#ayato scenarios


. ayato x gn!reader

. drabble ; 0.7k

. married au ; fluff

. spoilers to ayato’s story quest

. in celebration of winning 50/50 and his weapon with no fate points gained. damn… hoyoverse wants to kiss me, huh.


“Don’t think you can start a game of chess without me.”

Ayato has been staring at the chessboard for so long that he doesn’t notice you sitting across from him until he hears your voice. After Thoma bids him goodnight, he indulges himself by thinking about the conspiracy stirring within the Kanjou Commission earlier. A threat to the nation’s stability was masterfully done as his retainer has said — carefully planned out and well-executed like chess.

He chuckles upon seeing you so determined to finally win against him and gives you the signal to make your first move. “Welcome home. I suspect that everything went well with Master Matsuura on your end?”

You sigh as you place your pawn one space forward. Ayato does the same. “He kept apologizing profusely and even went on his knees to ask for my forgiveness, so he’s the least of our worries now. Sir Kujou and Lady Hiiragi can go happily about their business when the time comes.”

What Matsuura expects the sizable mess to be is his misdeeds of taking advantage of Hiiragi Chisato and by extent, Kujou Kamaji, not you beating apologies out of his accomplices. When you deem him to be sincere, Chisato asks for advice about being prepared for marriage, one that never sparks a share of your personal story before.

“Marriage, huh?” You wiggle your ring finger, where you can feel a particular weight surrounding it. Your marriage to the young lord was full of hesitation and took so much patience. Born into a clan of skilled warriors that served the Kamisato Clan during his legacy as members of the Shuumatsuban, you never see yourself as being of the same status as him. You’re a servant, nothing more, nothing less.

On the contrary, he doesn’t care. He has made many bold advances toward you, yet all of them were declined. Especially since he’s the Yashiro Commissioner, he shouldn’t act so shamelessly around a person such as yourself. You tried to ignore his efforts until it was impossible to do so — through a game of chess.

“Checkmate already? Impressive,” you say in awe as Ayato successfully traps your king in a few moves. “You even took all of my pieces. Ah… I thought I was going to win this time.”

Bewildered, you watch him silently stand up and approach your side as you get up as well. “My lord? Is everything alright?”

He falls onto his knees and lowers his head, the most ignoble thing he has ever done. “Please… Please have faith in me when I said I only want you and no one else.”

The complete sweep of your side of the board. Your king is surrounded with his remaining pieces, with his own king beside yours. He isn’t the master tactician of the Shuumatsuban for nothing. It’s remarkably genius on his part to make his intentions known through strategy. He has been patient, waiting for you to finally accept his feelings.

“Please stand up, my lord.” When he feels your hands cup his face, he looks up to you to see your eyes brimming with tears. “I believe you.”

“Have faith, Lady Hiiragi,” you tell her as you make your way to the exit. “Even if you’re not prepared for this marriage, Sir Kujou will still wait for you, no matter how long it takes. The same goes for him. As my clan had once said, ‘when there’s a will, there’s a way’.”

Oh how the tables have turned, Kamisato Ayato.

“Checkmate,” you say with a smug smile. His king, his only piece on the board, is surrounded by your remaining pieces, with your king beside his. “You’re too overconfident this time, it seems.”

“So it seems.” He smiles, leaning against his palm. You can see his wedding ring glowing from the lanterns on the table. “You look rather elated today. It’s not because you won, isn’t it? ”

“Hm? Is that what you think?” He already knows what’s going on based on observations alone. Your husband never ceases to amaze you. “Just grown sentimental over the wedding is all. I’m so happy you chose me, Ayato.”

He hums, taking your hand and pressing a delicate kiss on your wedding ring. “As am I, my love.”


. (if your url is in bold, that means i can’t tag you!)

@aibiito;@aqualesha;@blissmal;@bluexiao;@bokutosworld;@dreamiehrs;@help-wtf-am-i-even-doing;@lilikags;@pastelsicheng;@philosopher-of-fandoms;@shxnosuke;@sleepyyangyang;@stage-lucida;@sucrosia​ ; @wworkaholic;@xriin;@yunzuha

Ayaka would be the best sister to someone who wears a hijab/headscarf. Super patient and kind and gets cutely excited to help do all sorts of intricate headscarf styles!!

Big brother Ayato who gets comfortable, beautiful prints of fabric too






If you are an Ayato fan, do yourself a favour and read it. Even if you aren’t, you still better do it. Just saying :> Ayato is the best daddy material and I just had to write it. Smut, smut, smut and lots of Daddy Ayato taking care of his baby. You might want to find yourself a sugar daddy right after reading it, but don’t hold me accountable for it.


You’ve been mulling over the option of getting yourself a sugar daddy for quite some time now. You are just a broke Creative Writing major who can barely afford to pay the bills, not to mention the awfully high college fees.

All in all, you also can’t deny the fact that your sexual frustration has already reached sky-high levels, leaving you mostly annoyed and miserable. What’s wrong with you? Aren’t you cute enough? Maybe you’re just too clingy. You’ve heard it often enough to actually start believing it.

So, after the stage of initial doubt has passed, you find yourself seated on the sofa with a phone in your hand. You’ve done your research thoroughly. You know how terrible people can get online so you made sure to pick the safest dating site the Internet has to offer. Your anxiety soars high after you finally hit the save button and lean back to take a look at the profile you’ve created.

Coming to think of it, you’ve always been a little bit… different? 

Your parents spoiled you rotten and brought you up inside of a protective bubble that guarded you against the cruelty of others and the world. It always felt like a little bit too much for your vulnerable side that very often took control of everything that happened in your life. From a very young age, you shunned the company of other kids, preferring to spend your time in solitude, immersed in your fantasy world of dolls and pastel plushies. 

That bubble was just an illusion, though. You had no choice but to come up against some very harsh realities after you decided to move out of your parents’ secure haven. You wanted to pursue your dreams of becoming a writer and finally be able to look at yourself in the mirror without feeling like a failure. 

Thus, if there is anything that you’re sure of in your life at this point; it must be:

1) You are Broke (with capital B!), but most certainly, you are not going to ask your parents to save your ass yet again.

2) You will go to any lengths to graduate from this university and make your family proud.

3) You are done with the permanent HORNY status. The prospects of having somebody else to look out for you as well as deal with the f.o.r.e.v.e.r wet panties issue is too good to let it fall between the cracks without giving it a chance first.

With your hopes high, you began browsing different profiles of strangers who hinted at being interested in providing for a Little. These were, however, mostly old and yucky-looking men. It took but a few minutes to realise that the idea of getting yourself a sugar daddy, no matter how pleasing it seems, will be more difficult than you had initially thought it would. Are you being too picky? Perhaps. But, you can’t bring yourself to EVER let a creep like that touch you! The mere thought triggers a gag reflex, and your body shudders as if attacked by thousands of sleazy slimes.

So, just when you are about to call it a day and go to bed to sulk over the fact that your pathetic ass can’t even find anybody to have sex with you, let alone pay you for it, your bulging in shock eyes almost pop out of your head.

„Holy shit!” 

You rise to your feet and then; have to immediately sit back down because of the growing excitement causing the world around to spin.

This man is fucking flawless. Pastel hair? Elegant and charming smile? He doesn’t even look like he is anywhere near his 30s. Your mouth melts as if you haven’t eaten for days, and now there is a delicious looking cake served on a silver plate right in front of your eyes. Absurd. Why would a man of his calibre even want to pay anybody to have sex with him? Shouldn’t it be the other way round? Heck, you would surely pay him if your wallet was anything thicker than a tissue. 

You swipe right.

And then your mood drops.

„Oh, I’m such a tool.”

Aha, why are you getting so excited? You pinch those burning cheeks hard enough to bring yourself down a peg or two. Why would he, the walking perfection of lavender and baby-blue Celestial being, ever become interested in YOU of all the people who’d be ready to bounce on his dick if he just as much as spared them a glance? 

The profile name says AyatoDaddy. You wonder what his real name is. The site won’t let you see any personal details unless you match with someone. You were cautious enough to keep your name private and decided to stick to an alias of sorts. If they want to know your name they will need to ask. DUH.

Like an idiot, you spring to your feet yet again when the sound of the notification startles the shit out of you. 

My oh my oh my

The screen lights up, and your heart gallops with the speed of a herd of feral horses.

A match? A new match?

And a message from… Kamisato Ayato.

You put your phone away, pacing around the room like a tiger trapped in a cage to gather your thoughts. It takes you precious minutes before you finally are ready to pick up the device again.

From: Kamisato Ayato

Hi, pretty girl. I saw your profile and simply couldn’t resist texting you. How come such a cute little doll like you doesn’t have anyone to look after her? Well, no matter. It seems to be my lucky day. I’ll gladly take care of you, Little One.

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