#azra the sifan witch


Before the day is done I have to celebrate the beginning of October with everyone’s favorite Sifan witch, Azra!

I think this is my first semi-full color piece of her- what??? She’s fun and chaotic and I love that so much about her. Out of all of my Gelfling Ocs Azra’s hair color is my most favorite. Red shades are my favorite hair colors!

She looks kinda tired here or maybe it’s just me lol Maybe she’s been working hard on a new potion that causes the worst side effects on the target. Azra has the worst sleeping schedules and will have days where she gets 4 hours of sleep. A habit she unfortunately adopted from her late father. The dark circles under her eyes could be either tiredness or make-up Azra uses to make her dark circles look more aesthetically pleasing to her.
