#barris offee



Luminara & Barriss

[Video taken by the visor camera of one of the Corrie guards, then posted to GAR closed server]

Through closed French doors the kitchen of senator Riyo Chuchi’s coruscanti senator apartment is well lit.

Loud tween pop music is blaring even through the closed doors.

Several teen girls are crowded around the island snatching bits of food off of steaming platers and dancing in place to the music.

Senator Chuchi is wearing a crude paper crown and a pin on badge that says “lifeday girl” in sparkly letters.

Two other pantoran girls in bright pastel dresses laugh as one does the other’s hair while still trying to dance.

Commander Tano grabs commander Offee’s hand as the music fades to another song. She drags the much shier girl closer to the speaker and urges her to dance.

Senator riyu’s hands fly up in fists of encouragement and a loud whooping sound can be heard from all of the girls.

Senator Amidala who is chaperoning the birthday party sneaks a quick holo of the blushing girls even while cringing from the loud yelling.

Commander Offee becomes overwhelmed with embarrassment and freezes up. Commander tano responds with a playful hip bump but walks the other girl back to the counter and hands her a drink.

The trooper’s visor turns back around and the open balcony comes into view. One other guard is posted beside him, he’s partially relaxed against the railing though he keeps his gaze towards the roof of the building.

“Not so bad for an extra shift.” The trooper behind the camera says.

His counterpart huffs a laugh. “I’ve had worse babysitting jobs.”

barris offee

Just some gals walking through the meditation garden

Barriss Offee could never be an Inquisitor for two reasons.

  1. She’d actually be good at her job.
  2. There’s no way in hell she’s not in the Top 5 on Vader’s Hit List.
THEY LIVE!! All Star Wars girls are good girls…

THEY LIVE!! All Star Wars girls are good girls…

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