#bachelor degree


not the group with whom I’m working on their movie’s degree just fucked up the pipeline ?? like I’ve been working on some characters for TWO fucking weeks and I just learned by a friend that they didn’t want to use it, they didn’t say to me I wasn’t in a correct direction and the cherry on top is the fact they will used a concept by one of the modeler

even my colleague, the art director didn’t know about this

I just waisted two weeks of work for nothing rather than working on my own and other projects

can’t believe i have finally made an artstation and a linkedin account, really the job pressure is getting harder is this final year’s degree

Today was my first day of my last year of my bachelor degree, it’s so fucking weird to think about my future now, like wtf ?? do I really have all these skills to work and have a job in which I studied ? yeah the impostor syndrome hit really hard, especially when u ‘stutied’ concept art and preproduction

So happy that I’ve finally moved to Canberra to study at the University of Canberra, couldn’t be happier !!
