#aunt yu to action



Pt. 1Pt.2

Yu Ziyuan stares blankly at the thin package in her hands. Wei Ying, the recipient area reads with neat, refined writing. Lan Zhan, the sender area reads with the same writing. The sender is from Gusu and she begins to regret not arguing harder against Wei Ying’s inclusion in the family. The address is too familiar to her and the surname is also regrettably familiar. The first name is almost familiar, but not quite. The sender is most likely of the Cloud Recesses Lans—exorbitantly wealthy, philanthropic, and known for their excessive adherence to decorum. 

EXPRESS and NEXT-DAY DELIVERY glare out at her. She has no idea why anybody would send Wei Ying overnight mail, considering the cost and considering that it’s Wei Ying, who is a menace. Alas, parenthood means dealing with your delinquent children, one of whom somehow bamboozled a sheltered Lan into sending overnight packages and another who aided and abetted the delinquent.

Yu Ziyuan takes a deep breath. Then she yells, “Wei Ying! Jiang Cheng!” Promptly, she hears thundering footsteps down the stairs. 

When they appear in the hallway, A-Cheng looks smug, most likely because his name was not called first, and the delinquent looks cheery. She does not want to sigh at the sight of them—she wants to throttle them.

“Wei Ying,” she begins thunderously. She brandishes the package in the air. “What did you do?”  

“It’s from my boyfriend in Gusu!” Wei Ying exclaims. 

In horror, Yu Ziyuan watches heat suffuse Wei Ying’s cheeks. The boy looks uncharacteristically shy in his pleasure at the sight of the package. Then, she begins to register the words that have left the boy’s mouth. The delinquent is truly a delinquent…seducing a Lan. The fallout on the Lan side will be catastrophic because she now recalls that Lan Zhan is the youngest son in the main family—the main family with whom Lotus Pier Inc. is beginning negotiations with for a joint venture.

“Jiang Cheng, explain this,” Yu Ziyuan says. She stares her son down as she fiddles with her ring. Her fidgeting is no weakness and she watches her son’s eyes stare at her hand with a growing nervousness.

Wei Ying continues to dazedly stare at the package, visibly torn between lunging for the package and respecting his aunt.

“Why do I—” Jiang Cheng begins to protest. He stops at his mother’s glare.

“Explain,” Yu Ziyuan says. With the way Wei Ying is acting, she doubts the coherency of his answer and privately believes that even trying to listen to him would be an exercise in the prompt creation of a headache.

Cowed, Jiang Cheng explains.

Yu Ziyuan wants to pretend that she never heard the stupid explanation.

