

We love a poetic Kacchan in the rain

hello!! just putting it out there that posts will be much less frequent, i started school this week,

hello!! just putting it out there that posts will be much less frequent, i started school this week, im already a mess - thank you for the recent support!! hope ya stick around

please follow my other socials, links in bio :,)

comic idea was from one of @just-incorrect-bnha ‘s posts

Post link


yield; succumb

What enraged him so much? I’ll leave that up to your imagination!

Bakugou Katsuki made with The Sims 4 and Blender, edited with Photoshop.

CC credits and b/a below the cut


CC list

flower boiis!!

fusing two things i love drawing the most: watercolor florals and anime hehe

((oh yeh since tumblr is melting and I dont know how long Ill stay here ..:’( it would mean the world to me if you could come over to my twitter/insta instead. @mayolodraws ))


my favorite characters

  • gay
  • in love with best friend to a wildly codependent degree
  • on god we gonna GET you a therapist bro 

Bakugo: Here is my wall of inspirational people.
Kirishima : Is that a picture of you?
Bakugo: Yes, I am big enough to admit that I am often inspired by myself.

Bakugo: *sees someone doing something stupid*
Bakugo: What an idiot.
Bakugo: *realizes it’s Kirishima *
Bakugo: Wait, that’s MY idiot!

Bakugo: You disgust me.
Kirishima : *eating a kitkat sideways* I realize this and don’t care.

ANGER BOY IS BEST BOYI won’t even get into how much I love Bakugou- PLEASE CREDIT ME IF REPOSTING -


I won’t even get into how much I love Bakugou- PLEASE CREDIT ME IF REPOSTING -

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