


Just rushed Aza to the emergency vet, she’s going to need an operation, and they’re going to keep her for a couple of days…

I’m alone, crying, and fearing the next few days….

I really really need help with money for the bills, please, I don’t know what else to do…


Just 10 dollars from a 100 out of all the people here on Tumblr and i would at least be well on the way…

You might not know me, and yes I will be devastated if I can’t do everything for my cats survival, but don’t donate for me….. do it for her


I honestly wouldn’t push this as much as I am now….

But please, if you have even the smallest ammount of money you can do without, I would really appreciate it…

My darling kitty Azalia is sick, and I need some extra money to be able to handle the vet and medicine bills…


I really need you help guys, I’m crying… Aza means everything to me, please please please help me…





So sorry ask this again… Aza has gotten sick again, and since I know it’s the last of the month for you guys as well I understand if you have nothing to spare…

If you do have just a dollar to live without I could really use it…


Please help me guys

Just a reblog will be appreciated more than words can say…

So close you guys… 30 dollars more should be enough… I’m so thankful for all who have been so kind as to donate, and for all who have reblogged…





So sorry ask this again… Aza has gotten sick again, and since I know it’s the last of the month for you guys as well I understand if you have nothing to spare…

If you do have just a dollar to live without I could really use it…


Please help me guys

Just a reblog will be appreciated more than words can say…




So sorry ask this again… Aza has gotten sick again, and since I know it’s the last of the month for you guys as well I understand if you have nothing to spare…

If you do have just a dollar to live without I could really use it…


Please help me guys

Just a reblog will be appreciated more than words can say…


So sorry ask this again… Aza has gotten sick again, and since I know it’s the last of the month for you guys as well I understand if you have nothing to spare…

If you do have just a dollar to live without I could really use it…

