

Jabitha Ficlet (Set 6x09)

This was a scene I wish we got in last night’s episode!!

(Includes: Archie, Betty, Jughead, Tabitha, Toni mentioned)

*Phone call*

Tabitha: Hey Arch, what’s up?

Archie: Hey, sorry to bother you but could you try and get home a little earlier today? There’s been an incident with Jughead and-

Tabitha: Oh my god, is he ok?

Archie: Yeah, he’s fine but it’s probably easier to explain this to you in person.

Tabitha: I’m on my way.


“Why would Cheryl do something like this?”

Tabitha paced around the living room, tugging at the bottom of her ponytail as she talked. Ten minutes had passed since she arrived home and was briefed on the situation, initially reacting in the way any concerned girlfriend would; checking Jughead’s pulse and looking him up and down, despite his claiming to feel “mostly ok”.

“We don’t know,” Betty said, walking over and placing a gentle hand on her friend’s shoulder “But Tabitha, you’ve got enough on your plate right now; let us handle this and you focus on helping Toni.”

Slowly, Tabitha lowered herself down onto the couch beside her boyfriend.

“This whole thing’s just… really shaken me. It all feels more real now.”

Jughead pulled her head onto his shoulder, beginning to stroke gentle circles into her back.
“I know. But Tab, you’re ok, I’m ok- just a little nauseous” he said quietly, “And we’ve got this super duo on our side, as well as Toni, so I promise you, this is all going to turn out alright in the end.”

She took him in, from his sombre eyes to the hideous, grandpa slippers he’d insisted on buying, before leaning in and pressing her lips to his. He pulled her in closer until she was all but on top of him.

Suddenly, Archie cleared his throat from where they were standing on the other side of the room. A knowing look passed between him and Betty, and they both smirked, picking up their bags.

“I guess that’s our cue guys, we’ll see you tomorrow.”

Jughead waved at them with his free hand. He didn’t even bother to open his eyes.

“Thank-you for everything, guys, have a good night.” Tabitha called after them.

For a moment, the room was silent. She slid back against Jughead’s chest, feeling the rhythmic beating of his heart through the shirt he wore.

“What should we do now?” he turned to look at her, his eyes sparkling.

Tabitha didn’t hesitate. She sat up and pulled on his hands.

“Sleep, Jones, you need to keep all of your fluids insideyour body for the next twenty-four hours.”

“Don’t you have to monitor my body carefully?” he whined as she stood up.

“Very funny.”

I know I know the show didn’t want to do the classic triangle because it was sexist, so instead of having the girls fight over Archie, they do this thing where he is just at the whim of their decisions. V doesn’t want him? Okay, if Betty’s available, he goes to Betty. Betty doesn’t want him? He runs to V. If neither girl is available he will find someone else. But ONLY if Betty and Veronica aren’t single. And then for seven years, he claims he didn’t date anyone (I side eye that, but maybe he meant he hasn’t had a real relationship in that time beyond casual hookups). But neither B nor V was around then, so it’s like he chose to be alone.

Sooo it basically just looks like he has been in love with both girls for years, and will happily be with either. i dont think thats what the writers were going for, but that’s what im getting from it.

what do ya’ll think? i will admit i love archie. i think he’s flawed but honestly his arc (saving the town, picking up where his dad left off) makes the most sense…he’s super impulsive, but i still love our ginger.

The ratings have been falling since season 3.

A season that- except for a couple of episodes- is pretty universally known to be one of the weaker seasons. A season with a very steady Bughead, some Varchie (and Veggie) and Choni (if im remembering correctly.) So why a lot of people are freaking out about the viewership and how they are going down and claming its because of the mixing up of the OG couples…it’s not that.


bobnorley:Request: I burned so long, so quiet, you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I bobnorley:Request: I burned so long, so quiet, you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I bobnorley:Request: I burned so long, so quiet, you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I bobnorley:Request: I burned so long, so quiet, you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I bobnorley:Request: I burned so long, so quiet, you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I


Request: I burned so long, so quiet, you must have wondered if I loved you back. I did, I did, I do.

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bobnorley:Request: 1.02 vs. 4.18bobnorley:Request: 1.02 vs. 4.18


Request: 1.02 vs. 4.18

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barchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t nobarchiesource:I feel you in my bonesYour kisses feel like homeWith you I never rushBut this ain’t no


I feel you in my bones
Your kisses feel like home
With you I never rush
But this ain’t no stupid crush

365 days of barchie:132/365 

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cherylblossom:“The palladium’s already killing me... I’ll do it. But before we do, can Betty and I hcherylblossom:“The palladium’s already killing me... I’ll do it. But before we do, can Betty and I hcherylblossom:“The palladium’s already killing me... I’ll do it. But before we do, can Betty and I hcherylblossom:“The palladium’s already killing me... I’ll do it. But before we do, can Betty and I hcherylblossom:“The palladium’s already killing me... I’ll do it. But before we do, can Betty and I h



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