#barry the chopper


Almost TEN HOURS of streaming on Twitch yesterday, Barry the Chopper here was a journey to make but he was also a ton of fun to do

Watch the making of Barry the Chopper!

I’ve recently started uploading “making of” videos for my plushes on YouTube, I plan to use my channel to archive future projects!

 In the few weeks that they knew each other, Barry became extremely over protective of Riza, going s

In the few weeks that they knew each other, Barry became extremely over protective of Riza, going so far as to knock out Falman to meet up with her after work to walk her home and just to make sure she was ok he would constantly call on the phone her no matter where she was.

Post link

Happy Halloween here’s a study of an episode that reminded me of a slasher film to celebrate.


Something is not normal |

it’s a sin not to do it

When I decided to draw something non-standard

no, it’s too beautiful to be true
