

Kaminari, Bakugou, and Tamaki when they’re s/o is injured in battle


Warnings: injuries, blood, violence (but nothing explicit), some swearing

-Denki Kaminari-

  • The moment he saw you injured, you were all he could focus on. He didn’t care about the villains getting away, the destruction around him, nothing
  • All he could see was you lying on the ground, red all around
  • You, you, you, you, you is all he thinks as he races to your side
  • His only priority is getting you medical care — to hell with dignity, to hell with those villains
  • He’s shaking, bringing you close and doing everything he can to comfort you, whether it be making bad jokes or petting your hair until help arrives
  • But… let’s say the villain that hurt you stayed. Was still a threat to you
  • Sweet Pikachu boy becomes the stuff of nightmares as he faces that villain
  • Electricity is just rippling off of him, humming and crackling with enough energy to make the hair on your arm stand up if you’re just within 50 feet. His own hair is standing on end, arcs of electricity arcing and jumping from him like dozens of little swords
  • Anyone would be rightfully terrified
  • Especially when they see his eyes — full of a sharp danger that has nothing to do with the electricity bristling through them, sparking with every blink
  • Making sure he’s a safe distance away from you, Kaminari knows he can deal with the villain
  • So he does — swift and brutal, without a moment wasted on showing off or keeping himself safe
  • And then instead of going brain dead, he just stumbles back to your side, gives you a glazed eyed smile, and begins petting your head again as he murmurs that help will be here any second

-Bakugou Katsuki-

  • Bakugou was out for blood the moment yours was staining your clothing
  • He controlled his anger just long enough to make sure you were getting help before he went after that villain
  • And he’s out for blood
  • He’s hurling threats, insults, and curses as he chases that villain, basically screaming himself hoarse
  • He doesn’t hear Kirishima or Sero yelling after him to stop, to chill out before he gets himself killed
  • The only thought on his mind is how limp your body was and how badly this villain needs to pay
  • Bakugou corners the villain, explosions rippling off his hands with this downright feral look in his eyes — he’s going to make it very clear that villains don’t get away with hurting you, that there are consequences that should keep them well away from you
  • Because while Bakugou does know you can usually handle yourself, seeing you like that made him want to make every villain terrified of so much laying a finger on you
  • So he promptly proceeds to beat the shit out of this villain
  • It’s brutal to say the least, and Bakugou plays with the villains nerves a bit — constantly dancing just out of reach, diving between the smoke and dust so the villain can never see the attacks coming
  • Probably replicates your injury on the villain
  • Even as more villains show up to reinforce their partner, Bakugou is only focused on the that hurt you, despite his own growing injuries
  • Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari had to literally drag Bakugou away from all the villains before he was completely overtaken or the villain was killed, because frankly that villain was in more danger than Bakugou was in
  • Bakugou was tense and snapping for a fight until you were conscious and recovering, at which point everyone breathed a collective sigh of release, both for your well-being and Bakugou finally chilling out

-Amajiki Tamaki-

  • His knees buckled when he saw you go down
  • He was paralyzed for a moment, unable to think beyond your injuries
  • Then he’s rushing for you, blindly darting between any obstacles between you and him
  • The moment he was by you, he summoned some large animal limb — think a wing or fin — to hold you close and shelter you from any more hits
  • He started rambling to you, stuttering blindly as he begged you to stay conscious with him (while also holding back tears because seeing you in pain is like a knife in his chest)
  • He had a painfully gentle hold on you as he suggested to you every self soothing technique he’d ever known, so you wouldn’t panic
  • Tucking you into his chest, he began racing towards the nearest safe place
  • He kept you well away from any conflict because he couldn’t stand the idea of having to leave you while he fought, or worse, seeing you even more hurt
  • If any villain approaches you, he doesn’t think
  • “Don’ttouch them!” is the last thing any villain will hear before being knocked out or thrown far away from you. If you weren’t so focused on your injury, even you would be a caught off guard at how dark his entire expression is
  • That said, he’s shaking so, so bad because he’s scared that he won’t be fast enough, that he’ll drop you, that it’s too late, etc
  • When he finally reaches help, he refuses to leave your side — which is probably a good thing, because his mind is too fixated on you to be any good in a fight
  • Even if he was well away from you when the injury happened, he’ll probably find a way to completely blame himself for it ;-; he’ll be feeling jumpy and nervous we’ll passed the time you’re completely healed