

: What are you supposed to do when you’re dead friend is suddenly standing before you? 
: cursing, someone getting hit, mention of murder?
: 2008
/: not my best work but o well….yeah also there’ll probably be part 2 to this


This wasn’t how Bakugou wanted his Friday night to turn out. He was supposed to come how to a quiet place. Silence and tranquillity enveloping him as he let himself fall onto the plush cushions of his couch. Maybe there would be a warm meal waiting for him if he was lucky. He could finally let his worn-out muscles take a break from the constant stress they’re under.

Something must have gone wrong somewhere. Or else he wouldn’t be here, standing before a mocking bunny mask. Floppy fabric ears and blood-stained cheeks staring back at him. The sewn-on grin seems to scream ‘punch me’.

“What thefuck are you doing here?” he snarls. He grits his teeth while trying to keep his explosions at bay.

The bunny simply tilts their head as they stay silent. Their long limbs seem to move spiderlike as their body turns. Bakugou’s eyes following their movement.

No. Shit. Fuck. The bunny tilts his head towards the other side as they snag a photo frame from the coffee table. Pointy fingers glide over the glass, lingering on a specific person in the picture.

Bile starts to rise in Bakugou’s throat. Its acidic bitterness only seems to light the fire to his aggression even more.

“Who the fuck are you?”. It’s useless, he knows. Like hell, a villain like ’The Bunny’ will just give up their identity. The silence is killing Bakugou. His nerves on edge and his muscles rippling as he struggles to constrain himself.

He lifts his hands, an explosion already blooming out of his palm. He is ready to blast whoever this might be into bits.

“That’s no way to treat your friends,” a distorted voice says. Great, so this bastard can speak. Bakugou opens his mouth, about to yell their ears of but a simple word shuts him up.

Kacchan.”. His hand drops to his side his mouth hangs agape. He had dreamed of this moment. Fantasised about the moment he could apologize and hug his friend. He had planned out exactly what he would say. What he’d do, how he’d act. But this wasn’t in the plan.

The bunny’s pointy fingers come up to its face before ripping the mask off. A mop of green hair springs out from underneath. “Cat caught your tongue?” he asks mockingly before running those same fingers through his hair.

“How..”. Bakugou’s throat fails on him. His voice stops working. Is he crying? He wants to tell himself he’s not but he’s honestly not sure anymore. Knees buckling underneath him yet he still manages to keep himself standing up.

“How am I still alive?” Izuku finishes for him. He casts the mask aside, throwing it on the floor before letting his body fall onto the couch, the same couch Bakugou planned to rest on. He lazily drapes his arms over the top of it.

The casualness of his movements mocks Bakugou. As if he isn’t Japan’s most wanted criminal sitting on Japan’s number one hero’s couch.

“Everyone always asks that, you know?” he says he glances down at the picture frames he’s still holding. “It’s getting old.”. He lazily runs his finger over the glass.

“You died. I buried you. Inko fucking mourned you, she still does,” Bakugou says. His voice wavers and he hates himself for it. He’s showing weakness.

“You’d be surprised how easy it is to fake a death,” Izuku says.

Bakugou’s red eyes bore into his green ones. A silence hangs between them. It feels almost surreal to Bakugou. His mind hasn’t caught up to the fact that his friend, or rather ex-friend, is sitting before him and isn’t six feet underground.

While Bakugou’s movements are ragged and forced, Izuku almost seems comical. His body has seemed to adapt to his villainous life. A theatrical elegance laced into his movements.

“I don’t see you as a friend anymore,” he breaks out. Izuku’s eyes grow for a second and so does his smile. He straightens his back as he silently urges Bakugou on to speak.

“I buried my friend,” he says. “You’re not him. You might think you’re him but you’re not. He isn’t this pathetic.” He grits his teeth before lifting his hands again, getting ready to swing at him. Izuku quickly jumps up from the couch.

His eyes glint in mischief as he takes in the sight before him. “Oh, looks like you still haven’t dealt with your anger, Kacchan.”.

The nickname sets him off. He storms towards the green-haired man, fists raised and palms crackling from explosions. That is until he hears a familiar sound.

Both of them look towards the front door. Bakugou’s face slacks with shock while Izuku’s lights up with excitement. This isn’t supposed to happen. Why is this happening?

Izuku quickly moves the kick his mask underneath the couch before he places the picture frame back. Bakugou eyes linger on the picture for a second. It’s one of the three of you. Bakugou squished in between you and Izuku, his fingers raised behind both of your head to give you bunny ears. Oh, if he could just turn back time.

“'Suki?” you call out. Bakugou fears for his life, or rather, yours. Who knows what the crazed psychopath standing before him will do. “I thought I’d swing by and-”.

Your words stop as you walk into the living room. The bags in your hands drop. Soup spills out of the containers you so meticulous packed. Bright orange curry stains the spotless carpet beneath it. The hot liquid splashes up against your leg, most likely burning your skin though you don’t care.

You try to speak, mouthing opening and closing like a fish. This must be a dream, one of those horrible nightmares Kirishima often gets. That is until a familiar wobbly voice reaches your ears.

“Hi,bunny,” Izuku says. Within a second, he has closed the space between you. Your arms wrap around him instinctively. It’s an awkward hold. You used to be able to rest your chin on his head. Now, his muscled body towers over yours.

“Y-You’re…You’redead,” you whisper against his chest while nuzzling your cheek into him. His body heat seems to bring you a type of peace you haven’t known of in years.

“I know, I know,” he says while running his hands over your back. Sobs break out of your chest as your emotions seem to flow over. Salty rivers running past your burning cheeks and dripping into Izuku’s musky hoodie.

Your body shakes as you grab onto Izuku, painfully so. You’re sure you’re going to leave bruises on his sickly pale skin yet you can’t bring yourself to care. The aching in your chest that you’ve suppressed for years finally seems to boil over.

Hot and heavy emotions spill into your mind. You aren’t sure if the salty taste in your mouth is from biting your lip until blood gushes out of it or the tears streaming down uncontrollably. You’re sure that you look like a mess. Tears and snot dripping down your chin.

Instead of trying to see through your tear-blurred vision, you burry your face further into your friend’s chest.

He’s dead or at least supposed to be. You buried him, cried at his funeral and went through grief for him.

Yet here he is, in the flesh. His voice still sounds the same. He still smells the same. But he is not the same boy you knew years ago. His smile isn’t the same. And his scarred hands sure aren’t the same. Everything about him is the same, yet slightly different, giving you a mental whiplash.

“You have some fucking explaining to do,” Bakugou says. His voice breaks you out of your trance. You pull away from Izuku, your body immediately screaming in protest. You look up at him. It feels strange, you used to be at least a head taller than him

“How the fuck are you still alive?”. Bakugou doesn’t have time for nicknames or formality. Not when he knows that the man standing before him has the blood of at least a hundred on his hands.

Izuku steps away from you, unwinding his arms from your body. Bakugou quickly strides over and pulls you away from the offending man. He pushes you behind him while one hand still grips onto your arm. You want to ask him what the fuck he’s doing but Izuku starts talking before you can.

“It’s a long story,” he says. “Can’t tell you everything but, long story short, I had to fake my death. Some guys were after me but it’s all fixed now!”. The vagueness mixed with his eerie smile only makes him look more like a psychopath.

“All fixed? All-fucking-fixed?”. Boiling anger rising to Bakugou’s head, clouding his thinking. He taking quick steps up to his ex-friend. Izuku doesn’t even flinch when Bakugou grabs onto his neck tightly. “You left. Fucking made us think you’re dead and you think you can just come in and say that everything is fixed?”.

Spit flies out of his mouth and lands on Izuku’s cheek, a shiver of disgust running over his spine at the feeling. Yet the green-haired man can’t stop the excitement from bubbling up at seeing his friend so rilled up.

“Bakugou, Jesus fuck, calm down,” you say. This situation should probably feel more serious than it is. Yet the shock still evident in your body and the adrenaline clouding your mind makes you unable to properly process it all.

“Like hell, I’ll calm down!”. Bakugou finally lets go of Izuku’s throat. A set of cough falls out of the green-haired man’s throat. He smirks as he glances down at the aggressive blond.

“Come on, Kacchan, we shouldn’t do this in front of our little bunny,” Izuku says with a smirk. The gears finally seem to click in his mind. Suddenly, the bunny mask, the name, the costume, it all makes sense.

“You sick fuck!” Bakugou yells before landing a hit square on Izuku’s jaw. He stumbles back a bit, taken aback at Bakugou’s sudden outburst. The blond takes the opportunity to land another punch right on his nose.

A wet crunch sounds through the room. You cringe as you feel bile rise in your throat from the sound. “Izuku!” you yell out as you try to get to your friend or ex-friend, you’re not sure.

Bakugou stops you thought, his arms wrapping around your body and spinning you away from the green-haired freak. You pound your hand on his arms pleading with him to let you go but your ministrations do nothing to the number one hero.

Izuku laughs as he wipes away the blood dripping from his nose, tainting the grimy grey of his hoodie with it. “You’re gonna regret that, Kacchan,” he says. Bakugou doesn’t even give him the light of day as he makes his way out of his apartment with light speed

Your throat grows dry and painful as you plead Bakugou to let you. To let you go to him. “It’s okay, he’s gone,” Bakugou says.

You shake your head violently as you claw at his back, trying to get his arms to loosen their hold. “I need to see him. I gotta-I gotta see him. Suki,please!”. The hoarseness of your voice shoots painful stabs into Bakugou’s heart.

But he doesn’t let his mind linger too long, running down the stairs two steps at a time. All he can focus on is getting you away from that creep before he can touch you again.

“Please, I can’t leave him again,” you sob out. Bakugou simply lays on hand on the back of your head, pulling you even closer to him. Thankfully he doesn’t see Izuku following behind him.

“Please, not again,” you say before your voice bursts out in sobs again. Fuck, how much Bakugou wants to blast that fuckers skull in. He’s sure his friends at the police force wouldn’t mind turning a blind eye for him. But that’ll have to wait until later. Now he needs to focus on keeping you safe, safe from him.


Bakugou: *is carrying all the groceries*

Kirishima: *holds out hand to help*

Bakugou: *aggressively moves all the groceries to one hand to hold Kirishima’s hand*



Just. Just a bkdk AU in which they both share humiliating childhood stories of each other to their classmates and it turns into a fucking competition because ofc it does. They end up yelling at each other’s face a wedding proposal but well, that’s normal.

imagine if the way it happens is like, totally unintentional too. like they’re in the middle of class waiting for the teacher and bakugou leans back in his seat and snorts

bakugou: remember when you proposed to me when we were 4, shitty nerd? you had a bouquet and everything too

deku, blushing: WELL remember when you said yes?

bakugou, now ALSO blushing: WELL REMEMBER when you HELD an engagement party in the middle of our SCHOOL PLAYGROUND?


bakugou, ALSO still not done dear god stop them: WELL REMEMBER WHEN YOU ASKED MY FUCKIN DAD TO OFFICIATE????

freckled tomato: YEAH. OKAY. I DO REMEMBER!

spiky tomato: FUCK YOU! I REMEMBER TOO!





class 1-A watching:

aizawa at the doorway:

nezu observing through the cctv:

kohei horikoshi:

deku: so since we never actually made it to the wedding do you wanna—


Kirishima: Wash the dishes, will you?


Kirishima: Sure, after you wash the dishes.

Kirishima: Also, use soap this time.





Love is in the air~ Happy Valentine’s Day guys! Here is my contribution to The Sewer’s Valentine’s collab!

Please go and check out all the other amazing creators here!

Warnings:18+, princess plug, pinkcum, ass play, rimming, pegging, creampie, cum swapping, bratty bottom Bakugou.

Word Count: 6.7k


Valentine’s Day was never really one of your favourite holidays. Sure, you loved the premise of dedicating a special day to show the person you love how much you’re thankful for them and enjoying the opportunity to exchange gifts and cards. Hopeful that you’d receive a massive bouquet of roses that you could use to make your friends jealous, but of course these feelings meant nothing when you were single. Valentines Day when you were single became an instant reminder of just how alone you were, a day that you would treat like any other just so you could avoid that feeling.

That was at least, until you met your boyfriend. Now you found yourself wanting to experience these new things alongside him, especially when Valentine’s Day would no longer be Single Awareness Day. Fully immersing yourself into the celebrations, as each year you discussed an elaborate plan with him to celebrate the now special day, and each year he would find a way to let you down. Each year you had the same argument, chastising him for not booking Valentines Day off when every couple you knew would be celebrating today, with Bakugou completely adamant that this year would not be “the year” he would start celebrating this day.

Bakugou adored you with his entire being, his love for you running deeper than that of anything else, even maybe being the Number One Pro-Hero, but this? This was one thing he wouldn’t do for you.

Keep reading


Good Boy | Bakugo x Fem!Reader

Anon Request: “Ok but… imagine a sub bakugo fucking himself with a vibe, moaning ur name n shit, and then you walk in and decide to help him? Sucking his dick a bit maybe? pegging him afterwards w/ lots of praise and then the next morning everyone sees the hickeys on his neck and wonder where tf he got them from and ur just sitting there like sipping some coffee n shit.

Pairing:Katsuki Bakugo x Fem!Dom!Reader

Summary:Bakugo and You just haven’t been spending a lot of time together recently and he’s feeling a little pent up. Good news is, you arrive home in time to help him!

Warnings:NSFW!Fem!Dom!Reader and Sub!Bakugo. Pegging. Oral Sex and Marking. Both the Reader and Bakugo are consenting adults. Everything is fully consensual.

18+ ONLY!! Minors Do Not Interact.

A/N:I think I’m going to hell for this one.

Word Count: 2 054



Bakugo is alone.

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Pairings: Fem! Reader x bakudeku

Warnings: Threesome, dom Bakugou, sub reader and Izuku, Izuku calls Bakugou sir, Izuku and Bakugou almost talk like the reader isn’t there?? Praise kink, dirty talk, if I missed anything please let me know!!

Concept: Bakugou guides izuku’s hips as he fucks you

Authors note: I’ll probably delete this later on today who knows but the idea popped into my head and this happened also the title is inspired by the Britney Spears song

Izuku doesn’t know how it got to this. One minute he was eating dinner with you and Bakugou, reminiscing about high school and the next minute here he is, in your shared bedroom between the two of you with his cock stretching you out.

Keep reading



bakugou katsuki doesn’t believe he’s good. 

which is funny, in its own way. he’s a hero after all, it’s his job to be good. be kind, be tender, be a hero to the people. protect them, they say. be the kind of person people can look up to. 

but bakugou has never really been in it for the goodness. deep down, there’s this part of him that believe that he was never good to begin with. it’s not something he can verbalize, or even express without people looking at him like he’s grown three heads. 

he doesn’t want peoples pity. that unnecessary look of despair that people cast his way every time he brings it up. they can pinpoint his accomplishments, his achievements, his goals - all of it. but when it comes down to him, the fundamental question of his goodness, people seem to draw a blank. like they don’t know how to answer. 

he’s learned that it’s better not to bring it up. at least that way he can avoid the pitying remarks and attempts of reassurance. but when people praise him about his character, there’s always something downcast in his eyes. like he’s mourning a person he doesn’t know. a shadow. deep down, he doesn’t believe he’s good. 

he’s justified it all sorts of ways. maybe you don’t need to be a good person fundamentally. maybe the idea of a good person is something foreign anyways, because people are just people who do things. some good and some bad and some neither and some both. he’s had the conversation with himself so many times before. but it all comes back to the one thing. 

which is that, some part of bakugou katsuki, would like to feel.. that he’s good. maybe just once, he wants to feel good and right and centered. he wants to feel like the universe is in his favor. 

maybe wanting to be good is just another way for him to express that he’d like to stop fighting himself over everything he does. there’s no worse critique of bakugou than him. his impossible standard. 

when you say it for the first time - he can’t help but be stunned. 

it’s subtle. it’s soft, late into the evening - you press your cheek against his when he brings you a cup of coffee and sits next to you.. you take a sip and you sigh and your eyes get soft. and you say it. 

“you’re so good to me katsuki.” easily, like it’s nothing “thanks for the coffee.” 

it comes out of his mouth before he knows it’s happening. 

“..you think i’m good?” and it’s strained. his voice breaks, just a little. you give him a look, but you nod. it’s instant. assured. 

“of course you’re good.” you say - like you know he needs to hear it. his eyes close and his hand holds you tighter. 

“what about..” he stops, takes a breath, holds back tears he’s cried so many times before “what about me is good to you?” 

he hopes you don’t hear the shatter in voice, but you do. and you smile, because you know. you know him so well. and you know what he wants, who he is. who could love bakugou katsuki like you? 

“you always help kirishima get home when he’s drunk. you tell denki you’re proud of him when he gets down about himself and you’re always the first person to visit deku in the hospital. you fall asleep with me, and you’re warm,” you pause to take a deep breath, letting your head rest on your shoulder. 

“you’re always good to people. you try really hard to be good to people. everyone around you knows that, yknow? ‘cept for you. but you’re good, katsuki. always” 

bakugou katsuki doesn’t believe he’s good. but he thinks you’re so good, and it means something if you think that. at least for now, that’s enough. 





the idea that bkg innately wants to feel like he’s a good person but just thinks that is just beyond his reach because being good isnt natural to him. it hurts me. 

i think it hurts worse because he IS good. deep down, he’s always been good. but it’s his refusal to be seen as vulnerable, as anything that can be stepped on (which is exactly what he used to do to deku), which always makes him revert back to being an asshole. to the point that he’s internalised that attitude and acting contrary to it is foreign to him. he is nice, but he doesn’t know how to be nice.

im going to cry

arcynnamon: Meme re-draw I did for Denki’s birthday back in June~!✨


Meme re-draw I did for Denki’s birthday back in June~!✨

Post link

My Hero Academia Characters as Homeless People:)

Characters: Katsuki, Deku, Denki, Mina

*disclaimer* all of these headcanons are wrote for the sake of comedy, and are not meant to be offensive.


  • Have you ever seen those mfs who just be walking around talking shit to whoever? Squaring up to the air? Yeah, that’s Bakugo.
  • Ngl he’s kinda a scary dude to run into on the street. Doesn’t ask for money, he’ll find a way on his own
  • Can be found yelling at people in the McDonald’s parking lot after 9 pm.
  • Definitely has ran out into the street in front a car on purpose . Street fighter tingz.
  • May or may not sag his pants.
  • If you’ve seen the videos of the guy putting his lit cigarette inside his mouth, and then blowing the air out, just know Bakugo can do that, and has done it.
  • Somehow he knows people, and has a home every once in awhile. Not permanent, but has a place to stay every once in awhile at night.


  • Nice dude, you’ve given him some money. Doesn’t look threatening, or act threatening like Bakugo.
  • He’s also someone you’re not weary fo where the money you gave is going to. Nothing harmful like drugs or alcohol.
  • Knows where is safe to stay, or not. Carries a backpack with the essentials he’s managed to get together.
  • Does those weird tricks and stunts that you’ve only seen on street corners. He’s able to make some change from it, and uses it for items he needs.
  • Well known in the area, and everyone kinda likes him, and helps him out .
  • Probably has “God Bless You” sign.
  • Has a little mangy dog, most of his money goes to the lil thang.


  • “Hey, hey, hey you got a dollar?”
  • He’s the guy who will probably follow you out to your car. Pretty harmless.
  • Has a “swagger” walk, regardless of having little to nothing, mans STILL has got a walk like he’s hot shit mann.
  • Gets into little scuffles with others on the street bc he talks a lot. “Yo I heard–”.
  • Has had a couple of run-ins with cops. Still flirts with people, gotta try right? Get a lil something, and I mean money btw.
  • Very social with anyone who’s willing to hear him talk.
  • He’s well known and has a reputation in his area, tried to befriend Bakugo bc he’s for connections. Doesn’t exactly go well.


  • “Hey can you spare anything?” Is not afraid to ask for anything, even your McDonald’s.
  • In fact, has definitely walked up with a big smile to someone who pulled out of drive thru and asked for some McDonald’s.
  • Mina’s also a very nice and well known name on the street.
  • Also has a pet, a cat. The cat eats first, that’s her priority.
  • She honestly always has miss match socks, she originally did it bc she didn’t have many socks. But even when she had some cash, she just,,,wears two different pairs.
  • Has some people she’s friendly with that give her rides around town. Like Bakugo she has a place to stay the night every once in awhile.
  • Prioritizes buying hygiene products.
  • A good person to know on the streets– got connections bc she’s really nice!

are these bad? yes. did i enjoy writing these? yes.



Bakudeku week 2021

Bonus day- Holiday Themed


This was very fun to draw, hope y'all enjoy these Christmas shenanigans ft. The Bakusquad and Uraraka as a wingman


Bakudeku week 2021

Day 7- Hurt/Comfort


If you couldn’t tell I did not have any ideas what to do for the last day, so fuck it, you get a stupid meme with my stupid sketches. ~bon appetit~


Bakudeku week 2021

Day 6- Soulmates

