#august walker fanfiction


Summary: A dangerous mission and a shared promise - a promise August intends to make good on.

Warnings:SMUT (18+)/ mentions of guns / oral sex (f receiving) / unprotected sex/ rough-ish sex/ language.

Word count:2,6k+

A/N: Here we are, my first smutty post. This has been stuck in my drafts folder for months until I had something that resembled good text and plot. I feel this is me stretching a muscle I hadn’t exercised before. Therefore, I’m sorry if you think it isn’t very good.

August was the obvious option, but at first I didn’t write with any characters or Henry in mind, so if his character feels flat, again, I apologize.

Thanks goes to my lovely editor, beta and cheerleader (really, if not for her I wouldn’t be posting this) @shellbilee

The mission had been a success.

It wasn’t the first time you had gone on missions with August, but this one was different.

You got no briefing from your superiors, not even a phone call to make it official as it usually happened. It only added to the feeling that, deep inside, this one was not sanctioned.

Whatever data August was after, he didn’t let you know, and in your mind you began to question why he’d ask you, of all the agents he could bring along on a mission, if you did not have clearance for it.

You had a clearer idea of what he had in mind when you saw the specs of the club where you were to retrieve the package. It also explained why you had to be all dolled up, in a dress and heels he had given you.

“I chose them myself.” he had said to you, with a look you could only describe as lustful. “It was a very good investment.”  

You were speechless. Never had August addressed you like that. Almost like he cared.

“You have excellent taste.” you replied, giving him the same look.

He reminded you of a new and improved James Bond.

“Shall we go?” you asked, returning your eyes to his when you were done with your once over.

The man was handsome. And the tuxedo he wore only complimented all you knew was hidden under it.

“Just one thing before we leave.” he said, walking slowly and deliberately towards you.

He grabbed your left hand in his palm, with a gentleness that belied his size, sliding a diamond ring on your finger.

You couldn’t hold the quiet gasp that escaped your lips.

“My woman.” he added. “I want you to behave as such while we’re there.”

His tone left no room for discussion, so you just nodded.

“So compliant. Cat ate your tongue or something?” he leered at you.

“Stop being an asshole. Are we doing this or not?” you said, impatient and trying to regain some semblance of composure.

He still had your hand in his. The warmth and the callouses leaving tingles on your skin.

“Just one last thing.” he answered, still intense, as he put your hand in the crook of his arm. “If this mission goes as planned, without a hitch, I’m giving you whatever you want.”

“Great.” you said, apprehensive. “If we’re going into that hairy a situation and you get me out alive, I’ll give you whatever you want, too.”

“Excellent.” he replied with a grin. “We’re both looking forward to success.”

His eyes found yours, locking you in place as he pushed the button for the elevator.

You got into the party, and after a long and tedious amount of time, you found yourself in the dark, half-sitting on an imposing mahogany desk, in a flamboyant office. The deer heads on the wall turned your stomach, but your foot on the bearskin carpet was ready to propel you towards any idiot who wandered in. The silencer made the gun heavier, but still you clutched it, safety off, just in case.

August had been in the tiny room behind a bookcase for too long.

You watched as shadows passed by the door, unable to hear what they said.

The light touch on your shoulder startled you from your concentration, and with a smirk you could see by the glow of a tiny flashlight in his hand, he signaled with his head towards the door.

Taking the gun from you, he unscrewed the silencer and shoved it into his pocket along with the flashlight, and tucked the weapon into the back of his trousers.

“We good?” you whispered.

“We’re splendid.” he replied quietly, guiding you into the hallway and shutting the door behind him, just as two security guards rounded a corner.

You both kept on walking, but the shouting made you stop.

In broken English, the brave security guard asked you what you were doing in the office, his hand itching for the gun in his holster. His tone was in odds with the fear you could see in his eyes for confronting a man as broad and tall as August.

Pretending he was deeply offended by the confrontation, August merely asked where the bathroom was.

Listening to the grumpy guard, with a gaze that would have made your legs shake, he nodded at the man as a thank you, a grimace plain on his features, turning around and heading into the direction pointed.

“Alas, sweetheart. Not without a hitch.” he hissed.

“I’m still alive. And so are you.” you replied just as quietly. “Nobody’s shooting at us. I’d say this went better than Prag.”

“If you think so.” he said, grabbing your arm with a little too much force, and pulling you into the bathroom.

You heard him lock the door and huff in frustration. Both of his arms extended against the dark wood.

You rubbed the offended area as he turned and watched you for a moment.

“August?” you mumbled, not comprehending the look on his face.

“You did tell me I could have whatever I wanted.” he said, quirking a brow and unbuttoning his tuxedo jacket. “I want you. Now. Here.”

Your frozen stance and wide eyes brought a smirk to his lips.

“August, this is not the time, nor the place!” you whisper yelled.

“Back against that wall.” he commanded, not taking his eyes off of yours.

He seemed like a completely different person. More primal.

In three strides he came to a stop in front of you, his nostrils flared.

“You look ravishing.” he said quietly, caressing your cheek with the back of one hand and putting the other on the wall to the right side of your head, caging you in. “Enticing.” he added in a growl.

He leaned into the crook of your neck and inhaled sharply from shoulder to earlobe, and there, he nuzzled that sweet spot. Your hands went instinctively to his biceps, and if not for his clothes, your nails would have left a mark.

The luxurious club restroom, with its black marble walls and counter top, golden taps and ivory porcelain sinks disappeared when he bit and pulled at your earlobe and nibbled the length of your jaw in a torturing pace, all the way to your chin, where he planted a soft kiss. Your breathing came out loud to your own ears and you were holding back moans.

He pulled away from you, just enough to look long and deeply into your eyes. His were a deeper shade of blue, pupils blown in desire, and he regarded you with such hunger that you clenched in anticipation. He then gave you a kunik, and sank to his knees, lifting the skirt of your dress slowly with his thumbs as his other fingers grazed your skin tantalizingly from ankles to the top of your thighs.

“Hold it.” he ordered.

Your hands trembled slightly, as they gathered your skirt around your waist. Your gaze locked on him as he watched your reactions to his touch, the soft smirk never leaving his lips.

“Remember, we are technically in public. Be quiet.” he spoke softly to you, but the mischievous look on his face betrayed every word. His eyes seemed to beg you to moan. Loud.

He tore his eyes from yours and stared directly at your mound. You felt self conscious and squirmed, but he put his huge, hot hands between your thighs, and tut-tutted.

“None of that sweetheart. You’re here for my pleasure. Now, spread these legs, will you?” he said, in an unhurried tone, as if there was nobody else in the world besides the two of you.

You did as you were told, planting your feet wider apart as he watched. Leaning in he inhaled deeply before pulling your panties off.

“Step off, love.” he said.

Again, you did so, and he put them in his pocket.

Looking up, he stared dead into your eyes, and very seriously, sighed.

“Do you have any idea of how long I’ve been waiting to do this to you?” he asked.

You gasped, shaking your head quickly from side to side, unable to react in any other way.

“Well, I’ve been dying to ravage you. You’ve been tormenting my every thought for a while now.” he continued, almost as if he was bored.

“You have?” you asked, in a breathy whisper.

“That’s right. And now, you gotta pay for torturing me for so long.” he flashed you a devilish grin and held your gaze as he reached up with his fingers, taking no time at all to spread your folds and lap at you with his tongue.

There was no room in your mind to analyze the weight of his words at that moment.

One of your hands went to the sink to your left and the other grabbed his hair and yanked, making him growl against your skin. You threw your head backwards when he sucked at your nub, a moan falling from your lips.

You had lost all control over your actions and tried to ride his face while he licked you where you wanted him the most.

Growling once more with impatience he took one of your legs and threw it over his shoulder. The vibrations only increased the pleasure, causing goosebumps to break all over. He added two fingers to his assault and escalated the torture, eating you out like a man with no tomorrow.

It could have been seconds or eons later, you didn’t really know or care, but he made you see stars.

When you came back to earth, your hips were still bucking against his face and he was still licking you eagerly. His fingers gripping your ass almost painfully.

You pulled his head away by his hair, and his hiss, combined with the look of his lips and chin glistening with your juices made you ache for him. You felt your arousal leaking down the thigh you had on the ground. It was the only thing that reminded you where you were.

He looked into your eyes, deeply, again.

“I need you August.” you whined.

“Fuck.” he whispered, looking momentarily vulnerable. “Turn around.”

He put your leg down and you wobbled a little bit. He steadied you holding you by the waist, but soon let you go.

Turning around, you heard the sound of a belt buckle and then a zipper.

He pulled your body towards his, and you could feel how much he wanted you, too. His warm breath on your neck was driving you insane.

“You owed me. Now be a good girl and be a little quieter. Don’t want the other guests hearing you. Every sound you make is mine.”

The skirt of your dress scrunched up between the both of you would be wrinkled and a clear evidence of your activities, whether you screamed or not, but that wasn’t important at the moment.

He lined himself up against your entrance and rubbed deliciously up and down, coating himself and making you mewl. You covered your mouth with your hand to stop the sounds you wanted to make and you felt him push just the tip inside you. He could barely contain his groan himself.

“So… fucking tight!” he said though his teeth, slowly entering you just a little more. He pulled out then, just to push inside you again all the way, groaning loudly in your ear while allowing you both to adjust. His huffed breaths hit your neck, pebbling your skin even more.

“Oh my god!” you moaned. “Feels so good!”

“Oh, yeah?” he said, pumping slowly, all the way out, then all the way in.

“Ah! August, fuck!” you breathed.

You could feel every vein and ridge as he slowly took his time squeezing in and out of you. It felt amazing. He was everywhere all at once and hit you in all the right places.

“Oh, sweetheart, fucking hell!” he said quietly, almost like a prayer. And started to go a little faster.

Your mewling got louder, and he smacked your ass, grabbing it hard where his palm had left a print. You quieted.

“Both hands on the wall, now!” he commanded through gritted teeth, and you did as you were told.

The cold wall on your face and breasts did little to cool you, because the frantic rhythm of his hips, unrelenting in their pursuit, created a friction that had you feverish.

His hands gripped your hips hard, but his control was feeble. You dominated him as much as he dominated you.

Soon, one of them left your hips and roamed your figure through the low cleavage of your dress, making the sleeves slide down your arms. He squeezed your right breast and teased the erect peak with abandon. He put the other palm open wide over your lower abdomen, securing you flush against him, using his pinky to tease your mound.

Your moans were getting louder than the whimpers he allowed, and after he tut-tutted once more, an open mouth, teeth and all, closed on your shoulder, biting, not really hard, but in warning.

It had the opposite effect.

Your hips now moved of their own accord, curving your back even more, and your hands, meant to be open wide against the wall, clawed at it, one of them moving down, where you needed it the most.

He didn’t stop his tongue from licking up and down behind your ear and down your neck, but he growled, eliciting a mewl from you. Letting go of your breast, he decided to take, quite literally, matters into his own hands.

A hand grabbed you by the hair and pulled your head back towards him, allowing for his mouth to assault the other side of your neck, leaving hickies, and the other went straight to your clit.

He sped up his hips somehow, no longer caring about how loud you were. His grunts and moans were getting louder too. His fingers working deftly and the feeling of being so full of him made your knees weak. He seemed to know exactly where you needed him, and with every thrust he hit you right there. Your hands let go of the wall to grab on to his hair for dear life.

It was sudden, but the overwhelming sensation took over and you were clenching around him.

His guttural, drawn out “Fuuuck!”, in your ear, and the feeling of his deepest and longest thrust yet, had involuntary tears running down your cheeks because of the utter pleasure, surrendering to the heat that was flooding deep inside of you.

You were incoherent for a time that was forever lost to you while everything was him. His musky citric cologne mixed with the distinct August scent, his strong chest behind you, his big hands gripping you so tight that you were sure he’d leave marks. The sound of his hips as he gave you his final stuttered thrusts, an almost painful force behind you.

Neither of you moved as you came down.

The only sound in the restroom was your harsh breathing.

Your throat felt raw.

His arms wound around you, securing your arms in his embrace and not letting you move.

He was still inside you.

His lips planted kisses all over your neck and shoulder, then made their way back, his teeth grazing your jaw, drying the tears with his lips.

You slowly turned your head to look at him and after a few seconds of staring into your eyes, he kissed you so tenderly that you could hear your heart crack.

When your lips parted he pulled out of you.

Your mingled heat slipping down your inner thighs was a harsh reminder that this was imprudent and that the two of you would probably regret it.

“I’ll see you back at the party.” He said, in a tone so detached, that you felt the cracks start to come apart.

“I’ll be right there.” You responded with a small voice, not turning to look at him.

But you didn’t go back to the party.

You went back to your hotel room instead.





Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support


Yaaaay congrats! Knew you’d get there

Thank you lovely . It’s very much appreciated but swear your all mad following my boring blog !

Don’t forget to send a request in, if you so wish

Congrats, darlin’ very well deserved!

Thank you lovely



Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support


Yaaaay congrats! Knew you’d get there

Thank you lovely . It’s very much appreciated but swear your all mad following my boring blog !

Don’t forget to send a request in, if you so wish

Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support



i saw a very important tiktok recently and knew i immediately needed it as a gif so here it is in case y’all want it as well

This is me currently trying to finish the last part to my August series. It’s strops galore in the winter household




Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support



If you’d like to join in this event, send me an ASK with your country song & characterrequest.

Will it be….

Walter and some Lady A?…

Sy and a bit of Carrie Underwood ?…

Henry and a Nashville hit?…

Or any other combination you’d like to suggest.

Congrats on your milestone

Thanks hun




Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support



If you’d like to join in this event, send me an ASK with your country song & characterrequest.

Will it be….

Walter and some Lady A?…

Sy and a bit of Carrie Underwood ?…

Henry and a Nashville hit?…

Or any other combination you’d like to suggest.

Yay way to go hun xxxx❤❤❤❤

Thank you hun. Apologies in advance for the amount of stories there are to beta ‍♀️


Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support



If you’d like to join in this event, send me an ASK with your country song & characterrequest.

Will it be….

Walter and some Lady A?…

Sy and a bit of Carrie Underwood ?…

Henry and a Nashville hit?…

Or any other combination you’d like to suggest.


Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support


Mid- Week Reblog .

Thank you to those who have already sent in your requests. They are saved and ready for me to write .

If any of my followers would like to join in the ,


Send me an ASK with your request!


Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support


FINAL DAY to get your requests in.

Then I’ll start writing these stories . Thank you to those that have sent their requests in . I’ll try my best to do them justice.


Summary: August works too hard and all day long, you miss him and decide to tease him with some photos of you in lingerie 

Pairing:August Walker x Reader (you)

Word count: 1.3k

Warnings (or on our menu today): 18+, Explicit Smut, mutual masturbation, semi public mastgurbation, oral sex, daddy kink, MaleDom/FemSub, bodily fluids, creampie, vaginal sex, biting, teasing, August has a gallery of creampies…

A/N:Continuing the kissing prompts! Again this turned longer than I imagined. Prompt made by @wondersofdreaming​! Thanks @agniavateira​​ for editing my work! Also suggesting all months be renamed Augustfrom now on. 

Prompt: 15.A fierce kiss that ends with a bite on the lip, soothing it with a lick.

Title: His Princess

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One word- Delicious!

Another word fest of yummy smutty filth and I loved every second . The ending though ! August you naughty naughty man.



Summary: When your husband Sy finds out you work with August Walker he isn’t happy, but even in your wildest dreams, you would never have guessed why. (Slight AU)

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader, with special guest August Walker.

Word Count: Approx. 4.7k

Warnings: Smut, Dubious Consent/ Non Consent, reluctant reader, jealousy, rivalry, non consensual voyeurism, semi-public sex, workplace sexual harassment, p in v sex, fingering, spit kink, male masturbation, cream pie, breeding kink, praise kink, implied cuckold kink, mentions of mmf threesome, dominant behaviour, fear of cheating (I think thats it)

This is different to my usual stories, please read the warnings and be responsible for your own reading.

Authors Note: This story started out from an ask I got over six months ago. I tried a few times to make it work, but I just couldn’t get it right. When I went through my old stories to find snippets for my milestone celebration, I stumbled on this forgotten, half finished fic and suddenly the story clicked into place and I was almost able to finish it. I got stuck at the end and thanks to @nashibirne I was able to settle on an ending. If you enjoy the ending, you have her to thank because without her to bounce ideas off I never would have been able to get it done. She is an amazing writer, check out her masterlist!

Edited by me, there will be errors.


Milestone Celebration Masterlist

Your calves burn as you stand in the elevator. Seeking relief you lift one foot out of your heel and bringing it behind your other leg, you rub your calf. It slides easily over the curve of your leg, the stockings reduce the friction but impede none of the pressure. It feels heavenly and you repeat the process with your other foot. You moan softly as you close your eyes and rub your hand over your neck. Thank fuck it’s Friday.

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Omg, I go away for awhile and you drop this!!! Wow



Summary: Everyone (including you) thought that the love of your life was dead. But August Walker doesn’t give up that easily.

Pairing: August Walker x you

Word count: 1.3K

Warnings: angst, scarred face, fluff, passionately making out

a/n: I wrote this little fic for @littlefreya for her birthday. I love you very much, my little twin, and hope you have an amazing birthday! I hope you don’t mind the angst. It’s August after all || No beta’d, we die unlike August Walker || No permission is given to copy, repost and use my stories or parts of them.

Title: Burning Love

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How beautiful is that? Full of emotions and… the grief, though! This story broke my heart and then healed it at the same time. It’s so soft, and the sensual bit at the end falls right within the story.

You carefully reach for the weathered box and opening it you see a breathtaking little heart shaped black onyx medal on a dainty white gold necklace.

“This made me keep going,” August says in a soft but determined voice. “I wasn’t going to die out there because I needed to give it to you.”

So sweet! I’m glad he found his way home again.

“Thank you,” you whisper with tears in your eyes as August lays the right, scarred side of his face against the smooth, silken fabric on your torso and closing his eyes he murmurs with a long exhale,

Youare what keeps me going.”

Even scarred, August stays as beautiful. Which is my reaction when I first saw the movie. I was like “How the fuck is this guy still handsome with half of his face burned off?”

All August Fic Recs|Henry + Characters Fic Recs

Thank you so much
