#sherlock holmes fanfiction


Request: @green-spotlight I was wondering if you could do a Sherlock x wife! reader one? Where, instead of Mary jumping in front of Sherlock, Reader does, but she survives

Word count: No idea, but it’s long.

Warnings: (Y/N) gets shot.

A/N: HI! Long time no see. I know I always say I’ll come back and then I disappear but it’s just because I need a job and I have to look for it and bla bla bla. Anyway, here it is. This one is fresh, it’s the first fics I’ve written in months (the past ones were kept in my drafts) so I hope you like it and I hope I’m not too rusty for this.



The London aquarium was quite a flabbergasting experience to anyone who visited. The big tanks filled with different fish, the blue illumination, and the distinctive smell of chlorine made it a rather peaceful place to meditate.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Aquarium will be closing in five minutes. Please make your way to the exit. Thank you.” The voice from the tannoy announced.

Sherlock ignored it and kept going onward along the blue-lit corridors, through the glass tunnels, up until an area with benches for people to sit. There, a lonely woman sat tranquilly. 

“Your office said I’d find you here,” he said. 

“This was always my favourite spot for agents to meet,” the woman replied. “We’re like them; ghostly, living in the shadows.”

She finally looked at him. 

“Predatory,” Sherlock granted.   

“Well, it depends which side you’re on.” She turned away to look into the shark thank again. “Also, we have to keep moving or we die.”

“Nice location for the final act. Couldn’t have chosen it better myself. But then I never could resist a touch of the dramatic.” Sherlock cocked his eyebrow, rejoicing in his own skin.

“I just come here to look at the fish,” the secretary said.

How dull she was, how boring. Sherlock was starting to get sick just by the mere existence of that woman. It was obvious to him what was going on, and yet there was no one else to show it off to. Where were his companions? He had texted them not longer than five minutes ago the exact location and they weren’t there just yet. 

“I knew this would happen one day,” the secretary continued. She stood up and took a few steps closer to the tank. “It’s like that old story,” she said. She turned to face him.

She was small, just small. She was not a beautiful woman and evidently never had been, she was poorly-dressed, and her whole body expressed how small she was and felt.

It was no wonder to Sherlock why she had done it. She was a nobody, always had been and always would be. She worked for a powerful, beautiful woman who was a constant reminder of how insignificant she was. Of course, she had done it.

“I am a very busy man. Would you mind cutting to the chase?” Sherlock insisted. A rush inside of him needed the whole thing to end quickly.

“You’re very sure of yourself, aren’t you?”

“With good reason,” Sherlock said precisely. “Unlike you,” he thought.

“There was once a merchant in fa famous market in Baghdad…” The woman started.

Sherlock closed his eyes and lowered his head. It was that bloody story again. What was it with people liking it? Perhaps it was the fact that nobody wants to be entirely responsible for their acts and decide to call them upon fate, or just that dumb believing of superior power. In any case, Sherlock was sick of it.

“I really have never liked this story” he sentenced.

“I’m just like the merchant in the story. I thought I could outrun the inevitable. I’ve always been looking over my shoulder; always expecting to see the grim figure of…”

“Death.” A third voice completed. 


The rush inside Sherlock increased its intensity. She wasn’t supposed to be there, John and Mary were but not her. 

She entered the room and stopped a couple of feet away from Sherlock’s side.

“Hello, love,” Sherlock greeted without looking at her.

“Hey,” she greeted back.


“On his way,” (Y/N) replied.


“On her way.” Sherlock shrugged and attempted no to look scattered. She was not supposed to be there. “Who am I looking at?”

“Let me introduce Amo.”

(Y/N) opened her eyes widely. She knew all about that time, Mary had told her just before escaping to try and fix things. 

“I can’t say I’m impressed,” (Y/N) said. Sherlock chuckled at the thought of how obvious it was, feeling good that his partner had caught it too. “So you were Amo? You were that voice on the phone?”

“Using AGRA as her private assassination unit,” Sherlock completed.

“Why did you betray them?” (Y/N) grunted. She could be too emotional sometimes. “Do you know what you caused? The people you hurt? Do you know how that ended? WHY DID YOU BETRAY THEM?”

“Why does anyone do anything?” The secretary asked, knowing well what she had done. She didn’t seem to regret a single thing.

(Y/N) was fuming, Sherlock could hear her breathing and was getting ready to stop her in case she tried to punch the secretary. 

“Let me guess,” he said in an attempt to control the room. “Selling secrets?”

“Well, it would be churlish to refuse,” the secretary admitted and Sherlock couldn’t blame her. “Worked very well for a few years. I bought a nice cottage in Cornwall on the back of it. But the ambassador in Tbilisi found out. I thought I’d had it.” She looked towards (Y/N) before returning her gaze to Sherlock. “Then she was taken hostage in that coup,” she laughed. “I couldn’t believe my luck! That bought me a little time.”

“But then you found out your boss had sent AGRA in,” Sherlock stated. He finally had an audience to show off with.

“Very handy,” the woman replied in a bitter tone. “They were always such reliable killers.”

“What you didn’t know, (Y/N), was that this one also tipped off the hostage-takers,” Sherlock explained to (Y/N). “Actually,” he said, “I don’t think Mary knows that either.”

The secretary sat back down and rested her handbag on her lap. 

“Lady Smallwood gave the order, but I sent another one to the terrorists with a nice little clue about her code name should anyone have an enquiring mind.” She was proud of her doings. “Seemed to do the trick!”

“And you thought your troubles were over.” (Y/N) was furious.

“I was tired; tired of the mess of it all,” she sighed. “I just wanted some peace, some clarity.”

(Y/N) was about to go on and punch the light out of her, but Sherlock stopped her before she had even given two steps forward.

“The hostages were killed, AGRA too…” She looked across to (Y/N), “or so I thought. My secret was safe. But apparently not. Just a little peace. That’s all your friend wanted too, wasn’t it? A family, home. Really, I understand.”

(Y/N) glanced across to Sherlock, but his gaze was fixed on the secretary who lifted her handbag as if in preparation to stand, and rests one hand on the open top of it.

“So just let me get out of here, right? Let me just walk away. I’ll vanish. I’ll go forever. What d’you say?”

“After what you did?!” (Y/N) roared furiously. She once again started walking towards the woman.

“(Y/N), no!” Sherlock yelled. That’s why he didn’t take her to her cases.

In a fluid moment, the secretary stood up, pulling a pistol from her handbag and aiming it at (Y/N), who stopped and backed away. 

(Y/N) considered her options for a second before obliging. “Okay.” She moved back to stand at the other side of Sherlock.

The secretary stopped pointing with her pistol and looked at it as if it was a toy. 

“I was never a field agent. I always thought I’d be rather good.” 

(Y/N) scoffed. She was upset and she knew they were wasting their time by trying to reason with her. She never understood why Sherlock insisted on talking to the criminals first.

“Well, you handled the operation in Tbilisi very well,” Sherlock complimented and (Y/N) rolled her eyes.


“For a secretary.” 

(Y/N) and the secretary looked at him with wide eyes. 

“What?” The woman frowned.

“Can’t have been easy all those years, sitting in the back, keeping your mouth shut when you knew you were cleverer than most of the people in the room,” he blurted out.

“I didn’t do this out of jealousy!” She defended herself.

“No?” Sherlock smirked. “Same old drudge, day in day out, never getting out there where all the excitement was. Just back to your little flat on Wigmore Street.”

The secretary gaped.

“They’ve taken up the pavement outside the Post Office there. The local clay on your shoes is very distinctive.”

The woman looked down to her dusty shoes. She looked like a rag, no wonder why he thought she was jealous.

“Yes, your little flat.”

“How do you know?”

Sherlock was ready for a quickfire session to kill time and show off to the woman he married. He cocked his head and smirked as if he had already won.

“Well, on your salary it would have to be modest and you spent all the money on that cottage, didn’t you? And what are you? Widowed or divorced?” He focused in on a plain gold band on the index finger of her left hand. “Wedding ring’s at least thirty years old and you’ve moved it to another finger. That means you’re sentimentally attached to it but you’re not still married. I favour widowed, given the number of cats you shared your life with.”

(Y/N) watched the woman closely. She knew that look, that void of fear, that confidence. The woman wasn’t shaking, nor she was feeling vulnerable. No, she was starting to burn in anger. She was a crazy woman who thought she was better than anyone else, of course, she would burn if anyone told her she was anything less than that.

She hadn’t done it out of jealousy, she had done it because she could. 

“Sherlock…” (Y/N) warned.

“Two Burmese and a tortoiseshell, judging by the cat hairs on your cardigan,” Sherlock continued. “A divorcee’s more likely to look for a new partner; a widow to fill the void left by her dead husband.”

“Sherlock, don’t,” (Y/N) insisted with a louder tone.

But instead of listening, Sherlock rose his voice ad he got fully into his stride. “Pets do that, or so I’m told, and there’s clearly no-one new in your life, otherwise you wouldn’t be spending your Friday nights in an aquarium. That probably accounts for the drinking problem too: the slight tremor in your hand… The red wine stain ghosting your top lip. So yes. I say jealousy was your motive after all - to prove how good you are…”

The secretary turned to gaze at the entrance as Mycroft walked in.

“… To make up for the inadequacies of your little life.”

The secretary was still looking at the entrance. Inspector Lestrade came in followed by three uniformed police officers.

“Well, Mrs Norbury. I must admit this is unexpected,” Mycroft said, hiding away his true feelings.

“Vivian Norbury, who outsmarted them all,” Sherlock slurred, dripping in sarcasm. “All except Sherlock Holmes.”

He took a step forward, holding out his left hand. (Y/N) and the police officers behind her also stepped forward.

“There’s no way out,” he whispered.

“So it would seem,” Mrs Norbury smiled. “You’ve seen right through me, Mr Holmes.”

“It’s what I do.”

She tilted her head to one side. “Maybe I can still surprise you.”

Swiftly, she brought up the gun and aimed it at Sherlock. Everyone got defensive instantly. 

“C’mon,” Lestrade pointed at her, “be sensible.”

Sherlock held his hands out to the side. Mrs Norbury shook her head.

“No, I don’t think so.”

She fired. The bullet headed towards Sherlock who stood there unmoving. (Y/N), who had no doubt anticipated that this was going to happen, hurled herself sideways in front of him and the bullet impacted her lower chest. Blood sprayed outward and immediately there was a large bloodstain on her shirt. Crying out, she fell to the floor against a nearby bench.

“Surprise,” Mrs Norbury said, filled with spite.

(Y/N) rolled over to slump against the back of the bench, gasping in pain. As two of the police officers hurried over to Mrs Norbury to disarm her, Sherlock stared at (Y/N) in shock, then dropped to his knees to press his gloved hand against the wound. She looked up at him, her eyes wide, and whimpered. 

“Everything’s fine. It’s gonna be okay,” he whispered. “Get an ambulance!” He commanded, looking round to Mycroft.

“You are such a cock,” (Y/N) whimpered.

“I know,” Sherlock smiled sadly. “But now, dare I say it, it’s not about me.”

“What do I do now, detective?”

Sherlock started checking her frantically just as John ran in. Without asking any questions, he checked her too and laid her down on the floor. 

“It’s all right,” Sherlock kept saying, “it’s all right.”

“You can do better than that,” (Y/N) groaned and John kept track of her vitals.

“Like what?”

“Like what about you shut up next time?” Sherlock chuckled and nodded.

“Noted,” he said. “Anything else?”

“If I don’t die…” She started and Sherlock interrupted her.

“Which you won’t.”

“IF I DON’T DIE,” she insisted, “I want you to be more loving towards me.”

“What?” Sherlock frowned and John laughed. “No.”

“Oh, oh, I think I’m losing her,” John joked, “(Y/N), stay with us!”

“Okay, fine,” Sherlock agreed. “But only when we’re alone.”

“That’s not how it works,” John coughed. 

“It is how it works!” Sherlock cried.

“It’s not!” Mary laughed and kneeled down next to (Y/N), helping John to keep her stable while the ambulance arrived.

“You two are too nosey,” Sherlock mumbled.

“Loving, you must be loving at all times or I’m going to die,” (Y/N) repeated. She was falling unconscious, so John and Mary urged Sherlock to keep her awake for just a couple of minutes now.

“Okay, what else?” Sherlock asked, “What else, (Y/N)?”

“Breakfast… in bed…” She mumbled.

“I already do that!”

“For me… breakfast in bed… for me,” (Y/N) insisted.

“You are such a cock” John mocked Sherlock.

“Yes, I’ve been told that twice in the last minute.”

Mary laughed and so the paramedics got there.


When (Y/N) woke up, she was surrounded by people. Mrs Hudson, Molly, John, Mary, and obviously Sherlock.

“We’re so glad you’re awake.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Look at you!”

All of them, talking to her nonstop. She only nodded and smiled, not knowing who to reply to first.

Her room was filled with flowers and balloons, and the dim light of midday snuck through the window, making it warm and cosy. She didn’t feel a thing because she was doped, but she faintly knew (by what she could catch hearing at least) that she had gone to surgery. 

“I’m glad you’re awake and fine,” Sherlock said after everyone shut up.

“That’s all?” She complained.

John hit Sherlock slightly. The detective rolled his eyes and pulled out little cardboard cards from his pocket. He cleared his throat and started reading in a painfully monotone voice.

“My love, I am delighted for your recovery and I can’t wait for you to come back home to me. I’ve missed having you in my arms, smelling your hair in the morning, and just looking at your… bright, beautiful eyes every day. You are my soulmate, and the thought of losing you was so painful I knew right then and there that I… Nevermind that part, it’s bullshit,” he skipped three cards while everyone else either rolled their eyes or chuckled at him. “You are the love of my life… My best friends… Kiss, kiss, kiss… Er… The message is clear I think.”

“That’s all?” (Y/N) asked again.

Yes, she had technically forced him to date her, and then to marry her, and she had kind of manipulated him to promise her to be more loving, so she couldn’t really complain if he didn’t get it right the first twenty times, but she was the one laying on a hospital bed because he couldn’t get his head out of his own arse!

Sherlock exhaled heavily and looked around. Curious and impatient eyes were all over him, making feel terribly uncomfortable.

“The thought of losing you is unbearable, I was very anxious during your surgery and have been like that up until now that you’ve woken up,” he admitted.

“He also spent the night right here,” Mrs Hudson added. (Y/N) then noticed an unused blanket by the visitor’s sofa.

“Thank you, Mrs Hudson,” Sherlock groaned and gave (Y/N) a cheeky look. “I’m not good with words, but do know that I’d be damned if you, my wife, died.”

“How romantic!” (Y/N) smirked sarcastically. Sherlock eyed her, knowing she was just messing with him.

“I love you, I truly do.”

“And I love you,” (Y/N) said.

Sherlock then walked closer to her and kissed her softly on the lips. “Don’t ever follow me on a case, please.”

“I can’t promise you that.”

“Then don’t jump in front of me if I get shot.”

“Better you stop being a massive cock, ey?” 

“I can’t promise that.” Sherlock smiled.


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Sometimes you questioned why you couldn’t have dated someone more ordinary.

You were especially questioning this now and you, John and Sherlock were being held hostage by Sherlock’s forgotten and psychotic sister, on a secret prison that Mycroft Holmes had so tenderly described as the epitome of hell. You didn’t know what was worse, the fact that no one knew you were missing and even if they did figure it out, they’d no idea on how to find you, or the fact that you were at the mercy of Eurus who was revealed to have an alliance with Jim Moriarty. 

Sherlock had tried to assure you that everything would be okay. He would find a way out, he always did. But you could see through his fake smile and hopeful words. You knew that he was just as anxious as you were.

You were going to sarcastically ask about his brilliant plan when a voice filled the room.

“Hello? Is anybody there? I’m stuck on a plane. Everyone’s asleep. Please help me,” a small child’s voice filled the speakers.

“Hi, can you hear me? I’m here. I can help you, just tell me your name,” Sherlock answered softly.

“Mommy told me not to tell my name to strangers,” she replied, fear evident in her voice.

“Oh, that’s alright. I’ll just tell you mine then. I’m Sherlock and my friends and I are here to help you,”

“I’m scared,” she informed.

“It’s okay, I’m-” he started before the call clicked off.

Eurus spoke up, “That’s better.”

Sherlock snapped, “Put her back on, let me help her.”

“Not so fast brother mine, you have to play along if you want phone privileges,”

“Play along?” you asked.

“Yes, I have developed a series of tasks for the three of you to complete. Each one testing your morality and character. And believe me when I say that time is of the essence,”

The three of you had no choice, not when lives were at stake. You proceeded into the room the Eurus had revealed. 

First, Sherlock was made to choose between you or John to kill an innocent man. The incentive? If you did not, his wife would be killed. John protested, but Eurus reminded him that your only chance for survival was to play along. Sherlock took the gun from the hatch and thought it over briefly before handing the gun to John. His logic is that John was a soldier, he had killed before and was better equipped to handle the emotional kickback of it. John nodded in agreement as the man pleaded with him to do it. John asked him if he wanted to pray, and assured him that he was doing a truly honorable thing. 

He aimed the gun and prepared to shoot, but at the end of the day he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. So the man took the gun from him and waved it around frantically before shooting himself, hoping that would be enough, but either way he wouldn’t have to watch his wife die. You looked away and John cursed. Sherlock waited, curious about what his sister’s next move would be.

Eurus was bored by the reaction and didn’t hesitate to shoot the wife

“Why? Why’d you do that?” John demanded.

“You didn’t follow the rules. The condition of her survival was that you or Y/n had to shoot her husband. You chose to save your conscience and now the blood of two people is on your hands,” Eurus answered.

“Now then, off you go to the next room, and Sherlock collect the gun, you will need it later on” she said as one of the doors opened.

“On the table you will find a file with three pictures. One of the men murdered someone with the gun that is hanging up. Figure out who the murderer is and condemn him to his fate,” Eurus instructed. 

“Oh and to add some suspense-” she said clicking on the tv in the room that contained a video of Moriarty making ticking noises.

“Okay,” Sherlock muttered before taking in every aspect of the photos, quickly eliminating one of the three brothers.

Eurus then spoke up, “At this point I would like to add some emotional context.” She then opened the blinds to show the three brothers each chained to chairs over the side of the ocean. “You have one minute Sherlock.”

“John, tell me everything that you can about this gun,” Sherlock ordered.

John listed off facts and that was when Sherlock realized who the killer was. Everyone was relieved when Eurus revealed that he had correctly chosen. She then forced him to condemn the man to his fate. Sherlock struggled momentarily, then remembered the little girl and the plane, easing his conscience with what he had to do next. He said the words and condemned the man to his death, but instead of dropping him, Eurus proceeded to drop the two innocent men.

Sherlock protested and she responded by dropping the guilty man as well. “You see Sherlock a life does not weigh more considering guilt or innocence,”

“Fine, whatever, I played along Eurus, now let me speak to the little girl,” Sherlock requested.

“Fair enough,”

“Hello? Can you hear me?” Sherlock questioned.

“Yes, I can, you went away,”

“I’m sorry about that, can you tell me where you are?”

“I-I don’t know”

“What about the plane? Is it big or small?“

“It’s big,”

“Okay, now,  just do me a favor and look out the window. Is it day time or night time?”

“It’s nighttime,”

“What can you see? Is there land or water?”

“There’s water, with lights in the distance,”

“Very good, now are you sure that there is no one to help you? Have you really really checked?”

“Yes, everyone’s asleep,”

Before he could continue, the call clicked off, and Eurus spoke, “Okay you three off to the next one, it’s time for John and Y/n to have a turn.”  

A door opened and as the three of you walked through you saw a small table with six glasses on it and a bottle in the middle.

“What is this?” John asked.

“It’s spin the bottle with higher stakes,” Eurus replied.

“And what are the rules?” you asked.

“You and John take turns spinning from the bottle, drinking from the glasses. One of them is poisoned. Also, Sherlock is not allowed to touch any of them. If you refuse, he dies. If he intervenes you both will die,”

“So we’re basically playing roulette,” John realized.

“Yes, but we have no choice, I’ll go first,” you answered, taking a step forward and spinning the bottle. You hesitated to take the glass it landed on and downed the contents reluctantly. Sherlock and John looked at you with concern.

“I think I’m fine,” you said, smiling fakely.

John stepped up next and spun the bottle, repeating the process, and also coming out seemingly fine. 

You stepped up again, knowing that there was now a 25% chance that you would receive the poison. 

“Sherlock, I-”

“No talking, just spin the bottle,” Eurus interrupted.

But one look at Sherlock told you that he knew and that he loved you too. You spun the bottle and emptied the glass, not feeling any different.

“I’m fine,”

John spun the bottle, and downed the contents of the glass.

“I’m okay,” he spoke.

There were now only two left. You could feel Sherlock’s anxiety as you picked up the glass, a fifty fifty shot of it being the one that had been poisoned. You closed your eyes and paused for a moment before downing it. The realization that you were fine came with little relief.

John’s expression went blank when he realized what this meant. 

“That-That’s okay. We’ve had a good run. Sherlock, you were the best man I’ve ever-” he started but was cut short as he saw you reach across the table and grab the glass downing it without a second thought.

“What? Why would you do that?” he yelled.

“You have a daughter. And Eurus don’t you dare retaliate because I followed the rules, and vagueness always falls to the side of the informed,” 

“Remarkable Y/n, you’ve proven your loyalty,” Eurus said.

Sherlock came to your side and pulled you into a hug both waiting for the worse. Then he realized that for something that was ingestable and rapid-acting, you’d already be dead. 

“So, none of the drinks were poisoned? Otherwise, she’d already been dead,” he deducted

“On the contrary, dear brother mine, all of the glasses were poisoned. It’s slow-acting, and the only way to get the antidote is to finish the trials and come find me. Even then, they might not make it.” 

“Wait,” you said as Sherlock and John were already to the next door.

“We played along, let Sherlock speak to the girl on the plane,” you spoke.

“Fine, fair is fair, you have another two minutes,”

“Hello, is anyone there?” the girl asked through the phone fear even more present in her voice. You could easily tell she’d been crying.

“I’m here again,” Sherlock replied.

“Why did you leave me? Why do you always leave?”

“I don’t want to, but we haven’t got much time. I need you to go to the front of the plane-”

“Where the driver is?”

“Yes, where the driver is, very good,”

“Are you in the front of the plane?”

“I am, it’s very loud and there are a lot of buttons,”

“Do you see the radio? Like a walkie talkie? Can you hear anyone talking to you?”

“No, there I don’t see one,”

“Okay look out the window, tell me what you can see now,”

“The lights, they’re getting bigger,” she said before letting out a short scream.

“What? What happened?”

“The whole plane, it’s shaking,”

“That’s just turbulence,”

“I’m scared,” she whimpered.

“I know you are, but I’m here and I’m going to help you,” Sherlock reassured.

The call clicked off again and the three of you had no choice but to proceed to the next room. Your mind was racing with the realization of what you just did. You were going to die. Even with Sherlock being Sherlock, you couldn’t expect him to be able to save you. Not this time.

“Hey sis, don’t mean to complain, but this one is empty. What happened? Did you run out of ideas?” Sherlock asked.

“Not at all Sherlock, it’s time to pull out that gun I had you grab earlier. You have one bullet and one choice to make, John or Y/n. Only two of you proceed from here. You have to choose one or the other, lover or friend. And remember you are limited on time, between the poison and the plane in the sky” She gleamed.

“Okay, alright then. Thank you Sherlock, for everything. Make sure that the quote on my gravestone isn’t something stupid. And no flowers.” you said taking a step towards Sherlock.

“What are you doing?” John demanded.

“I’m making his choice simple. You are a doctor who saves lives, and you have a daughter. Sherlock will learn to love again, but he cannot orphan a child,” you explained voice wavering ever so slightly.

“You can’t-” John started as you turned back towards Sherlock.

“Now then, you can not blame yourself, this isn’t your fault. And no turning to drugs, a promise is still a promise whether or not I’m here to hold you to it. Just make it quick. I love you,” you said, turning your back to him trying to make it easier for him. You really hoped that he wasn’t going to make it any harder than it needed to be.

Sherlock raised the gun, he needed to think.

“Sherlock, you can’t actually be serious. You can’t do this,” John pleaded from the side.

“Jim Moriarty said you would make this choice,” Eurus said as she watched the scene unfold before her.

A single tear rolled down your cheek as you waited. Sherlock’s face changed and John watched, fearful of what was about to happen, just as Sherlock lowered the gun.

“What are you doing? They’ll both die if you don’t shoot her,” Eurus shouted.

“Not on my watch,” he muttered.

You turned around just in time to see him placing the gun under his own chin.

“No, no, Sherlock you can’t,” Eurus complained.

“10” Sherlock started,



“Sherlock,” you warned



“You don’t know about Redbeard yet,”


“Sherlock, stop it at once!” Eurus called as she sent darts into the room.

“4” Sherlock whispered, focus draining.



But then darkness consumed him completely.

When he awoke, he was confused on where he was. His mind completely blank for a moment before allowing him to remember. He scanned his surroundings. He was in another cell, this one was much smaller and the walls were covered in pictures of him from childhood to the present. He was thinking through an escape plan when he was interrupted.

“Sherlock? Are you there?” the little girl on the plane called out.

“Yes, I’m here,” he answered.

“You said you would help me and you went away,”

“I’m sorry, I got cut off. But I’m here now,”

“Why don’t grownups tell the truth?”

“I am telling the truth, I promise, you can trust me,” he said trying to calm her.

“You were gone for such a long time, where did you go?”

“I’m honestly not quite sure. Do you know how long I was gone?”

“No, I don’t”

“Are you still in the front of the plane?” he asked

“No, it was scary.”

“Well I need you to be super brave and go back to the front of the plane,”

“I’m going,” 

“Are you there?” he asked.

He heard a gasp and then John answered, “Yes, I’m here,”

“John? Are you okay? Where are you? Is Y/n there?” Sherlock questioned.

“I’ve just woken up, but I think I’m okay, and Y/n’s with me, she’s still asleep. Where are you?”

“I’m in another cell and I’ve spoke to the girl on the plane again, she says we’ve been out for a long time,”

“She’s still up there?”

“Yeah, the plane will keep flying til it runs out of fuel. Now, tell me everything you can about where you are,”

“It’s dark, cold, the walls are rough, stone I think,” 

“What are you standing on?”

“Also stone I think, there are like 2 feet of water and chains, Sherlock my feet are chained,” he replied.

“Okay, that’s alright I’ll find you. Focus on Y/n, see if you can wake her. Also be aware that between the weight difference and the amount consumed she is going to be affected by the poison significantly sooner than you. I can’t know the specifics without knowing what it was or how much the dose was, but it’s very important that you keep her lucid for as long as possible,”

“I will,” he said moving to your side, stepping on something. “Sherlock, there is something else in here,” he added.



“What kind of bones?”

“I can’t tell, but they’re small,”

Then the realization hit him, “Redbeard…”

“Who is Redbeard?” the little girl chimned in.

“Oh, hello again, did you make it to the front of the plane?”

“Yes, but I still can’t wake the driver up,”

“That’s okay, what can you see now?”

“I can see a city and a big wheel,”

“Okay, that just means that you and I get to drive this plane together, just you and me,” Sherlock explained.

“Look again for the radio, it should be in reach of the pilot,”

“I still don’t see it,”

“That’s alright, keep looking, we have plenty of time,”

“My ears hurt,” 

“Does the city look like it is getting closer?”

“Yes, a little bit,”

“Alright, that means that you’re nearly home,” he said, beginning to feel helpless.

“Sherlock,” John spoke, “We’re in a well. Y/n and I are in the bottom of a well,”

‘There aren’t any wells in the prison, and why is there a draft?’ Sherlock thought. Then he figured it out and pushed one of the walls out to reveal that it was a trick and he was really back at his childhood home.

This is when Eurus chimed in, explaining his final task. 


“Come on Y/n, wake up,” John urged as he was checking your pulse.

“John?” you asked groggily.

“Yes, I’m right here.” he smiled, taking your hand.

“Where are we?” you asked, trying to stand.

“We’re at the bottom of the well. Now take it easy,” 

“Where’s Sherlock? Is he okay?” you asked, realizing the severity of the situation.

“He’s fine and he’s coming to help us,” John reassured.

“That’s good,” you replied lightly, feeling the exhaustion of the day taking its toll.

John noticed your shift in demeanor, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m fine,” you yawned.

“Seriously Y/n, tell me how you are really feeling,” he prompted.

“It doesn’t matter, it’s not like we can do anything about it,”

“Humor me,” John insisted.

“Well obviously I’m tired, wet, and cold. My head hurts, but everything else is kind of numb,” you replied unaware that Sherlock heard every word.

“Check her breathing and keep her talking,” Sherlock ordered lowly, before turning his focus back to Eurus. She told him to discover the truth about Redbeard, solve the puzzle, and save his friends. She then began to sing the song from their childhood.

“Eurus I went through that song, every line. Every word. There was a beach tree out on the grounds and I dug and dug and dug, and there was nothing. No one,”

“It was a clever little puzzle wasn’t it Sherlock? I think it’s time to up the stakes.”

“Sherlock!” John called out, “The….filling….water”

“John! Are you okay? You’re breaking up.” Sherlock asked to receive no response. 

The comm was failing, and you and John tried your best to move away from the water.

“Eurus, I don’t understand, what am I missing?” Sherlock pleaded.

“Hello? The plane, it’s tilting!” the little girl screamed into Sherlock’s ear.

“The bones….Y/n…..they aren’t dog….they’re human…..hear me?” John’s voice came through in pieces, but it was enough for Sherlock to figure it out.

“Finally Sherlock, it took you long enough. Dad was allergic to dogs, so no matter how much you begged we could never have one. Redbeard. Wasn’t. A. Dog.” Eurus revealed.

And then Sherlock remembered. He remembered his young friend with red hair, Victor Trevor, who he called Redbeard when they would play pirates. He remembered how he went missing. He remember searching for him and trying to reason with his sister to tell him what she did.

“You and Victor were inseparable. You always played pirates, but I wanted to play too,” Eurus recalled.

“You killed him, you killed my best friend” Sherlock realized brokenly.

“I never had a best friend, I had no one. No one to play with. And soon, you will have no one too,” she replied falling back into song.

“Okay fine, let’s play,” he said intently, dashing out of the room and towards the gravestones with the funny dates realizing that they were the key to the puzzle. He worked to complete the cipher and crack the code once and for all. He was finally going to solve his first case. 


The water was now at chest level and still rising. You were struggling more and more to maintain your grasp on consciousness. Only registering bits and peaces of what John was saying. Your mind was foggy, adrenaline being the only thing aiding it.

John came to your side, checking your pulse again, as it became harder and harder for you to focus.

‘John….Sherlock…..Eurus….The Girl…..Sherlock….The Plane…’ your mind was struggling, but then you put the pieces together.

“You-you have to tell Sherlock,” you said taking John’s arm and staring at him as if the fate of the world relied on it.

“Y/n you’re fine, you can tell him yourself when we get out of here,” John replied with a fake calmness to his tone.

“No, the plane, you have to tell him about the plane,” you urged.

“What about the plane?” John questioned.

“It’s not real, it’s all in her mind,” you explained, “Please John you have to tell him. It might save him.”

With that, you felt a rush of dizziness and sort of stumbled forward into John who had to reposition himself in order to keep you both upright.

“Okay, hang on Y/n, I’ll tell him. Just stay with me,” John promised.

“Sherlock?” he called out,

He shook the ear piece trying to get it to work. “Sherlock?” he repeated.

“John! Are you okay?” 

“Yes, but the water is getting higher and we’re running out of time, where are you?”

“I’m solving the song,”

“Is that strictly necessary?”

“Yes, it’s the key to all of this. How’s Y/n?”

“Not good, but she wanted me to tell you that the plane isn’t real,”

“What? How does she know?” Sherlock asked.

John turned to you to ask for your explanation and noticed with dismay that your eyes were closed.

“Y/n? Y/n you have to wake up!” John demanded.

Sherlock becoming overwhelmed, elected to take the comm out of his ear. He needed to think. He focused on the song and the dates and figured it out:

“I am lost. Help me, brother, Save my life. Before my doom. I am lost. Without your love. Save my soul. Seek my room.”

And without a second’s hesitation, he sprinted to Eurus’ room. As he entered the building he could hear the girl on the plane again and it made sense now, you were right.

“We’re going to crash!” she screamed.

“I think it’s time you told me your real name,” Sherlock huffed.

“I told you, I can’t tell me name to strangers,”

“But I’m not a stranger am I? I’m your brother” he said as he opened the door to Eurus’ room to find her sitting in the middle of the floor, tears running down her cheeks.

“I’m here Eurus” he said as he carefully tried to approach her.

“You’re playing with me Sherlock, we’re playing the game.” she smiled, eyes still closed.

“Yes, we are playing a game. I get it now. The song was never a set of directions,”  he spoke softly.

“I’m in the plane, I’m going to crash, but this time you’re going to save me” she said fearfully.

“Look how brilliant you are, your mind has created a perfect metaphor. You are high above us all alone in the sky and you understand everything except how to land. While I am just an idiot on the ground. But I can help you land, I can bring you home,” he said softly sitting in front of her.

“No, no you can’t it’s too late,” she cried.

“It’s not too late,” he assured her.

“Every time I close my eyes I’m on the plane and lost. Lost in the sky and no one can hear me,”

“Open your eyes,” he whispered, taking her hands, “I’m here and you’re not lost anymore”.

As she looked at him, he saw for the first time how much of a child she still was. There was so much fear in her eyes. “You just took a wrong turn last time, this time get it right. Just tell me how to save my friends,” he pleaded. 


John tried unsuccessfully to wake you up. He was forced to support your weight completely which was becoming harder and harder to do. The water was now at the bottom of his neck and he knew that time was running out. He was starting to give up hope when the water stopped. 

“Sherlock!’” he yelled hoping that his friend was nearby. 

“John! Help is here, Scotland yard,  they’re getting rope and bolt cutters. Y/n - Is she still breathing?” Sherlock asked, fearful of the answer.

“She’s-I can’t tell. I’m holding her up and don’t want to move her,” he explained. 

“I have the antidote, Eurus gave it to me before they took her away,” Sherlock said.

Moments later multiple officers came back. The tossed down a harness for John to wrap around you so that he could move freely. As soon as your weight was supported, he checked your pulse and breathing.

“Sherlock,” he called up.

“Yes John?”

“She’s still breathing,” 

Sherlock was filled with relief. Everything after that happened quickly. The team lowered some bolt cutters down and John was able to sever the chain. They then worked together to pull you out of the well. You were immediately taken to the ambulance and Sherlock injected you with what he had calculated as the needed amount of the antidote. Due to the beginning signs of hypothermia along with the unconsciousness, the EMT’s decided that it was best to take you to the hospital. 

Sherlock debated momentarily whether to join you or to wait for John. He decided to stay and wait for his best friend.  Pulling him tightly into his arms as he exited the well. Sherlock wasted no time administering the antidote and then sat with John as another EMT gave him an on-site work up.

“She was right you know, the plane wasn’t real” Sherlock said.

“Really?” John asked as they began to walk away from it all.

“Nope, just a metaphor,”

“What happens now?”

“Now, my sister will go back to prison. My brother will make sure she is taken care of after facing the wrath of my parents. You go home and see your daughter, holding her just a little tighter than normal. I go to the hospital to see my girlfriend, and if she is okay, take her back to her apartment where we will spend the night. Tomorrow, we will all meet at Baker Street and clean up the mess from the explosion, putting our lives back together again,” Sherlock answered matter-of-factly. 

“Do you really think that it’ll be that easy?” John asked, wrapping the blanket around his shoulders as they got in a cab.

“Of course not,” Sherlock smiled and John rolled his eyes.

The rest of the car ride was comfortably silent, both of the men were replaying the events of the day in their heads, considering how close they had come to losing everything. Sherlock’s mind drifted to his sister. He wondered if this had all been avoidable, if only he had been there for her sooner. He also wondered that if his mind was capable of covering up Victor Trevor, what other truths had it spared him? But mostly, his mind focused on you, he hoped that you were okay.

As the cab stopped, John had asked Sherlock to call with an update as soon as he knew anything. As much as he wanted to go and see you himself, Sherlock was right that he really needed to spend some quality time with his daughter. On the way to the hospital, Sherlock was caught off guard as the driver’s phone rang. The cabbie picked it up spoke for a moment before handing it to Sherlock, “it’s for you,”

“Hello Brother Mine,” he said knowing that only Mycroft would have the resources to pull this off.

“Sherlock, I’m so sorry, are you okay?” he asked. 

Mycroft had been away on official government business which is why the three of you had chosen now to go see Eurus in the first place. He must have received word from one of the boys at Scotland yard what had happened.

“I’m fine, had quite the run in with our little sister,” Sherlock answered.

“I heard. Any news on Y/n yet?” he asked sincerely.

“I’ve just arrived at the hospital. I need to give the cabbie his phone back. Impressive by the way. I’ll call you soon,” Sherlock replied.

“Sherlock?” Mycroft called out.


“I truly am sorry,”

“I know”

And he did. His brother was only ever trying to do what he thought was in his best interest. Sherlock may not have entirely agreed with his methods, but never doubted that his heart was in the right place. He pulled out his wallet and generously tipped the cabbie before heading inside and asking the nurses station as to your whereabouts and condition. She informed him that she would have to check with a doctor and asked him to be seated in the waiting room.

He sat down and waited as patiently as he could muster. He wanted, no, he *needed* to see you and to hold you. The few minutes it took the nurse to return felt like an eternity to everyone’s favorite consulting detective. In that time his brain was being particularly cruel and  reminding him of all of the things that could be wrong. For instance, you could have been unconscious longer than he anticipated, he might have calculated the wrong amount of antidote, you might have neural deficits, you might- before Sherlock could continue torturing himself, the nurse reappeared. She informed him that you were awake and practically ready to be discharged, just waiting for a confirmation from the doctor. She gave him your room number and pointed him in the right direction before excusing herself to do more work.

His face lifted into a smile as he opened your door. You were already sitting on the side of the bed in some scrubs (since your clothes were soaking wet). And just as you saw Sherlock, the phone rang and you answered it, signaling for him to wait a second.

“I forgive you,” you said without missing a beat.

There was a pause as the other person spoke.

“Of course I knew it was you, Mycroft. Who else would manage to call me before Sherlock could even get into the room,”

-another pause-

“As I am sure you already know, I am fine, as are your brother and John. And I was serious, I don’t blame you and while I know it is a mue point to tell you not to blame yourself, I do feel that it it necessary to remind you that-”

-a briefer pause-

“Of course not, I-”


“Goodnight Mycroft, try to get some sleep,” you finished before hanging up the phone and turning to Sherlock with a smile.

“Your brother is something else,” you said as you motioned for Sherlock to sit next to you.

“That he is,” Sherlock agreed, wrapping his arm around you, “how are you feeling?”

“As well as can be expected considering the circumstances,” you answered.

“That’s acceptable,” he said, pulling you in tighter.

“How are you doing?”

“Why are you asking me? I’m not the one who was poisoned and nearly drowned.”

“No, you’re just the one who had to face a secret sister, multiple deeply unsettling moral dilemmas, confront childhood trauma, watch his girlfriend and best friend almost die, twice, among other things. So I’ll ask again, how are you doing?

“As well as can be expected considering the circumstances” he said repeating your earlier answer.

“I love you,” you said wishing that you could undo the day and spare Sherlock from it entirely. You leaned back into his embrace taking in the comfort of knowing that even if you couldn’t change the past, you could be there for him moving forward.

“I love you too,” he replied, thankful that you were okay and thankful that it all was over.

The two of you continued to sit like that just quietly taking in each others’ presence. It would take twenty minutes for you to be officially discharged and another twenty to arrive at your apartment at which time you elected to shower and head to bed.

As you fell asleep in Sherlock’s arms, his mind was still trying to wind down. He sincerely hoped that you would be okay. He, you, and John had been through a lot. He knew that he would be fine, and that John was better equipped to compartmentalize his emotions after his time in the military. You, on the other hand, were a wild card. He had never been around you when you went through anything traumatizing, and had no idea how you were going to react. He promised himself that no matter what, he would be there for you. Eventually, he was able to fall asleep, his mind somewhat eased.

The next day as Sherlock predicted, the two of you would meet up with John at Baker Street to begin repairing and cleaning the flat. Mycroft had stopped by briefly to provide each out you with new cell phones and explained that he would be paying for the repairs as well as for your medical bills. He also informed that Eurus was back in a newly secured prison and he was leaving to go speak to his parents as Sherlock requested. He apologized again for everything and then left. You, John, and Sherlock bid him well and then continued to clean up. After a while, the three of you went downstairs and collected Rosie from Mrs. Hudson and go out for dinner. 

You looked between the four of you as Sherlock was explaining something brilliant and John was listening intently, looking away occasionally to make sure his daughter was doing okay. A smile found its way to your face as you realized that this was your family. No matter how bad things got, nights like these made everything worth it. This. This is why you would never elect to date anyone more ordinary, even if it would be the death of you.  

AN: This is loosely based off of The Final Problem and is Sherlock x Reader. There is violence and death, so consider yourself warned. I hope you enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated. 

Emotional Context. Sherlock had once been able to deny its importance, instead, governing himself with logic and reasoning. However, his connections with his friends and the people who cared about him had started to change his mind on such matters. This came with both benefits and negatives as it had opened him up to new vulnerabilities and pain, especially now. As it was during this time that he discovered that his sister was more than just a suspicion. In fact, Eurus was a secret that scared his dear brother Mycroft more than anything else. 

Sherlock struggled to retrieve any memory of her. That was at least until the name “Redbeard” was brought up. He had loved Redbeard his faithful dog and childhood best friend. He couldn’t remember what had happened to him, at least not until Mycroft filled in the gaps. Since that discovery, he, his brother, and John had left to check in on Eurus’ security. Sherlock and John wanted to prove that she had left multiple times once impersonating as a girl that Sherlock met during a case, and once as John’s new therapist. Mycroft was insistent that this was impossible, so they went to settle the matter once and for all. What they were not expecting was for it all the be a trap.

They were soon captured and forced to complete trials that tested personal morality and will power all centered around Sherlock. It seems that Eurus was fascinated by her brother and wanted to better understand him. It didn’t help that she had previously formed an alliance with Moriarty and knew more about Sherlock than he did her. But that was all Mycroft’s fault now wasn’t it? The first challenge forced Sherlock to choose either John or Mycroft to shoot an innocent man in order to save his wife. Both inevitably refused and the man in a last-ditch effort took his own life in front of them. Eurus didn’t hesitate to kill the wife, questioning the three whether or not keeping their hands clean costing two lives was any better than taking one life and leaving one to survive. She then ordered Sherlock to collect the gun, which now only had one bullet, and continue.

The next trial was equally grim. Sherlock was forced to deduce which of three brothers was a murderer provided only the gun and three pictures. To add to the suspense, she presented the three brothers hanging over the ocean tied up with weights. If they dropped they would inescapably be drowned. Sherlock made the correct deduction much to everyone’s relief, but Eurus dropped all three explaining that the life of an innocent weighs no less than the life of the guilty.

The third trial was where it got personal. There was a small wooden coffin. It was nothing special about it. Sherlock quickly deduced that it was built for a woman, one with no close family, one who was sensible, one that- he was interrupted when Mycroft brought over the lid which had a mere two words on it, “Words unsaid”. 

“Whatever does that mean?” John asked.

But deep down Sherlock knew and he feared what was about to happen next.

“It’s Y/n,” he replied.

“Y/n? What does she have to do with this?”

“Why quite a lot Mr. Watson, and very good Sherlock. Now then, this ought to be fun. In a moment, I am going to give her a ring. She’s alone in her apartment which is hooked up with explosions. Now then brother, you will have two minutes to get her to say the magic words. The catch? You can’t say them yourself, you can’t give her any indication that you or she is in danger. Just play your mind games like you used to,” Eurus grinned.

“What are the magic words?” Mycroft asked.

Sherlock’s face fell into a pained expression as he considered the task at hand.

“He has to get her to tell him that she loves him,” John realized.

“Yay! Now that everyone is on the same page, let’s give her a ring.” Eurus cheered, “Oh and for added fun,” she clicked on the tv showing video of you in your flat.

Sherlock studied the video feed, you looked horrible, something had clearly upset you. He could tell that you had recently been crying. As the phone rang he prayed that you would answer it. The clock seemed to loom over him as it continued to click down. He watched as you slowly retrieved yours and glanced down at the name answering it almost immediately.



“Ah, Y/n, I-” he started.

“I ought to kill you for giving me such a scare. Baker street exploded it’s all over the news and I’ve been trying to get ahold of you ever since. Are you okay? Is John okay? What happened?”

“We’re fine, just a little accident,” Sherlock replied calmly.

“I thought you were dead, the least you could have done was sent me a text” she whimpered.

“Oh come on now, you know I’m more clever than that, besides I’ve been busy, you know how it is” he mused.


“Y/n, do you remember the phone call we had just before Reichenbach, right as Moriarty had begun his master plan?” he asked feeling rushed.

“Of course I do, I still have nightmares from that call,”

“Well, I need you to tell me what you said that day,”

“There’s no way in hell,” you replied. Sherlock was able to see how much this upset you and clenched his eyes shut feeling the pressure.

“Please Y/n, I really need to hear it,” he begged softly.


“Sherlock, is everything alright?” you asked concerned at his unprecedented demeanor.

Eurus warned her brother to remember the rules. 

“Everything is fine, I just need to hear you say it,”

“Why? This better not be one of your experiments,”

“It’s not, I promise. I wouldn’t do that, not to you,”

“I don’t get the big deal,” 

“Please Y/n,” 


“I-I can’t”

“Why not?”

“Because you didn’t say it back,”


“If you meant it then, if there is any chance that you mean it now, please say it again,” he begged.

“Sherlock,” you pleaded

“Please Y/n, please tell me what you said that day on the phone, our last call together before the fall,” he said with such sincerity and emotion.


“You called me to tell me that everything had been a lie, that Moriarty was right. You told me that  you only had one choice left. I begged you to stop, to wait until I could get to you, that together the two of us would figure something out. But you said it was too late,” you recalled tears streaming down your face.

“And then…” he prompted.


“And then I pleaded with you not to do it,”

“Why? What was your reason?”


You hesitated for a moment, “ because I cared about you,”

“That’s not what you said Y/n, what exact words did you say?” His own eyes were betraying him at this point.


“I told you that I loved you, that fake or not, I would still love you” you cried, “And you didn’t say it back.”

Just then the phone clicked off as Eurus ended the call. 

Sherlock redirected his attention to Eurus’ screen, “Okay Eurus, I won. I made her say it. What now, what happens next?”

“Funny isn’t it? I don’t recall her actually saying the words ‘I love you’. She said ‘I loved you’ and ‘I would still love you’ and while close, I just don’t think that cuts it for me.” 

“Wait!” Sherlock screamed launching forward as Eurus hit a button and he was forced to watch your apartment explode. All that Mycroft could manage was staring in shock as the tv quickly cut to black. John went to his friend who had sunk to the ground staring vacantly.

“You didn’t tell her before Reichenbach and now you’ll never be able to, tell me Sherlock, are all those complicated little emotions worth it? Because to me it seems that the emotional context is what destroys you. Now pull yourself together as the next challenge is even more enduring.”

She paused for a moment before adding, “take your time,” and shutting off her screen. 

Sherlock rose to his feet and John and Mycroft hesitantly went towards the next door, turning back when they heard him whisper “no” before aggressively attacking the empty coffin taking out his rage and immediate grief. After annihilating it, he sat back against the wall. 

Regretting that he could not properly console his friend, John forced himself over to Sherlock handing him the gun saying, “I know this is beyond difficult and you are being tortured, but you have to keep it together, we have to keep moving”

“This isn’t torture, it’s vivisection, we are experience science from the perspective of lab rats,”

“Right now, we are soldiers who just need to survive, this is not the time nor place for mourning,” John said firmly.

“Alright,” Sherlock agreed and John helped him up.

The three men continued to the next room where Sherlock was tasked with choosing whether to kill John or Mycroft. He made his decision, Eurus’ game was over, and he pointed the gun under his own chin taking a calculated risk.

When he awoke, he was alone in a small cell plastered with pictures from his childhood. He quickly called out for John and Mycroft. John answered explaining that he was in a well, but otherwise seemingly fine. There was no response from Mycroft.

Sherlock quickly figured out that he was not actually in a cell but rather in a collapsable structure outside his childhood home. Eurus tasked him with discovering the location of Redbeard and upped the stakes as she started filling the well that John was chained to the bottom of. Sherlock racked his brain trying to solve the same problem who’s solution had evaded him as a child. That was at least until in an escape attempt, John solved an important piece of the puzzle.

Redbeard was never a dog.

Sherlock suddenly remembered his childhood best friend Victor Trevor who his brain had so cleverly disguised to help preserve his psyche. With this new information, Sherlock was able to figure out the Eurus’ song corresponded to the gravestones with the weird dates. He quickly deciphered the message and went to free John who was running out of time.

Outside of the well, he discovered his sister, “I’m so sorry Eurus,” he spoke sincerely.

“You needed me and I abandoned you, I could have saved you,” he added.

“I just wanted my brother,” she replied childishly.

“I’m here now, and we can fix this, just free John, don’t make the same mistake you made with Victor,” he pleaded.

“I don’t want to quit playing the game, I don’t want you to leave me again,”

“I’m not going to leave, I’m going to save you,”

Not knowing how to respond she simply stepped back and allowed Sherlock to save his friend. He dove into action turning the water off and then retrieving a key carefully tossing down to John so that he could free his ankles. He searched for a moment to find what Eurus had used to get John down there to begin with and found some rope that he leveraged against a tree and tossed down to his friend. 

It was as John was climbing over the side that the police cars and helicopters arrived. Mycroft’s people were there to collect Eurus, who went with them peacefully. Sherlock and John were both checked over by the EMT’s and given shock blankets. They were informed that Mycroft was safe and simply left back in Sherrinford. Once he regained consciousness, he his people and sent them in helicopters to take care of Eurus. But then? Who called the police?

“William Sherlock Holmes” you yelled slamming the door to Greg’s station car.

John and Sherlock had never turned around so fast in their lives. How were you here? Hadn’t they both watched your apartment go up in smoke? Or, was that merely another one of Eurus’ tricks?

“You’d better have a good explanation for-”

“I love you too,” he interrupted shocking both you and John.

“What?” you asked in disbelief.

“I said I love you too, I wanted to say it during that call two years ago, and I wanted to say it earlier today. I promise I will explain everything, and I understand if you no longer fill the same way, I’m sorry for not saying it before,” he confessed. 

You stared at him in awe, taking a step closer still staring at him. You closed the remaining gap between the two of you and smoothly connected your lips with his allowing them to communicate for you. After an instant of shock, Sherlock reciprocated allowing the blanket to fall off of his shoulders as he pulled you in closer. When he pulled away, both of you were slightly dazed and smiling. 

“You have a lot of explaining to do,” you whispered.

“That I do,” he answered.

From there, Greg dropped John and Sherlock off at John’s place where he happily greeted Molly and wasted no time collecting Rosie. The next day the three of you would meet up at 221B Baker Street and begin cleaning and repairing that flat as Sherlock did as promised and explained everything. After two weeks the renovations were complete and John and Rosie moved back in with Sherlock who had decided to utilize space in 221C for experiments to keep Rosie away from them both for her safety and his sanity.

You became more than a frequent visitor and eventually moved into one of the bedrooms of 221C however you spent far more time in Sherlock’s bed than in your own. You watched Rosie as the boys went out on cases and would occasionally tag in for John. Being in a relationship with Sherlock was interesting to say the least, but you wouldn’t trade a second of it. 

Did you miss me? Either way, I’m back with a short series. This is the first and shortest part, I hope you enjoy it. You can find my other imagines HERE 

“I have a present for you, a game of sorts, you’ll love it,” Moriarty smiled as he spoke to Sherlock. He could barely hold back his excitement at what fun this was. 

“And what is this game?” Sherlock asked feigning boredom. 

“Oh, straight to the point Sherlock, I love it,” Moriarty beamed. 

“I haven’t got all day,” Sherlock replied becoming impatient.

“It involves all of your favorite things: murder, time restraints, puzzles, logic, etcetera,” 

“And what if I chose not to play,” Sherlock questioned.

“You would never,”  Moriarty answered completely sure of himself. 

“You’re right, what are the rules?” Sherlock asked. 

“One Murder, and it’s a good one. Solve the case, catch the killer, blah blah blah, get the antidote,” Moriarty explained.

“Antidote?” Sherlock asked.

“This is the good part. I have poisoned one of the people you care about. That person has roughly-” he checked his watch, “36 hours before the poison kills them.”

“Anything else?” Sherlock asked.

“Anything else?” Moriarty mocked.

“That’s it, Sherlock. A nice little game to distract you for the next day and a half. You’re welcome.” Moriarty smiled expectantly.

“What do you get out of this?” Sherlock asked. 

“Everyone seems to think that you are so clever. Maybe you are, maybe you’re not. This is a test to see whether or not you are a worthy adversary. I hope that you don’t disappoint. Now, what is that thing you say? The game is on isn’t it?” 

And with that Moriarty exited. Sherlock would have threatened him or went after him but he knew by now that Moriarty was too smart to not have an escape plan. There were probably snipers aiming at him for the entirety of that conversation. He waited a sufficient amount of time before exiting and beckoning for a cab to take him back to Baker Street.

He already knew that this was about to get interesting. He felt guilty about the excitement Moriarty’s challenge was bringing him. This was like Christmas and he couldn’t wait to tell John and Y/n. 


Sherlock x Reader

Summary:  Sherlock has always had bad ideas… but this one is just ridiculous. After a spider bite renders the consulting detective unconscious, Y/N has to deal with her partner’s carelessness.  


“I don’t think this is a good idea…”

Sherlock turned to Y/N and grinned. “Well, it’s not the worst, either. How else will we substantiate the accused’s defence?”

“Allow me to rephrase,” Y/N began tensely. “This is by far the most ludicrous idea that you’ve ever had! And that’s saying a lot for you, Sherlock Holmes!”

“It’s perfectly sane,” he assured. “Even so, ludicrosity is the essence of methodical study!”

Sherlock and Y/N stood in St Bartholomew’s Hospital laboratory as they investigated their latest case which John had already dubbed ‘The Spider’s Web’. A woman, accused of killing her neighbour denied the charge, pleading innocent after an alleged spider bite incapacitated her throughout the thirty minutes in which the murder was surmised to have occurred. 

Now, Sherlock and Y/N hovered over an illuminated examination table, where the case’s greatest piece of evidence awaited testing… the spider. 

Y/N looked down at the arachnid crawling in the mason jar and cringed. “What are you trying to prove here, Sherlock?” she asked. “That you’re a reckless investigator with an unhealthy disregard for his own safety? We already know that!”

Sherlock looked up at her and quirked a brow, unimpressed. “If the spider bites me, and I blackout for a half hour, we’ll be able to prove the accused’s story. If I’m completely unaffected, we’ll know she’s lying and the Crown prosecutor can present my findings in court. Really Y/N, keep up.”

“Couldn’t we just ask Molly to run a toxicology test?”

“I like to be thorough,” Sherlock shrugged. 

“You like to be showy is what you mean…” Y/N mumbled to herself. 

“What was that?”


Sherlock gave one last pointed look before pulling out a pocket watch and handing it to Y/N. “The moment I show any signs of wooziness or sickness after the bite, I need you to start taking time. Thirty minutes, Y/N. Remember that.”

“Sherlock, this is so dangerous!”

“Nonsense,” he scoffed. “I’ve done my research and gone through the preliminary analyses. I am absolutely convinced that nothing will happen. The accused is clearly lying, I know that to be a fact!”

“What if something does happen?” Y/N pressed.  

“I’m never wrong,” Sherlock insisted. “At worst, It’ll be a small nip. I’m sure of it.”

Y/N rubbed a hand down her face and sighed in defeat. “Alright Sherlock. If you’re sure.”

“I’m positive.”

Y/N gestured towards the waiting spider and looked at Sherlock deliberately. “Go ahead,” she invited. 

He made a move towards the mason jar but stopped short. “No kiss for good luck?” he inquired.

“I thought you said that nothing would happen.”

“Well yes, but it would be nice.”

Y/N narrowed her eyes and Sherlock stifled a laugh. “No, you’re right,” he said. “You’ll owe me a kiss after I prove you wrong, and show you that this experiment is completely safe. The accused is guilty and her story is nothing more than a rouse.”

Flashing Y/N a self-assured grin, Sherlock carefully shrugged off his coat and rolled up the sleeve of his dress shirt. Y/N watched as he lifted the mason jar to eye’s length and squinted at the small creature inside. “It’s nothing more than a common house spider,” he said surely. “It could hardly incapacitate a fly, let alone the likes of me.” He lifted his other arm and dipped the jar above it, gently forcing the spider out. “Do your worst, old friend,” he whispered to the arachnid. 

Y/N clasped onto the pocket watch tightly as the spider crawled the length of Sherlock’s arm. “Why isn’t it biting you?” she whispered. “I don’t suppose it’s agitated,” Sherlock whispered back. 

Y/N tapped her foot, growing impatient. “Perhaps you should agitate it.” she said snidely. 

“You’re beginning to agitate me, Y/N,” he retorted. “Perhaps you’ll have the same effect on the spider.”

Y/N smacked his arm playfully, giving him a jolt. It was there that the spider decided to bite. 

“Ouch!” he cried sharply. “That’s curious. I wasn’t expecting such a sting.”

Y/N bit her lip and watched as Sherlock shooed the spider back into the mason jar. He was uncharacteristically quiet as he did so.

They waited a few minutes, but there was no obvious reaction. “How long has passed since the bite?” Sherlock finally asked. Y/N checked the time. “Five minutes and thirty seconds.”

He smirked. “Now you see darling,” he began smugly. “I told you that nothing would happen. As the world’s greatest consulting detective, I’m too apt for mistakes! In fact…”

Sherlock hadn’t finished his thought when his speech slurred and he stumbled back a step.

“Sherlock?” Y/N called warily. His knees buckled and Y/N reached out an arm to catch his tall frame. “Perhaps it wasn’t a simple house spider…” he mumbled. She wrapped her arms around him and gently lowered him to the floor.

“Oh no,” Sherlock moaned jaggedly. “Y/N, this can’t be happening! What have I done? All my life, I- I—”

Y/N dropped to her knees and held his head against her chest. “What is it, Sherlock? Does it hurt badly?”

“No,” he said weakly, his eyelids fluttering. “It’s much worse than physical pain, I’m afraid.”

Y/N felt a wave of panic course through her. “Don’t tell me it’s lethal!” she cried out. “Is this going to kill you? Are you going to die?”

“Not lethal,” he affirmed faintly. “I just can’t believe I was wrong. I’m never wrong…”

With that, the consulting detective closed his eyes. Y/N stared down at him incredulously as he began to snore softly. It wasn’t the spider’s venom that he was worried about. It was the fact that he had made a mistake! 

Y/N rolled her eyes at his ego. “You’re an idiot,” she said, leaning down to kiss his forehead. “But you’re mine, I suppose.” With the unconscious consulting detective resting on her lap, Y/N reached for her mobile and dialed John’s number.

“Doctor Watson here.” 

“Hello John,” Y/N began. “Are you still near St Bart’s?”

“Yes, of course. Sherlock told me to stay on standby, though I’m not quite sure why.”

“It seems he’s a bit lethargic… knocked out cold, really.”

“Is he wounded?” John asked anxiously.

Y/N spared a glance at Sherlock and smiled at his unruly curls. “Yes John, he’s been wounded. Though it’s not what you think.”

“What do you mean?” 

“It’s mostly an injury to his pride.”

John sighed on the other end of the line. “I think I understand. Stupid experiment gone wrong?” he asked causally. 

“Does he conduct any other kind?” Y/N replied with a laugh. 

“On my way.”

Y/N tucked her phone away and looked at Sherlock still lying on her lap. “The wounded detective,” she mused. “This could have been easily avoided.” She watched his deep breaths and though she wanted to be annoyed at his stubbornness, she couldn’t find it in herself to reprimand him. It was as she had said before. Sherlock Holmes may have been careless, pompous, and snide; but he was hers. 

“I know you can’t hear me,” Y/N teased. “But I think the accused is innocent…”

Sherlock’s light snoring was his only reply, and Y/N giggled. “Sweet dreams,” she whispered. “Is it too late to tell you not to let the bedbugs bite?” 


GiveFragmented Passions a try!!!

This was a weird one I’ll admit, and it was scarring. Just writing this fic made me itchy and yeah-no. I really hate spiders. Ack, I’m actually cringing… WHY DID I DO THIS TO MYSELF??? Okay, now I’m genuinely scared, I’m checking every corner of my room just in case…

Oh, as for the title… arraignment and araña, get it???? Okay, no direct relation BUT law and spiders are kind of the theme for the fic sooo…

***If you’d like to be tagged in any future Sherlock fics, just tell me in the comments! (and if you’d rather not be tagged in ALL Sherlock fics, please specify; EX: Reader x Sherlock, Reader x John Watson…)

oh yeah, and visit my multi fandom taglist!!!



tagging the great:  @twisted-monster@starryeddie@high-functioning-lokipath@the-chaotic-cow@turkisherlockian@kabubsmagga@aephereal@andthevillainshallrises@cosbloos@cookiemumster1@eternal-silvertongued-prince@bogginsreadings @i-beg-your-pardon-laufeyson@lucywrites02@danzalladaggers

Available NOW: http://getbook.at/doctorwatson

Berlynn Wohl brings you a provocative new portrait of the great detective Sherlock Holmes and his dear friend and companion, Doctor Watson. By turns tender and scintillating, the stories in this collection vividly re-imagine one of the great love stories of English literature.

We’re thrilled to announce that @berlynn-wohl​‘s collection of Sherlock Holmes stories is available now on Amazon for just $2.99 and for FREE on Kindle Unlimited! This title is also available in paperback!

Craving an interpretation of the Great Detective and his faithful Doctor Watson that emphasizes a deep, loving bond that results in hot encounters and lifelong commitment? This is the book for you. 

Get this anthology now: http://getbook.at/doctorwatson 

Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support



Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support


Mid- Week Reblog .

Thank you to those who have already sent in your requests. They are saved and ready for me to write .

If any of my followers would like to join in the ,


Send me an ASK with your request!


Happy Weekend Everyone,

So this happened yesterday

I just wanted to say a MASSIVE

I’m honestly not sure why you lovely bunch would do so, but I’m an truly grateful all the same.

I’m sending Henry sized hugs and kisses to all of you.

After being inspired by many of my super talented friends in the fandom. I’ve decided for the first time EVER in the long time I’ve been writing in various websites and fandoms to OPEN my requests in a special writing event, to celebrate the milestone.

Rules are simple - send me anASK requesting a country song and a character and I’ll see what the combination inspires me to write. It might be fluffy, might be funny, flirty, sad or it might be smutty who knows.

I’ll try to take on most requests but can’t guarantee I’ll find inspiration in all of them.

I’m thinking of doing 10 one shots in total, but I won’t give a word limit as I never abide by them !.

There is a 2 week deadline and I’ll either finish taking requests on 10th June 2022, or before if I have enough requests and inspiration.

Here’s a small sample songs so you can get a feel for the songs and artists I’m familiar with. Although requests are of course not limited to these -

Cowboys and Kisses - Anastasia

Cowboy Casanova - Carrie Underwood

Dancin’ Away With My Heart- Lady A

Black Roses - Clare Bowen

You’re Still The One - Shania Twain

I Need You - LeAnn Rimes

Anything from Nashville TV series or from any of the artist above back catalogue, along with any other country songs you may wish to suggest are welcome, but please bare in mind I’m a 90s kid so anything pre 98 might be a bit of a struggle .

Characters you can request are as follows,

the man himself ,

Henry Cavill

Walter Marshall

Captain Syverson

August Walker

Will Shaw

Charles Brandon

Clark Kent / Superman

Sherlock Holmes

Geralt of Rivia

If you are one of my wonderful 200 followers, get your cowgirl/boy and boots on and send me an ASK with your request.

Thank you for all the kindness and support


FINAL DAY to get your requests in.

Then I’ll start writing these stories . Thank you to those that have sent their requests in . I’ll try my best to do them justice.

I just scribbled some fanart of my own fanfiction, which may be a new level of nerdyness achieved.

Ways to die

— A Sherlock Holmes fanfiction

Here on Ao3


The most ironic lie ever told is that soldiers are prepared for battle knowing that they might die.

Nonsense. They may know, but they never truly bevieve in it. At least not completely, not in the depths of their souls, of their hearts. Even the most skeptical maintains that spark of faith, that animal instinct of survival as such as the human instinct of hope. The human being is, after all, a hopeless optimist. Everyone thinks they will be the exception, and it’s not until they feel the bullet piercing the skin, digging deep into the flesh and breaking the bones, or the bayonet digging into their lungs, that the penny drops.

With the blond medical officer it was different. He held out hope when the lead bullet had pierced his collarbone — even as he landed from the impact on a slashed rib from the chest of the soldier he was trying to mend; Even when the bone ruptured his femoral artery. The pain hadn’t been enough to knock him unconscious, and he’d been grateful for that. That way he could stake the blood until Murray arrived, he thought dizzily.

He knew he would make it through. He had to.

His ordinance arrived far too late.

They found the body leaning against a trench. It was already cold — they had to retreat, and were not able to return until days later. Flies surrounded it, attracted by the putrid smell of old blood, and the soldier hardly recognized him, so disfigured was his face, eternally anguished.

He had never seen him like this. The doctor had been always in a good mood, smiling or playing around. But that cerulean blue left no doubt.

They dug a shallow grave — Murray insisted he be buried alone, not roughly dumped in a communal grave, left to rot with dozens of other corpses. The commanders checked his credentials – an officer. They allowed it.

They wanted to break his fingers. His right hand was faithfully brandishing the scalpel with force. He had done his duty to the very end.

Murray did not allow it — let him be buried with it. The doctor in his element, he had said softly to the churned earth.

There were no honors, and the ordinance was the only one who prostrated beside the grave until he had finished the inscriptions on the makeshift wooden headstone. Then he got up, chased away the tears and left.

“Dr. John H. Watson

1851 - 1880

The kindest and bravest man I have ever known

Beloved comrade and illustrious doctor

May the Lord receive his soul”


Many miles away from that miserable place, an unremarkable consulting detective finishes a melancholy, pained tune. He was in his darkest mood, brooding and downcast. He had been like this for a few days, the housekeeper would tell his brother hours later, as a doctor carried a slender, unconscious, convulsing body into a hansom.

The young man gently lowers his violin into the comfortable armchair opposite to his — the one that had always been unoccupied. And, somehow he knew, would always remain that way.

He then picks up the syringe and draws the liquid up to the plunger.


Ways to die is a Sherlock Holmes fanfic of short — or not-so-short — one shots of some scenarios where either Mr. Sherlock Holmes or Dr. John Watson could have departed from this world.

Most fit in the canon context, but there will be exceptions. Each chapter will be a different scenario. Also on Ao3.

Hope you all like it

Sherlock Holmes x Reader

Summary: The reader lives in a house full of roommates. During a party, you decide to go to your room only to find that there’s someone waiting for you. Reader is gender neutral.

Warnings: Hints of depression. Comfort fic.

Word Count: 1990

A/N: So originally this was a comfort fic I wrote only for myself a little while ago (that’s why Sherlock’s a bit out of character, so, sorry for that) but then I figured other people might enjoy it too. After altering it a bit, here it is!
Also, I want to say that if you’re going through something and you feel stuck or that there’s no way out, you are not alone. You will get through this and I promise that things will get better if you just keep going.

You open the fridge, looking dully into the appliance. Your eyes glaze over the options laid out before you as party music swells in the background. Your roommates are throwing another party filled with people you sort of knew but not enough to call your friends.

You pick up the jug of water from the fridge and close the door. There is always an open invitation for you to join the parties, seeing as you live here, but you never felt wanted. No one ever asked if you wanted to join, they merely left you to your own devices. You suppose you had isolated yourself. Still, you did join in on occasion, not wanting to miss out on any true “college experiences.” Water falls into your glass.

A scream of amusement echoes from the living room. You focus on your glass of water.

Your room is located in the attic, as if you needed a visual representation of your isolation. It’s not the sort of attic space most people envision, it’s actually quite a nice space. You do get the whole floor to yourself.

You walk past the partiers, feeling like a ghost, someone who lives here and yet doesn’t belong. Climbing the stairs, you can hear the music change to a very popular song that you once liked until it was played a million times. Talk about beating a dead horse.

You open the door to the attic and lock the door behind you, not wanting any drunks wandering in. You climb the spiral stairs up into your hideout of a room. Your night would be quite different than the scene happening downstairs as you ponder what show to watch.

When you reach your door, if you were in the right frame of mind instead of this numb feeling, you would have noticed that it is slightly more ajar than how you’d left it. Instead, you nudge the door open and trudge into the room.

“Not in a partying mood?” A voice says from across the room. Your heart skips a beat until you look up and recognize the dark-haired intruder. Currently the man is fiddling with a bobble-head sat on your bedside table. One he had gifted you.

“Jesus Sherlock, can you give me a warning next time?” This hadn’t been the first time the famous detective had showed up unexpectedly into your life and you knew it wouldn’t be the last.

“I moved the door, I thought you’d notice,” Sherlock turns and faces you. His face never ceases to take your breath away and you’re sure he knows it despite how discreet you try to be. Although he could be rather oblivious at times for a genius detective.

You look back at your door and feel embarrassed that he had caught you off your game. “I…I must’ve been distracted, that’s all,” you answer, hesitant to meet Sherlock’s eyes. His brow is furrowed.

“Yes I suppose that’s true.” You can feel his eyes picking you apart, examining every piece of you as he’s known to do. It’s particularly annoying when you’re trying to hide something, especially from him.

“Could you quiet your thoughts please? I can hear them from over here.” You move to your desk and place down your drink. You already know exactly what he would deduce.

Your water which usually is filled with ice, sat ice-less meaning you didn’t drink it for pleasure. Your distractedness where you’re usually so observant and alert. All the obvious signs that you hadn’t cared for yourself the way you should: messy clothes, tangled hair, bags under your eyes. It didn’t take a genius to deduce that there is something wrong with you.

“Sorry,” he mumbles, clearly still observing you. You close your eyes. You need to get him to think of something else.

“I see you’ve found Sherlock Jr.,” you say, referring to the bobblehead he was fiddling with. It’s a bobblehead of the consulting detective himself. You once called him a bobblehead when you were struggling to come up with an insult, to which he faked offence. Then one day he gave you a gift. You laughed, as he knew you would. You wonder who else he gave gifts like that to.

“Yes, I’m rather flattered by the décor.”

“It’s a gift, Sherl, I wouldn’t throw it out.”

“No but you could have stowed it away instead of…putting it on display.” He got you there. You are rather happy to see your detective each day, often bobbling his head for comfort. But you can never let the man know of course. You don’t need his ego getting any bigger.

“How did you get in, Sherlock?” you ask, steering the conversation away from you.

He hesitates before answering. “Well you do leave your front door unlocked, not the wisest decision I might add. Plus under the guise of a party where strangers filter in and out, it wasn’t hard to slip by unnoticed.”

You snort. “I highly doubt that.” Sherlock is a very tall man which already sets him apart without the serious demeanor he carries and his clothes standing apart from usual party attire.

He looks down, caught. “I might have…blended in amongst a group entering.”

You squint at him, still disbelieving that he could blend in here but you let it go. A loud cry comes from downstairs carrying even to the attic. You guess that more people have arrived.

“Still dwelling amongst the party animals?” His voice dripping with mockery and his eyes slightly widening as he speaks.

“It’s not so bad once you get used to it,” you say. Although getting used to it might be part of the problem and Sherlock notes it no doubt.

“Why do you put up with it?” he asks, his question a loaded one. You know of course he means why do you still live here at all but you don’t feel like answering. So you counter his question with your own and change the subject.

“Should I even bother asking why you’re here?” Your back is against the desk and you fold your arms, playing defence. Again, noted by the detective.

“That depends,” he says. “Have you finally accepted my offer?”

You sigh. “Sherlock,” but you can’t find the words to respond any more.

“I have a new case and you’re the only one who can help me,” he says, his eyes showing more emotion than usual.

“The great Sherlock Holmes needs help?” you tease him, trying to lighten the mood and push down your negative feelings.

He gives you a look which tells you you’re past joking. “I’m serious. And besides, you don’t belong here Y/N, and you know it,” he takes a step forward, a sign of his begging and you can’t meet his pleading eyes, instead looking at your feet.

“I’m well aware of that Sherlock and youknow it.”

“Then why? Why are you still here, why aren’t you with–” he cuts himself off and you look up. “Your talent is being wasted here.” He doesn’t address the slip up, much to your disappointment.

“I’m in university, Sherl, isn’t that where people go to enhance their talent?”

“Oh please,” he scoffs. “There isn’t anything at that school that you don’t already know. You are needed elsewhere.”

Hearing that you are needed causes your heart to swell but you don’t let it alter your mood. “I can’t.”

You know Sherlock wants you to meet his eyes but you’re afraid if you do, you might break. So instead you focus on his famous blue scarf.

“The Scotland Yard could use your skills–”

“I can’t go to London Sherlock.” You look up and swallow back your emotions threatening to bubble to the surface. “I…I can’t leave, my family is here–”

“A family you don’t get to see anyway—”

“A few states over is different from an entire continent Sherlock.” The man stares into your eyes. “I have a life here, and you can’t just…you can’t just keep showing up and…” You cut yourself off as you feel tears sting your eyes.

He bites back any retort he had had prepared at seeing this. The tension leaves his body as he deflates and he sighs. “I didn’t…I don’t mean to upset you, Y/N/N.” You nod, not looking at him. You know he doesn’t.

“I just want what’s best for you. Can you honestly say that this is it?” You bite your lip as a tear slips down your cheek and you quickly wipe it away but you know it’s useless. He’s seen, of course he has. His voice becomes even softer. “You’re not happy here Y/N, you know I know you’re not. There’s no sense in trying to hide it.”

A few more tears escape as you finally gaze into his eyes that swirl with sympathy, an emotion not typically expressed by him. “You don’t know that uprooting my life is going to help.”

“No, I don’t,” he says honestly, and you nod, wishing he would lie. “But I would like to try.” His hands come up to grip your shoulders, lowering himself to meet your height and level your gaze. “Please let me try.”

Your face scrunches together as you are unable to contain your tears anymore and a sob escapes you. He quickly but gently pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms around you, surrounding you with comfort. He places his chin on your head and rubs his hand up and down my back.

“It’ll be alright,” he whispers and you squeeze him tight, thankful to have him here.

“I don’t know what to do Sherlock,” you whisper back once your sobbing silenced.

“I know,” he says. “But we’ll figure it out. I promise.” You stay like that until you even out your breathing.

“I’m scared,” you admit. “I don’t want to ruin this. What if you find out that I’m not good enough? What if I let you down–”

“Impossible.” Sherlock pushes you back to put his hands back on your shoulders. Your eyes are locked on one another. “You could never let me down. I know exactly what you are capable of, even if you can’t see it yet.”

He gives you a smile and you smile back, feeling better after admitting what’s been weighing on your chest. You stare into the eyes of the man you didn’t know you needed.

“Where’d you learn how to comfort people?” you joke while wiping your cheeks.

“Wikihow,” he replies which gets a genuine laugh out of you. He smiles as he  receives his intended result.

“Thank you,” you say, staring sincerely into his bright blue eyes.

“What for?” he replies, half-kidding, wanting you to say it.

You shake your head and smile. “You know. For being here,” you say. “I didn’t know how much I needed…this.” You hesitate on saying the word “you”, afraid to reveal too much about your feelings. His smile indicates he knew anyway.

“Of course, it’s what I do,” he says with a cheeky smile.

You pause. “So, what happens now?”

“It’s up to you. Either you can move in with John and I, we’ll find room don’t worry, or I’m sure Mrs. Hudson would be willing to set you up in another flat in the building if you prefer your own space.”

I have had quite enough of my own space, you think, gazing around your room. Plus, the thought of living with Sherlock is much too tempting to resist. Either way, the idea of seeing Sherlock every day makes you deliriously happy and you start to hope for the first time in a while.

Also the fact that the only two options the detective gave you are to live close to him makes your cheeks flush. You feel wanted.

“I’d like that,” you say. The two of you stand there smiling at each for a few moments.

“Good, I’ve already started packing for you.”
