy hair woman whose only wish was to love and be loved”

“Don’t be so mushy, kitten”, Sally playfully rolled her eyes at your statement. She reached for you hand to give you a squeeze and you laced your fingers together right after.

You bit the inside of your cheek at the pet name to keep the forming smirk at bay.

“But you love it”, you added in a sing song voice.

“And you know so well what I love, huh?”, she moved the other hand to your face and her thumb gently toyed with your bottom lip, plump and colored with a hint of her lipstick. “I have quite an appetite for that pretty cherry chapstick of yours”

Her sole voice was a turn on for you, but her teasings had the power to drive you crazy. You held her palm agaist your cheek. “It could use some attention, actually. But tonight”, you pointed out, making her frown. “I’m afraid you already have plans for the afternoon with a certain someone up there”, you pulled away just a little, biting your bottom lip the way she liked it.

She chuckled lightly and grabbed you by your wrist. Her gaze drifted to the young girl coming down the stairs as quickly as before. A glimmer of excitement was evident in her emerald orbs as she was holding the nailpolish in her tiny, chubby hands,

“Annabeth, how many times do I have to tell you not to-!”

The kid cut you off with a snort. “-run down the stairs, I know”, she continued, slowing down her pace.

Sally’s fingertips found your soft, long hair, gently stroking it and untangling it. “She’s indeed a good girl”, she admitted, and you smiled softly at her before pecking her cheek.


One shots: 

Broken - Wilhemina Venable - hurt/comfort

A day in the life - Sally Mckenna - pure fluff

Take me back to the night we met (part 1)(part 2) - Mildred Ratched - light angst/ fluff

An inappropriate joke - Wilhemina Venable - soft humorous

Tell me you love me - Sally Mckenna - fluff/Sally being clingy to be short  

Somebody to die for (part 1)(part 2) - Cordelia Goode - angst
