#syverson fanfiction



Summary: Sy is always giving you the best gifts, and today he brought you something extra special.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader

Word Count: 1.2k

Warnings: Implied smut. Cheeky, pouty Syverson.

Author’s Note: Lots of fluffy and flirty Sy, aka my weakness. Apparently, I can’t keep anything brief. Hope you enjoy!

Edited by myself, sorry not sorry for the errors.

*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, or claiming any ideas or parts as your own.

Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed!


Sugar and the Bull

For the entire time that you’d known him, Sy had always been an extremely thoughtful gift giver. In fact, he liked to compete against himself to get you the best gifts because when it came to you, his goal was to give you the world. It didn’t matter if it was something simple and sweet that simply reminded him of you, or even a large grand gesture that made you wonder how you had been so lucky to have him, he was always spoiling you.

“A real man treats his lady right, and that includes gifts, Darlin’.”

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Summary:You’re having one of those days again where you want to hide from the world, but Sy knows just what you need to make you feel loved.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader

Word Count: Umm. Waaaaay too long. 2.7K

Warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety, angst, lots of fluffy warm Syverson, and heavy flirting.

Author’s Note: Trying a new venture… after enjoying so many people’s works here on Tumblr and lurking forever, I thought it was time to share the scenes that fill my own daydreams. What better way to start than with yummy fluffy Syverson? (Hint, there’s no better way.) Hope you enjoy!

Edited by myself, sorry not sorry for the errors.

*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, or claiming any ideas or parts as your own.

Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed!


Hoodie Love

Driving home from your hellacious day, your hands gripped the wheel and you leaned your head back on your headrest, stretching your arms. You couldn’t wait to get home and wash off the events of the day. Work was a nightmare. Again.

“What a fucking day.” You sighed heavily. Heavy thoughts clouded your mind and a subtle anxiety crept in. Please let me get home. A shake erupted in your left leg while you waited for a light to turn green.

Sadness and guilt washed over you. Tears bubbles in your eyes. The last thing you wanted was to cancel your evening with Sy.

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This was perfection. I had a long day today and my brain so fried. I need a Sy hoodie and some loving pronto

Ditto, friend. Ditto. ❤️✌ Thank you so so much!!



Summary:You’re having one of those days again where you want to hide from the world, but Sy knows just what you need to make you feel loved.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader

Word Count: Umm. Waaaaay too long. 2.7K

Warnings: swearing, mentions of anxiety, angst, lots of fluffy warm Syverson, and heavy flirting.

Author’s Note: Trying a new venture… after enjoying so many people’s works here on Tumblr and lurking forever, I thought it was time to share the scenes that fill my own daydreams. What better way to start than with yummy fluffy Syverson? (Hint, there’s no better way.) Hope you enjoy!

Edited by myself, sorry not sorry for the errors.

*No permission is given for reposting my work, copying it, or claiming any ideas or parts as your own.

Please like, comment, and reblog if you enjoyed!


Hoodie Love

Driving home from your hellacious day, your hands gripped the wheel and you leaned your head back on your headrest, stretching your arms. You couldn’t wait to get home and wash off the events of the day. Work was a nightmare. Again.

“What a fucking day.” You sighed heavily. Heavy thoughts clouded your mind and a subtle anxiety crept in. Please let me get home. A shake erupted in your left leg while you waited for a light to turn green.

Sadness and guilt washed over you. Tears bubbles in your eyes. The last thing you wanted was to cancel your evening with Sy.

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@scorpiobitch95 firstly apologies for not reading your fantastic stories soon. Secondly, OMG I think I might be in Sy cuteness overload . Your version of the Captain is just the sweetest, charming man. The hoodies are sacred line made me May I borrow him please (& the hoodies) please?

Oh babe, thank you for this! (Sorry I’ve been awol… haven’t had much brain space for tumblr lately..)

Look I’ll let you borrow him, but only for a bit

Come back to me

**Part 2**

Summery: The first time Ally met Sy

Warnings: none

A/N: There will be a lot of flashbacks in this story.

The next couple days were hectic around the house. Everyone coming by to make sure the kids and I were okay. Bringing us food so I didn’t have to cook and some even offering to come back and clean the house. I hadn’t left at all. Jessica and Amber coming to collect Lucas for school, while Lena and I stayed home. Lucas started kindergarten this year and Lena was only three.

The girls tried to get me out of the house. Even if it was to go outside or to dinner, but I couldn’t do it. What if he called and I wasn’t here? What if he came home? I couldn’t take the thought of that. So, I stayed here, waiting for the time when I’d hear his voice, or that they can’t find him, or he was dead.

I heard the door open and Lucas ran in, Jessica walking in behind him, holding up a picture that he drew of our family. Both kids standing between Sy and me and the kids holding our hands. I tried not to break down again.

“That’s so lovely, honey.” I told him. “I know exactly where we can put this.” I got up and pulled a magnet down. Hanging the picture on the fridge and seeing him beaming at me.

“Ally. Why don’t I take the kids for a little while? Let you get some rest and some quite time?”

“But it’s my turn with the kids. Don’t you have stuff to do?”

“Nothing I can’t handle. I’ll have Jeffery and Tina help with them, it’s no trouble at all. You’d do the same for me.” Before I could even answer, she had the kids and was walking out the door.

The quite hit me like a ton of bricks. I looked around at the house, just standing there, lost without him. Who knew on the day I met him, I would love him so desperately.

“I’m Sy.” I rolled my eyes and walked away carrying the tray of drinks to another table. I felt his eyes on me and sure enough, when I looked back, he was watching me. I walked back by the table he was at and he held up his empty beer bottle and smiled at me. He did have a nice smile, I thought to myself as I went to get him another. I set the bottle on the table in front of him, lingering for a moment longer then I should have, but god he smelled good. He turned his head and smirked at me. “Can you join me?”

“I’m working right now.” I started to walk away but he turned suddenly and blocked my path.

“What about after?” I studied him for a minute. It couldn’t hurt, right? My parents had the kids for the night. It had been so long since a man looked at me the way he was.

I’m off in an hour.” I told him before pushing him away and walking back behind the bar. I tried to ignore him, but every time I would look up, he was there, moving closer, watching me. Before I knew it, he was sitting at the bar, his friends long forgotten.

“What’s your name?” Brian the other bartender looked at me and laughed before walking away.


“Is that short for something?”

“Alexandra.” I grabbed him another beer and he grabbed my hand, looking at me and rubbing his thumb across my palm.

“That’s a beautiful name, darlin’.”

I smiled at him before moving away and started cleaning some of the tables. Brian walked up to me, leaning close. “Watch out for that one. He’s military, won’t be around for very much longer and he’s got quite the reputation with the ladies, if you know what I mean.”

“I can take care of myself, Brian. But thanks for the heads up.”

I went into the office, grabbing my bag and walked back out. Was this something I really wanted to do? I mean sure he’s gorgeous and he seems nice enough, what the hell, I thought as I made my way towards him. “Sy. I’m off.” He smiled, turning he grabbed his beer, swallowing the remainder of it and got up. I felt his hand on the small of my back as we walked out, my back suddenly on fire from his touch.

“Look, I know what that guy said to ya in there. I am military and I am leaving to go to Georgia in a couple days. I have been with a lot of woman here. I’m not looking for an easy lay tonight, Ally. I just wanted the company of a beautiful woman, and ya are, very beautiful. I thought we could just walk around and talk, maybe get some ice cream. Whatever you want.”

I stopped and turned to look at him. I studied him closely. I mean it could have been a line. Some men will say anything. Looking into his eyes though, I saw an honesty that I couldn’t deny. “I’d really like that. It’s been a while since I’ve been out.” We started walking again. “Why are you going to Georgia?”

“Got new orders. I have to leave here in three days to report for duties. Fort Benning will be home for a while until they ship me somewhere else. How long have you been working here?”

“A couple months. I just went back to work after being home for a couple years. I like it for the most part, but my feet kill me by the end of the night.”

“And here I am making you walk around town.” We both laughed as we continued walking. We talked, he wasn’t like anyone I had ever met before. We talked like we have known each other for all our lives. He made it easy to talk to him, to be myself, and not worry what he would think. I’ve never had that before. Not even with my ex. I suddenly wished he wasn’t leaving so soon.

We made it to ice cream shoppe and he ordered us a sundae to share, we sat down and he handed me a spoon. “So, I take it you have no one waiting for you at home?”

“No, that’s been over for a long time. He’s navy actually and he decided that I wasn’t enough anymore, that the life we had wasn’t enough. I found out he was sleeping with another woman, someone on his crew. It made since after I found that out. Still it doesn’t make it any easier. Especially with the kids.”

He stopped eating and stared at me, not moving at all. “You have kids?”

“Yeah. A boy and a girl.” He nodded and looked around at the door. I felt my heart drop. Of course, who would want a woman with two kids, even for a night or a couple days. I tried to stay focused and decided maybe it was time to go, suddenly feeling like I had over stayed my welcome. “I get it.” He looked back at me and frowned. “It’s fine, really. You’re not the first man that’s been turned off because I have kids and I’m sure you won’t be the last. I’m going to go. Thanks for the walk and the talk. It was nice talking to someone other than a 3 year old and a 6 month old.” When he didn’t say anything, I stood up, ready to leave.

“Ally. Please stay. I’m sorry, ok? That was just the last I was expecting for ya to say. I’m enjoyin talkin to you. Come on,” he said when I didn’t move. “Sit down.” And I did. What did it matter anyway. It’s not like I would ever see him again after tonight. “How long ago did he leave you and the kids?”

“While I was pregnant with Lena, the youngest. He said I should have never got pregnant again, Lucas was all he wanted, as if it was all my fault. He’s never even seen her.” I saw Sy clench his jaw, his eyes darkening.

“What a jackass! To leave you like that, with two kids. Why hasn’t he seen the baby?”

“He says it’s hard enough not seeing Lucas, that he doesn’t want to get attached to another child. Can you believe that? He acts like their dogs not children.” I took the last bite of the sundae and looked at him.

“He’s not a man at all. Not a real man anyway. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. It must be hard, raisin two kids on your own.” He stood up and reached for my hand. I took it as I stood next to him, his hand tightened on mine and he started for the door.

“I’m not completely alone. I mean my parents help a lot with them so I can work. I’m still trying to save for a better place for them.”

“Does he help at all?” We stopped at the corner and waited for the light to change.

“No. I could go to his commanding officer, but I figure it’s for the best. I don’t want to force him to be in their life and I don’t want anything from him.” He nodded as we started walking back towards the bar.

“I get where you don’t want his help, but they are his responsibility too. You should consider it.” He walked me to my car, taking my keys and unlocking the door. “I enjoyed our walk, talk, and ice cream.” I giggled and stood there. I didn’t want to leave but I had no idea what to say to him. “Anyway can I see you again? I know I’m leaving soon, but there’s just something about ya.” He moved closer and leaned his head closer to mine. “Tell me if ya don’t want me to kiss ya.”

I didn’t say anything as his gaze flickered between my eyes and lips as he leaned in closer. I sighed as his lips gently meant mine. Once, twice, three times before he pulled away.

“I would love to see you again. I’m off tomorrow, but I’ll have the kids.”

“Bring em. I’ll figure out something we all can do. Give me your phone.” I fished out my phone, unlocked it and handed it to him. He typed in his number and then called his phone. “I’ll call you in the morning. Text me when you get home, just so I know ya made it.”

“I will.” I took a chance, lifting my lips to his for a longer kiss. I pulled away and smiled at him. “See you tomorrow, Sy.”

“Logan. The names Logan. See you tomorrow, Ally.”

I wrapped my arms around my waist as I felt the tears fill my eyes. What if I never saw him again?

Part 1

As always, if you want to tagged/untagged, let me know!!

Tags:@wolvesandhoundshowltogether@mary-ann84@sausagefest1996@hell1129-blog@xxxkatxo@omgkatinka​ @gateskeeper @jcwsstuff @homewreckingwreck@heydaneisha@gokusthrussy@thelastsock@lebguardians@agniavateira@seriouslygoodlookinggents@titty-teetee@summersong69​ @ubreakable-abby @harlotforhenry @ne-lekika @princesssterek@suueeeeeee@oddsnendsfanfics@iraot@marshmallowsaremyfavorite@cavillsimp@indigosaurus@littlefreya​ @llamadlreyx @wheretheriversrunintothesea@utterlyhopeful-fics



Summary: When your husband Sy finds out you work with August Walker he isn’t happy, but even in your wildest dreams, you would never have guessed why. (Slight AU)

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader, with special guest August Walker.

Word Count: Approx. 4.7k

Warnings: Smut, Dubious Consent/ Non Consent, reluctant reader, jealousy, rivalry, non consensual voyeurism, semi-public sex, workplace sexual harassment, p in v sex, fingering, spit kink, male masturbation, cream pie, breeding kink, praise kink, implied cuckold kink, mentions of mmf threesome, dominant behaviour, fear of cheating (I think thats it)

This is different to my usual stories, please read the warnings and be responsible for your own reading.

Authors Note: This story started out from an ask I got over six months ago. I tried a few times to make it work, but I just couldn’t get it right. When I went through my old stories to find snippets for my milestone celebration, I stumbled on this forgotten, half finished fic and suddenly the story clicked into place and I was almost able to finish it. I got stuck at the end and thanks to @nashibirne I was able to settle on an ending. If you enjoy the ending, you have her to thank because without her to bounce ideas off I never would have been able to get it done. She is an amazing writer, check out her masterlist!

Edited by me, there will be errors.


Milestone Celebration Masterlist

Your calves burn as you stand in the elevator. Seeking relief you lift one foot out of your heel and bringing it behind your other leg, you rub your calf. It slides easily over the curve of your leg, the stockings reduce the friction but impede none of the pressure. It feels heavenly and you repeat the process with your other foot. You moan softly as you close your eyes and rub your hand over your neck. Thank fuck it’s Friday.

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Omg, I go away for awhile and you drop this!!! Wow


And So Much More…

Summary: After a disappointing date, your best friend’s older brother picks you up to take you home.

Pairing: Captain Syverson x Female Reader

Word Count: Approx. 11.2k

Warnings: Smut, oral sex (m receiving), vaginal fingering, angst and some fluff.

Authors Note: As always I need to thank my amazing mates and readers @amberangel112 (also a brilliant title fairy) and @henryobsessed . You two always give me the confidence to keep going. Also special mention to @nashibirne , your thoughtful and honest comments really made me think, thank you so much. And finally to @radiantheartbeat for encouraging me to write this.

I used three prompts for inspiration for this story. Thank you for sending them in and I hope you enjoy what I came up with.

Prompt 1,Prompt 2,Prompt 3

Divider made by me.


As if on autopilot, you take a couple of quarters out of your purse and drop them into the slot. You press the numbers with the same level of thought and dial home. It takes a moment to connect and you sniff a little, clear your throat and pray that your best friend and roommate is home. The sound of your coins dropping into the payphone signals a successful connection, followed swiftly by the robotic series of notes that imitate the sound of an old telephone ringing.

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Love this!


The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood - Part 2

Series Summary: Lori “Babycakes” Tate swore she would never date a biker but when her life is in danger, she is put under the protection of a small club known as The Fallen Wolves Brotherhood. She suddenly finds herself attracted to not one, but five bikers.

A reverse harem, biker AU.

Part Two Summary: Syverson helps Lori pack for her trip and he struggles keeping his attraction in check. Sy (POV)

Pairing:Captain Syverson x OFC, Walter Marshall x OFC, Mike x OFC, Geralt x OFC, August Walker x OFC

Word Count: Approx. 3.5k

Series Warnings: Reverse harem, age gap (OFC 23, ages range from 23 to mid 40s), oral sex (male and female receiving), unprotected p in v sex, anal sex, group sex, masturbation, praise kink, mentions of body fluids, drug use, recreational drinking, sex work, criminal activities, mention of death, violence, use of weapons, mentions of war, mentions of abuse, angst, fluff, probably a lot more that I will add as they come up.

Part Two Warnings: Syverson thirsting hard over Lori, implied smut and smutty thoughts, age gap, cigarette smoking, brief mention of death, angst, and sass.

Authors Note: Thanks to everyone who read, commented or reblogged Part One. It was really lovely to read such lovely things! I really hope you continue to enjoy the story.

My aim is to post a new part every Wednesday evening (my time). Thats the plan anyway!

Thanks heaps to @nashibirnefor her quick beta read. You’re the sweetest Possum ever.

Divider made by me. Edited by me, there will be errors.


Parts Masterlist

Part One Part Three (coming soon)


“Take care of yourself, Babycakes.” 

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Great storytelling! Can’t wait to read the next update!

Here is a list of fantastic works by amazing authors that I highly recommend.

18+ years old or older - assume all fics have adult content!


Steve Rogers:

  • His Inheritanceby@jtargaryen18Your father is the head of one of the most powerful crime families in Boston but he’s protected you from that life. In your quiet home outside the city, you’ve been cared for and protected. When the desires of a more powerful man with the will to dominate bursts into your life, all your illusions are shattered as he comes to claim what is his. (Mob!Steve Rogers AU)
  • A Few Good Reasonsby@angrythingstarlight: Steve has a few good reasons to get up this early. All of them revolve around the pretty new waitress that just started at his favorite diner. (Biker! Steve AU)
  • Matilda Roseby@christycurlswrites:the relationship between you & Steve fell apart. Four years later, Steve learns he has a daughter.

Bucky Barnes:

  • Thin Ice by@angrythingstarlight: Bucky has a few rules. The most important is that you always tell him you love him when you leave the house. Because “I love you, Bucky” are his four favorite words. (cute Biker!Bucky AU!)
  •  Bucky’s Bumblebeeby@angrythingstarlight:fearsome mob boss James Barnes is ruthless. His tiny little girl has him wrapped around her finger!


  • Right Under Your Noseby@foxgloveprincessIt’s not your fault that you bump into two super soldier and endear yourself to them. Seriously. You have no idea what they see in you, but having friends you can trust implicitly is nice. Right?

Henry Cavill & characters


  • And So Much Moreby@sillyrabbit81: after a disappointing blind date, your best friend’s older brother comes to pick you up.
  • Even if You Don’t Mean Itby@sillyrabbit81:an unexpected phone call from a brief fling leads to a long-distance romance.
  • Where Kindness Growsby@rmtndew:  The Great Depression took its toll on a lot of people and some had to get creative to survive. Seraphina’s father decides his solution is to sell his only daughter to a much older man. But when Sy overhears a conversation about the young woman, he makes a decision that will change his life - and Seraphina’s - forever.
  • People Like Usby@rmtndewSy is set up on a blind date with a single mom. When the babysitter cancels, so does his date. But Sy is determined to salvage what he can.


Elain & Azriel:

  • A Surprise Bunby@tswaney17Elain has a secret. One that even the male she’s been seeing doesn’t know about yet. But, when Cassian shows up unannounced at the townhouse, everything comes crumbling around her as her secret comes to light. And now she must face the reality of her hidden relationship with Azriel and the consequences it has brought.
  • Season of the Roseby@fawnandshadows: The agreement has been signed for the engagement of Lady Elain and Lord Lucien Anserra. Everything has been arranged - or has it?
  • Blooming Shadowsby@fawnandshadows“Are you ready?” Azriel asked from the shadows. His tall frame leaned elegantly against the wall in the study, shadows licked and swirled around him as if shielding him from Elain’s gaze. It made her heart cry, seeing him hidden around her. There was a time when his shadows would vanish completely when she entered a room. When he would look at her and smile, but now, ever since the solstice, something had changed.
  • In the Gardenby@fawnandshadows:Elain saw Azriel watching her in the garden from a window. When she beckoned him to join her, he refused. But he can’t resist the lure of the loveliest flower forever.

Title: A Dose of Serotonin

Summary:Sy takes care of his girl after she tests positive for Covid. (Told from Sy’s POV)

Pairing:Sy x reader

Word Count: 675

Warnings: fluff, reader has Covid

A/N:This story was inspired by a little drabble I wrote for my beautiful bestie @cavillsthighs. I added a bit here and there and decided to post it.

Disclaimer: FEEL FREE TO REBLOG IF YOU LIKE THE STORY! Writers live off reblogs! Do not copy any portion of my material to claim as your own. Do not repost my work, or any portions of my work on any site and claim it as your own. Like all my other fics, this was written on my phone and not beta’d.



Stupid fucking covid. Two years in and she catches stupid fucking covid.

She just wanted to go on one trip. Now she’s in the bed coughing her head off, and trying to keep her fever from spiking again. I feel like the best thing I can do is make soup for her, and get her medicine and tissues when she needs them.

She didn’t want me to stay here but I insisted. Unlike everything else, she couldn’t do this one on her own. I’d already been exposed anyway; there was no way I was leaving her alone during this.

Drying my hands on the dish towel I looked around to make sure everything was done. Trash taken out, dishes washed, dinner warming in the crockpot. Only need to dry the laundry and I’ll be done. I could hear her coughing from my place in the kitchen.

“Sy?” Her hoarse voice broke my heart.

“I’m comin, doll,” I grabbed another bottle of water and headed to the bedroom.

My beautiful love. Normally she was bigger than life. Independent, strong, happy go lucky, but right now she looked so small and helpless. She’s bundled up in her favorite blanket, watching that show she’s been obsessing over. Aika had set up camp at the foot of the bed.

“What’d you need sweetheart?” I can’t stop my brows furrowing in concern.

“You,” she asked softly.

This simple request melted my heart. There was nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman. It’s my honor to be the one she calls for; the one that she wants to hold her when she needs comfort. I should probably tell her that. Putting the cold bottle down on the nightstand, I kicked off my shoes, and pulled my shirt over my head. She watched me the entire time.

“Aika, come,” I called for her to get down. Being a good girl she hopped down immediately finding her bed by the dresser.

Climbing under the cool sheets I could feel her warmth. Her fever was breaking but still stubbornly hanging on. Seeing her smile despite all the bad shit going through her body right now let me know I was doing something right.

“C’mere darlin.” I said softly.

She immediately wrapped her arms around my torso. Her legs tangling with mine never failed to make my heart skip a beat. She laid her head over my heart.

For a moment everything was still, quiet. The soft hum from the fridge down the hall played in my ear. The tinkling sound of the decorations she had hung on the wall moving with the ac almost made me want to drift off. It was peaceful. For a moment. She coughed again, groaned and buried her face in the blanket over my stomach.

When she moved back I ran my fingers through her hair. I began to think how lucky I was to be here with her. I’d been worried about her since she came home. We thought it was the jet lag making her tired; maybe it was her allergies making her cough. As soon as she asked to take that Covid test I knew something was really wrong.

I pulled her closer to me without a second thought. I want to be as close as I can to her right now. I told her I didn’t care if I got it and I meant it. In fact if I could I’d take it from her, go through it for her I would in a heartbeat.

Her fingers skimmed over my chest, playing with my hair. She laid a soft kiss over my heart. I could stay in this moment, if only she felt better. Snuggling deeper into me she unknowingly made me feel on top of the world. Who do all these cuddles benefit here - me or her? I placed a kiss on top of her head.

“I love you,” I whispered against her warm scalp.

Either way, all I know is if serotonin could cure Covid she’d be over it by now.
