#star wars women

I wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females beinI wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females bein

I wanna highlight two fabulous twi’lek women who went against the stereotype of twi’lek females being sex objects and sex slaves. 

One, by going against the notion and using that to define herself without pvert sex appeal. One, who actively used her sexuality to her advantage while maintaining her autonomy to do so.

Hera Syndulla and Aayla Secura. Both are valid, and fabulous.

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Did y’all know it’s possible to talk about how amazing and badass and inspirational Leia is without shittalking Luke in the same post?

Preach it

lenoreamidala:“They gave up their families and their names and their reputations, and they did it wilenoreamidala:“They gave up their families and their names and their reputations, and they did it wilenoreamidala:“They gave up their families and their names and their reputations, and they did it wilenoreamidala:“They gave up their families and their names and their reputations, and they did it wilenoreamidala:“They gave up their families and their names and their reputations, and they did it wi



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