

Azra the Sifan Gelfling for my Best Friend @thanatasia (done as a Bday gift)! She is one of her many amazing Dark Crystal OC’s and I had a lot of fun with her, especially her centipede-like pets named Goldie and Sawtooth! Don’t you just wanna give them a pat?

May I introduce OceanPetals’ daughter, Saffron! And what a little bundle of joy she is!

A little princess who is loved by her parents, Fleur and Razer as well as her Tumbeloths Jujubee and Fabio. Unlike her Momma and Papa, Saffron is a shy and pretty soft spoken little one. As the youngest of all the childlings she enjoys spending time with her older cousins, as well as any of the WanderingSails childlings who enjoy being around the baby lol

Fleur and Razer couldn’t be happier with the arrival of Saffron. They didn’t think they’d become parents until the day they agreed they were both ready. Oh boy are both of their parents, especially their mothers, happy for the arrival of Saffron.

I don’t want to share too much lol

In case I can’t finish my, Mother’s Day sketches, Happy Mother’s Day everyone!!!

Razer belongs to my friend @jack-toons/@myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

Saffron belongs to the both of us!

I have no other words besides that Star Wars day was 2 days ago, and yesterday I drew this when Star Wars ep3 was playing lol

Very high key, Padmé’s wardrobe in the prequels is Fleur’s dream wardrobe! I had to draw her in one of Padmé’s maternity dresses. Because Fleur is dressed like Padmé, Razer had to be dressed like Anakin! Thankfully, OceanPetals don’t have a tragic love story like Anidala.

Because the big Gelfling oc piece was posted I could get ready to unveil the OceanPetals baby!! Eeeee I’m so excited! Soon they will join EnchantedSandstorms and WanderingSails in the joys of parenthood.

Razer belongs to my friend @jack-toons and you can look at their Gelfling oc drawings on their other page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

My (very late) 2021 Big Gelfling/Podling Oc Project!

From the top row, left to right:

@rubyonearth Oc, an Denju from _r0b0crazylady on IG, Shiyoon! @jack-toons/@myfanartblogplusshippingtrash (I had to add Shiyoon, the sisters-in-law needed to be together lol) , Delta and Kasari @everadream , and Miethra @tamiry-the-bonobo

From the bottom row, left to right

Velan@smaaenart , Adara from Imapinkwriter on IG, Bora @yellowtribalwolf , Fleur (moi), So’nan @feusus , Pippa hubermanproject on IG and Esmeray @skekheck

Thank you to everyone who took part in this and let me draw your Ocs. If there’s one thing I love most about TDC fandom is the Ocs so many artists and writers come up with. Like, it makes the world of Thra so much more beautiful and lively. Everyone has some really beautifully designed Ocs and I had so much fun drawing them!

I have my 2022 version in the works which should be posted around the holiday season.

As we can see from the screenshots I forgot crop these were meant to be posted a lot earlier lol

I still have quite a few of these IG questions to answer. I wanted to share these four because they were my most fun. There’s another that I will post up but it will be included with any other angsty questions

The first one is a few Ocs and their taste in music. I separated them and wrote more but I forgot to watermark them. I don’t think anyone would steal these drawings but still.

  • Sera loves opera and takes Ortun and Tau to them as often as she can. It’s one of the few activities she keeps up with from her childhood. Ortun wasn’t the biggest fan but grew to enjoy opera and is quite the connoisseur lol On IG I had the two of them listening to a talented opera singer, Maria Callas. My friend introduced me to
  • Fleur and Takoda in particular like just about everything. If it’s got a catchy beat they will be fans of the song/artist/group. I had watched, Turning Red, before drawing this and had them dancing to, I Want It That Way, by the Backstreet Boys. The two of them would be those friends who sing with a hairbrush and put on a performance in front of an invisible audience lol
  • Azra I want to say gets introduced to anime and amvs by her soul sister and discovers a bunch of rock and symphonic metal. She has no regrets watching amvs lol She’s listening to Nightwish, Sleeping Sun. A personal favorite song my sister and I discovered one day that cemented our days surfing YouTube for good amvs
  • Cha’l can be an old soul and enjoys music similar in beat to Frank Sinatra. It’s easygoing and Cha’l has to have music on when he’s cooking for his family. He’s the type that can play music and not get distracted if he’s focused on a task. He was listening to, “Poetry in Motion” a song my sister showed me from a Fisheye amv from Sailor Moon! But, Cha’l also loves music that makes you want to dance! I’m getting pictures in my head- like if he’s making a recipe he’s done a thousand times he has no problem letting the music speak and make him dance. If I drew him dancing he’s be listening to either Hector Lavoe, Marc Anthony or Elvis Crespo because those artists hold specific moments I see Cha’l and his family doing

Fleur singing in the tavern! There was a commercial that was playing all the time (maybe January? That’s when I believe I drew this) and it gave me jazz bar vibes. The poses and composition were taken from a childhood favorite movie of mine. If anyone could guess it will get a digital cookie! I will say the movie is a direct to video sequel to a much better movie. I’d give another hint but the other hint is giving too much away

MY FAVORITE!!! Lol Kiel and his expressions. He and Fleur are the most expressive but Kiel is the king of expressions. Kiel is a menace to Captain Ortun and he thrives off of knowing that. I love how close he and Tau are. He’s an only childling so Tau gives him a taste of what having a sibling is like. If Tau looks like they’re in vampire garb that’s because I was looking at/thinking about, Interview with the Vampire lol

Lastly, Gelfling Viara and Podling Fleur! Something I never would’ve considered. Even as a Podling Fleur still looks like she can take anyone on while looking cute doing it lol Viara is still just as sweet looking as a Gelfling.

I hope you all enjoy these!

Happy Valentine’s/True Love’s Day

Here we have the wonderful and dear ships @jack-toons and I have; EnchantedSandstorms, OceanPetals, and WanderingSails. As well as introducing EnchantedSandstorms’ childling, Iry ,and WanderingSails childling, Zuri.

What most of these kisses have in common are that they are from romance movies my mom introduced to me lol EnchantedSandstorms are doing the end kiss from, Titanic. OceanPetals are doing a kiss from, Tristan’s and Isolde. And WanderingSails are doing a kiss from, The Notebook.

I imagine that these kisses happen when the pairs have been reunited after a long while. Especially EnchantedSandstorms and OceanPetals because neither Shiyoon nor Fleur join Cha’l or Razer on their voyages. Or maybe Shiyoon does, she gets along with Captain Sera lol. Fleur is afraid of big open water. The closest she’ll get to a boat ride is a small boat ride on the river or not far from the docks.

I think WanderingSails’ kiss might be their first kiss as an official couple because the two of them hung out a lot after meeting. They also weren’t shy of stealing a few kisses with one another.

OR! This is everyone’s first kiss that was shared out in public.

Iry and Zuri is referenced from the kiss in the movie, My Girl. I have never seen this movie though. The kiss between these two is probably Zuri saying that they should give each other their first kiss so they don’t give their first kiss to someone who they regret. Or maybe that was the plan but Zuri got the jitters and stopped it. Iry and Zuri have an interesting friendship, especially since their personalities are so different.

I love these ships! They are too precious and aahhh their stories are so good!

Shiyoon, Razer and Sammi belong to Jack-toons and you can see them all on their dark crystal page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

Both Iry and Zuri belong to the both of us

I hope you all enjoy today and enjoy that discounted chocolate tomorrow!

Introducing Azra’s Gran from her father’s side, aka the more eccentric side of the family lol I had to put her side by side with the most recent drawing of Azra I have. Right now Azra’s Gran doesn’t have a name.

There is a reason for her creation what I can say is that she is a Songteller of sorts. We’ll learn more about her in due time.

She’s that unapologetic type of Grandmother who doesn’t worry about who she embarrasses or annoys. She’s a feisty old gal who is also well versed in potions and concoctions. She taught her son what she learned in the hopes that he would teach Azra, but Thra had other plans. Gran taught Azra all she knows and has learned a few new things from Azra.

She is Azra’s role model although she isn’t AS creepy as Azra is. She does still give off a witchy aura about her.

The last bit of IG asks where people made assumptions about OceanPetals’ childling who will be arriving soon!

The last one is a very canon reaction to how Maeve, Bhihaar and Fiona reacted when they heard that Fleur and Razer were expecting. I imagine that Maeve and Fiona had a mini celebration amongst themselves because this was their mom-tag-team mission lol

So many different variations of what the childling could look like! Soon all will be revealed.

Razer and Fiona belong to my friend @jack-toons/@myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

We all know that I’d eventually make a new Gelfling Oc. It was just a matter of time lol

This young Spriton lad is Takoda. His name means, friend to everyone, from the Lakota tribe. I’ve been wanting to sketch him out for the longest time and finally did it. He’s a sweet guy who enjoys singing and will often times duet with Fleur. Yes, I have a comic idea in mind to show this part of their friendship, lol. I’m not creative so the songs they’ll sing will be songs I really like. He may not drink drink like Fleur but he can hold his alcohol. He’s definitely that one friend in the group who is the designated driver- aahhh the ideas I’m getting already!

He’s also one of Kiel’s exes. They’re friendly with each other though. The relationship didn’t last because the long distance was a deal breaker for Takoda. Takoda was friends with Fleur first before meeting Kiel. The two of them just happened to get together without Fleur introducing them.

As we can see I’m fascinated with interconnected relationships. Idk maybe it’s because I grew up with Naruto that I’m use to characters knowing/know of each other. But….Thra is so big so the idea of so many characters (outside of Ortun and Sera’s crew) knowing of each other might be a bit unrealistic.

Regardless! I really like his portrait design and he makes me want to go back into some of my other Ocs and tweak their facial features a bit more.

After a thousand trine my gift to my best and dearest friend @yellowtribalwolf is complete! This is a piece of her Gelfling Oc, Bora, who has such a great story and I’m super excited to see how her story plays out when the time comes!

The second slide is around where I had left off at (minus the shadow guides) so this is about a year of difference between the two. I’m so glad I went back in and fixed her face lol It’s nice to see much my art has improved from Dec. 2020/Jan. 2021 to now

What killed me was that I was going for a particular style but confused myself along the way. I’m happy though because she looks even better than I originally planned.

Since Bora is a Vapra Noble I included a stained glass of a Unamoth behind her to give her more of a regal look, as well as page homage to her story and clan. I also wanted to give myself another challenge because my friend deserved it for being so patient with me.

I wanna draw her and Azra together because of two reasons. 1) their personalities are so different that it’ll be funny. Who doesn’t find friendships with opposite personalities fun lol 2) is a secret until the right time comes and I can sketch some things.

Excuse me while I disappear again lol I’ve got a ton of messages to get back to and commissions to make progress on. I’ll try to post some IG question answers in between commission work and down time.

Seventh end of year request sketch for @the-experimental-writer of Brea and SkekOk. I came up with a platonic scenario for them.

I went with a scene that could’ve happened after we saw Brea get in the carriage with SkekOk and SkekLach. Because Brea hugs him before going to her mother and sisters, I imagine that perhaps they had a fun chat about books and writing. SkekLach is in the background bored and probably thinking of something to say to change the conversation.

Maybe the carriage ride was fun the entire time for Brea. I personally think some things were said to Brea that she overlooked at the time, but realized what it meant after finding out the Skeksis’ true nature.

I hope you enjoy this sketch and thank you for your support last year!

I’m gonna need to save the last few for tomorrow. I have a REALLY good request that I need to draw. Like, it fits so well with AoR!

With that being said, the last ones in the comment section and the one ask box request will be the last sketches for my end if year/new year requests.

Thank you all to the requests I was able to get finished today!

Fifth end of year sketch request for @juliejewel24 of her Skeksis OC SkekGrim!

Skeksis are difficult for me to draw but I think I did pretty good! I really like SkekGrim’s design and I especially like her skin color with the stripes on her arms! She looks like she’s someone you don’t really want to fight.

I hope you like this and thank you for all of your support this year!

Fourth end of year sketch for @gelfling-oona of her Grottan Oc Deirdre!

You have so many Gelfling Ocs to choose from but I had to draw Deidre. She’s so pretty and I love her animal friend too. It was fun drawing another one of your Ocs, you some really nicely designed ones too!

I hope you like this and thank you for your support this year!

Third end of year request sketch for @stonewoodsifa of her oc Zela and my Fleur!

I love their friendship, especially since Zela doesn’t talk much/at all and Fleur can be quite the chatterbox at times lol I can imagine a few scenarios about that part of their friendship dynamic shining. They’re both probably making friendship necklaces or similar necklaces for their husbands.

I really enjoy drawing these two together! I you like this sketch too. Thank you for all your support from this year and that last!

Second end of year request sketches for @simplysparrow14 of Deku from; My Hero Academia/Boku no Hero Academia and Allura x Lance from Voltron.

I haven’t drawn humans in so long and I feel rusty lol

I use to love MHA so much. I’m not fully up to date with the manga but I skim around to when the Todoroki family drama/developments happen lol

I’m not familiar with Voltron (the 80’s or Netflix one) but I know of the characters. I feel like Allurance will make me sad because of what I found out happens. I’m not 100% sure if Lance wears the same facial markings Allura wears after a certain event or if he did it earlier but I added it anyway. I’m really happy with this sketch, they look so cute.

I hope you like these and thank you for you support this year!

First end of year sketch requests for @fenth-eiria of Elder Cadia x The Librarian (what is their ship name lol) and her Oc Eiria’s twin brother Ezzan who belongs to @the-experimental-writer

I’m not 100% sure about Ezzan’s personality but saw a little comic of him getting flustered with his crush. So I went with a blushing expression.

For The Librarian and Cadia I went with something soft. It might look a little too similar to another piece I did but I realized that after almost completing it lol

Hope you enjoy these and thank you for all your support this past year!

I’m pretty busy with important projects but why not end 2021 with some request sketches?

You can comment here or send an ask of a request loose sketch of either your oc or a ship.

The limit is 2 requests per person (one single + 1 ship; 3 characters in total)

While I couldn’t do a big Gelfling Oc project like last year I think this will be a nice replacement.

Thought I’d share a low-rez and filter-fied version of the entire Stonesan family so far! My first of two gifts to my very good friend, @jack-toons

I’m also very proud of it and thought it’d be cool for everyone to see the family thus far since I’ve been M.I.A since Halloween lol

I said we’d see all of the EnchantedSandstorms childlings before OceanPetals’ baby and here they are! Cha’l and Shiyoon have 5 childlings in total. Iry is their oldest son and sitting next to his father. Keziah belongs to @everadream and she is at the bottom left in the front. Zipporah and Anasi are the fraternal twins in the center and youngest son Pratt on the bottom right with the mask. The other childlings named belong to Jack-toons and myself. I’ll make a proper post introducing them when my schedule frees up, they are a fun bunch!

Starting with Fleur and moving to the right we have excited parents-to-be Fleur and Razer. Cha’l and Shiyoon embracing in the center. This next one hurt lol, older Ofir! He is giving rabbit ears to his brother and father. Maeve and Bhihaar are leaning close together and Razer’s mom, Fiona, is at the end giving Bhihaar a second pair of rabbit ears. (A stand-in design for now. Prepare to see some Mom friend silliness because I want to sketch some Maeve and Fiona shenanigans lol)

All that’s missing is Jujubee and the newest member to be born! Such a big happy family, I love them so much

Shiyoon, Razer and Fiona all belong to Jack-toons and you can see Shiyoon and Razer on their art page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

On IG I had asked my followers to make assumptions for OceanPetals’ baby/childling. The above sketches of the childling are different and aren’t the actual design we’ll all see in time.

Aahhhh I can’t wait to unveil the baby but first we must see the official designs of the EnchantedSandstorms childlings because they are so precious. I want to get a sketch done fairly soon so everyone can see a bit of their personality. Maybe I’ll share a little sketch comic I made of Cha’l and Shiyoon’s oldest childling~

Answering these questions about Fleur and Razer’s baby is so fun and I really enjoy how interested some people are; thank you! Another reason this is so fun is because OceanPetals were originally not going to have childling(s) so drawing them as parents-to-be is sweet.

What do you think the childling will look like? What personality/quirks do you think they’ll have? Are we sure that the childling is just one or is the childling a twin???

If there is one think I can confirm, the childling will have a beauty mark or two because both Fleur and Razer have beauty marks on their faces.

You can’t have OceanPetals without Razer and he belongs to my friend, @jack-toons and you can see their artwork of him and so many other beautiful Ocs on their TDC page @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash

More IG questions! (Still need to answer/revise my old tumblr asks lol and get ready!)

The first shows Enyo looking very distraught. I like getting questions about the Garthim Wars and how my Ocs reacted to learning the truth. It’s interesting to think about how different Ocs react to the same event, because there are so many possibilities. When I eventually get to draw/sketch Garthim Wars stuff it will be pretty heavy.

The second and third are wholesome sketches of baby and childling Fleur; featuring a toddler Cha’l! Fleur is Maeve and Bhihaar’s princess but she has also given them plenty of mini heart attacks before her wings sprouted.

Seeing the last two sketches reminds me that I never shared what Kiel’s parents might look like this never sketching a childling Kiel *gasp* and childling Azra! Soon lol
