#author feedback


For those who are fans of my stories on Literotica and Hentai Foundry, I had a pretty productive summer. 12 chapters of content totaling 48,000 words of smut.

Whitewash High Chapters 23-26

Whitewash High Rising Sun Chapters 11-12

Harem Heroines Chapters 13-14

Minotox, Lord of Breeding Chapters 1-4

I’ve got more on the way, but a reminder to current and future fans, the more comments and fan mail I get about specific series, the more I’d be apt to focus on writing them. Do not let your voice go unheard.

Also, on my Patreon, all future female characters in my Minotox series are chosen by polls, so if you want to vote in future polls, it only costs $1 a month.




I’m 20+ chapters into Whitewash High and 10+ chapters into Rising Sun. From my own internal lens, viewing the product as a whole, I’ve felt that Rising Sun has had a better, more coherent storyline compared to High. There are both internal and external factors for this, but the sad thing is I can’t tell by the audience. 

All I see is the view count on Lit, and judging solely by that it tells me the audience doesn’t like Rising Sun at all, as its numbers are a fraction of a High chapter. Worse is the Harem Heroines series which has a fraction of the views Rising Sun gets. Superfans aside, they don’t garner many comments on their comments pages.

Vocal feedback is an author’s lifeblood. What was liked, disliked, what is hoped to be seen in the future, or guesses of what will happen next. If you, the reader, have a favorite author that you crave over every book or story, let them know how much you enjoy their work. The average writer gets paid pennies on their work, literally, so your written feedback is what keeps them going.

it always makes my heart happy when someone finds & likes my old fics like hello there, I see you have found my outpourings of obsession in word form from moons past, I do hope you enjoy them and then, if said person leaves a comment… Friend, let me tell you… that comment makes me feel like I can write anything. A reblog? Friend… I am invincible. 
