
bakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protectbakapandy: Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protect


Shinki was never bothered by the destructive power of his ability, often times it protected him from those who wanted to harm him. But after Gaara adopts him, he realizes his lack of control can hurt the one person he has ever cared about… 

Meanwhile, Gaara is reminded of his own struggles, but he had no one to who believed him and comforted him…refuses to have that with Shinki.

This reminds me a lot of the way Gaara himself reacted when he accidentally hurt Yashamaru.  THE FEELS~~ also why is Gaara SUCH A GOOD DAD

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bakapandy: I”M DONE. HERE IT IS…THE LAST PART…..WOW….. I can’t believe this….I’m so happy but also sbakapandy: I”M DONE. HERE IT IS…THE LAST PART…..WOW….. I can’t believe this….I’m so happy but also sbakapandy: I”M DONE. HERE IT IS…THE LAST PART…..WOW….. I can’t believe this….I’m so happy but also sbakapandy: I”M DONE. HERE IT IS…THE LAST PART…..WOW….. I can’t believe this….I’m so happy but also sbakapandy: I”M DONE. HERE IT IS…THE LAST PART…..WOW….. I can’t believe this….I’m so happy but also s



I can’t believe this….I’m so happy but also so emo bc this comic was so much fun to make…..and I’m….very emo about the story ok………anyway….please enjoy….

Previous Parts:  1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8



MY POOR BABY! My heart explodes when I see Gaara being so soft with Shinki.  BEST. DAD. EVER

lol at Kankuro, he acted like he didn’t care beyond not having to bear the responsibility of procreation…but he was excited for a new nephew all along wasn’t he!

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bakapandy: Part 8 Philsophical question of the day: if Gaara’s stress and Shinki’s stress compound obakapandy: Part 8 Philsophical question of the day: if Gaara’s stress and Shinki’s stress compound obakapandy: Part 8 Philsophical question of the day: if Gaara’s stress and Shinki’s stress compound obakapandy: Part 8 Philsophical question of the day: if Gaara’s stress and Shinki’s stress compound o


Part 8

Philsophical question of the day: if Gaara’s stress and Shinki’s stress compound on each other enough would that just cause a massive sandstorm that swallows the entire wind country?

We’re reaching the final stretch…

Previous Parts: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7

Yes, who needs Deidara when you have the ticking stress bombs that are our favorite sandy father-son duo <3 ALSO WAY TO BE DIRECT GAARA! 

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bakapandy: Part 7 Gaara is taking quite the gamble here. Also bringing up Sandaime Kazekage…who’s cobakapandy: Part 7 Gaara is taking quite the gamble here. Also bringing up Sandaime Kazekage…who’s cobakapandy: Part 7 Gaara is taking quite the gamble here. Also bringing up Sandaime Kazekage…who’s cobakapandy: Part 7 Gaara is taking quite the gamble here. Also bringing up Sandaime Kazekage…who’s co


Part 7

Gaara is taking quite the gamble here. Also bringing up Sandaime Kazekage…who’s considered the strongest Kazekage in history…he knows exactly what he’s doing

Previous Parts: 1,2,3,4,5,6

Baki’s smirk tho!!!!!

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bakapandy: Part 6 Kankurou….please think of the child….Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5The desperatbakapandy: Part 6 Kankurou….please think of the child….Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5The desperatbakapandy: Part 6 Kankurou….please think of the child….Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5The desperatbakapandy: Part 6 Kankurou….please think of the child….Previous Parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5The desperat


Part 6

Kankurou….please think of the child….

Previous Parts: 1,2,3,4,5

The desperation with which Gaara and Kankuro avoid getting hitched though I’m crying XD and of course GAARA BEING THE BEST DAD EVEN THOUGH HE’S NOT EVEN A DAD YET! MY HEART!

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bakapandy:Part 5 Hi I almost made myself cry drawing this update. Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4Gaarbakapandy:Part 5 Hi I almost made myself cry drawing this update. Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4Gaarbakapandy:Part 5 Hi I almost made myself cry drawing this update. Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4Gaarbakapandy:Part 5 Hi I almost made myself cry drawing this update. Previous parts: 1, 2, 3, 4Gaar


Part 5

Hi I almost made myself cry drawing this update.

Previous parts: 1,2,3,4

Gaara isn’t just the best dad in Boruto, he’s the best dad in all universes.  Poor little Shinki looking so scared when Gaara is about to touch him breaks my heart, and then that surprised look in his eyes when Gaara is all soft on him hnnnnnnghhhh that’s it I’m dead

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