#baljeet tjinder

Baljeet owns a math-themed sleeping bag.Baljeet owns a math-themed sleeping bag.

Baljeet owns a math-themed sleeping bag.

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-Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet are members of a youth soccer team-Ferb is a skilled soccer pl-Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet are members of a youth soccer team-Ferb is a skilled soccer pl-Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet are members of a youth soccer team-Ferb is a skilled soccer pl

-Phineas,Ferb, Isabella, and Baljeet are members of a youth soccer team

-Ferb is a skilled soccer player

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Baljeet has read every book on the history of rock music.

Baljeet has read every book on the history of rock music.

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-Baljeet considers dragon fruit to be exotic-Buford considers vegetable samosas to be exotic, but no-Baljeet considers dragon fruit to be exotic-Buford considers vegetable samosas to be exotic, but no-Baljeet considers dragon fruit to be exotic-Buford considers vegetable samosas to be exotic, but no

-Baljeet considers dragon fruit to be exotic

-Buford considers vegetable samosas to be exotic, but not dragon fruit (or mashed potatoes)

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 Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”

Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz

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 Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”

Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz

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 Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”  Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”

Phineas and Ferb - Season Two - “Let’s Take a Quiz”

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Some requests I did in my instagram

Commission info

When they show up in multiverse of madness

Isabella speaks fluent spanish and pretty good yiddish (shes a bit less practised in that) as well as english

Baljeet speaks hindi natively and english fluently. He takes spanish in school and is pretty good at it (but then what you can actually learn of second languages in school is limited). Beyond that he’s got nothing though, since he focused on science and maths too much to want to learn another

Buford speaks dutch, latin, and french fluently and had pretty damn good spanish, norwegian and greek. He’s able to pick up languages very quickly and by ear

Ferb speaks fluent dolphin, martian, japanese and any language that will help the plot

Phineas cant pronounce ‘gracias’ correctly



Buford is fully convinced that Baljeet collects coins just in case vending machines become the dominant race (half of Danville does due to an invention of Phineas’ and Ferb’s that went sideways but that’s another theory for another time). However Baljeet does not collect coins for that reason. Baljeet collects coins because Buford has extremely bad luck with vending machines. Every time he goes to buy something from one, his food gets stuck in it which leads to Buford instinctually sticking his arm into the machine to get the food he paid for which, has lead to Buford getting his arm stuck in every single vending machine in Danville. Baljeet started carrying a coin purse full of quarters on him so that when Buford does attempt to buy something from a vending machine (and it inevitably fails), he can simply put in more quarters and try to get the food to drop that way and it typically works and spares him the embarrassment. Knowing of Buford’s luck with vending machines though, he mostly just tries to convince Buford to go and get food from Slushy Dawg instead.

I like to think doof had his fear of vending machines BEFORE the incident


‪my friends: promise you won’t rant about phineas and ferb?‬

‪me: yes.‬

‪me after two drinks: i just think a lot about how phineas said wait isabella after she kissed him, right before they got mindwiped. like he obviously felt for her too and just showed it in a different way, which we see in the final episode where he’s recounting his life and his relationship with isabella past what we saw. he’d obviously pined for her for a long time, probably the same amount as she pined for him. but would their relationship have survived if they hadn’t waited, if one of them did confess? how many times did they see each other and each think about how much they loved the other but didn’t say anything and for that matter let’s talk about buford and baljeet. their moms were friends but do you think they were good parents? do you think that due to the cultural differences baljeets parents and family wouldn’t have supported him if he came out? buford’s mom seemed nice enough and he did grow up to be how he grew up to be so obviously she wasn’t homophobic as buford became more sensitive and “feminine” as he got older. did buford know he liked baljeet? is that why he bullied him? was it just a way to be close to his crush? and for that matter how did baljeet reconcile his crush, obviously they were best friends and buford’s bullying wasn’t ever terrible it was more like. lighthearted with love behind it but imagine how baljeet felt realizing not only did he like a BOY, he liked his bully, who’s also his best friend. and the buford baljeet stuff is entirely hinging on whether or not there is homophobia in the dwampyverse. and if there is, how bad is it in danville? are they a progressive area?

‪my friends: oh dear lord. ‬

Bujeet(ish) doodles from a throwaway sketchbook i flipped through (+ some normal byoof and perry bonding)
